DELL iDRAC6_BMC 中文配置文檔_第1頁
DELL iDRAC6_BMC 中文配置文檔_第2頁
DELL iDRAC6_BMC 中文配置文檔_第3頁
DELL iDRAC6_BMC 中文配置文檔_第4頁
DELL iDRAC6_BMC 中文配置文檔_第5頁
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1、要配置,iDRAC6 局域網(wǎng)選項之間進行選擇和關(guān)閉使用 、 和空格鍵。在默認配置中啟用 iDRAC6 局域網(wǎng)。 局域網(wǎng),必須啟用允許使用 iDRAC6 的設(shè)施如基于 Web 的界面、 telnet/SSH 訪問 SM CLP 命令行界面、 控制臺重定向和虛擬媒體。項目說明常用設(shè)置選擇網(wǎng)卡(NIC Selection) 按 、 ,和空格鍵模式之間切換??捎玫哪J绞菍S?、 共享、 共享與故障轉(zhuǎn)移 LOM2 和故障轉(zhuǎn)移所有 lom 與共享。這些模式將使相應的接口用于向外部世界通信 iDRAC6。 MAC 地址(MAC Address)這是不可編輯的 MAC 地址,iDRAC 網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。VLAN 啟用

2、選擇打開以啟用篩選,iDRAC6 的虛擬局域網(wǎng)。VLAN Id如果在為的 VLAN 啟用是輸入 1 4094 之間的任何 VLAN ID 值。VLAN 優(yōu)先級如果啟用 VLAN 設(shè)置為 On s.elect 0-7 之間 VLAN 的優(yōu)先級注冊 iDRAC6 名稱選擇打開以在 DNS 服務(wù)中注冊 iDRAC6 名稱。 選擇關(guān)閉如果您不希望用戶能夠在 DNS 中找到 iDRAC6 名稱。iDRAC6 名稱如果注冊 iDRAC 名稱設(shè)置為 On,按編輯當前 DNS iDRAC 名稱文本字段。 按完成編輯 iDRAC6 名稱。 按返回上一級菜單。 iDRAC6 名稱必須是一個有效的 DNS 主機名。

3、DHCP 的域名選擇上如果您要從網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的 DHCP 服務(wù)獲取域的名稱。 選擇關(guān)閉如果要指定域的名稱。域名如果域名從 DHCP 設(shè)置為 Off 時,按編輯當前域名文本字段。 新聞編輯完成。 按返回上一級菜單。 域名必須是一個有效的 DNS 域,例如 。主機名稱字符串若要編輯的新聞。 輸入平臺事件陷阱 (PET) 警報的主機的名稱。項目說明局域網(wǎng)報警已啟用選擇打開以啟用 PET 局域網(wǎng)報警。警報策略項 1選擇啟用或禁用,激活第一個警報目的地。警報目標 1如果在為的局域網(wǎng)警報已啟用是輸入的 IP 地址,將轉(zhuǎn)發(fā) PET 局域網(wǎng)報警。IPv4 設(shè)置IPv4選擇啟用,使 IPv4

4、 協(xié)議支持。RMCP + 加密密鑰新聞編輯值和完成。 RMCP + 加密密鑰是 40 字符的十六進制字符串 (字符 0-9、 一 f 和 A-F)。 RMCP + 是 IPMI 的延伸,IPMI 添加身份驗證和加密。 默認值是一個字符串的 40 0 (零)。源 IP 地址DHCP 和靜態(tài)之間進行選擇。 選中 DHCP 后從 DHCP 服務(wù)器獲取以太網(wǎng) IP 地址、 子網(wǎng)掩碼和默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的字段。 如果沒有 DHCP 服務(wù)器在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上找到,會將該字段都設(shè)置為零。選中靜以太網(wǎng) IP 地址、 子網(wǎng)掩碼和默認網(wǎng)關(guān)項目成為可編輯。以太網(wǎng) IP 地址如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為 DHCP,此字段將顯示從 DHCP

