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1、2023學年高考英語模擬測試卷考生須知:1全卷分選擇題和非選擇題兩部分,全部在答題紙上作答。選擇題必須用2B鉛筆填涂;非選擇題的答案必須用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆寫在“答題紙”相應(yīng)位置上。2請用黑色字跡的鋼筆或答字筆在“答題紙”上先填寫姓名和準考證號。3保持卡面清潔,不要折疊,不要弄破、弄皺,在草稿紙、試題卷上答題無效。第一部分 (共20小題,每小題1.5分,滿分30分)1I will pick you up at 7 oclock tomorrow morning. Is that all right?_. See you then.AId love to.BThats settled.CIt

2、s up to youDMy pleasure2Mary liked to look back on her highschool days, she thought were the happiest in her lifeAthatBwhatCwhichDwhen3Owing to The Chinese Poetry Competition, publications on classical Chinese literature are _ a significant share of storage space at the bookstore.Ataking up Bdividin

3、g up Cbreaking up Dputting up4The Small Goose Pagoda in Xian, one of the 22 Silk Road relics located in China, _ back in 707 during the Tang Dynasty.AdatedBwas datedCdatesDis dating5The students have decided on a final date by which everyone _ reading the books assigned by their professor.AfinishesB

4、finishedChave finishedDwill have finished6To tell the truth, I didnt expect that there were so many people _ the idea.Asupported Bsupporting Cto support Dhaving supported7While working in Kunming, he checked the weather each morning for months _he realized it would be the same every day.Awhen Bafter

5、Cbefore Dsince8Professor Wang _in our school till next SundayAwill have stayedBhas stayedCis stayingDstayed9The English in this story has been simplified to make it easier _.Ato be understoodBunderstoodCunderstandingDto understand10Personally speaking, _the grand blueprint into reality is a long pro

6、cess.AturningBturnCturnedDhaving turned11The researchers who study jokes want to find out _ people from different nations and cultures find funny.AwhyBthatCwhatDwhether12In fact,most of us would the consequences of stupid decisions taken byothers.AhandleBsolveCfollowDsuffer13Along with the email was

7、 my brothers promise _ I came first in the competition, he would buy me an MP4.AwhatBthatCthat ifDwhether14You cant use the computer now, _ the upgrade of the system is under way.AuntilBunlessCasDafter15Taking targeted measures to help people lift themselves out of poverty, _has been predicted, is f

8、ruitful.Awhat BwhichCas Dthat16They came back from their long walk and went into bed, .Atiredly but relaxingBtired but relaxingCtiredly but relaxedDtired but relaxed17Whats wrong with you?Oh, I am sick. I _ so much ice cream just now.Ashouldnt eatBmustnt eatCcouldnt have eatenDshouldnt have eaten18_

9、 for the free tickets, I would not have gone to see films so often.AIf it is notBHad it not beenCWere it notDIf they were not19He _ in a university for five years, but now he runs a company of his own.Ahas taughtBhad taughtCtaughtDhas been teaching20The inner thoughts of the two young persons are re

10、vealed in the book, _ both of them fail to express.AwhereBwhenCwhoDwhich第二部分 閱讀理解(滿分40分)閱讀下列短文,從每題所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中,選出最佳選項。21(6分)Spain Environmental ProjectFull DescriptionGreenheart Travel? Casita Verde (Green House) is an incredible eco-center situated in a beautiful valley near the village of San J

11、ose, Ibiza. This great Mediterranean island is renowned for its rich culture and incredible scenery. Casita Verde is considered an experiential eco-education center, and showcases the best practices for sustainable living and alternative energies. The center includes almost 14 acres of working farm

12、land created to demonstrate ecological development powered by wind and sun energy.How You Will Make a Difference:Maintain and improve the farm facilitiesInstall an alternative energy systemPromote environmental awareness among visitorsCook delicious, organic meals for visitorsLearn farming that emph

13、asizes the use of renewable natural resources and the enrichment of local ecosystemAssist with Sunday community visit/mealsDates: Flexible dates availableDuration: 1 to 12 weeksCost Details: fee includes: housing, fool, medical insurance, in-country staff support, pre-departure orienta-tion, in-coun

