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1、.中醫(yī)名詞術(shù)語標(biāo)準(zhǔn)參考舌診舌診: tongue diagnosis望舌: inspection of tongue舌象: tongue manifestation舌尖: tip of the tongue舌邊: margins of the tongue舌中;舌心: center of the tongue舌根;舌本: root of the tongue舌體;舌質(zhì): tongue body舌色: tongue color榮枯老嫩: luxuriant/ flourishing, withered, tough and tender淡白舌: whitish tongue淡紅舌: reddish

2、 tongue紅舌: red tongue青舌: blue tongue紫舌: purple tongue青紫色: bluish purple tongue絳舌: crimson tongue胖大舌: enlarged tongue腫脹舌: wollen tongue瘦薄舌: thin tongue點(diǎn)刺舌: spotted tongue芒刺舌: prickly tongue齒痕舌: teeth-marked tongue裂紋舌: fissured tongue光剝舌: peeled tongue鏡面舌: mirror tongue地圖舌: geographical tongue舌衄: spon

3、taneous bleeding of the tongue強(qiáng)硬舌: stiff tongue萎軟舌: limp wilting tongue顫動(dòng)舌: trembling tongue歪斜舌: deviated tongue短縮舌: contracted tongue吐弄舌: protruded agitated tongue舌卷: curled tongue苔色: coating color苔質(zhì): texture of coating白苔: white coating白砂苔: white sandy coating黃苔: yellow coating.黑苔: black coating灰苔:

4、 gray coating綠苔: green coating薄苔: thin coating厚苔: thick coating潤苔: moist coating燥苔: dry coating燥裂苔: dry and cracked coating滑苔: slippery coating膩苔: greasy (世中聯(lián)) /slimy coating腐苔: curdy coating染苔: stained coating脈診浮脈類(輕取即得)?。ㄅe之有余,按之不足)floating pulse;superficial pulse洪(脈體闊大,充實(shí)有力,來盛去衰)surging pulse ; fu

5、ll and over-flowing pulse濡(浮細(xì)無力而軟)soggy pulse散(浮取散漫而無根,伴至數(shù)或脈力不勻)scattered pulse芤(浮大中空,如按蔥管)hollow pulse; empty pulse革(浮而搏指,中空邊堅(jiān))tympanic pulse;drumskin pulse沉脈類(重按始得)沉(輕取不應(yīng),重按始得)sunken pulse ; deep pulse伏(重按推至筋骨始得) hidden pulse弱(沉細(xì)無力而軟)weak pulse;feeble pulse ;牢(沉按實(shí)大弦長)firm pulse; hard遲脈類(一息不足四至)遲(一

6、息不足四至)slow pulse; tardy pulse緩(一息四至,脈來怠緩)moderate pulse; relaxed pulse澀(往來艱澀,遲滯不暢)unsmooth pulse; uneven pulse結(jié)(遲而時(shí)一至,止無定數(shù))knotted pulse; bound pulse ( irregular intermittent pulse)數(shù)脈類(一息五至以上)數(shù)(一息五至以上,不足七至)rapid pulse ; quick pulse疾(脈來急疾,一息七八至)racing pulse;swift pulse促(數(shù)而時(shí)一止, 止無定數(shù)) irregular-rapid p

7、ulse;skipping pulse ( rapid irregular intermittentpulse )動(dòng)(脈短如豆,滑數(shù)有力)stirredpulse虛類脈(應(yīng)指無力)虛(舉按無力,應(yīng)指松軟)weak pulse ( asthenia pulse )細(xì)(脈細(xì)如線,應(yīng)指明顯)thin pulse ; thready pulse ;微(極細(xì)極軟,似有似無)faint pulse代(遲而中止,止有定數(shù))regularly intermittent pulse短(首尾俱短,不及本部)short pulse實(shí)脈類(應(yīng)指有力).實(shí)(舉按充實(shí)有力)excess pulse滑(往來流利,應(yīng)指圓滑)

8、slippery pulse弦(端直以長,如按琴弦)string-like pulse; wiry pulse; taut pulse緊(繃急彈指,狀如轉(zhuǎn)索)tight pulse ;tense pulse長(首尾端直,超過本位)long pulse大(脈體寬大,無洶涌之勢) large pulse真臟脈 true visceral pulse雀啄脈sparrow ( bird ) -pecking pulse釜沸脈seething cauldron pulse; bubble-rising pulse(世中聯(lián))魚翔脈 fish-waving pulse; fish-swimming puls

