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1、Unit 7 Text B The Architecture of St. Peters Basilica,1 St. Peters Basilica is located within the Vatican City. It occupies a “unique position” as one of the holiest sites and as “the greatest of all churches of Christendom”. In Catholic tradition, it is the burial site of its namesake Saint Peter,

2、who was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and, according to tradition, was the first Bishop of Antioch, and later first Bishop of Rome and therefore first in the line of the papal succession. While St. Peters is the most famous of Romes many churches, it is not the first in rank, an honor held by

3、the Popes cathedral church, the Basilica of St. John Lateran. 2 St. Peters is famous as a place of pilgrimage, for its liturgical functions and for its historical associations. It is associated with the papacy, with the Counter- reformation and with numerous artists, most significantly Michelangelo.

4、 As a work of architecture, it is regarded as the greatest building of its age. Contrary to popular misconception, Saint Peters is not a cathedral, as it is not the seat of a bishop. It is properly termed a basilica. Like all the earliest churches in Rome, it has the entrance to the east and the aps

5、e at the west end of the building.,3 Pope Julius scheme for the grandest building in Christendom was the subject of a competition for which a number of entries remain intact in the Uffizi Gallery, Florence. It was the design of Bramante that was selected, and for which the foundation stone was laid

6、in 1506. This plan was in the form of an enormous Greek Cross with a dome inspired by that of the huge circular Roman temple, the Pantheon. The main difference between Bramantes design and that of the Pantheon is that where the dome of the Pantheon is supported by a continuous wall that, of the new

7、basilica was to be supported only on four large piers. This feature was maintained in the ultimate design. Bramantes dome was to be surmounted by a lantern with its own small dome but otherwise very similar in form to the Early Renaissance lantern of Florence Cathedral.,4 Bramante had envisioned tha

8、t the central dome be surrounded by five lower domes at the diagonal axes. The equal chancel, nave and transept arms were each to be of two bays ending in an apse. At each corner of the building was to stand a tower, so that the overall plan was square, with the apses projecting at the cardinal poin

9、ts. Each apse had two large radial buttresses, which squared off its semi-circular shape. 5 When Pope Julius died in 1513, Bramante was replaced with Giuliano da Sangallo, Fra Giocondo and Raphael. Sangallo and Fra Giocondo both died in 1515, Bramante himself having died the previous year. The main

10、change in Raphaels plan is the nave of five bays, with a row of complex apsidal chapels off the aisles on either side.,6In 1520 Raphael also died, aged 37, and his successor Peruzzi maintained changes that Raphael had proposed to the internal arrangement of the three main apses, but otherwise revert

11、ed to the Greek Cross plan and other features of Bramante. This plan did not go ahead because of various difficulties of both church and state. In 1527 Rome was sacked and plundered by Emperor Charles V. Peruzzi died in 1536 without his plan being realized. 7 At this point Antonio da Sangallo submit

12、ted a plan which combines features of Peruzzi, Raphael and Bramante in its design and extends the building into a short nave with a wide facade and portico of dynamic projection. His proposal for the dome was much more elaborate of both structure and decoration than that of Bramante and included rib

13、s on the exterior. Like Bramante, Sangallo proposed that the dome be surmounted by a lantern which he redesigned to a larger and much more elaborate form. Sangallos main practical contribution was to strengthen Bramantes piers which had begun to crack.,8 On January 1, 1547 in the reign of Pope Paul

14、III, Michelangelo, then in his 70s, succeeded Sangallo, the superintendent of the building program at St Peters. It is he that is to be regarded as the principal designer of a large part of the building as it stands today, and as bringing the construction to a point where it could be carried through

15、. Michelangelo took over a building site at which four piers, enormous beyond any constructed since the days of Ancient Rome, were rising behind the remaining nave of the old basilica. He also inherited the numerous schemes designed and redesigned by some of the greatest architectural and engineerin

16、g brains of the 16th century.,9 Even though the work had progressed only a little in 40 years, Michelangelo did not simply dismiss the ideas of the previous architects. He drew on them in developing a grand vision. Above all, Michelangelo recognized the essential quality of Bramantes original design