14、try orientation, 24-hour emergency contactA Great Opportunity for: Teens/ProfessionalsSkills Needed/ExperienceParticipants should have an active interest in environmental studies/ecology, and strong desire to contribute to the international effort to protect the environment. Those who are interested

15、 in it must have extensive hands-on conservation experience and be willing to live rustically(淳樸地)in an alternative community. Some knowledge of Spanish is helpful but not required.1、What do we know about Casita Verde?AIt covers about 14 acres in size.BIt is powered by renewable resources.CIt is the

16、 center of a beautiful valley.DIt develops its unique culture.2、What can you do in Casita Verde?ATeach visitors how to grow organic plants.BHelp the local promote environmental awareness.CPrepare organic meals for visitors on Sunday.DMake research into an alternative energy system.3、Who are the inte

17、nded readers of the text?ATravelers. BFamers.CWorkers. DVolunteers.22(8分)Pearl opened her eyes when Ezra turned a page of his magazine. She pulled off her quilt. “Ezra,” she said. “If I could just have some water,” she told him. He poured it from the water-pot. She heard no ice cubes clinking (叮當聲);

18、 they must have melted. Yet it seemed just minutes ago that hed brought in a whole new supply. He raised her head, rested it on his shoulder, and tipped the glass to her lips. Yes, half-heated not that she minded. She drank gratefully, keeping her eyes closed. His shoulder felt steady and comforting

19、. He laid her back down on the pillow.“DR. Vincents coming at ten,” he told her.“What time is it now?”“Eight-thirty.”“Eight-thirty in the morning?”“Yes.”“Have you been here all night?” she asked.“I slept a little.”“Sleep now. I wont be needing you.”“Well, maybe after the doctor comes.”It was importa

20、nt to Pearl that she deceive the doctor. She didnt want to go to the hospital. Her illness was pneumonia (肺炎), she was almost certain; she guessed it from a past experience. She recognized the way it settled into her back. If Dr. Vincent found out he would take her out of her own bed, her own house,

21、 and send her off to Union Memorial, tent her over with plastic. “Maybe you should cancel the doctor altogether,” she told Ezra. “Im very much improved, I believe.”“Let him decide that.”“Well, I know how my own self feels, Ezra.”“We wont argue about it just now,” he said.1、(小題1)Where is Pearl in the

22、 passage above?AIn the hospital. BStaying with Ezra at his house.CAt home. DAt a health clinic.2、(小題2)Pearl has spent the night _.Atalking to Ezra about the past Bmaking plans to go to the hospitalCworrying about the future Dsleeping in her bed3、(小題3)How does the writer let out the passing of time i

23、n the first paragraph?AThe ice cubes in the water-pot have melt. BThe water in the water-pot is cold.CEzra has finally arrived. DPearl closes her eyes and dreams.4、(小題4)If Ezra knew that Pearl had pneumonia, he would most probably _.Aagree to let her stay where she is Bagree to lie to the doctor abo

24、ut her illnessCinsist that she go to the hospital Dask another doctor for a second opinion23(8分) Like a lot of health-care professionals, Dr. Brian Goldman finds it extremely difficult to draw boundaries between his work and personal lives. “Theres this view that you should suck it up and do one mor

25、e thing,” says the ER physician and host of CBCs White Coat, Black Art. But that “one more thing” often comes at Goldmans expense.“Youre exhausted and a patient or their family look at you with begging eyes,” he says. “So you have this dilemma: say that your shift is over or give until youre totally

26、 spent?” Goldmans work stress combined with family tension after his mother was diagnosed with dementia 20 years ago. Caring for her over a decade was difficult, as was dealing with his fathers grief. “When someone else is drowning you, you have to grab a life preserver and save yourself,” says Gold

27、man.Setting boundaries isnt just important for busy professionals; everyone can benefit from managing situations that cause undue stress or pain. Here are some tips.First, “If someones behavior makes you unhappy and it could be anything from the way they speak to you to repeatedly failing to stick t

28、o their promise then theres room to set limits,” says Patrick Keelan, a Calgary psychologist. We often avoid setting limits because we prioritize the happiness and comfort of others over ours. In order to control t hi s im pul se, Goldman suggests framing the development of boundaries as a form of s

29、elf-kindness. When facing an overwhelming situation like the one he was in with his father, Goldman suggests reflecting on what is making you feel uncomfortable, unhappy or unappreciated. “You cant relate to others or be kind to others if you arent kind to yourself,” he says.Second, once youve becom