9、e蝦游脈shrimp-darting pulse屋漏脈roof-leaking pulse解索脈rope-untwining pulse彈石脈stone-flicking pulse偃刀脈knife-upturned pulse轉(zhuǎn)豆脈bean-spinning pulse麻促脈confused skipping pulse離經(jīng)脈abnormally rapid or slow pulse治則治則: therapeutic principle/治本: treat the root治標(biāo): treat the tip正治法: routine treatment寒者熱之: treat cold wit

10、h heat熱者寒之: treat heat with cold虛則補(bǔ)之: treat deficiency by tonification實(shí)則瀉之: treat excess by purgation反治法: paradoxical/contrary treatment寒因寒用: treat cold with cold熱因熱用: treat heat with heat痛因通用: treating the unstopped by unstopping(who); treating diarrhea with purgatives塞因塞用:treatingthestoppedbystopp

11、ing(who);treatingobstructivediseasesbytonification(漢英醫(yī)學(xué)大辭典)扶正祛邪: reinforce the healthy qi and eliminate the pathogenic factors攻補(bǔ)兼施: treat with both elimination and reinforcement誤治: erroneous treatment異病同治: treating different diseases with the same method同病異治: treating the same disease with different

12、 methods先急后緩 (急則治其標(biāo), 緩則治其本 ):treating the acute before the chronic(who);the acutecondition should be treated prior to the chronic condition先表后里: treating the exterior before the interior加減方: modified formula.合方: combined formula治法治法 method of treatment; therapeutic method八法: eight (therapeutic) meth

13、ods (diaphoresis, emesis, purgation, mediation, warming,clearing, tonification and resolution )汗法: promoting sweating; diaphoresis解表: release the exterior發(fā)汗解表: promoting sweating to release the exterior辛溫解表: release the exterior with pungent-warm(who);relieving exterior syndrome withthe pungent and

14、worm herbs辛涼解表: release the exterior with pungent-cold(who);relieving exterior syndrome withthe pungent and cold herbs解?。?release the flesh透表: outthrustthrough the exterior(who); expelling pathogen through exterior透疹: outthrust rashes祛風(fēng): dispel wind疏風(fēng): disperse wind散寒: dissipate cold疏風(fēng)泄熱: disperse w

15、ind and discharge heat疏散風(fēng)熱: disperse wind-heat疏表潤燥: disperse from the exterior and moisten dryness扶正解表: reinforce the healthy qi and release the exterior宣肺 : diffuse the lung(who); ventilatingthe lung( 世中聯(lián) ) 西化宣肺止咳平喘: diffuse the lung to suppress cough and to calm panting;ventilating the lungand rel

16、ieving cough and dyspnea宣肺化痰: diffuse the lung to resolve phlegm(who); ventilating the lung and resolvingphlegm通(鼻)竅: relieve the throat利咽: soothe the throat瀉火: purge fire ; reduce fire瀉心(肺、肝) : purge the heart (lung, liver)清肝瀉火: clearing the liver to reduce fire(漢英中醫(yī)藥學(xué)詞典)清法: clearing method清熱: clea

17、r heat清氣泄熱: clearing heat from qi aspect清氣涼營;氣營兩清:clear the qi aspect and cool the nutrient aspect清營涼血: clear the nutrient aspect and cool the blood aspect清營透疹: clear the nutrient aspect and promote eruption清熱涼血;涼血:clear heat to cool the blood透營轉(zhuǎn)氣;透熱轉(zhuǎn)氣:expel from the nutrient aspect through the qi a

18、spect清熱生津: clear heat and engender fluid清心(肝、胃、肺)火:clear heart (liver, stomach, lung) fire清熱利濕: clear heat and drain dampness.清暑熱: clear summerheat清暑益氣: clear summerheat and boost(replenish) qi解暑: release summerheat泄熱救津: discharge heat to preserve fluid輕清宣化: clear and disperse with lightness苦寒瀉火: di

19、scharge fire with bitter-cold苦寒清熱: clear heat with bitter-cold降火: reducing fire解毒: detoxify; removing toxin(世中聯(lián) )除疳熱: relieve (infantile) malnutrition fever; relieve fever in infantile malnutrition下法: purgation寒下: cold purgation瀉下泄熱 : discharging heat by purgation溫下: warm purgation峻下;急下: drastic pur

