新視野大學(xué)英語(yǔ)4課件unit3 section A_第1頁(yè)
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1、,New Horizon College English,Book Four,Unit Three Section A Longing for a New Welfare System,- 3 -,Pre-reading Activities,Text Understanding,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Summary,4,5,Writing,- 4 -,1. When you are sick, you may go to the school clinic. How much do you need to pay for your medical

2、expenses?,Tips: You just need to pay 10% of your medicine bills.,Pre-reading Activities,I. Social Welfare,- 5 -,2. Why just 10%? Who pays the rest for you?, Its a part of the social welfare system. The government pays the rest for you.,Tips:,Pre-reading Activities,- 6 -,Public assistance programs, c

3、ommonly called “welfare”, provide cash or benefits for particular categories of the financially needy.,Pre-reading Activities,Social Welfare,- 7 -,The U.S. welfare system operates on both the federal and state levels. The federal welfare program is known as Social Security 政府的公共福利計(jì)劃 that provides be

4、nefits or assistance for child care, disability, food and medical assistance.,Pre-reading Activities,Social Welfare,- 8 -,The state welfare programs, on the other hand, provide assistance to both individuals and local communities with state schooling and social insurance.,Pre-reading Activities,Soci

5、al Welfare,- 9 -,Which person is more likely to get welfare assistance? Why?,Pre-reading Activities,a rubbish picker, 78 years old, no living partner, no children,a teenage worker, 15 years old, parents died , working in a small coal mine,- 10 -,a child beggar, 7 years old, no chance to go to school

6、,a three-year-old child, severely ill, no money for medical treatment,Pre-reading Activities,- 11 -,II. Words Related to Welfare,Pre-reading Activities,- 12 -,III. Spot Dictation,Pre-reading Activities,Directions: You will hear a passage. It will be read twice. Listen carefully and supply the missin

7、g words.,- 13 -,Pre-reading Activities,Cuts in welfare payments have left many clients so poor that they cannot _ or _ _. Many would describe their diet as being at the same level as a _. As a result most _ the system. Gifts from friends and relatives _ , money from pension is _ and the rent is _. A

8、nything for a few more dollars. Of course the caseworkers know these things occur. Rather than helping their clients, caseworkers _ and are inclined to give out lectures when any help is asked for, which is a natural consequence of thinking _ every day.,afford to eat properly,to have a decent standa

9、rd of living,household pet,cheat,are not declared,understated,exaggerated,expect them to bow down to them,they are being lied to,- 14 -,Pre-reading Activities,Text Understanding,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Summary,4,5,Writing,- 15 -,Text Understanding,The passage explores the problems of the pr

10、esent welfare system first and then expresses the desire to have a new system. According to the author, a disabled person with spinal cord injuries脊椎損傷, he is forced to account for every penny while enduring lectures by the caseworkers. It is hard to have his wheelchair repaired and even harder to m

11、ake a gradual shift away from welfare. That is why he longs for a new system under which the disabled like him can earn part or all of their own livings.,Main idea of the text ?,- 16 -,How is the text organized?,The passage is composed of three parts: how people behave under the present welfare syst

12、em, what the problems are with it, and what solutions should be applied to the problems. The organization of the whole passage goes after the problem-solution pattern with examples from the authors own experiences.,Text Understanding,- 17 -,Part One Paras. 1 - 3,Part Two Paras. 4 - 14,Part Three Par

13、as. 15-17,On one hand, most welfare clients cheat the system for more money. Are there any examples here? (Para.1),Problem 1: Clients are forced to report anything new to caseworkers. Is there any example here? (Paras. 4 - 8),Problem 2: It is difficult for clients to have their wheel- chairs repaire

14、d. Is there any example here?(Paras. 9 - 12),Solution 1: There needs to be a lawyer to protect the rights of clients. Example?(Para. 15),Solution 2: The welfare system should help those who are to earn their own livings. How?(Para. 16),Problem 3: If clients make money, as the authors own experience