17、. He reverted to the Greek Cross and, as Helen Gardner expresses it: “Without destroying the centralizing features of Bramantes plan, Michelangelo, with a few strokes of the pen converted its snowflake complexity into massive, cohesive unity.” 10 St. Peters has been extended with a nave by Carlo Mad

18、erno. It is the chancel end with its huge centrally placed dome that is the work of Michelangelo.,Exercises of Text B Part One Answer the following questions according to the above passage. 1. For what is St. Peters famous as a place of pilgrimage? 2. Which architects have contributed to the constru

19、ction of St. Peters? 3. What is Michelangelos attitude towards the design of previous architects in completing St. Peters?,Part Two Scan the passage again, and then match the words listed on the left below with the best of definitions on the right. Write the letter of the definition you choose in th

20、e space provided. 1. apostle A. refer (something to someone) for judgment or consideration 2. succession B. resembling, or shaped like a circle 3. envision C. one of the 12 disciples chosen by Christ to preach his gospel 4. cardinal D. a journey to a shrine or other sacred places 5. submit E. put so

21、mething on top of or above 6. Superintendent F. a part, surface, or region that is on the outside 7. dismiss G. a following of one person after another in time 8. intact H. fundamentally important; principal 9. pilgrimage I. conceive of as a possibility, esp. in the future; foresee 10. circular J. a

22、 person who directs and manages an organization, office, etc 11. surmount K. tending to cohere or stick together 12. radial L. untouched or unimpaired; left complete or perfect 13. sackM. spreading out or developing uniformly on all sides 14. exterior N. dispel from ones mind; discard; reject 15. co

23、hesive O. steal or destroy property,C,G,I,H,A,J,N,L,D,B,E,M,O,F,K,Part Three Fill in each blank with a proper preposition or adverb. 1. Architectural styles classify architecture in terms _ form, techniques, materials, time period, region, etc. 2. Architectural style is a way of classifying architec

24、ture that gives emphasis _ characteristic features of design. 3. In its broadest sense, an architect is a person who translates a users requirements _ a built environment. 4. Although in use for the many official events and receptions held by The Queen, areas of Buckingham Palace are opened to visit

25、ors _ a regular basis.,of,to,into,on,5. The bell of Big Ben was named _ the first commissioner of works, Sir Benjamin Hall. 6. The origin of the term “baroque” is uncertain, though it may have evolved _ the Portuguese “barocco”, meaning a grotesque or deformed pearl. 7. Gothic cathedrals have many m

26、ore windows, and much bigger windows, and so they are not dark _ Romanesque churches. 8. Gothic architecture has three distinct characteristics which set it _ from Romanesque.,after,from,like,apart,Part Four Put the following paragraph into English. 比薩斜塔是一座教堂的鐘塔,始建于1173年8月,約兩個世紀(jì)后得以完成。過去人們一般認(rèn)為塔的傾斜是建設(shè)

27、構(gòu)想的一部分,現(xiàn)在我們知道事實(shí)并非如此。按照設(shè)計(jì)藍(lán)圖,這座塔本應(yīng)是垂直的,但在建設(shè)過程中卻開始傾斜。從建設(shè)初到現(xiàn)在,比薩斜塔的傾斜和美麗使人們給與了它特別的關(guān)注。,Part Five Put the following paragraph into Chinese. Besides being the official London residence of The Queen, Buckingham Palace is also the busy administrative headquarters of the monarchy and has probably the most fam

28、ous and easily recognizable facade of any building in the world. Although Buckingham Palace is furnished and decorated with priceless works of art that form part of the Royal collection, one of the major art collections in the world today, it is not an art gallery and nor is it a museum.,不同角度的圣彼得大教堂