20、gation輕下;緩攻: mild purgation潤下: moistening purgation(世中聯(lián) )潤腸: moisten the intestine通便: relax the bowel; promoting defecation; easing defecation; easing bowel movement瀉下軟堅(jiān): soften hardness with purgation瀉下攻積: remove accumulation with purgation釜底抽薪: take away firewood from under cauldron溫下寒積: remove co

21、ld accumulation with warm purgation瀉下逐水;攻逐水飲:expel retained fluid by purgation增液潤下;增液潤腸: increasing humor to relax bowels; increasing body fluid to lubricate bowels( induce bowel movement)和法: harmonize method調(diào)和氣血: harmonize qi and blood調(diào)和營衛(wèi): harmonize the nutrient and defense理氣: regulate qi行氣: move/

22、 activate qi行氣止痛: activate qi to stop pain行氣消脹: activate qi to relieve flatulence理中: regulate the middle和胃: harmonize the stomach調(diào)和脾胃(肝胃、肝脾): harmonize the spleen and stomach()和解表里: harmonize the exterior and interior和解少陽: harmonize the shao yang表里雙解: release both exterior and interior交通心腎: coordina

23、te the heart and kidney; harmonize the heart and kidney祛濕: dispel dampness清熱除濕: clear heat and eliminate dampness.清肝除濕: purge the liver and dispel dampness散寒祛濕: dissipate cold and dispel dampness化濕: resolve dampness清熱化濕: clear heat and resolve dampness祛暑化濕: dispel summerheat and resolve dampness醒脾化濕

24、: enliven/ invigorating the spleen and resolve dampness芳香化濕: resolve dampness with aroma芳香化濁: resolve turbidity with aroma芳香辟穢: dispel filth with aroma燥濕: dry dampness苦溫燥濕: dry dampness with bitter-warm清熱燥濕: clear heat and dry dampness燥濕健脾: dry dampness to fortify the spleen; drying dampness and inv

25、igoratespleen利濕: drain dampness利水滲濕: induce diuresis to drain dampness(who); promotingurinationand drainingdampness( 世中聯(lián) )淡滲利濕: draining dampness and with bland利水消腫: induce diuresis to alleviate edema分消上下;分消走泄: separate elimination from upper and lower;respectively expelling化飲: resolve retained flui

26、d祛痰: dispel ;phlegm化痰: resolve phlegm燥濕化痰: dry dampness to resolve phlegm清化熱痰: clear and resolve heat-phlegm溫化寒痰: warm and resolve cold-phlegm溫肺化痰: warm the lung and resolve phlegm溫肺化飲: warm the lung and resolve fluid retention熄風(fēng)化痰: extinguish wind and resolve phlegm祛風(fēng)痰: dispel wind-phlegm潤燥化痰: mois

27、ten dryness to resolve phlegm降氣化痰;下氣消痰: direct qi downwardto resolvephlegm(who); descending qiandresolving phlegm; lowering qi and eliminating phlegm(世中聯(lián) )降逆止咳平喘: descending counterflow of qi, relieving cough and dyspnea(stop cough andcalm dyspnea )納氣平喘: promote qi absorption to calm panting消痰軟堅(jiān): el

28、iminate/dispersephlegm and soften hardness軟堅(jiān)化痰: soften hardness and resolve phlegm清燥潤肺: clear dryness to moisten the lung潤肺 止咳: moisten the lung tosuppress/stopcough斂肺止咳: constrain the lung to suppress cough瀉肺平喘:溫法: warming method溫補(bǔ): warm tonification.溫里散寒;溫里祛寒:warm the interior to dissipate cold溫里:

29、 warm the interior溫脾 / 胃 / 肺: warm the spleen/ stomach/lung溫中: warm the middle溫中散寒;溫中祛寒:warm the middle and dissipate cold溫中和胃: warm the middle to harmonize the stomach溫中止嘔: warm the middle to check vomiting溫肺散寒: warm the lung and dissipate cold溫腎;溫腎陽:warm the lung溫陽: warm yang溫陽行水: warm yang to mov

30、e water暖宮: warm the uterus溫經(jīng): warm the meridian溫經(jīng)止痛: warm the meridian to relieve pain溫經(jīng)散寒: warm the meridian to dissipate cold溫經(jīng)回陽;溫經(jīng)扶陽:warm the meridian to restore yang回陽救逆;回陽:restore yang to save from collapse溫經(jīng)行滯: warm the meridian to move stagnation溫經(jīng)養(yǎng)血: warm the meridian to nourish blood宣痹通陽:

