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1、牛津高一上學(xué)期B1U1階段測(cè)試一 Class: Name: Marks: 滿分(80)一、單項(xiàng)填空 (共15小題;每小題1分,滿分15分)從A、B、C、D四個(gè)選項(xiàng)中選出最合適的答案填在下面的空格處。1. Could we make it December 10th? _. Ill be available that day.A. It doesnt matterB. Im afraid notC. Go ahead with it D. Thats fine with me 2. Though _ effects of bear bile (熊膽) are powerful, the bear

2、 should be protected as _ living creature. A.不填; a B. the; a C. 不填; the D. the; the 3. In the 1970s, watching outdoor films was really _. They could always draw crowds of people.A. valuable B. acceptable C. enjoyable D. suitable 4. The food industry _ hard times in 2011, and there is no sign of a tu

3、rnaround (好轉(zhuǎn)) in 2012.A. balanced B. celebrated C. influenced D. experienced 5. _ our satisfaction, Confucius Institutes (孔子學(xué)院) help much in spreading Chinese culture around the world.A. To B. On C. For D. With 6. Mom, how can I get along well with my new classmates? Try to make friends with them, _

4、 they will open their hearts to you.A. so B. or C. but D. and 7. China has the worlds largest population of university graduates, so providing them with jobs is really a _ for the Chinese government.A. struggle B. function C. purpose D. pleasure 8. _ bad weather stops him, my grandfather takes exerc

5、ise outdoors every morning.A. If B. Since C. Unless D. Though 9. In the hotel, a SPA Center and a gym are provided for guests _ want to keep fit.A.不填 B. who C. whom D. which10. It seems that Chinese students devote much time and energy _ a high score in the exam.A. to get B. to getting C. in getting

6、 D. for getting11. She made a great discovery in her research, which _ her a good reputation in the world.A. earned B. supported C. achieved D. drew12. Do you know the girl _ spoken English is so excellent?A. its B. that C. which D. whose13. According to the media, after the museum opened to the pub

7、lic, the number of visitors received every day reached 30,000 _.A. in all B. at all C. in addition D. on average14. During the Spring Festival, Chinese people _ door gods (門(mén)神) on gates, but now few families do so.A. used to put up B. used to putting upC. were used to put up D. were used to putting u

8、p15. Hunan TV, popular among youngsters, airs a show named “X-change” _ many people are talking about these days. A. who B. whom C. what D. 不填二、完形填空 (共20小題; 每小題1 分, 滿分20分)The story goes that a joker went too far one day and annoyed (惹惱) his king. The king became so 16 that he sentenced the joker to

9、death. His relations begged the king to have mercy (同情) on this man who had 17 him well for so many years. After a few days, the king became kind only enough to give the joker the 18 to choose how he would like to die. As usual, the joker replied, “If its the 19 thing to you, my Lord, Id like to 20

10、old age.” Certainly in this case, a good sense of 21 saved the mans life.Its 22 for us as well. We may not be faced with a 23 where our wisdom will 24 us from a death, but our sense of humor and the 25 of laughing at things can keep us healthy and 26 our life. Norman Cousins, in his book Anatomy of

11、an Illness, wrote about how he 27 himself of cancer by laughing a good part of each day. He 28 films of comedies (喜劇) from the shop and in the room of the hospital he would 29 them for hours. These comedies could make him happy and he had 30 to lose since hed been 31 the serious illness. His “experi

12、ment” turned out to be a good 32 of the great power of laughter. If it 33 for Cousins with a dangerous illness, it can work for us to improve and protect our good health. So we should 34 laugh heartily. Its good to make us happy and strong. Whats more, it is very 35 for us to take life seriously.16.

