1、太奇MBA基礎班,英語備考簡介,Do you know how to learn English well?,聰,Well begun is half done. 總是被模仿,從未被超越! (It has always been imitated, but never transcended!) Where there is a will, there is a way. No pains, no gains. Practice makes perfect. God rewards diligence.,MBA詞匯的準備,詞匯是一切英語學習及考試的基礎。沒有扎實的詞匯基本功,無論是應付英語考試
2、或是進行文化科技交流,都無法順利進行。對參加MBA考試的學員來說,普遍存在著一些共同的問題:年齡偏大,記憶力減退,工作繁忙,時間緊張。所以在較短的時間里,掌握所需的詞匯量是一件非常令人頭痛的事情。而現(xiàn)在競爭壓力更大,如何解決記憶詞匯的問題,是考試能否過關的關鍵。 The importance of vocabulary can never be overestimated! “背字典,背單詞表”,雖然立竿見影,但來得快,忘得也容易,信心容易遭到打擊。 “通過廣泛閱讀背單詞”,雖然有可能記得很牢,但速度太慢,遠水解不了近渴。,我們的對策: “開門七件事:柴米油鹽醬醋糖”。萬事都有個章法,講究個循
3、序漸進,順理成章。 我們將以MBA考試大綱詞匯表為指導,在基礎階段比較系統(tǒng)地帶領學員從中篩選出常用基礎詞、核心詞及關鍵短語,通過課堂重點講練,加強學員對這些詞匯和短語的記憶與理解。 具體作法:重點訓練記憶詞匯的6種方法: 同義近義串聯(lián)記憶法 abandon: desert, discard, dispose of, let go of, get rid of, part with, eliminate, resign (abandon oneself to) abide by, comply with, conform to,規(guī)律一、近義詞辨異,John was very upset beca
4、use he was _ by the police with breaking the law. (09-16) A.sentencedB. arrested C. accusedD. charged At first _, the famous painting doesnt impress the audience at all.(09-2) A. glanceC. gaze B. stareD. view,詞形相近聯(lián)想記憶法 abandon, desert (dessert, insert, exert) arise, arouse, rise, raise adapt, adopt,
5、 adjust insistent, persistent, consistent, resistant, assistant, smash, crash, crush, clash 詞根詞綴同源記憶法 aggressive: gresiv a. 侵略的,好斗的;有進取心的 (gress, grad=go, walk) aggressive, progress, progressive, congress, gradual, grade, degrade, upgrade, assure, ensure, insure, reassure,abstract: bstrkt a. 抽象的 n.
6、摘要,提要,文摘 abstract, extract, attract, distract, contract, tractor anniversary: niv:sri n. 周年紀念日 ann, enn=year: anniversary, annual, annuity, perennially, centennial, millennium affect: fekt vt. 影響,妨害, 使感動, fac, fact, fit, fic=make, do (influence, impact) effect, effective, efficient, efficiency, defe
7、ct (flaw, error, fault, weakness, shortcomings), infect, infection, infectious, perfect, fact, factor, factory, manufacture, faculty, facility, facilitate, factual, fiction; benefit, beneficial, deficiency, deficit, artifact, artificial,規(guī)律二、形似詞辨異,After our computer network _ for the third time that
8、day, we all went home. A. crashed C. collided B. fell D. smashed It is _ of you to turn down the radio while your sister is still in bed. A. considerableC. concerned B. considerateD. innocent,In 1991, while the economies of industrialized countries met an economic_, the economies of developing count
9、ries were growing very fast. A. revival C. recession B. repression D. recovery The manager is calling on a _ customer trying to talk him into signing the contract. A. prosperous C. pessimistic B. preliminary D. prospective,I must leave now. _, if you want that book Ill bring it to you tomorrow. (09-
10、7) A. AccidentallyB. Incidentally C. OccasionallyD. Subsequently The newly built factory is in urgent need of a number of skilled and _ workers. (09-9) A.consistentC. confidential B.consciousD. conscientious The eldest son _ all the family members to discuss how to celebrate the 50th wedding anniver
11、sary of their parents. (09-6) A. clusteredC. rendered B. resembledD. assembled,相反詞義對照記憶法 absoluterelative; normalabnormal superiorinferior seniorjunior Since the _ of human history, human beings have been asking questions like “what is the essence of life”. (09-5) A.duskB. dust C.dawnD. twinkle It i
12、s estimated that, currently, about 50,000 species become _ every year. A.extinctC. distinct B.instinctD. intense,音形拆解延伸記憶法 athlete, bachelor, abandon abundant,accommodate, alienation, hang, (hanged, hanged), hang (hung, hung) out of the question-out of question,眾所周知,詞匯之所以難記是因為大多數(shù)學生只是孤立地背詞匯表,而沒有結合上下文