31、diffuse impediment and free yang行氣寬中: move qi to soothe the middle行氣止痛: move qi to relieve pain行氣寬胸: move qi to soothe the chest理氣健脾: regulate qi and fortify the spleen疏肝 理氣: soothe the liver and regulate qi疏肝養(yǎng)血: soothe the liver and nourish blood疏肝瀉火: soothe the liver and purge fire疏肝健脾: soothe the

32、 liver and fortify spleen疏肝理脾: soothe the liver and regulate spleen疏肝和胃: soothe the liver and harmonize stomach疏風(fēng): eliminate/ dispel/disperse wind降逆下氣;降氣;下氣:direct qi downward降氣止呃;降逆止呃:direct(who) / descend (世中聯(lián) )qi downward to relieve hiccup破氣: break qi涼血止血: cool the blood and stop bleeding涼血散瘀: co

33、ol the blood and dissipate stasis固沖止血: strengthen thoroughfare vessel to stop bleeding活血: activate blood活血止痛: activate blood to relieve pain活血化瘀: activate blood and resolve stasis活血行氣: activate blood and move qi活血調(diào)經(jīng): activate blood to regulate menstruation調(diào)經(jīng): regulate menstruation通經(jīng): dredge( 世中聯(lián) )/u

34、nblock(who) the meridian.散瘀: dissipate (blood) stasis破血逐瘀 ;破瘀;逐瘀:breakblood and expel stasis舒筋活絡(luò): relax sinewsand activate collaterals通絡(luò): dredge the collaterals疏風(fēng)通絡(luò): dispel wind to free the collateral vessels潛陽: subdue yang平肝潛陽: pacify the liver to subdue yang熄風(fēng): extinguish wind熄風(fēng)止痙;熄風(fēng)解痙:extinguish

35、wind to arrest/stop (世中聯(lián) ) convulsions涼肝熄風(fēng): cool the liver to/and extinguish wind滋陰熄風(fēng): nourish yin to/and extinguish wind清熱熄風(fēng): clear heat to/and extinguish wind鎮(zhèn)肝熄風(fēng): calm the liver to/and extinguish wind補(bǔ)法: tonifying method補(bǔ)氣;益氣: tonify qi大補(bǔ)元?dú)猓?greatly tonify the original qi補(bǔ)氣壯陽: tonify qi and invig

36、orate yang補(bǔ)氣生血: tonify qi and produce blood補(bǔ)益氣血: tonify qi and replenish blood升提中氣;升舉中氣:upraise/elevate the middle qi升陽: upraise/elevate yang補(bǔ)陽: tonify yang壯陽: invigorate yang溫補(bǔ)命門: warm and tonify the life gate補(bǔ)益中氣: tonify and replenish the middle qi補(bǔ)血;養(yǎng)血: tonify blood補(bǔ)養(yǎng)心血: tonify and nourish heart

37、blood養(yǎng)心 : tonify the heart; cultivate the mind補(bǔ)脾: tonify the spleen健脾: fortify (who)/invigorate (世中聯(lián) )/ strengthen the spleen健脾益氣: fortify the spleen and replenish qi健脾養(yǎng)血: fortify the spleen and nourish blood健脾扶陽: fortify the spleen and support yang健脾利濕: fortify the spleen and drain dampness健脾豁痰: fo

38、rtify the spleen to sweep phlegm健胃: invigoratethe stomach開胃: increase the appetite溫補(bǔ)脾胃: warm and tonify the spleen and stomach補(bǔ)火助陽;補(bǔ)腎火:tonify fire and assist yang柔肝;養(yǎng)肝: nourish/soothe the liver滋陰: enrich yin and tonify yang滋陰補(bǔ)陽: enrich yin and tonfy yang滋陰潛陽: enrich yin and subdue yang.滋陰抑陽: enrich yin and repress yang滋腎養(yǎng)肝: enrich the kidney and nourish the liver補(bǔ)心陰;養(yǎng)心陰:tonify the heart yin補(bǔ)肝陰;養(yǎng)肝陰:tonify the liver yin潤肺: moisten the lung生津: produce fluid養(yǎng)胃陰;補(bǔ)胃陰;養(yǎng)胃:nourish the stomach yin補(bǔ)腎益氣: tonify the kidney and replenish qi溫腎健脾:


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