13、 A. angry B. excited C. lucky D. clever 17. A. paid B. believed C. trained D. served 18. A. test B. right C. love D. plan 19. A. same B. difficult C. interesting D. bad 20. A. look after B. find out C. die of D. suffer from 21. A. smell B. touch C. hearing D. humor 22. A. easy B. true C. strangeD. f

14、unny 23. A. situation B. lesson C. method D. mistake 24. A. move B. pass C. save D. kill 25. A. period B. habit C. performance D. reason 26. A. follow B. search C. develop D. improve 27. A. cured B. told C. warned D. begged 28. A. sold B. rented C. made D. sent 29. A. notice B. paint C. watch D. exa

15、mine 30. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing 31. A. suffering B. enjoyingC. coveringD. seeing 32. A. tip B. part C. example D. report 33. A. happened B. worked C. stayedD. returned 34. A. never B. still C. even D. often 35. A. active B. important C. hard D. long三、閱讀理解 (共15小題; 每小題2分, 滿分

16、30分)AFifteen minutes before our restaurant closed, a gentleman came in. I was the waitress who got to take his order and serve him his food.The customer was difficult. He was quite openly upset with how his food was prepared. He sent his order back twice. When it at last arrived to his liking, he ne

17、eded a cup of coffee. At this point, I had stayed 45 minutes past closing time. I didnt even want to sit down because I knew my knees would pain and it would hurt terribly to get back up. I knew he would probably not give a tip. However, I tried to give him good service. As he was finishing his burg

18、er, I was refilling his coffee and accidentally spilled (灑落) it on the table and his plate. Of course I said sorry at once and used a piece of cloth to clean the table. I had thought he would become angry. However, he took a piece of paper out and helped clean off the spilled coffee. He asked to spe

19、ak to the manager, so I called my boss to come over to the table.Instead of complaining to my boss and asking us to make up for his meal, he simply said, “This young ladys done a good job. You need to keep her around as long as you can!” After he paid his bill, he left and left a tip. The customer h

20、ad offered a $15 tip for his $8 dinner. 36. Why did the author say the customer was difficult?A. Because he could only give a small tip.B. Because he came to the restaurant very late.C. Because the author wanted to go home early.D. Because he was always dissatisfied with the food.37. We can learn fr

21、om the third paragraph that . A. the author liked her work very muchB. the authors knees were always in pain C. the author was too tired at that time D. the author seldom received tips 38. What happened after the author spilled the coffee?A. The customer refused to pay his bill.B. The customer compl

22、ained to the boss. C. The customer became angry at once.D. The customer offered the author help.39. Which of the following words can best describe the authors feeling at last?A. Surprised and happy.B. Calm and confident.C. Nervous and sad.D. Worried and disappointed.40. Which of the following could

23、be the best title for the passage?A. A waitress who was praised by a customer B. An unexpected tip from an unlikely customerC. An unlucky waitress who served a difficult customer D. A difficult customer who came to a restaurant very lateB19-year-old Danny Bowman once spent 10 hours a day taking self

24、ies (自拍). Now the British teen is talking about the real dangers of selfie addiction (上癮).His addiction started at age 15 and quickly went out of control, which made him want to kill himself because he couldnt take the perfect selfie.“I always wanted to take the perfect selfie and when I realized I

25、couldnt, I wanted to die,” he tells Mirror of his 200-selfie-a-day addiction. “The only thing I cared about was having my phone with me so I could take a picture of myself at any time of the day.”“I lost my friends, my education, my health and almost my life,” Bowman says.At Bowmans worst, he would

26、cut class three times an hour to take a selfie, and at last he dropped out of school at age 16, when his health started to fail. “I only ate an apple and a bowl of rice a day in order to be thinner,” he says.He didnt leave his house for six months because he always thought he was not handsome enough

27、.“Dannys case is unusual,” says Doctor David Veal. “But this is a serious problem. It usually makes people want to kill themselves or do other unusual things.”Bowman is believed to be Britains first case and now receives treatment to help him deal with his technology (技術(shù)) addiction. “Though the case

28、s of technology addiction are rare now, I think this kind of thing can happen to anyone. For me it showed itself in selfies; it could be something different for someone else,” he says.41. Whats Danny Bowman worried about?A. His selfie addiction. B. His dropping out of school.C. His staying indoors t

29、oo long. D. His dislike of study.42. What happened at Bowmans worst?A. His schooling was badly influenced. B. He took his phone wherever he went.C. He had no interest in food. D. He lost most of his friends. 43. Bowman stayed indoors for six months because _.A. he wanted to take a good pictureB. he