29、,后殿,The End,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 1 圣彼得大教堂坐落于梵蒂岡城內(nèi),它的“特殊地位”在于其作為世界上最神圣的地方之一的和 “基督徒最宏偉的教堂” 。根據(jù)天主教的說法,它是同名的耶穌十二門徒之一的埋葬地,按照傳統(tǒng),圣彼得又是安提俄克的第一位主教,后來成為第一任羅馬主教,因此他也是羅馬教皇繼任制度中的第一位掌權(quán)者。在羅馬的眾多教堂中,圣彼得是最著名的一個,但排名第一的卻是教皇大教堂,即拉特蘭圣約翰大教堂。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 2 圣彼得大教堂是一個舉行禮拜儀式的場所,也是和很多歷史典故有關(guān)的著名的朝圣之地。例如,談起它,人們便會聯(lián)想起羅馬教皇制度,反宗教改革,以及米開朗琪羅之

30、類的大藝術(shù)家。而從建筑作品的角度而言,它又被看做是當(dāng)時最偉大的建筑.與人們通常的認(rèn)識相反,圣彼得大教堂實(shí)際上算不上是一個大教堂,因?yàn)樗鼪]有主教這一職位。它應(yīng)該被叫做羅馬天主教堂。就像羅馬早期的所有教堂一樣,它的入口在東邊,后殿位于教堂的西端。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 3 當(dāng)初教皇朱利葉斯計(jì)劃建造基督教界這座最宏偉的建筑時是以舉行一次比賽為手段,現(xiàn)在很多參賽作品在佛羅倫薩的烏飛齊美術(shù)館仍然保存完好。最終布拉曼特的設(shè)計(jì)勝出,并于1506年開始動工修建。設(shè)計(jì)師從巨大的圓形羅馬寺廟-萬神殿中得到靈感,計(jì)劃將它建成巨大的四臂相等有穹頂?shù)氖旨苄谓烫?。布拉曼特的設(shè)計(jì)和萬神殿的主要區(qū)別在于后者的穹頂是由連

31、續(xù)的墻體支撐的,而前者主要是由四個大柱子支撐的,該特點(diǎn)在最終的設(shè)計(jì)中得以保留。布拉曼特的設(shè)計(jì)中安裝在上面的提燈超過了穹頂?shù)母叨?,否則圣彼得的穹頂就跟佛羅倫薩大教堂文藝復(fù)興早期的提燈很相像了。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 4 在布拉曼特的預(yù)想中,五個低處的圓頂呈對角線環(huán)繞著中心的穹頂,等高的高壇,中殿和十字型翼部組成了相交于教堂后殿的兩個開間。教堂的每個角各有一座塔,這樣一來整個結(jié)構(gòu)便成正方形,后殿在基本方位上突出出來。每個后殿有兩個呈放射狀的大扶壁,把半圓形的結(jié)構(gòu)變成了方形。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 51513年教皇朱利葉斯去世后,朱利亞諾達(dá)桑迦洛,喬孔托,拉斐爾相繼接替了布拉曼特的工作,15

32、15年布拉曼特去世一年后,朱利亞諾達(dá)桑迦洛和喬孔托也離開了人世,拉斐爾設(shè)計(jì)方案加了有五個開間的中殿,兩邊在走廊盡頭各加了一排復(fù)雜的拱形禮拜堂。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 6 1520年年僅37歲的拉斐爾也去世了,他的接任者佩魯濟(jì)采用了他提出的對三個后殿內(nèi)部結(jié)構(gòu)進(jìn)行修改的方案,然而在其他方面又保留了布拉曼特設(shè)計(jì)中的十字架結(jié)構(gòu)和其他特點(diǎn)。后來因?yàn)閬碜試液徒虝亩喾椒磳?,這個計(jì)劃沒能實(shí)行。1527年羅馬遭到了國王查理五世的洗劫。1536年建造計(jì)劃完成之前佩魯濟(jì)就去世了。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 7 這時小安東尼奧達(dá)桑迦洛提交了一個融合了佩魯濟(jì),拉斐爾,布拉曼特三個人設(shè)計(jì)特點(diǎn)的方案,建成了一個立面

