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1、(2006年全國卷) 假定你是李華,你的美國朋友Sarah打算暑期來北京旅游,來信詢問改建后前門大街的情況。請你寫封回信,簡單介紹以下內容:,1.簡況:長800余米、600多年歷史、300余家商鋪; 2.位置:天安門廣場南面; 3.交通:公共汽車17、69、59等路,地鐵2號錢; 4.特色:步行街、當當車、茶館、劇院等。 注意:1.詞數100左右,開頭語已為你寫好; 2.可以適當增加細節(jié),以使行文連貫; 3.參考詞匯:步行街 pedestrian street;當當車 trolley car;地鐵 subway。,Dear Sarah, Thank you for your letter as

2、king about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it. _ _,Dear Sarah, Dear Sarah, Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it. _ Thank you for your letter asking about the rebuilt Qianmen Street.Here is something about it.,Qianmen Street i

3、s a famous street of over 600 years old.Along this 800meter street,there are more than 300 shops.As the street is in the center of Beijing,just to the south of Tiananmen Square,its very convenient to get there by bus.You may take Buses No.17,69 or 59.Subway Line 2 has a stop there too.Qianmen Street

4、 is a pedestrian street,but there are trolley cars to take you not only to the shops,but also to theaters and teahouses where you can experience a truly Chinese way of life.Im sure youll like it. Yours, Li Hua,.重要單詞聚焦 1 n& vt.濫用;虐待 2 n& vt. 壓力;重音;加壓力于;使緊張 3 vt.&. 禁止;取締;禁令;譴責 4 adj. 欠款的;預定的;到期的 5 adj

5、. 困難的;強硬的 6 adj. 入了迷的;上了癮的,abuse,stress,ban,due,tough,addicted,7 vt. 使習慣于 8 adj. 慣常的;習慣了的 9 adv. 無意識地;自動地 10 adj. 精神的;智力的 11 vt. 停止(做某事);離開 12 n. 結果;效力 13 adj. 氣喘吁吁的;屏息的 14 adj. 不健康的;不合適的;不合格的,accustom,accustomed,automatically,mental,quit,effect,breathless,unfit,15 vt.& vi. 加強;鞏固;使堅強;變強 16 adj. 絕望的;

6、拼命的 17 adj. 失望的;沮喪的 18 adj. 感到慚愧或羞恥的 19 adj. 不合法的;違法的 20 n. 幸存;幸存者 21 n. 看法;判決;判斷 22 adj. 尷尬的;陷入困境的,strengthen,desperate,disappointed,ashamed,illegal,survival,judgement,embarrassed,.重點短語掃描 1 to 由于 2be to 習慣于 3feel (doing) 想要(做) 4 risks/a risk 冒險 5 risk 處境危險;遭受危險 6be to 對有癮 7 on 對作出決定 8in of 不顧;不管,du

7、e,accustomed,like,take,at,addicted,decide,spite,9get 陷入;染上(壞習慣) 10 is 也就是說 11reach for 接觸;夠著 12go a diet 節(jié)食,into,that,out,on,.課文原句突破 1I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 信息提取此句式為asadj.a/an單數可數名詞as. 例句仿寫我買不起像他的一樣昂貴的小汽車。 I cant_ _ _ _ _ _ _. 【答案】afford as expe

8、nsive a car as his,2I didnt know,for example,that it could do terrible damage to your heart and lungs or that it was more difficult for smoking couples to become pregnant. 信息提取在句中do damage to為一固定表達,意為“對造成損害”“使受到損害”,其中的to為介詞。 例句仿寫暴風雨對莊稼造成了巨大的損失。 The storm_ _ _ _ _ _the crop. 【答案】did a lot of damage t

9、o,3If you start to feel nervous or stressed,dont reach for a cigarette. 信息提取句中reach for意為“伸出手;伸長”,通常與out連用。 例句仿寫那個乞丐伸出手來討錢。 The beggar_ _ _ _ _ _. 【答案】reached out his hand for money,4HIV weakens a persons immune system;that is,the part of the body that fights disease. 信息提取that is為副詞短語,“也就是說,換句話說”,相當

10、于namely或that is to say。 例句仿寫你做得很好,也就是說,我對你很滿意。 You did well,_ _,_ _ _ _. 【答案】that is;Im satisfied with you,effect n結果;效力 His new way of teaching produced a good effect. 他的新教學法產生了良好的效果。 My advice didnt have much effect on him. 我的勸告對他沒什么效果。,(1)have an effect on/upon對有效,對產生影響 (2)put/bring o effe

11、ct實施,實行,使生效 (3)come into effect/take effect(法律、規(guī)則或制度)生效;實施 (4)take effect生效;奏效 (5)of no effect沒有效果的;沒有影響的,(6)side effect副作用 Punishment had very little effect on them. 懲罰對他們沒有什么效果。 The new law will come into effect next month. 這項新法律下個月生效。 They decided to bring the plan into effect as soon as possible