13、語境理解和通過使用詞匯進行鞏固,無法有效地達到目的。即使有些學員費了九牛二虎之力,背了許多生詞,但是卻不會用,既不能閱讀理解,也不能翻譯寫作。 所以,我們從基礎班一開始起,就應該活學活用詞匯。把詞匯的記憶與閱讀上下文的語境相結合。 可以說背單詞與做詞匯及閱讀理解題相結合是記憶詞匯的最佳方法。這種方法使得記憶單詞不再成為一個枯燥乏味過程,而且因為背詞匯是結合使用來記憶,使掌握它們變得更加容易。 特別重要的是,我們通過專門編制的詞匯練習,對大綱要求掌握的重點基礎詞匯和核心詞匯及詞組,在課堂上精講精練,當堂鞏固,大大強化了詞匯記憶效果。,具體作法: 趣味閱讀語境記憶法 其一:通過閱讀一些專門準備的小
14、短文,加強重點詞在上下文語境中的理解與記憶 At times I like to abandon my ability to speak and write in an academic way, which my friends call an abuse of language. When I was about to go abroad two months ago, I still thought about this. At that time I was so absorbed in thinking that I almost missed the call for “all a
15、board”.,其二:我們使用的閱讀材料里面對關鍵詞匯進行處理,幫助學員加強對重點詞匯的認知。 To us it seems so natural to put up an umbrella to keep the water off when it rains. But actually the umbrella was not invented as protection against rain. Its first use was as a shade against the sun. Nobody knows who first invented it, but the umbrel
16、la was used in very ancient times. Probably the first to use it were the Chinese, way back in the eleventh century B.C. The first use of umbrella was as _. A. protection against rain B. a shade against the sun C. a symbol of power D. a symbol of honor,其三: Every member of the club is supposed to _ th
17、e regulations. A. adjust to B. afford to C. abide by D. associate with China is _ in natural resources, but this advantage has been negated by its large population. A. attractiveB. abundant C. awfulD. awkward,課后要求:學生在系統(tǒng)地把關鍵詞過上兩、三遍之后,把記不住的詞或詞組挑出來抄在一個小本上,平時經(jīng)常翻閱這個小本上的詞匯,戰(zhàn)勝記憶詞匯道路上最大的攔路虎。看單詞不需用連續(xù)的整段時間,而是
18、通過改變自己的生活習慣,見縫插針、隨時隨地翻詞匯表和練習題。睡前醒后這兩個重點時間段更是效率最高的時期。(學好英語就是改變一些生活習慣!) 到了系統(tǒng)班階段,我們?yōu)榱颂岣邔崙?zhàn)能力,將選擇一些經(jīng)典的詞匯練習題,對學生加強訓練。且不一定拘泥于MBA的題。通過做題,不僅加強了記憶,而且也能夠幫助學生發(fā)現(xiàn)重點,找出自己的不足,加深對詞匯的理解及對近似詞的分辨。 屆時,我們還要幫助學員掌握一定的詞匯考試出題規(guī)律,在實戰(zhàn)中增加命中的概率. Now lets get to the point and begin our exercises involving the usages of key words.,
19、Every member of the club is supposed to _ the regulations. A. adjust to B. afford to C. abide by D. associate with be supposed to When is the class supposed to begin? When are we supposed to get to the classroom? regulationregularregulate You cant do that. Its against the regulations. Translation: 俱
20、樂部的每位成員都應該遵守規(guī)則. abide: baid (by) v. 遵守,忍受, 堅持 abide by, comply with, conform to, obey,abide: baid (by) v. 遵守,忍受, 堅持 abide by, comply with, conform to, obey Every one of us should abide by the law, which is the basis of modern society. Every driver, regardless of his social status, is supposed to com
21、ply with the traffic regulations. Equipment not conforming to safety regulations will be disposed of in the plant. adjust: dst v. 調整,改變以適應,校準; just, justify; adapt, adopt My camera can be adjusted to take sharp pictures on cloudy or rainy days. As a teacher, you have to _ your methods to suit the ne
22、eds of slower students. (04-15) A.adaptB. adopt C. adjustD. acquire,associate with. social, sociable, society, associate: suieit v.使聯(lián)合;把聯(lián)想起來,交往;n. 合伙人,同事 a. 副的 in association with, associate professor He always associated the flavor of bread with his grandmother, who used to bake bread for him when
23、he was a little boy. They decided to build the big dam in association with another firm. Mr. Williams always gets on well with his associates wherever he works. In the Chinese mind the Spring Festival is _ with nice food and new clothes. (05在職-23) A. joinedB. related C. linkedD. associated,afford: f
24、:d vt. 提供;花費,負擔得起 affordable, offer, buy, purchase, purchasing power, consumer, consume, expend, expense, expenditure, With the steady development of economy, average Chinese families can afford cars.,China is _ in natural resources, but this advantage has been negated by its large population. A. at