5、獲得 IP 地址。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為靜態(tài),請輸入您要分配給該 iDRAC6 的 IP 地址。默認值是插槽的 20 加上包含服務(wù)器。子網(wǎng)掩碼如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為 DHCP,此字段將顯示從 DHCP 獲得的子網(wǎng)掩碼地址。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為靜態(tài),輸入,iDRAC6 的子網(wǎng)掩碼。 默認值為 。項目說明默認網(wǎng)關(guān)如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為 DHCP,此字段將顯示從 DHCP 獲得的默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的 IP 地址。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為靜態(tài),輸入默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的 IP 地址。 默認值是 。DHCP 的 DNS 服務(wù)器選擇打開以從網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的

6、 DHCP 服務(wù)中檢索的 DNS 服務(wù)器地址。 選擇關(guān)閉以指定下面的 DNS 服務(wù)器地址。DNS 服務(wù)器 1從 DHCP DNS 服務(wù)器關(guān)閉時輸入第一個 DNS 服務(wù)器的 IP 的地址。DNS 服務(wù)器 2從 DHCP DNS 服務(wù)器關(guān)閉時輸入第二個 DNS 服務(wù)器的 IP 地址。IPv6 設(shè)置源 IP 地址選擇自動配置和靜態(tài)之間。 選中自動配置后從 DHCP 獲取 IPv6 地址 1、 前綴的長度和默認網(wǎng)關(guān)字段。選中靜態(tài) IPv6 地址 1、 前綴的長度和默認網(wǎng)關(guān)項目成為可編輯。IPv6 地址 1如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為自動配置,此字段將顯示從 DHCP 獲得 IP 地址。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)

7、置為靜態(tài),請輸入您要分配給該 iDRAC6 的 IP 地址。前綴長度如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為自動配置,此字段將顯示網(wǎng)絡(luò)前綴長度。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為靜態(tài),輸入網(wǎng)絡(luò)前綴的長度。項目說明默認網(wǎng)關(guān)如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為自動配置,此字段將顯示從 DHCP 獲得的默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的 IP 地址。如果 IP 地址源設(shè)置為靜態(tài),輸入默認網(wǎng)關(guān)的 IP 地址。IPv6 鏈接本地地址這是不可編輯的 IPv6 鏈接本地地址,iDRAC 網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。IPv6 地址 2這是不可編輯的 IPv6 地址 2 iDRAC 網(wǎng)絡(luò)接口。DHCP 的 DNS 服務(wù)器選擇打開以從網(wǎng)絡(luò)上的 DHCP 服務(wù)中檢索的 DNS 服務(wù)器地址。 選

8、擇關(guān)閉以指定下面的 DNS 服務(wù)器地址。DNS 服務(wù)器 1從 DHCP DNS 服務(wù)器關(guān)閉時輸入第一個 DNS 服務(wù)器的 IP 的地址。DNS 服務(wù)器 2從 DHCP DNS 服務(wù)器關(guān)閉時輸入第一個 DNS 服務(wù)器的 IP 的地址。 先進的局域網(wǎng)配置自動協(xié)商如果網(wǎng)卡選擇設(shè)置為專用,選擇啟用和禁用之間。選中啟用后將自動配置局域網(wǎng)速度設(shè)置和 LAN 雙工設(shè)置。局域網(wǎng)速度設(shè)置如果通過自動設(shè)置為禁用,選擇 10 Mbps 至 100 Mbps。局域網(wǎng)雙工設(shè)置如果通過自動設(shè)置為禁用,半雙工和全雙工之間進行選擇。虛擬媒體按選擇 Detached、 連接,或自動連接。 當您選擇了連接時虛擬媒體設(shè)備連接到提供