12、. 他們決心盡快實施這項計劃。,1Usually what the teacher says will have a deep_on a child. AmarkBeffect Csatisfaction Dexpression 【解析】have a deep effect on對產生深遠影響,本題考查短語中的介詞搭配。 【答案】B,stress (1)n.重壓,逼迫,壓力;重音;重點 Janes been under a lot of stress since her mothers illness. 自從母親病倒后,簡一直憂心忡忡。 Stress should be put on the

13、prevention of diseases. 疾病應以預防為主。,(2)vt.加壓力于;使緊張;重讀 He stressed the importance of a good education. 他強調了接受良好教育的重要性。 He was feeling very stressed and tired.他感到心力交瘁。,2Cooperation or teamwork,the importance of which is often_,plays an important part in football matches. Astressed Blaid stress Cpaid muc

14、h attention Dtalked 【解析】本題考查動詞和動詞短語的區(qū)別。句意為:合作或團隊協作在足球比賽中起著很重要的作用,其重要性經常被強調。stress the importance of.強調的重要性。 【答案】A,accustomed adj.習慣的,通常的 Im not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercises.我不習慣這么早起床進行晨練。 You will soon get accustomed to the job. 你將會很快習慣這個工作。,accustom vt.使習慣于,養(yǎng)成習慣 accusto

15、m sb./oneself to (doing) sth. 使某人/自己習慣做某事 He quickly accustomed himself to/became accustomed to the new way of life.他很快適應了這種新的生活方式。 She found it necessary to accustom her child to getting up early. 她覺得有必要讓孩子養(yǎng)成早起的習慣。,3(2008年江蘇卷)They are quiet,arent they? Yes.They are accustomed_at meals. Ato talk Bto

16、 not talk Cto talking Dto not talking 【解析】本題考查固定搭配。be accustomed to習慣于,為固定短語。其中的to為介詞,后接名詞,相當于名詞的詞或短語,動名詞。句意為:他們很安靜,不是嗎?是的,他們習慣于在吃飯的時候不說話。 【答案】D,4(2005年上海春)Accustomed to_the steep mountain,he had no difficulty reaching the top. Aclimbing Bclimb Chaving climbed Dhave climbed 【解析】to為介詞,后跟動詞ing形式,不能跟現在

17、分詞的完成式,故選A。 【答案】A,ashamed adj.感到慚愧或羞恥的 She feels ashamed of having failed in the examination. 她因考試不及格而感到羞愧。 I felt ashamed to ask for help.我不好意思尋求幫助。,shame n羞恥;慚愧;遺憾的事 shameful adj.不體面的 shameless adj.不知羞恥的 It is a shame that you cant stay with us. 你不能留下來和我們在一起,真是太遺憾了。,5The instructor asked us to lis

18、t anything in our past that we felt_of,regretted and read our lists aloud. Aashamed Bafraid Csure Dproud 【解析】由regret可知,前面的意思應是“慚愧”。ashamed慚愧的,羞愧的。B項“害怕”;C項“確信的”;D項“驕傲的”。 【答案】A,risk (1)n.危險,風險 他冒著生命危險救了我。 I wouldnt run the risk of being late for work. 我不會冒遲到的危險的。,(2)v.使冒險;冒風險 When children start smok

19、ing,they dont realize that theyre risking their health. 小孩開始抽煙時,并沒有意識到是在拿自己的健康去冒險。 The brave man risked his life in trying to save the boy. 這位勇士冒著生命危險去救這個孩子。,6He got wellprepared for the job interview,for he couldnt risk_the good opportunity. Ato lose Blosing Cto be lost Dbeing lost 【解析】risk后接動詞ing作

20、賓語;主語he和lose之間是主動關系。 【答案】B,due to由于,因為,The meeting is due to start until three. 會議預定到3點鐘才開始。 The accident is due to your careless driving. 那次意外事故歸因于你駕駛不小心。 The electricity bill is due to be paid.電費到期應付了。 Im due for a pay rise soon.不久就該給我加工資了。,(1)because of因為(較口語化) (2)owing to因為(較正式) (3)thanks to因為,多

21、虧了 (4)as a result of因為 (5)on account of由于 Owing to our joint efforts,the task was fulfilled ahead of time. 由于我們的共同努力,任務提前完成了。 He refused to call off the game simply because of the rain. 他拒絕僅僅因為下雨就取消比賽。,7Did you look up the time of trains to Shanghai? Yes,the early train is_to leave at 530 am. Alikel

22、y Babout Cpossible Ddue 【解析】句意為:“你查過到上海的火車的時間嗎?”“查了,早班車預定早上530發(fā)車?!眀e due to預定,預期做?;疖嚢l(fā)車的時間應是確定的,不能用A項;be about to do馬上要做;C項,無論從句意還是用法上都不對,possible的主語只能用it。 【答案】D,get into陷入;染上(壞習慣) He had gotten into the habit of walking home from the school. 他養(yǎng)成了從學校到家步行的習慣。 He got himself into the habit of smoking.