25、tractiveB. abundant C. awfulD. awkward resource, source, origin Human beings can no longer afford to waste natural resources in this way. We have to open up some new sources of income to get through the present financial crisis. The origin of this custom is not clear by now. advantage: dv:ntid n.優(yōu)點,
26、優(yōu)勢,利益,有利條件: vantage, vantage point; merit, virtue, profit, edge advantageous, take advantage of=make use of, have advantage over,abundant: bndnt a. 大量的,豐富的,充裕的 ample, redundant, plentiful; |adequate, sufficient, enough, Chinas western inland is abundant (rich) in mineral resources but the undevelope
27、d transportations system hampered its economic development. awful: :ful a. 令人畏懼的,可怕的;極度的 awkward: :kwd a. 笨拙的;棘手的;尷尬的 embarrassed, clumsy, China is abundant in natural resources, but this advantage has been negated by its large population. .negative; 翻譯: 中國自然資源豐富,但龐大的人口抵消了這個優(yōu)勢.,We must _ the economi
28、c growth to build the well-off society. A. abuseB. acquire C. accelerate D. accommodate Every citizen has responsibility to make his due efforts to work for the construction of a well-off society. (a society of harmony, a harmonious society); 翻譯 我們必須加快經(jīng)濟發(fā)展以建造一個小康社會. accelerate: kselreit vt. 加速, 促進 a
29、c=加強語氣的前綴, celer=speed, accelerate, accustom, accompany, accomplish (compl=complete), acquire (quire=seek); accept (cept=take); accent (centu=centre), accentuate, facilitate, quicken, hasten, fasten?,abuse: bju:z vt. 收購 Merger and Acquisition If you keep working so hard, youll acquire a good knowled
30、ge of English sooner or later.,accommodate: kmdeit vt. 留宿,收容;供應,供給 accommodation, lodging, shelter, dwelling, dorm, hotel, inn, room, That newly-built auditorium can accommodate over one thousand audience. -Can we move on and look for another hotel? I cannot bear the noise here. -Where can you find
31、a better accommodation at this time of the night?,To be independent is good for the children, because no parents can _ the children for the whole life. A. accomplishB. accept C. admitD. accompany accompany: kmpni vt. 伴隨, 陪同,為伴奏 company, companion, corporation, firm, enterprise, partner| SOE=State-ow
32、ned enterprise; joint venture 譯文: 自立對所有的孩子都有好處,因為沒有哪個家長能陪伴孩子終生. The mayor will accompany a group of foreign businessmen on a tour of the city to investigate the potential for future investment.,accomplish: kmpli vt. 完成,實現(xiàn) accomplishment, achieve, achievement, fulfill, finish, complete, attain; I wan
33、t to draw your attention to this fact: no one can accomplish his mission without due efforts; passing MBA English test is no exception. achieve: ti:v vt. 完成;達到,取得,實現(xiàn) Learning English well cannot be achieved overnight. accept: ksept vt. 接受; 承認; 承兌(票據(jù)等cept, ceive, cip, ceit=to take, accept, acceptance
34、, acceptable, concept, except, exception, exceptional, receive, reception, receptive, receipt, perceive, deceive, deception, deceptive, Mary received a bunch of red roses from Tim yesterday, but she didnt accept it.,admit: dmit v. 允許進入,承認,接納,供認 (miss, mit, mes=send, throw) admit, admission, permit,
35、permission; dismiss, mission, missionary, missile, transmit, transmission; submitto; commission, commit, committee, emit, omit, promise, compromise, message, messenger, acknowledge, admit (to), recognize, confess to, identify acknowledge: knlid vt. 承認;感激,致謝 Prof. Hawkins is acknowledged as one of th
36、e greatest living physicists in the world today. In the United States, an employees long time service in a company used to be acknowledged by a dinner in his honor and a golden watch with his named inscribed on it.,The goal is for international sales to _25 per cent of revenues by 2010. A. adapt toB
