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1、2022-2023學(xué)年中考英語模擬試卷注意事項1考生要認(rèn)真填寫考場號和座位序號。2試題所有答案必須填涂或書寫在答題卡上,在試卷上作答無效。第一部分必須用2B 鉛筆作答;第二部分必須用黑色字跡的簽字筆作答。3考試結(jié)束后,考生須將試卷和答題卡放在桌面上,待監(jiān)考員收回。. 單項選擇1、When you travel abroad, you can hardly avoid products made in China.Ato buy Bbuying Cbuy Dbe bought2、- _ fine weather it is!- Yes, shall we go boating together?

2、AWhat aBHowCWhatDSo3、-_ good time we had at the party yesterday!-Yeah. It was such an exciting party _I would never forget it.AWhat a; thatBWhat; asCHow; thatDHow; as4、Getting a drivers license a lot of time, but many people think its worth it.Acosts Bpays Ctakes Dspends5、1Could you tell me _? Its t

3、wenty minutes by underground.Ahow can I get to your schoolBhow much it costs to get to your schoolChow far it is from your home to your schoolDhow long does it take me to get to your school6、 Did he tell you anything _? Yes, he told us the _ of learning English well.Aimportant; important Bimportance

4、; importantCimportance; importance Dimportant; importance7、Although you failed four times, I still hope you can have _ try.Athe fifthBa fifthCthe fourthDa fourth8、Water is the cheapest drink. And its also _.Ahealthier Bhealthiest Cthe healthier Dthe healthiest9、In the coning three years, our country

5、 will _ emergency food aid for Developing countries along the Belt and Road.Aafford Boffer Cprovide Dsupport10、- I will be happy if one of the works _ the artist. - I am not sure. Perhaps he _ the one you painted in Tibet last year.Asatisfies; is satisfied withBsatisfied with; is satisfied withCsati

6、sfying; satisfiesDsatisfies with ; satisfies. 完形填空11、Before I could turn 10, I had lost my parents. To 1 myself and my education, I had taken to delivering (遞送)newspapers.I would be up every morning by 5 a.m., I would 2 50 copies of newspaper which must have weighed over five kilos. After delivering

7、 them, I would rush home-another three kilometers away cook my breakfast, eat 3 and be off to school.One morning, I found a boy of my age at my doorstep. He introduced himself as Jimmy and said his 4 wanted to see me. I guessed they wished to subscribe to(訂閱)the newspaper, so I followed him to his p

8、lace nearby.Jimmys mother opened the door. 5 me a large plate of snacks and fruit salad. It was a breakfast, one that brought back 6 of the happy time with my parents. As I was about to leave, Jimmys father, Mr. Kader, appeared with a new bicycle.“This is for 7 !”He said, putting my shoulder.“ 8 I h

9、ave no money!” I cried.“Who is asking you to 9 this, my son?”He continued.It took me a few seconds to sense the 10 moment. I didnt even realize my tears were rolling down my face. Jimmys mother held me closely. It was like 11 ,as if my mother were there.Mr. Kader said that my newspaper editor, Mr. B

10、rown, was a friend of his, and the editor told him my 12 .I bowed, thankfully, and left. This time, I didnt have to 13 !For many years after, it was the 14 that changed my life. I also learned a lesson; 15 should always be given according to peoples needs. Never try to feed a person who is dying of

11、thirst.1Aenjoy Bcontrol Csupport Dencourage2Acollect Bmake Cfind Dread3Aquietly Bcarefully Cnervously Dquickly4Aclassmates Bparents Cneighbors Dteachers5Aordered Bsent Cshowed Dserved6Amemories Bmessages Cchances Dplans7AJimmy BMr. Brown Chim Dyou8AAnd BSo CBut Dthen9Apay for Bsell out Cgive away Dp

12、ick up10Arelaxing Bwarm Ccrazy Dinteresting11Aluck Bhope Clife Dhome12Adecision Bsecret Cstory Dchoice13Aexplain Bcontinue Cwalk Dwait14Abreakfast Bbicycle Cnewspaper Deducation15AHelp BAdvice CProtection DUnderstanding. 語法填空12、In ones life, one usually has little understanding of oneself. When you

