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1、Lesson 6,Air Traffic Flow Management,Dictation,1.boundary 2 coordinate center 3. designator 4.distinctive marks 5. in the vicinity of 6.obligation 7. overdue 8. pertinent 9.plain-language 10. plot 11. prescribe 12. search and rescue 13. termination 14.wake turbulence 15.alerting service 16. uncertai

2、nty phase 17alert phase 18. distress phase 19. caution 20.separation minima 21.conflict 22. vertical separation 23. wingtip vortex 24Mid-air collision,寫全稱,1.ALNOT 2. FIR 3.INCERFA 4.ALERFA 5. DETRESFA 6.ND 7.VIS/VSI 8.SSR 9.TCAS,Background knowledge,Traffic capacity 交通容量 Capacity of an ATC system 空中

3、交通管理系統(tǒng)的最大容量 Accommodate 容納,包容 Capacity value最大容量值,Word study,Air Traffic Flow Management,1.the regulation of air traffic 對(duì)空中交通的規(guī)范 2.avoid exceeding airport or ATC capacity in handling traffic 避免超出機(jī)場(chǎng)或空管管制交通的容量 3.ensure the available capacity is used efficiently 確??捎萌萘坑行褂?4 the objective:_,Para 2,Wha

4、t are the requirement of flow control measure introduction? 1. accurately determined air traffic system capacity 2.level of traffic demand,Having determined this level, ATFM should provide the area control centre in a terminal area with information on an hour-to-hour basis.,在決定這個(gè)流量水平之后,ATFM應(yīng)該向候機(jī)樓區(qū)域的

5、區(qū)管中心提供實(shí)時(shí)情報(bào)。 These information includes the planned times of arrival and departure of all aircraft during each period under peak traffic conditions. 這些情報(bào)包括所有飛機(jī)在高峰交通狀態(tài)期的進(jìn)離場(chǎng)計(jì)劃時(shí)間。 Such predictions should be prepared three hours or more in advance, and reviewed and revised periodically. 這些預(yù)測(cè)應(yīng)提前三小時(shí)以上準(zhǔn)備,并周

6、期性地回顧和修改,Para 3,Why does ATFM need special arrangements? (use three words to answer),Stages of ATFM,Personnel 人力 Equipment 設(shè)備 Facilities 設(shè)施 Automated systems 自動(dòng)化系統(tǒng) Question: Why does ATFM need to be carried out? What are the three phases of ATFM?,During all phases of ATFM the responsible units shoul

7、d coordinate closely with ATC and the aircraft operators in order to ensure an effective and equitable service,在ATFM的各個(gè)階段,負(fù)責(zé)的單位都應(yīng)該與ATC和飛行員緊密協(xié)調(diào)來確保有效和公平的服務(wù)。 Aircraft operator=pilot,Implementation of ATFM,When an air traffic control unit that will control a flight reaches capacity, measures to regulate

8、 demand may be taken. 當(dāng)管制單位管制航班達(dá)到最大容量時(shí),應(yīng)采取措施來調(diào)控需求 ACCs exercising flow control進(jìn)行流量控制 to surrounding area control centers publish notices requesting that arriving aircraft are directed towards holding patterns等待航線 where they circle盤旋等待 until it is their turn to land.,Spacing騰空間 of aircraft for flow c

9、ontrol purposes should not be mixed with separation保持間隔, but rather should be based on an “acceptance rate接受率”, which is the number of aircraft accepted in a given period of time.,Why we use the ground delay program instead of leaving aircraft flying in circles?,Ground delay : keep aircraft on the g

10、round at their place of departure instead of leaving them flying in circles. to save fuel,Para 9,Flights are scheduled to arrive at an airport at exactly the same time. 安排,計(jì)劃 The aircraft may be assigned delays to ensure that the second aircraft arrives 5 minutes after the first. 指定延遲 Make sentences

11、,Para 10,In practice實(shí)際上, the process is much more complex復(fù)雜 and highly computerized計(jì)算機(jī)化. One aircraft may be subject to 受制于several regulations at the same time. For example, a flight from Amsterdam to Paris may be regulated both by limited capacity 有限的容量at Paris as well as by limited capacity in Bel

12、gian比利時(shí) airspace.,Ask a s to read para 11,Avoid delay by taking a different route 通過另外一條航路避免延誤,Certain flights are exempt from免除 regulation, for instance time-critical時(shí)間緊急 flights carrying human organs人體器官 for organ transplantation器官移植. If such flights are scheduled, regular traffic will be delayed

13、instead. Exempt from an examination Exempt from military service,If an airport is completely closed unexpectedly ( for instance, because the only runway is blocked), a zero rate零接受率 may be set for a certain time period, which will cause all inbound flights 入航飛機(jī)to be issued a delay that will cause th

14、em to arrive after the reopening time. Flights already en route would either enter the holding or divert to an alternate airport備降到另一個(gè)機(jī)場(chǎng).,What is CFMU? CFMU will permit the ATC services concerned有關(guān)的 to avoid the splitting of limited airspace resources, with each airspace being managed independently

15、and leading to a waste of capacity.中央流量管理機(jī)構(gòu)會(huì)許可有關(guān)的空管服務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu)避免分割有限的空域資源,每一個(gè)空域都獨(dú)自管理造成了容量的浪費(fèi),When airspace becomes available, the CFMU identifies 識(shí)別flights that can benefit from the opportunity of shorter routes.受益于較短航路機(jī)會(huì)的航班,Exercises,Airport Capacity機(jī)場(chǎng)容量,Configuration 狀態(tài),形狀 Listen to the interpretation of

16、 para 1-2, and answer the question: 1. What is airport capacity?,Airport Capacity Methodology機(jī)場(chǎng)容量方法論,What are the elements affect airport capacity? Runway configuration 跑道形態(tài) Aircraft mix index 飛機(jī)綜合指數(shù) Taxiway configuration 滑行道形態(tài) Operational characteristics 操作特征 Meteorological conditions 氣象狀態(tài),Runway c

17、onfiguration,Is the layout 布局or the design設(shè)計(jì) of a runway 1.single runway單向跑道 2.parallel runways 平行跑道 3.intersecting runways 交叉跑道,Aircraft mix index,Calculated on the basis of the gross weight of the specific aircraft expected to serve an airfield. 基于預(yù)計(jì)在機(jī)場(chǎng)上服務(wù)的特定飛機(jī)總重的計(jì)算,Taxiway configuration,The layout or the design of the taxiways,Operationa


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