37、. allow for C. agree withD. account for revenue revinju: n. 營業(yè)收入;收入總額;歲入;稅收;效益 The government gets a(n) _ from taxes. (2000-12) A. incomeB. revenue C. fundD. payment As is known to all, a country gets a(n) _ from taxes. (2005-13) A. incomeB. revenue C. fundD. payment,account: kaunt n. The student ho
38、ped that his professor would take his recent illness into account when scoring his paper. . takeinto consideration. Can you account for your absence from class last Saturday? Light industry products account for over 80 percent of the exported goods.,The professor first gave an account of the difficu
39、lties facing the MBA students, then proposing ways to deal with them. The president resigned from his position on account of his old age. Any student with a desire for MBA degree should make a promise to himself and the friends and colleagues around that on no account will he retreat and quit in fac
40、e of difficulties. The goal is for international sales to _25 per cent of revenues by 2010. A. adapt toB. allow for C. agree withD. account for 目標是使國際銷售在2010年時占到收入的百分之二十五.,adapt: dpt v. 使適應,使適合;改編,改寫 adopt, adjust, just, justify, unjust, justice, (suit, fit), be apt totend to, be liable to It is not
41、 easy to adapt oneself to a life of hard study after so many years away from school. The couple decided to adopt the orphan even though they had three children of their own. The school decided to adopt rigid regulations to improve the efficiency of students study. allow for:考慮;允許 To allow for the tr
42、affic jam, I should have arrived at the airport by six oclock. agree with (to, on),Many airports will have to be renovated in order to _ the newly designed Airbus 380. A. assureB. accommodate C. amuseD. approve renovate renuveit vt. 更新,革新,修復 The state allocated funds to renovate or build 18,800 town
43、 and township health clinics. 原句譯文: 許多機場必須加以翻修以容納新設計的空客380. assure: u vt. 使確信,擔保;向保證 assure, ensure, insure, reassure, assurance: urns n. 保證,確信,擔保 He assured me of his readiness to help. I will assure the American people we are doing everything in our power to protect you.,Careful planning and hard
44、work ensured our success. Its surprising that some pop stars have insured their legs or moustache for millions of dollars. He sought to reassure people that the economy would be able to regain steam. I _ you that the goods will be delivered next week. (01-5) A. insistB. confirm C. assureD. ensure am
45、use: mju:z v. 娛樂,逗樂,使有趣, amusement, entertainment, music, musical, His conversation amused the whole table. 他的話使全桌人發(fā)笑.,It is amazing that they are so _ to their poor living conditions that they even dont want to change. A. advancedB. applicable C. accustomed D. affordable amaze: meiz vt. 使驚奇,使驚嘆, as
46、tonish, surprise, shock, astound, Many foreign delegates have been amazed by the rapid improvement in Chinas tourism facilities. accustomed: kstmd a. 慣常的,習慣的 be accustomed to, be used to +ing; custom, customary, habit, habitual, hobby Customs Officers at a London airport found 500,000 pounds worth o
47、f drugs which were being smuggled (走私) into Britain in boxes marked “Urgent Medical Supplies.”,It is amazing that they are so accustomed to their poor living conditions that they even dont want to change. 翻譯: 他們對貧困的生活狀況太習以為常,以至于都不愿改變,這真令人吃驚. advance: dv:ns v. 前進,推進,取得進展; n. 前進,進展;預付,預先 in advance ad