30、was shy with his classmatesC. he wanted to become healthyD. he was worried about his looks44. What does Dr. David Veal think of selfie addiction?A. It has no real dangers. B. It will disappear itself.C. It can cause serious problems. D. It can be easily controlled.45. What Bowman says in the last pa

31、ragraph suggests that _.A. one can easily become addicted to taking selfiesB. technology addiction can be easily discoveredC. technology addiction is becoming quite popular nowD. the development of technology also has a bad influenceCFrom 17 to 23 June 2013 its Bike to School Week! This special week

32、 has been held since 2004 for the purpose of encouraging children to travel to school on their bikes. Did you know that as little as 15 minutes of activity a day can cut in half a childs risk of becoming obese (肥胖的)?Not only will cycling start a new exercise routine (慣例), it will also reduce busy tr

33、affic on the school roads. Dont forget how much it will help the environment! So how can you get involved? Start off by reading the Pedal Pack its full of ideas to help you plan your own event. The bike breakfast is a great idea because pupils will need fuel for their bodies in the mornings both for

34、 the school day and the bike journey!And remember to make other kids feel involved throughout the planning stage and in the event itself. Ask them to put up posters before the event and then reward them with certificates later on!There are lots of benefits (益處) to be gained by cycling to school But

35、before you start there are some important tips to consider. Firstly, make sure that your bike is in good working order; check the tires, lights etc before you start a week of cycling to school. Its also important to plan your route(路線) so that you know exactly where you are going this way you can fa

36、miliarize yourself with the roads and other things that you need to know along the way. And always make sure that someone knows the route you will be taking. As for the teachers? Well, youre just as much expected to be cycling to school too! So what are you waiting for? 46. What is the benefit of cy

37、cling to school according to the passage? A. It can save some time.B. It can help some students in need. C. It can improve the heavy traffic on the school roads. D. It is the best way to help some students lose weight. 47. In the Pedal Pack, you can . A. find a story about bicycling B. get a map for

38、 the bike route C. find some ways to repair the bike D. get a guide to the bike-related events48. Who will be rewarded with certificates? A. Those who support the event. B. Those who take part in the event.C. Those who organize the event. D. Those who put up posters before the event.49. Which of the

39、 following is TRUE about the Bike to School Week event? A. It lasts one week every month. B. It has a history of over ten years. C. It is popular with the students around the world. D. It aims to encourage people to take action to reduce pollution.50. You are asked to do all the following before you

40、 start cycling to school EXCEPT .A. take your breakfastB. get familiar with the route C. buy a good book on traveling D. keep your bike in a good state 四、任務(wù)型閱讀(共10小題;每小題1.5分,滿分15分)請(qǐng)認(rèn)真閱讀下列短文,并根據(jù)所讀內(nèi)容在文章后表格中的空格里填入一個(gè)最恰當(dāng)?shù)膯卧~。注意:每個(gè)空格只填一個(gè)單詞。 Traveling can be a lot of fun but it requires you to plan for a tr

41、ip so that you will be able to enjoy every second of it. To achieve this, first of all you need to do research about local laws and customs before you set off. So you can stay away from something that is considered rude or impolite, even if you do not know you are doing it. Whenever you travel, driv

42、e as carefully as you can and always respect the rules of the place that you are in.Be careful of people who tell you that they are police officers or government officials when you are traveling in a strange city. Show officials your passport, but dont give it to them. If an officer or official asks

43、 you to come to their office, do it on foot. Never get in a car with a local person you dont know.Traveling can be used as a way of educating your family. It is a great way to show other cultures to children. Time spent abroad helps you understand and appreciate different cultures. Whats more, it en

44、courages an acceptance and tolerance (忍受) of ways of life that are different from your own.Always keep your necessary items close to you when traveling. For example, if you have a purse with you, you should make sure that it is safely under your arm. Dont carry a bag with easy access for any of the

45、thieves. Keep these things in mind when you choose a bag for your trip.Youll have a lot of neighbors when you check into a hotel. During your hotel stay, make sure that you respect other guests by leaving and entering your room quietly and keeping conversations at a reasonable level. Even if its the middle of the day, there may be someone catching a nap. Silence is not required, but try to ke


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