9、在控制臺重定向會話期間使用的 USB 總線。如果選擇 Detached 用戶無法訪問虛擬媒體設(shè)備控制臺重定向會議期間。虛擬 Flash按選擇禁用或啟用。禁用/啟用會造成一種分離和一個附加的所有虛擬媒體設(shè)備的 USB 總線。禁用將導致虛擬的 Flash,被刪除,并變得不可用。按選擇啟用或已禁用。 此選項配置智能卡登錄功能。 可用的選項包括啟用、 禁用和與 RACADM 啟用。系統(tǒng)服務(wù)按選擇啟用或已禁用。 請參閱統(tǒng)一服務(wù)器配置器用戶指南,,詳細信息在戴爾支持網(wǎng)站上提供。取消系統(tǒng)服務(wù)按下以選擇否或是。當您選擇了是時統(tǒng)一服務(wù)器配置的所有會話都關(guān)閉并重新啟動服務(wù)器時您保存

10、并退出應用新設(shè)置。按選擇啟用或已禁用。 此選項配置智能卡登錄功能。 可用的選項包括啟用、 禁用和與 RACADM 啟用。按選擇啟用或已禁用。 此選項配置智能卡登錄功能。 可用的選項包括啟用、 禁用和與 RACADM 啟用。系統(tǒng)事件日志系統(tǒng)事件日志菜單允許您查看系統(tǒng)事件日志 (SEL) 的郵件,并清除日志消息。 按鍵顯示系統(tǒng)事件日志菜單。 系統(tǒng)日志條目進行計數(shù),并顯示記錄和最新的消息的總數(shù)。 SEL 保留最多 512 消息。要清除 SEL 清除選擇系統(tǒng)事件日志,并按 。 SEL 菜單完成后按 返回上一級菜單。查看 SEL 消息若要查看 SEL 消息,選擇查看系統(tǒng)事件日志,并按 。 使用 移動到上

11、一個 (較早的) 消息 移動到下一個 (較新) 消息。 請輸入要跳轉(zhuǎn)到該記錄的記錄號。 通過查看 SEL 郵件時,請按 。To configure the iDRAC6 LAN option use , , and the spacebar to select between On and Off.The iDRAC6 LAN is enabled in the default configuration. The LAN must be enabled to permit the use of iDRAC6 facilities, such as the Web-based interfac

12、e, telnet/SSH access to the SM-CLP command line interface, console redirection, and virtual media.ItemDescriptionCommon SettingsNIC SelectionPress , , and spacebar to switch between the modes.The available modes are Dedicated, Shared, Shared with Failover LOM2, and Shared with failover All LOMs.Thes

13、e modes will allow the iDRAC6 to use the corresponding interface for communication to the outside world. MAC AddressThis is the non-editable MAC address of the iDRAC network interface.VLAN EnableSelect On to enable the Virtual LAN filtering for the iDRAC6.VLAN IdIf VLAN Enable is set to On, enter an

14、y VLAN ID value between 1-4094.VLAN PriorityIf VLAN Enable is set to On, s.elect the priority of the VLAN between 0-7Register iDRAC6 NameSelect On to register the iDRAC6 name in the DNS service. Select Off if you do not want users to be able to find the iDRAC6 name in DNS.iDRAC6 NameIf Register iDRA

15、C Name is set to On, press to edit the Current DNS iDRAC Name text field. Press when you have finished editing the iDRAC6 name. Press to return to the previous menu. The iDRAC6 name must be a valid DNS host name.Domain Name from DHCPSelect On if you want to obtain the domain name from a DHCP service

16、 on the network. Select Off if you want to specify the domain name.Domain NameIf Domain Name from DHCP is set to Off, press to edit the Current Domain Name text field. Press when you have finished editing. Press to return to the previous menu. The domain name must be a valid DNS domain, for example

17、.Host Name StringPress to edit. Enter the name of the host for Platform Event Trap (PET) alerts.ItemDescriptionLAN Alert EnabledSelect On to enable the PET LAN alert.Alert Policy Entry 1Select Enable or Disable to activate the first alert destination.Alert Destination 1if LAN Alert Enab

18、led is set to On, enter the IP address where PET LAN alerts will be forwarded.IPv4 SettingsIPv4Select Enabled to enable IPv4 protocol support.RMCP+ Encryption KeyPress to edit the value and when finished. The RMCP+ Encryption key is a 40-character hexadecimal string (characters 0-9, a-f, and A-F). R

