



1、 英語(yǔ)中表示情緒感覺(jué)的分詞形容詞 一、表示情緒感覺(jué)的分詞形容詞由意為“使/讓”的及物動(dòng)詞加-ing或-ed構(gòu)成。學(xué)生應(yīng)該明白去掉此類(lèi)詞的分詞形式即-ing或-ed,得到的是及物動(dòng)詞。這類(lèi)及物動(dòng)詞有一個(gè)通用的句型:Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb. 例如:What scares me most is that Im going to fail in my English exam. 最讓我擔(dān)心的是我會(huì)在英語(yǔ)考試中不及格。It embarrassed him that he had no idea of what was going on.對(duì)所發(fā)生的事情一無(wú)所知,這讓他很難堪。二、表情緒感覺(jué)的V-ed

2、分詞形容詞表示人自?xún)?nèi)心產(chǎn)生的一種感覺(jué),故其所描述修飾的成分一般是有生命有思想的生物,主要是人,也包括有些動(dòng)物。往往譯作“感到的”,其通用的句型之一為:Sb + Link Verb(連系動(dòng)詞)+ V-ed + prep.(介詞) + Sb./Sth. 例如:Roberta felt frustrated and angry. 羅伯塔既灰心又生氣。Her cat is interested in balls. 她的貓對(duì)球感興趣。三、表情緒感覺(jué)的V-ing分詞形容詞表示外界的人或事物造成的影響給人一種感覺(jué),故此類(lèi)形容詞形容人或物均可(而很多的參考書(shū)上卻武斷地指出此類(lèi)形容詞用來(lái)形容物,這明顯是不符合事

3、實(shí)的,提醒大家注意)。往往譯作“令人的”或“人的”,其有一種常用的句式為:Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-ing. 例如:Travelling is tiring. 旅行很累人。That guy is very interesting. 那家伙很有趣。四、絕大多數(shù)表示情緒感覺(jué)的分詞形容詞都有對(duì)稱(chēng)的V-ed和V-ing形式,但有少數(shù)詞沒(méi)有對(duì)應(yīng)的V-ing形容詞,表達(dá)此種意義時(shí)會(huì)用到另外一個(gè)詞。如:scare scared scary,delight delighted delightful。 另外, 還有少數(shù)詞除了有對(duì)應(yīng)的V-ing形式,還可以找到另外的詞語(yǔ)來(lái)表達(dá)此種含義。如:p

4、lease pleased pleasing/pleasant,satisfy satisfied satisfying/satisfactory,worry worried worrying/worrisome。五、表示情緒感覺(jué)的V-ed和V-ing形容詞的比較級(jí)和最高級(jí)應(yīng)一律在詞前加more和most構(gòu)成?,F(xiàn)將表示情緒感覺(jué)的分詞形容詞用法及初中英語(yǔ)中常見(jiàn)的此類(lèi)詞總結(jié)歸類(lèi)于下表:表1 表示情緒感覺(jué)的分詞形容詞的用法含 義常 用 句 型級(jí) 變 化Vt.(及物動(dòng)詞)使/讓Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb./V-ed感到的Sb + Link Verb+ V-ed+ prep + Sb./Sth.mor

5、e/most + V-edV-ing令人的;人的Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-ing.more/most + V-ing注:上表中三個(gè)常用句型之間可進(jìn)行轉(zhuǎn)換,其公式為:Sb./Sth.+Vt+Sb. = Sb + Link Verb+ V-ed + prep + Sb./Sth. = Sb./Sth. + Link Verb+ V-ing to sb. 例如:Fishing excites him. = He is excited about fishing. = Fishing is exciting to him.表2 初中英語(yǔ)中常見(jiàn)的表情緒感覺(jué)分詞形容詞分類(lèi)表分類(lèi)動(dòng) 詞

6、詞 義V-ed詞 義V-ing形容詞詞 義驚奇amaze使驚奇;使驚愕amazed吃驚的,驚奇的amazing/令人稱(chēng)奇的;驚人的shock使震驚;使驚愕;打擊shocked驚愕的,受震驚的shocking/令人震驚的;令人憤慨的surprise使驚奇;使詫異;使感到意外surprised驚奇的;驚訝的;感到奇怪/意外的surprising/令人吃驚的;令人驚奇的興奮excite使激動(dòng);使興奮;使有熱情excited興奮的;激動(dòng)的exciting/令人興奮的;令人激動(dòng)的;刺激的thrill使狂喜;使激動(dòng);使極度興奮thrilled欣喜若狂的;非常開(kāi)心的thrilling/扣人心弦的;激動(dòng)人心的

7、;引人入勝的害怕frighten使驚恐;使害怕;frightened受驚的;害怕的frightening/令人驚恐的;令人害怕的;駭人的terrify嚇壞;使極度恐慌;使非常害怕terrified很害怕的,極度驚慌的,嚇壞了的terrifying/嚇人的;令人害怕的worry使擔(dān)心;;使憂(yōu)慮;使發(fā)愁worried擔(dān)心的;發(fā)愁的;焦慮的worryingworrisome令人擔(dān)心的;使人發(fā)愁的scare使驚恐; 使害怕,使恐懼scared驚恐的;恐懼的;害怕的/scary引起恐慌的;駭人的感動(dòng)move感動(dòng);打動(dòng)moved受感動(dòng)的moving/感人的;令人感傷(或同情)的touch觸動(dòng);感動(dòng)touc