13、succeed, you may be very proud. When you 1, you may lose heart. If you dont get a thorough understanding of yourself, you may miss lots of 2(chance) in life.To get a thorough understanding of yourself is to know well 3yourself. You may know your strong points and weak 4(one). You may hope for a wond

14、erful future, but be sure not to expect too much because not all dreams can 5(realize). You may be confident enough to meet challenges, but first you should know what to do.To get a thorough understanding of yourself, you should have a real sense of self-appreciation. Maybe you think you are not a t

15、all tree 6just small grass, as long as you get full confidence, you are sure to face any trouble.To get a thorough understanding of yourself also 7to look after yourself. When you are angry, find a quiet place so that you wont be hurt. When you are sad, tell your friends about it to 8the mood into a

16、 good one. When you are tired, get a good sleep. If you dont take good care of yourself, you wont be able to stay away from 9(ill).So if you get a thorough understanding of yourself, you 10(get) a full control of yourself and find your life full of color. 閱讀理解A13、In March 2014, Australia opened juni

17、or high education to Chinese students, allowing them to study in Australian schools from the seventh grade.“When more Chinese students are going to study abroad at a younger age, the opening of Australian junior high schools offers Chinese students and their parents one more good choice,” Tian Litie

18、, director of the Australian Department of Chivast Education International, said at the China International Education Exhibition Tour over the weekend.Australia will see a rise in the number of Chinese junior and senior high school students studying in the country. Tian showed the reasons for it: lo

19、wer admission (入學(xué)許可) requirements and low-cost education because of a favorable exchange rate (費率). According to Tian, in public schools in Australia a student should pay A$13,000 to A$15,000 ($10,000 to $12,000) a year.“Now the exchange rate of the Australian dollar to renminbi is below five, which

20、 means the cost is lower than that of Chinese students studying at junior and senior high schools in many other hot places, such as Britain and the US,” said Tian.Lin Lina from Beijing plans to send her daughter to a senior high school in Australia, was among them.“My daughter is good at English and

21、 would like to study abroad early,” said Lin, whose daughter is now a ninth-grader in Beijing. “We came for more information after we learned that the environment and education in Australia are good.”Eliza Chui, education officer for North Asia at the Australian Consulate-General in Shanghai, said t

22、hat Australia is attractive not only because it provides an environment for learning English, but also because students are trained to have critical (批判性的) thinking and be independent.1According to Tian Litie, we know that _.Amore and more Chinese students study abroad at a younger ageBmore and more

23、 Australian universities are open to Chinese studentsCChinese students are only allowed to study in Australia from senior high schoolDa student should pay A$10,000 to A$12,000 a year in public schools in Australia2What does the word “it” in Paragraph 3 mean?AAustralia allows Chinese students to stud

24、y in its schools.BMore and more Chinese students go abroad at a younger age.CMore Chinese junior and senior high school students will study in Australia.DAustralian schools offer Chinese students and their parents one more good choice.3Lin Lina plans to send her daughter to Australia because _.Aher

25、daughter has travelled to Australia beforeBshe cant afford to send her daughter to other countriesCher daughter is an independent student with critical thinkingDshe learned that the environment and education in Australia are good4According to the article, which of the following is TRUE?AThe cost of

26、studying in American schools is lower than in Australia.BThe exchange rate of the Australian dollar is of advantage to Chinese students.CIts more difficult for Chinese students to enter Australian junior high schools.DFew students choose to study in Britain or the US because of too much money.5What

27、is the passage mainly about?AYou should think twice before you decide to go abroad.BMore and more Chinese students choose to study abroad.CAustralian schools will attract more and more Chinese students.DAustralian schools have much more advantages than other schools in the world.B14、Thinking outside

28、 the BoxIf you think young people cant have an influence on the world,think again. Over the years,teens have invented excellent things that solve problems and have changed the ways people do things.Take fourteen-year-old Eliott Sarrey for example. He invented Bot2Karot,a gardening robot that can tak