19、MCP+ is an IPMI extension that adds authentication and encryption to IPMI. The default value is a string of 40 0s (zeros).IP Address SourceSelect between DHCP and Static. When DHCP is selected, the Ethernet IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway fields are obtained from a DHCP server. If no DH

20、CP server is found on the network, the fields are set to zeros.When Static is selected, the Ethernet IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gateway items become editable.Ethernet IP AddressIf the IP Address Source is set to DHCP, this field displays the IP address obtained from DHCP.If the IP Address

21、Source is set to Static, enter the IP address you want to assign to the iDRAC6.The default is 20 plus the number of the slot containing the server.Subnet MaskIf the IP Address Source is set to DHCP, this field displays the subnet mask address obtained from DHCP.If the IP Address Source is

22、 set to Static, enter the subnet mask for the iDRAC6. The default is .ItemDescriptionDefault GatewayIf the IP Address Source is set to DHCP, this field displays the IP address of the default gateway obtained from DHCP.If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the IP address of th

23、e default gateway. The default is .DNS Servers from DHCPSelect On to retrieve DNS server addresses from a DHCP service on the network. Select Off to specify the DNS server addresses below.DNS Server 1If DNS Servers from DHCP is Off, enter the IP address of the first DNS server.DNS Server

24、2If DNS Servers from DHCP is Off, enter the IP address of the second DNS server.IPv6 SettingsIP Address SourceSelect between AutoConfig and Static. When AutoConfig is selected, the IPv6 Address 1, Prefix Length, and Default Gateway fields are obtained from DHCP.When Static is selected, the IPv6 Addr

25、ess 1, Prefix Length, and Default Gateway items become editable.IPv6 Address 1If the IP Address Source is set to AutoConfig, this field displays the IP address obtained from DHCP.If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the IP address you want to assign to the iDRAC6.Prefix LengthIf the IP A

26、ddress Source is set to AutoConfig, this field displays the Prefix length of the network.If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the Prefix length of the network.ItemDescriptionDefault GatewayIf the IP Address Source is set to AutoConfig, this field displays the IP address of the default ga

27、teway obtained from DHCP.If the IP Address Source is set to Static, enter the IP address of the default gateway.IPv6 Link-local AddressThis is the non-editable IPv6 Link-local Address of the iDRAC network interface.IPv6 Address 2This is the non-editable IPv6 Address 2 of the iDRAC network interface.

28、DNS Servers from DHCPSelect On to retrieve DNS server addresses from a DHCP service on the network. Select Off to specify the DNS server addresses below.DNS Server 1If DNS Servers from DHCP is Off, enter the IP address of the first DNS server.DNS Server 2If DNS Servers from DHCP is Off, enter the IP

29、 address of the first DNS server. Advanced LAN ConfigurationsAuto-NegotiateIf NIC Selection is set to Dedicated, select between Enabled and Disabled.When Enabled is selected, LAN Speed Setting and LAN Duplex Setting are configured automatically.LAN Speed SettingIf Auto-Negotiate is set to Disabled,

30、select between 10 Mbps and 100 Mbps.LAN Duplex SettingIf Auto-Negotiate is set to Disabled, select between Half Duplex and Full Duplex.Virtual MediaPress to select Detached, Attached, or Auto-Attached. When you select Attached, the virtual media devices are attached to the USB bus, making them avail

31、able for use during Console Redirection sessions.If you select Detached, users cannot access virtual media devices during Console Redirection sessions.Virtual FlashPress to select Disabled or Enabled.Disable/Enable will cause a Detach and an Attach of all Virtual Media devices from the USB bus.Disab

32、le will cause the Virtual Flash to be removed and to become unavailable for use.Press to select Enabled or Disabled. This option configures the Smart Card Logon feature. The available options are Enabled, Disabled, and Enabled with RACADM.System ServicesPress to select Enabled or Disabled. See the Unified Server Configurator User Guide, available on the Dell Support Website at , for more information.Cancel System ServicesPress to select No or Yes.When you select Yes, all Unified Server Configurator sessions are closed and the server is restar


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