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1、Reading Digest,Sentences to appreciate,As the story unfolds, the lead character, Dom Cobb, played by Leonardo DiCaprio, turns out a master at “extraction”, able to enter dream and steal secrets.,To reveal gradually by written or spoken explanation; make known. 展現(xiàn),披露:通過書面或口頭解釋逐步揭示;使知道 The solution to

2、 the problem unfolded as they spoke.,Unfold,Spread out; open out: Spring flowers unfolded everywhere. 春天的花四處綻放,Unfold,To develop, as if by spreading out 開展,發(fā)展:就像鋪開一樣的發(fā)展: A brilliant career unfolded. 發(fā)展起來的光輝事業(yè),Unfold,Sentences to appreciate,Scientists have now mapped the genome of the Golden Deliciou

3、s apple.,(基因)被定位 Genetics To locate (a gene or DNA sequence) in a specific region of a chromosome in relation to known genes or DNA sequences.,Map,To depict as if on a map: Grief was mapped on his face.,Map,計(jì)劃(out) To plan or delineate, especially in detail; arrange: mapping out her future. map out

4、the months work map out ones time,Map,Sentences to appreciate,Knowing how a gene in a peach works sheds light on how a similar gene may work in an apple.,Shed light on,To make something easier to understood by providing new or better information. Shed light on = cast/throw light on,Sentences to appr

5、eciate,You can touch and feel the images that pop out from the screen, according to China Mail.,Pop,To move quickly or unexpectedly; appear abruptly: 突然出現(xiàn),出其不意地移動(dòng):迅速或出人意料地移動(dòng);突然出現(xiàn): At last the cottage popped into view.,Pop,To open wide suddenly突然地張大: The childs eyes popped with astonishment. 孩子驚奇地睜大眼

6、睛,Pop,To take (drugs), especially orally: 服(藥),尤指口服: Pop pills,Quiz,The of apples DNA also tells us more about its beginnings. (to convert from code into plain text),decoding,Quiz,then you dont walk the street feeling the of the city as you seek out local food. (beat),pulse,Quiz,The proposed change is Chinas


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