30、e aware of your needs, setting and maintaining boundaries requir es clear verbal communication. There are three obstacles to enforcing boundaries in a relationship: fear, guilt and self-doubt, says psychologist Nicole MaCance. We often fear that if we set limits, the other person will reject us, or

31、we feel bad claiming our needs. Keelan proposes setting ground rules before relationships become tense. Start by cooperatively listing values like mutual respect, support, and loyalty and then building the guidelines from these values. If youre struggling to reach a consensus, Keelan recommends enga

32、ging a third party, such as a therapist, to help.Now, if you want a boundary to stick to, you cant enable someone in breaking it. As such, its crucial to establish consequences for transgressions ( 越軌). Otherwise, McMance says, “youre giving them permission to violate that boundary.” If they wont re

33、spect your boundaries, you have to do some soul- searching about the value of the relationship. “When you feel bad more than you feel good in this persons presence, and when the relationship is impacting your self-worth and happiness, its time to reassess,” says McCance. Saying no is hard, but she s

34、uggests framing it as saying yes to healthier relationships. “Were all better mothers and partners and brothers when we have boundaries.”1、What do we know about Goldman?AHe is in need of support in his work.BHe is caught between his work and life.CHe slides into the state of desperation.DHe always p

35、uts his family at the first place.2、What do the underlined words “this impulse” refer to?Aprioritizing others happinessBavoiding setting limitsCfailing to stick to their promiseDframing the development of boundaries3、Whats the best title of the passage?ADo communicate.BDo not cross.CIdentify your li

36、mits.DSay no and mean it.24(8分) Hiring a self-drive car really adds to the enjoyment of your holiday. There are so many places of interest to visit. And if you enjoy seeing more than just the city centre, theres no better way to explore than by car.Hire ChargesWhats includedWhats not included Unlimi

37、ted mileage (里程數(shù)). Expenses on oil, maintenance ( 保養(yǎng) ) and Personal accident insurance. Garaging, petrol, parking and traffic fines.Repairs, which will be repaid on production of invoices (發(fā)票). Full insurance cover but exclusive of personalConditions of Hire1. The shortest rental period at these esp

38、ecially low prices is three days. For prices and for periods of one or two days you only see our representative at the hotel.2. Car hire must be booked six weeks or more before arrival in London to guarantee a car. But if you have been unable to make a booking in advance, please see our representati

39、ve at the hotel who may still be ab le to help you.3. The car types on the sheet are examples of the types of cars in each price range, but a particular car cannot be guaranteed.4. Upon delivery the driver(s) will be asked to sign the car hire companys Conditions of Hire.5. If you decide to hire a c

40、ar, just fill in the Booking Form and return it to us. A booking fee of 12 as part of the car hire cost is required.6. Should you be forced to cancel your car hire booking after payment in full (two weeks before date of hire), a cancellation charge of 12 will be made.1、According to the advertisement

41、, what will a car hirer pay extra money for?AThe cost of repairs to the car.BThe cost of maintenance of the car.CInsurance against damage to the car.DInsurance against injury to the driver.2、If you hire a car for four days, .Ayou are offered a particular carByou are offered a car at a special priceC

42、you are guaranteed an enjoyable holidayDyou are guaranteed a onetime airport pick-up3、The following statements are true EXCEPT .Ayou can make a booking in advanceByou are required to fill in a form before you hire a carCyou can ask for canceling the booking anytime by paying extra12Dyou have to pay

43、a booking fee when you hire a car from the company25(10分) For as long as there have been gifts, we naturally make choices based on the recipient (接受者). But what if we have been wrong all along and that we could turn things around, which not only made gift buying easier, but the recipient happier?In

44、2015, psychologists Lauren Human and Lara Aknin conducted an online survey, which suggested that when people buy gifts, they prefer to choose something based on the recipients personality and tastes. Most people also said that they preferred receiving gifts bought with them in mind: gifts for them.B

45、ut Human and Aknin wondered if this approach to giving failed to take advantage of the way we connect as people. So they sent 78 volunteers into a shopping centre before Mothers Day. Half were told to buy a card that “reveals(揭示) your knowledge of the recipient” while the others set out to buy a car