48、vanced: dv:nsd a. 先進的,高級的, sophisticated, developed, avant-garde advanced weapon, advanced course, Can you tell us in advance what you are to teach next week, so that I can make some preparations?,apply: plai v. 請求,申請;應用, 適用 applicable: plikbl a. 能應用的,可適用的;適當?shù)?合適的 application: ,plikein n. 應用,申請,請求 a
49、pplicant: pliknt n. 申請者,請求者 candidate appliance: plains n. 器具,用具,器械 Dear sir, I write this letter to express my sincere desire to apply for a position in your company. I do hope that you can apply this method in your review work. Scientific discoveries are often applied to industrial production meth
50、ods. I wonder whether my teaching approach is applicable in this class. Poor students in the universities can make an application for financial aid.,There were an astonishing number of applicants for the job. Vacuum cleaners, washing machines, refrigerators and air-conditioners are all household ele
51、ctric appliances. affordable: f:dbl adj. With the steady rise of income, cars and houses are affordable to many Chinese families.,When a person makes a large purchase such as a house or a car, he should have _ chance to change his mind. A. adequateB. artificial C. amateurD. alive individual purchasi
52、ng power adequate: dikwit a. 足夠的; 適當?shù)?sufficient; competent, His wages are adequate to support his family. The quality of the product is quite adequate for local purposes. 翻譯: 當某人購買大件物品,如房子或汽車時,應當有足夠的機會改變想法.,artificial: :tifil a. 人工的,人造的;做作的 art: :t n. 藝術,技術 artistic: :tistik a. 藝術(家)的 article: :tik
53、l n. 文章;物品,物件;項目,條款;冠詞 art=skill, artful, artist, artistic, artisan, artifact, artificial, article artificial (genuine) leather, artificial flower amateur: mtju a. 業(yè)余的,n. 業(yè)余愛好者; professional .am=love: amiable, amicable alive laiv a. 活著的; 充滿活力的 When the famous Dutch painter Vincent Van Gogh was alive
54、, nobody wanted to buy his pictures.,Everyone of you can _ a good knowledge of English if you make enough effort to study it. A. achieveB. accomplish C. acquire D. arrange 翻譯: 只要你們盡到足夠的努力去學習的話,每一位都能掌握很好的英語知識. arrange: reind v. 安排,整理;布置,排列 arrange business affairs We will arrange some large activitie
55、s such as the Forbidden City Concert at the opening ceremony. She arranged for me to pay a visit to the Great Wall the next morning. We have arranged for the goods to be delivered to you at once.,The seat of the vehicle can be _ to the height of a passenger. A. adoptedB. adjusted C. announcedD. adap
56、ted vehicle vi:ikl n. 車輛,傳播媒介,表現(xiàn)手段 The driver seemed to lose control of his vehicle after braking and ran into the opposite lane. SUV: Sports Utility Vehicle. RV: Recreational Vehicle. Music can be a vehicle for ones ideas. As a teacher, you have to _ your methods to suit the needs of slower student
57、s. (2004-15) A.adaptB. adopt C. adjustD. acquire 翻譯: 車輛的座位可以根據(jù)乘客的身高進行調整.,announce: nauns v. 宣布,宣告,通告 A senior administration official said he would announce the decision later this morning in Washington. The Argentine government is expected to announce a series of measures to try to end a strike by
58、farmers over rises in taxes on agricultural goods. declare:dikl v. 宣布,聲明,斷言 It is my great honor to be here and declare open the Conference of International Trade Cooperation.,We should take full _ of the exceptional opportunities open in exports to expand our share of the world market. A.attemptB.
59、advantage C. anticipationD. appraisal opportunity ptju:niti n. 機會,機遇 Many _ will be opened up in the future for those with a university education. (2007-4) A. probabilitiesB. realities C. necessitiesD. opportunities. exceptional iksepnl a. 例外的,異常的,特別的, except, exception Their established global supply chains enable them to offer exceptional category-killer prices that are fur
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