33、和門柱廊很氣派的小中殿。他對穹頂?shù)慕ㄔ旆桨冈诮Y(jié)構(gòu)和裝飾上都要比布拉曼特的精細(xì),此外還在外部增加了一些肋拱。和布拉曼特一樣,桑迦洛建議提燈應(yīng)裝在穹頂上部,他把該部分設(shè)計(jì)得更加宏偉復(fù)雜。桑迦洛主要作出的實(shí)際貢獻(xiàn)在于他加固了布拉曼特設(shè)計(jì)的已開始出現(xiàn)裂縫的柱子。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 8 1547年1月1日教皇保羅三世在位時,七十多歲的米開朗琪羅接替了圣彼得教堂建設(shè)規(guī)劃指揮者桑迦洛的使命。人們認(rèn)為他是現(xiàn)今矗立著的圣彼得的主要設(shè)計(jì)者,是他使得建造計(jì)劃得以完成。米開朗琪羅接管了一塊建筑工地,四根超越了古羅馬時期以來建造過的巨大柱子在原來教堂中殿后拔地而起。米開朗琪羅也吸取了16世紀(jì)許多偉大建筑家和工程

34、師的設(shè)計(jì)方案。,參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 9 盡管40年中建造工作沒有太大進(jìn)展,米開朗琪羅還是沒有簡單地摒棄先前那些建筑師的設(shè)計(jì)理念,而是在借鑒的基礎(chǔ)上把它們升華。首先,米開朗琪羅意識到布拉曼特最初的設(shè)計(jì)中有很多可取之處,他重新采用了十字架結(jié)構(gòu),就像海倫加德納說的那樣,“在沒有破壞布拉曼特設(shè)計(jì)中的中央集聚化這一特點(diǎn)的基礎(chǔ)上,米開朗琪羅用了幾筆就把零散的復(fù)雜性轉(zhuǎn)變成厚重的有凝聚力的統(tǒng)一性?!?參考譯文B 圣彼得大教堂 10 馬代爾諾后來又給圣彼得教堂加了一個中殿,而米開朗琪羅的貢獻(xiàn)在于他設(shè)計(jì)了中心帶有一個大穹頂?shù)母邏?1.St. Peters is famous as a place of p

35、ilgrimage, for its liturgical functions and for its historical associations. It is associated with the papacy, with the Counter-reformation and with numerous artists, most significantly Michelangelo.,2. Bramante, Giuliano da Sangallo, Fra Giocondo, Raphael, Peruzzi, Antonio da Sangallo, Michelangelo

36、 and Carlo Maderno.,3. Michelangelo did not simply dismiss the ideas of the previous architects. He drew on them in developing a grand vision. Above all, Michelangelo recognized the essential quality of Bramantes original design.,The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of the Cathedral. Its construction

37、 began in the August of 1173 and continued for about two hundred years. In the past it was widely believed that the inclination of the Tower was part of the project ever since its beginning, beginning, but now we know that it is not true. The Tower was designed to be vertical and started to incline

38、during its construction. Both because of its inclination and its beauty, from 1173 up to the present the Tower has been the object of very special attention.,白金漢宮不但是女王在倫敦的官邸,君主忙于政務(wù)的辦公場所,也是一座聞名世界,讓人一眼就能辨認(rèn)出的建筑。雖然白金漢宮布置裝飾了構(gòu)成皇家收藏品的很多價值連城的藝術(shù)品(這也是當(dāng)今世界重要的藝術(shù)收藏之一),但它既不是一座藝?yán)龋膊皇遣┪镳^。,The Architecture of St. Pe

39、ters Basilica,圣彼得教堂,羅馬基督教的中心教堂,歐洲天主教徒的朝圣地與梵蒂岡羅馬教皇的教廷,位于梵蒂岡,是全世界第一大教堂??偯娣e2.2萬平方米,主體建筑高45.4米,長約211米,最多可容納近6萬人同時祈禱。,Vatican City,梵蒂岡,占地面積0.44平方千米,是世界上最小的國家。位于意大利首都羅馬城西北角的梵蒂岡高地上。領(lǐng)土包括圣彼得廣場、圣彼得大教堂、梵蒂岡宮和梵蒂岡博物館等。國土大致呈三角形,除位于城東南的圣彼得廣場外,國界以梵蒂岡古城墻為標(biāo)志,屬亞熱帶地中海型氣候。,Christendom,基督教徒(集合稱),基督教界,基督教是以信仰耶穌基督為救世主的宗教。天主