29、e care of a small vegetable garden. The robot is controlled by an app on a smartphone. It helps people grow and take care of vegetables. It also saves water and energy,and makes gardening easy for people who are very busy or have difficulty getting around. Brooke Martin is an animal lover who missed

30、 her dog when she was away. So she invented iCPooch when she was just twelve years old. The iCPooch lets pet owners check on their pets from anywhere in the world using a smartphone. It also allows owners to use their smartphone cameras to video chat with their pets. Fourteen-year-old inventor Rober

31、t Saunt was tired of buying or borrowing different video-game controllers for each game console(操 控 器 ) . So he invented a controller called Game Blox. It can be used with four of the most popular game consoles. His invention will save players a lot of money and space,and it will save 330 million kg

32、 of materials every year.Kids all over the world find ways to solve problems every day. Who knows?Maybe the next time you have a problem,youll come up with the next amazing idea!1If you have no time to take care of your vegetable garden,_ can help you.ABot2Karot BiCPooch CGame Blox DSmartphone Camer

33、as2Brooke Martin invented iCPooch when she was _.A4 B10 C12 D143According to the passage,Robert Saunt _.Ais an animal lover Bwas tired of playing gamesCinvented a controller Dhelps with gardeningC15、Do you know what family instructions (家訓(xùn)) are? They are common beliefs that family members follow. In

34、 ancient China, people passed down their family instructions from generation (一代) to generation.Some schools in Zhejiang are encouraging students to learn more about their own family instructions. At Hangzhou Gongyi Middle School and Hangzhou Xuejun High School, it was part of students winter vacati

35、on homework to learn about their family instructions.Meng Yaohan, 16, from Hangzhou Xuejun High School, looked at her family instructions. One of them is “dont take the wrong way”, a piece of advice that has been passed down for 100 years. Her father told her how her grandfather stuck to his “right

36、way” - to become an engineer. “It inspired me to pursue (追求) what I love,” she said.Shen Duanjie, 14, from Hangzhou Gongyi Middle School, has benefited from his family instruction “democratic” (民主的) and “equal” (平等的). In his own words, it has helped him get along with his parents.The school has also

37、 published books about two classic collections of family instructions The Family Instructions of Zhu Xi (朱子家訓(xùn)) and Family Instructions of Yan Clan (顏氏家訓(xùn)). The books include dialogues and pictures drawn by students.Gong Zhenyue, 14, drew pictures for one of the instructions in Family Instructions of

38、Yan Clan. She was impressed (對印象深刻) by the instruction, which says that parents should not only love their children, but also educate them. “It made me understand my parents strictness (嚴(yán)格) with me,” she said. She made it her own family instruction.1What are family instructions?ADialogues between fa

39、mily members.BThe words of ones ancestors.CCommon beliefs that family members follow.DBooks passed down from the past.2Which of the following is NOT true about Meng Yaohan?AShe knows about her family instructions.BShe is proud of what her grandfather did.C“Dont take the wrong way” is one of her fami

40、ly instructions.D“Democratic” and “equal” are included in her family instructions.3Who drew pictures for Family Instructions of the Yan Clan?AMeng Yaohan. BShen Duanjie. CZhu Xi. DGong Zhenyue.4Learning family instructions helps Gong Zhenyue _.Astudy better in schoolBdraw pictures for other booksCun

41、derstand her parents betterDlearn to publish books by herselfD16、A Telephone MessageFrom: Ren Xue To: Yu WeiDate: May 23rd Time: 16:00Message: She says that you must put on your sports shoes, your hat and sunglasses, bring some food and drinks, and ride a bike to meet her at the school gate at 8:00

42、tomorrow.Tel: 84676352. Taken by: Mother.FoundMay 13th, 2015An MP5 was found in the library on the morning of May 13th. Please call 87058344 or come to Class 1, Grade 9 to get it.Lin XiangSunshine ClubFOR YOUNG PEOPLEFROM 12 TO 18 YEARS OLDEvery Saturday 6:30 am9:30pmLondon Street 2887539682/8753968

