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1、,John,What are you going to do in nice weather?,Unit 10,Im going to be a basketball player.,湛江一中培才學(xué)校 朱雪盈,Learning Targets,Learn and review some words about jobs.,Learn to use “be going to” to talk about the future intentions.,學(xué)習(xí)和回顧部分職業(yè)名稱。,學(xué)會用be going to來談?wù)撐磥淼挠?jì)劃。,T1,T2,Team Competition,vs,Try your be

2、st!,Enjoy a video together!,Brainstorm,1) Who does this video talk about?,It talks about Yao Ming.,2) What does Yao Ming do?,He is a basketball player.,Answer these questions.,a basketball player 籃球運(yùn)動(dòng)員,a professional basketball player,professional 專業(yè)的;職業(yè)的 prfenl profession(專業(yè)) + al = professional ad

3、j.,Zhang Yining,Jay Chou,a ping-pong player,a singer,Do you know any other words about jobs with the ending “-er”?,Bill Gates,a computer,電腦程序員,prugrm,programmer,an engineer,工程師,發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī),1) He studies math very hard because he is going to be an _ when he grows up.,2) This car has a new _.,engine,an engine

4、,engineer,Fill in the blanks with the words given., endini,He is going to be a pilot because he wants to fly in the sky.,Tom,pailt,A pilot can pilot a plane, No matter in the sun or rain. I think a pilot is brave, To pilot a plane all the day.,Chant Together,1. Jims father is _. He can design beauti

5、ful buildings. 2. If you want to work as _, you should study computer science hard. 3. Tom likes doing sports. He is going to be _ like Yi Jianlian when he grows up. 4. My mother is popular as _ at school. Her students all like her. 5. It is exciting to be _ so that you can fly a plane in the sky. 6

6、. Taking acting lessons is a good way to be _.,a basketball player,an engineer,a pilot,an actor,a teacher,a computer programmer,computer programmer,basketball player,pilot,engineer,teacher,actor,n:s,nurse,si,singer,f:m,farmer,w:k,worker,kli:n,cleaner,pli:smn,policeman,draiv,driver,Bright Eyes,How ma

7、ny jobs can you write down?,60,59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50,49,48,47,46,45,44,43,42,41,40,39,38,37,36,35,34,33,32,31,30,29,28,27,26,25,24,23,22,21,20,19,18,17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,Task 2,2020 university students,Now middle school students,1998 babies,You are growing up!,Lucy長大后要

8、成為一名醫(yī)生。 Lucy _ a doctor when she grows up.,be going to,我明天要去參觀博物館。 I _ the museum tomorrow.,am going to visit,is going to be,be going to + V原形,A New Sentence Structure,A: What are you going to be when you grow up? B: Im going to be. A: Why? B: Because .,Share Your Dreams,Task 3,Survey and Report,Tas

9、k 4,Summary,New words,computer programmer pilot basketball player engineer,professional grow up,A new pattern,be going to + V原形,What are you going to be when you grow up? Im going to be a teacher.,engineer computer programmer pilot professional teacher reporter grow up,I have a big family. Each of u

10、s has our own jobs. My father works as a _. He says he enjoys the beautiful clouds in the sky. My mother is a _ doctor in a hospital. She often helps the sick get healthy. My uncle is a good _. Many nice buildings are designed by him. Peter is my brother. His dream is to be a _ like Bill Gates when he finishes university. Im a student now. Im going to be a singer like Jay Chou when I _. Becaus


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