40、教(Roman Catholicism)、新教(Protestant churches)、東正教(Eastern Orthodoxy)、基督教馬龍派等等統(tǒng)稱基督教。,Saint Peter,圣彼得,耶穌十二門徒之一,也是耶穌第一個門徒。彼得殉道之后,被葬在羅馬城的地下墓室里。他的墓室剛好位于今天梵蒂岡小教堂的圣壇底下。,twelve apostles,耶穌之十二信徒,圣彼得、安得烈、雅各布、約翰、腓力、巴多羅買、多馬、馬太、亞勒腓的兒子雅各布、達(dá)太、奮銳黨的西門、及賣主的猶大。,Jesus,耶穌(基督教信奉的救世主),是基督宗教教義的中心人物,也是 基督宗教的創(chuàng)始人。根據(jù)新約四福音書的記載,耶

41、穌是上帝之子,由童貞女瑪麗亞受圣神感孕,生于伯利恒城客店的馬廄之中。耶穌成年后從施洗約翰受洗,并經(jīng)受了40天的考驗(yàn),后開始在猶太各地和巴勒斯坦的加利利傳教。他率領(lǐng)其12個門徒一方面宣傳天國將臨、悔改得救的福音,一方面治病救人,扶危助困。其教義宣揚(yáng)“愛上帝愛鄰人”、“愛人如己”,并抨擊了當(dāng)時的當(dāng)權(quán)者和猶太教的某些戒規(guī),因而遭到猶太教上層分子的忌恨。在逾越節(jié)前夕,被其門徒之一猶大所出賣,以莫虛有的罪名,被釘死在十字架上。死后第三日復(fù)活,并顯現(xiàn)于眾門徒中,第40日升天。,Bishop of Antioch,安提俄克主教,安提俄克即今土耳其城市安塔基阿,古代敘利亞地區(qū)的重要城市,基督教五大教區(qū)首府之一

42、,商業(yè)發(fā)達(dá)。歷史上先后為塞琉古王朝、羅馬帝國(及后來的拜占庭帝國)、阿拉伯帝國、十字軍政權(quán)、阿尤布王朝、馬穆魯克王朝及奧斯曼帝國所占有,是一個充滿誘惑力但又多災(zāi)多難的地方。,Bishop of Rome,羅馬主教,Pope,羅馬教皇,天主教會的教階體制中,教皇享有最高的立法權(quán)和司法 權(quán),能制定或廢除教會法規(guī),指定人員組成教廷,創(chuàng)立教區(qū),任命主教,而且“在倫理和信仰上永無謬誤”。,Basilica of St. John Lateran,拉特蘭圣約翰大教堂,是羅馬四大教堂之一。現(xiàn)在,這座建筑是羅馬教區(qū)駐所。教堂雄偉的正面建于公元1735年,教堂頂部豎有高大的塑像(高達(dá)6米),使整座建筑顯得更加雄

43、偉。,Uffizi Gallery,(意大利)烏菲齊美術(shù)館,世界著名的繪畫藝術(shù)博物館,位于 意大利佛羅倫薩市的烏菲齊宮內(nèi)。該館以收藏大量的文藝復(fù)興時期的繪畫名作而蜚聲國際,有“文藝復(fù)興藝術(shù)寶庫”之稱。烏菲齊宮原是顯赫一時的美第奇家族辦公的地方,“烏菲齊”一詞即意大利文“辦公廳”的意思。,Bramante,布拉曼特(約14441514),是文藝復(fù)興鼎盛時期意大利最杰出的建筑家,他一生主要在米蘭和羅馬工作,把古羅馬建筑的形式借用來傳達(dá)文藝復(fù)興的新精神。,Greek Cross,四臂長度相等的十字架。十字架是一種古代處以死刑的刑具, 是一種殘忍的處決方式。特別流行于波斯帝國、大馬士革王國、猶大王國、