46、d that “reveals your true self”. After the purchase, the givers who had thought partly of themselves reported feeling emotionally closer to their mothers.To find out how that approach goes down with recipients, the psychologists did another test, asking more than 100 students to choose a song on iTu

47、nes to give to a friend, partner or family member. Each half of the group received the same instructions as the card buyers. Results revealed that recipients of songs that revealed something of the givers felt closer to them than those who received gifts bought only with them in mind.Human and Aknin

48、 suggest it might apply to all gifts. “If building stronger social connections is the underlying (潛在的) goal” of a gift and surely it should bethen we “may well be advised to offer more self-reflective gifts”. In short, for a present to be meaningful, you need to give away a bit of yourself, even if

49、there is a risk that the gift might not so closely suit the recipients practical needs or tastes as one acquired purely with that in mind.Moreover, giving something of oneself can be a safer act, the psychologists added. Because it reduces the risk of revealing poor knowledge of a recipient by attem

50、pting to buy something that fits their characterand failing.But a note of caution here: what the research does not examine is the potential risk in repeated, unsympathetic giver-centered giving, which, according to Human and Aknin “could signal self-obsession” and nobody wants to reveal that about t

51、hemselves.1、From the Mothers Day card test, we can conclude that _.Agifts chosen with the giver in mind work well on the giverBmost people choose gifts with the recipient in mindCmost people choose gifts based on their personal tastesDgifts chosen with the giver in mind work well on the recipient2、W

52、hat do the underlined words “them, them” refer to in order of appearance?AThe recipients; the givers.BThe givers; the recipients.CThe givers; the givers.DThe recipients; the recipients.3、What does the author think is the significance of gift giving?AMaking the givers life happier.BShowing ones knowl

53、edge of the recipient.CEstablishing and strengthening social connections.DMeeting the recipients practical needs.4、Which of the following is Human and Aknins advice on gift giving?AChoose gifts that reflect more of yourself.BJust focus on your own tastes when choosing gifts.CBuy something that fits

54、the recipients character most.DBe careful not to signal your true personality.5、Which is the best title of this passage?AThe tradition of gift giving.BThe purpose of gift giving.CThe effect of gift giving.DThe psychology of gift giving.第三部分 語言知識運用(共兩節(jié))第一節(jié)(每小題1.5分,滿分30分)閱讀下面短文,從短文后各題所給的A、B、C和D四個選項中,選

55、出可以填入空白處的最佳選項26(30分) If life were a book and you were the author, how would you like the story to go? That is the question that 1 my life forever.One day I went home from the training of snowboarding with what I thought was the flu, and less than 24 hours later, I was in a 2 on life support with les

56、s than twenty percent 3 of living. It wasnt until days later that the doctors diagnosed me with a 4 blood infection. Over the 5 of 2.5 months, I lost the hearing in my left ear and both my legs below the knees. When my parents 6 me out of the hospital, I 7 that I had been put together like a patchwo

57、rk (拼接物)doll and I had to live with 8 legs. I was absolutely physically and emotionally broken, 9 streaming down.But I knew in order to move forward, I had to let go of the Old Amy and 10 the New Amy. It was at this moment that I asked myself that significant 11 . And that is when it 12 me that I di

58、dnt have to be five-foot-five anymore, 13 I could be as tall as I wanted. And 14 of all, I can make my feet the size of all the shoes. So there were 15 here.Four months later, I was back upon a 16 . And this February, I won two Board World Cup gold medals, 17 me the highest ranked snowboarder in the

59、 world.So, instead of looking at our 18 and limitations as something 19 or bad, we can begin looking at them as a wonderful 20 that can be used to help us to further than we ever know we could go.1、AruinedBchangedCsavedDrisked2、AfieldBstadiumChospitalDclub3、AchanceBdecisionCthoughtDdegree4、Apotentia

60、lBslightCmildDsevere5、AcourseBscheduleCjourneyDbreak6、ApulledBdeliveredCwheeledDdragged7、Aworked outBput forwardCmade sureDfelt like8、AshapelyBfalseCmuscledDheavy9、AtearsBwaterCbloodDsweat10、AfixBintroduceChugDrecognize11、AinformationBfavorCplanDquestion12、Adepended onBlooked intoCdawned onDknocked


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