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1、Unit 1,Meeting People,Requirement,Participation Teamwork Respect -learn to listen,Grade Teamwork Attendance Dialogue Presentation Reciting,Meeting People,How do you do? vs. How are you? Nice to meet you! vs. Nice meeting you! How are you doing? = How is everything going? How is everything going? - H

2、ow to reply? Great / Quite good / Fine OK / Alright / not bad/ Just so so Not quite well / Awful / Terrible,Group Task,Task 1 Practice the sentence pattern “meeting people” with your group member Task 2 Recite the model dialogue in 10 minute in pairs Task 3 Make up a dialogue using the sentence patt

3、ern “How to start a conversation” in pairs 10 sentence at least,Group Task,Task 1 Practice the sentence pattern “meeting people” with your group member Task 2 Recite the model dialogue in 10 minute in pairs Task 3 Make up a dialogue using the sentence pattern “How to start a conversation” in pairs 1

4、0 sentence at least,Listening,Cold fish means _ What kind of person do you like to get along with?,Cold fish,Ive been getting over a boyfriend who I thought I was in love with. Hes an accomplished, good-looking doctor, but hes very immature and selfish. Although he can be quite charming, he turned o

5、ut to be a very cold fish. And Ive been feeling hurt and angry with myself for getting so emotionally involved with this man after my friend warned me he was like this. Explain the underlined words with your own word,Group Task,Task 1 Find out the words to describe people as much as possible with in 1 minute Write down your words on the blackboard in 30 seconds Task 2 What kind


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