23、他染上了吸煙的習慣。,get along進展;相處 get away逃脫;離開 get down to認真工作 get over爬過;越過;克服困難;痊愈 get through穿越(馬路);通過;接通電話;經歷 The three men got away in stolen car. 那三人乘坐一輛偷來的汽車逃跑了。 As far as I know,he is hard to get along with. 據我所知,他很難相處。,8Are you ready to leave? Almost,Ill be ready to go as soon as I_putting the cle

24、an dishes away. Aget through Bgive up Cgo on Dset about 【解析】get through完成,接通電話,經歷;give up放棄;go on繼續(xù);set about開始,著手做。句意為:“你要離開嗎?”“馬上,我把盤子放好就走。” 【答案】A,9Many students are_smoking. Yes,we must do something to keep others_. Ain the habit of;from falling into the habit Bhaving the habit of;getting into th

25、e habit Cin habit of;from getting out of the habit of Din the habit of;getting into it,【解析】be in the habit of意為“有的習慣”,表示狀態(tài);have the habit of也可以表示狀態(tài),但不可以用于進行時態(tài)中;fall into the habit of意為“沾染上的習慣”;keep.from doing sth.意為“阻止某人做某事”,其中的介詞from不能省略。綜上所述,此題答案為A。 【答案】A,be/become/get addicted to對上癮的;對癡迷的 My chil

26、dren have become/been addicted to television. 我的幾個孩子都成了電視迷。 We are firmly opposed to helping the young man addicted to alcohol.我們堅決反對幫助那個酗酒成癮的年青人。 Many kids are now addicted to computer games. 現在許多孩子沉迷于電腦游戲。,addict n沉湎于不良嗜好的人(尤指吸毒者) addiction n沉湎,成癮 addictive adj.使人上癮的,10_to computer games,the boy h

27、as lost all interest in his lessons. AAddicted BHaving addicted CAddicting DAddict 【解析】addict為及物動詞,be addicted to表示“沉溺于”之意。該題應使用過去分詞短語addicted to.在句中作原因狀語。 【答案】A,I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have. 我真希望你能那樣做,因為我盼著你也能像我一樣健康長壽。 asadj.a/ann.as.和一樣 I have read a

28、s interesting a book as you have read. 我讀的書和你讀的書一樣有趣。,The man hopes to live as simple a life as his grandpa. 這個小伙子希望和他爺爺一樣過著儉樸的生活。 I cant afford as expensive a car as his. 我買不起像他的一樣昂貴的小汽車。,soadj.a(n)n.that.如此以至于 (not) soadj.a(n)n.as.和一樣 tooadj.a(n)n.to do.太而不能 This is so difficult a problem that no

29、one can work it out. 這道題太難,沒人能解答出來。 It is too high a price for us to pay. 這個價格太高,我們付不起。,11Sarah is so sweet but_girl to speak out in public. Athe too shy Btoo shy a Ctoo shy the Dtoo a shy 【解析】考查句型“so/too/how/as形容詞a/an單數可數名詞”,本題中為“so sweet a girl but too shy a girl”。 【答案】B,12Bill is a good man,kind

30、and diligent.Dont be too hard on him.Hes doing the job_. Aas good as he can Bas well as he could Cas well as he can Das best as he could 【解析】考查as.as結構的用法。根據時態(tài)一致,可排除B、D兩項;再根據good修飾名詞,well修飾動詞、形容詞、副詞等,而句中要修飾do,可排除A項,故答案為C。 【答案】C,.單詞拼寫 1He was represented with an award for saving a woman at the _(冒險) o

31、f his own life. 【答案】risk 2To my disappointment,he_(濫用) my confidence. 【答案】abused,3I am_(對感到慚愧) that I cant work it out. 【答案】ashamed 4He is a heavy smoker.He can smoke a packet of_(香煙) a day. 【答案】cigarettes 5Most parents pay attention to childrens_(智力的) development. 【答案】mental,.選詞填空 in spite of;decid

32、e on;get accustomed to;at risk;become addicted to 1Have you_a date for the wedding? 【答案】decided on 2The disease is spreading,and all young children are_. 【答案】at risk 3It doesnt take long to_these drugs. 【答案】become addicted to,4It will be a long time before you_the local food. 【答案】get accustomed to 5

33、_all kinds of difficulties,I succeeded in finishing the job all by myself. 【答案】In spite of,.巧思妙解 1The book has received lots of criticism.However,_ sales,it is quite a hit. Aon the basis of Bby means of Cin spite of Din terms of 【解析】本句意為“這本書受到很多批評。但在銷售方面,相當成功”。 in terms of就來說,從角度;on the basis of以為基礎

34、;by means of用辦法,借助;in spite of盡管,即使。 【答案】D,2(2009年南京質檢)The job is great_salary.It has its disadvantages,though. Ain case of Bas a result of Cin terms of Dexcept for 【解析】考查介詞短語。in terms of表示“用的話,根據,按照,在方面”的意思。句意為“在薪水方面這是個好活,盡管還有不足”。 【答案】C,3_your advice,I would have been caught in the traffic and I wouldnt have been there on time. AIn spite of BBut for CBecause of DAs for 【解析】


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