43、3Just 5 yuan a timeGames, music, dancing and more1Yu Wei will meet Ren Xue at the school gate .Aat 8:00, on May 23rdBat 8:00, on May 24thCat 16:00, on May 23rdDat 16:00, on May 24th2Which number can Maria call at if her MP5 is lost?A84676352.B87539683.C87539682.D87058344.3Which of the following peop

44、le is allowed to join the club?AA 10-year-old kid.BA 14-year-old boy.CA 19-year-old student.DA 30-year-old parent.E17、Hundreds of people did not get their train tickets through the online train ticketing service after paying the money.The China Railway Customer Service Center said that it would try

45、to solve the problem and return the money in 15 working days.The service center said changes would be made to the online booking system which limited(限制) each purchase which is finished in 30 minutes. Many people said that they failed to book tickets because of the time limit in purchase.People who

46、paid without getting their tickets have formed groups on QQ. As many as 400 people had joined the QQ group by Thursday and the group continues to grow.The ticket buyers said their money had been returned through online banks but they didnt get confirmation(確認(rèn)) from the online booking system.They are

47、 afraid that they will not be able to get refunds(退款) because they dont have the order number given to those who have succeeded in booking. People also said they were unable to inquire(查詢) through the booking hotline 12306, because it is almost always busy.The China Railway Customer Service Center W

48、ebsite suggested that the online banks didnt return the payment information to the online booking system because of network problems.The online railway booking service was made by the Ministry of Railways on Dec. 21, in order that people can easily buy train tickets during the Spring Festival.1What

49、happened to the train tickets buyers after paying the money?AThey didnt join the QQ group.BThey didnt search the Internet.CThey didnt find the order number.DThey didnt get their tickets.2How long should people finish booking tickets?AIn an hour.BIn half an hour.CIn 15 days.DIn 30 hours.3According to

50、 the passage,which is Not true?AThe people who didnt get tickets can get their money back.BPeople cant inquire their booking through the hotline 12306.CPeople can easily book train tickets online without any problems.DThe online booking system didnt get the payment information.4What does the word “g

51、row” mean in Chinese?A種植B擴(kuò)大C生產(chǎn)D減小5Why did many people join the QQ group?AThey want to get back their refunds.BThey wanted to book the train tickets.CThey wanted to chat with each other.DThey want to get the payment information.F18、To many students, joining social media “circles” (朋友圈) is now more im

52、portant than making new friends in real life. And its easy. If you have a mobile phone, you can download many things such as Sina Weibo, QQ and WeChat.“I love to check my friends updates (更新). I also enjoy news and humor shared on social media,” said Wang Wei, 14, from a middle school in Shenzhen. W

53、hile enjoying these, Wang distances himself from real life. “I love playing the plane-shooting game on WeChat, but have no interest in playing chess with my classmates,” said Wang.Deng Yunyun, 14, from Xuhui Middle School in Shanghai, said that social media has influenced their normal life. Last mon

54、th, his school held a basketball match, and a student hurt his leg. Instead of giving him some help, students were busy with updating WeChat blogs about the accident. “I think they need to learn to balance their real and online lives, and what worries parents and teachers a lot is safety.” said Deng

55、.“Many students are happy to tell their interests and personal information to their social media friends. And this could bring them danger,” said Miss Wang, a teacher from a Shenzhen middle school. “For example, the use of WeChats shake-shake allows users to connect to other users nearby. Also polic

56、e warn about the risks of making friends in this way.”“Be careful. Do not use the locating function (定位功能) at any moment, do not give your name, and do not post the photos of your community,” said Wang.1According to the passage, the following separate the students from the real life EXCEPT _.Areadin

57、g news shared on social mediaBplaying some kinds of games on WeChatCbeing busy with updating WeChat blogsDstaying at home to watch TV programs2Why did nobody offer help when a student hurt his leg?ABecause his classmates were busy sharing their updates.BBecause his classmates didnt regard him as their friend.CBecause he didnt belong to their soc


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