9、使困惑puzzled迷惑的;困惑的;無(wú)法理解的puzzling/使為難的,費(fèi)解的,令人困惑的厭煩annoy使生氣;使不耐煩;使煩惱annoyed生氣的;惱怒的annoying/令人生氣的;令人厭煩的disgust使厭惡;使憎惡disgusted厭惡的;憎惡的disgusting/令人厭惡的;令人作嘔的bore使厭煩;使厭倦bored感到厭倦的;感到厭煩的boring/令人厭煩的;無(wú)聊的疲勞tire使感到疲勞;使感到累tired疲勞的;累的tiring/引起疲勞的;累人的exhaust使精疲力竭;使疲憊不堪exhausted筋疲力盡的; 精疲力竭的exhausting/使耗盡的,使人精疲力竭的失


11、確信的;深信的;堅(jiān)信的convincing/令人信服的;有說(shuō)服力的embarrass使尷尬;使窘迫;使害羞embarrassed窘迫的;慚愧的;尷尬的embarrassing/令人害羞的;讓人難堪的;令人尷尬的relax使放松;使松弛relaxed放松的;松弛的;安心的;輕松的relaxing/愉快的;放松的interest使產(chǎn)生興趣; 使參與,使加入interested感興趣的interesting/有趣的;令人感興趣的鞏固練習(xí) 用所給詞的正確形式填空:1、amazeHe _ us by his knowledge of Chinese history. Its _ what we can

12、remember with a little help. I was _ to learn she was still writing her stories. 2、annoyYou must have found my attitude _. She is hurt and _ that the authorities have banned her from working with children. It _ me that I didnt have time to do more reading. 3、boreI am getting very _ with this entire

13、business. Not only are mothers not paid but also most of their _ or difficult work is unnoticed. Life in the country _ me. 4、confuseLinda stood by the door, _ and surprised. The instruction was really _ . The crossword _ him all day yesterday. 5、convinceIt is difficult to _ the public that its opera

14、tions are safe. He sounded very _ . He was _ that I was part of the problem. 6、delightIt was the most _ garden I had ever seen. The report has _ environmentalists(環(huán)境保護(hù)主義者). I know Frank will be _ to see you. 7、depressThe wine was excellent, but the food was _ . I dont want to _ him. Shes been very _

15、 and upset about this whole situation. 8、disappointYou should have accepted that. Im _ in you. She knew that she would _ him. The performance of the soccer team is always _ . 9、discourageThe results were _ . You should not let one failure _ you. A lot of players get _ and quit. 10、disgustHe _ many w

16、ith his rude behavior. Smoking is a _ habit. Im _ with the way that he was treated. 11、embarrassThat was an _ situation for me. His shyness _ him. He looked a bit _ . 12、exciteIm very _ about the possibility of playing for the national team. This voyage was the most _ adventure of their lives. I onl

17、y take on work that _ me, even if it means turning down lots of money. 13、exhaustDont _ him. It was an _ schedule she had set herself. She was too _ to walk any farther. 14、frightenMary was too _ to tell her family what had happened. It was a very _ experience and they were very brave. He knew that

18、Soli was trying to _ him, so he smiled to hide his fear. 15、frustrateThe fact that hes working with the boring man _ him. My job can be very _ sometimes. She gets _ when people dont understand what hes trying to say. 16、interestId be very _ to hear your opinion. Did you meet any _ people like Charli

19、e? Here is an article which might _ you. 17、moveIt is very _ to see how much strangers can care for each other. His prayer _ me to tears. Those who listened to him were deeply _ . 18、pleaseSuch a view is _. Theyre _ to be going home. More than anything, I want to _ you. Its always _ to do what youre

20、 good at doing. 19、puzzleNorman looked _ about what the question meant. My sister _ me and causes me anxiety. His letter poses(提出) a number of _ questions. 20、relaxAs soon as I had made the final decision, I felt a lot more _. I find cooking very _ . Do something that you know _ you. 21、satisfyWe ar

21、e not _ with these results. I never got a _ answer. The pace of change has not been quick enough to _ everyone. 22、scareThe sight of blood _ most children. Im certainly not _ of him. We watched _ movies last night. 23、shockAfter forty years in the police force nothing much _ me. It is _ that nothing

22、 was said. This was a nasty attack and the woman is still very _ . 24、surpriseIt is not _ that children learn to read at different rates. Well solve the problem ourselves and _ everyone. This lady was greatly _ at what happened to her pet. 25、terrifyHe was _ of heights. Rabies(狂犬病) has been describe

23、d as one of the most _ diseases known to man. Flying _ him. 26、thrillI was so _ to get a good report from him. The tense atmosphere both terrified and _ him. Our wildlife trips offer us a _ experience. 27、tireHiking so far _me. He was too _ to argue. It was a long, _ day. 28、touchHe was _ that we ca

24、me. It has _ me deeply to see how these people live. It was a very, very _ moment. 29、worryIf youre still _ about his progress, do discuss it with one of his teachers. That is a new and _ report about smoking. Hes still in the early days of my recovery and that _ him. 參考答案:1. amazed amazing amazed 2. annoying annoyed annoyed 3. bored boring bores 4. confused confusing confused 5. convince convincing convinced 6. delightful delighted deli


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