44、以色列王國、迦太基和古羅馬等地,通常用以處死叛逆者、異教徒、奴隸和沒有公民權(quán)的人。在西方文學(xué)中,一般用十字架比喻苦難。今天,十字架是基督教的信仰標(biāo)記,不再是痛苦恥辱的象征?;浇掏皆谛厍爱嬍只蚺鍘旨芤詧?jiān)定信仰、作潔凈之用或以紀(jì)念耶穌為拯救全人類的死亡。,Pantheon,羅馬萬神殿,是至今完整保存的唯一一座羅馬帝國時期建筑,始建于公元前27-25年,由羅馬帝國首任皇帝屋大維的女婿阿戈利巴建造, 用以供奉奧林匹亞山上諸神,可謂奧古斯都時期的經(jīng)典建筑。現(xiàn)今所見的萬 神殿主體建筑是亞德里亞諾大帝于公元120-124年所建,為43.4米高的圓形堂,其內(nèi)仍供奉羅馬的所有神袛。,Early Rena

45、issance,早期文藝復(fù)興式,Florence Cathedral,佛羅倫薩大教堂,又名“花之圣母大教堂”,世界第四大教堂,建于1296-1436年。,Giuliano da Sangallo,朱利亞諾達(dá)桑迦洛,意大利建筑師家族最老成員,兼工雕刻建筑,對古典遺物研究尤精,主要活動于佛羅倫薩和羅馬。,Fra Giocondo,法國建筑師喬孔托,Raphael,拉斐爾,意大利杰出的畫家,和達(dá)芬奇、米開朗琪羅并稱文藝復(fù)興時期藝壇三杰。他的作品博采眾家之長,形成了自己獨(dú)特的風(fēng)格,代表了當(dāng)時人們最崇尚的審美趣味,成為后世古典主義者不可企及的典范。其代表作有油畫西斯廷圣母、壁畫雅典學(xué)院等。,Empero

46、r Charles V,西班牙國王查爾斯五世,繼承了歐洲歷史上最大帝國之一的帝位,他還被當(dāng)選為神圣羅馬皇帝,是當(dāng)時財(cái)富最多、勢力最大的歐洲帝王。他在名義上或?qū)嶋H上統(tǒng)治過的領(lǐng)土包括現(xiàn)今的西班牙、德國、荷蘭、比利時、奧地利、瑞士、意大利大部分、法國的部分、捷克斯洛伐克、波蘭、匈牙利和南斯拉夫,此外還有西半球的一個很大地區(qū)。查爾斯五世被認(rèn)為是一位非常賢明的君主,他的才智和節(jié)制緩和了天主教和新教之間的宗教緊張局勢。,Antonio da Sangallo,小安東尼奧達(dá)桑迦洛,朱利亞諾達(dá)桑迦洛的侄子,熱心于吸收和推廣拉菲爾和布拉曼特的風(fēng)格,作品有羅馬法爾內(nèi)塞宮(1513年動工,后由米開朗琪羅完成),他還

47、繼布拉曼特、拉斐爾之后主持了圣彼得大教堂的修建(1539-1546)。,Ancient Rome,古羅馬,Helen Gardner,海倫加德納,著名學(xué)者,他的世界藝術(shù)史自1926年首次出版以來,因廣受好評而不斷再版,成為讀者最多、流傳最廣的英文藝術(shù)史書籍,同時還被美國多所大學(xué)選為藝術(shù)史專業(yè)的教材,是一本頗具權(quán)威性的藝術(shù)通史類教科書。,Carlo Maderno,馬代爾諾(1556-1629),意大利杰出的建筑師,是巴洛克建筑的奠基人之一。作品有羅馬圣蘇珊娜教堂,還擔(dān)任了圣彼得大教堂的內(nèi)部改建和門面建筑設(shè)計(jì)。,be associated with,be connected with 和.有關(guān) In China red is often associated wit


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