15、reveals, they have to account for every penny.(Para. 13),Current situation describing,Problems with the system,Solutions to the problems,Problem 4: The law does not encourage clients to make a gradual shift away from welfare.Evidence? (Para.14),Solution 3:A new system is needed to encourage clients

16、to develop their talents without guilt. (Para.17),All the same, some like me have opted to live a life of honesty. Are there any examples here? (Para.2),On the other, welfare case-workers, like detectives, expect every client to beg. Why? (Para.3),Text Understanding,- 18 -,Text Understanding,Q and A

17、 about the text:,Retell the Procedure to Ask for Wheelchair Repairs,case worker,medical worker,wheelchair repair company,main welfare office,the handicapped client,Whats your conclusion?,Its very difficult for welfare clients to ask for extra financial help.,- 19 -,Pre-reading Activities,Text Unders

18、tanding,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Summary,4,5,Writing,- 20 -,Language Points,to long for (Title),經(jīng)過(guò)多年戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)后,人們都盼望和平。,People longed for peace after many years of war.,Example,have a desire for; want very much,- 21 -,Language Points,be supposed/expected to (L1),2. Youre supposed to ask the teacher

19、 if you want to leave the room.,Example,a. be believed to be b. be required to do sth. according to a rule,1. shes supposed to have had five hundred pairs of shoes.,普遍認(rèn)為,應(yīng)該,- 22 -,Language Points,raw (L2),raw material/cotton/sugar/silk 原材料/籽棉/粗糖/生絲,Example,a. (of food) not cooked b. (of materials) i

20、n its natural state c. (of information) not yet processed,raw meat 生肉,This information is only raw data and will need further analysis. 原始數(shù)據(jù),- 23 -,Language Points,bleed (L. 2),2. Hed been wounded in the arm and was bleeding heavily.,Example,a. force sb. to pay a lot of money b. lose blood,1. The we

21、st is bleeding poorer countries dry through interest payments on their debts.,西方正通過(guò)債務(wù)利息榨干貧窮國(guó)家的財(cái)富。,向榨取,- 24 -,Language Points,opt to do sth. (L6),What do you opt to do after you graduate from University ?,Example,choose to do sth.,- 25 -,Language Points,to drum up (L. 6),During the season of Christma

22、s each year, traders use their own unique tricks to drum up their business.,每年圣誕節(jié)期間,商家們各顯神通來(lái)招攬生意。,Example,try hard to get support, customers, business, etc. 竭力爭(zhēng)取(支持);兜攬(生意),- 26 -,Im tempted to get paid under the table. But even if I yielded to that temptation, big magazines are not going to get inv

23、olved in some sticky situation. (L.8) Meaning: I feel a desire to be paid without being known to others. But even if I couldnt resist that temptation and wanted to be paid under the table, big magazines I am working for wont agree to get themselves into trouble by telling lies for my sake.,Language

24、Points,- 27 -,Language Points,under the table (L. 8),They were charged with taking money under the table.,Example,in a secret way,- 28 -,Language Points,sticky (L. 9),2. Her hands were sticky from the ice cream.,1. a sticky problem / situation,Example,a. difficult or unpleasant b. covered in a subst

25、ance that sticks to things that touch it c. ( of the weather) hot and damp,3. a sticky, humid afternoon,一個(gè)又熱又潮的下午,棘手的,黏的,- 29 -,Language Points,make a fool of sb. (L. 12),Cf: make a fool of oneself,Your brother is making a fool of you.,Example,trick sb. into behaving foolishly,He was drinking and ma

26、king a fool of himself.,他喝酒時(shí),出盡了洋相。,愚弄,欺騙,出洋相,- 30 -,Language Points,to be entitled to (do) sth. (L. 13),1. Everyone is entitled to (air) his own opinion.,Example,have the right to have or do sth.,2. This ticket does not entitle you to travel first class.,對(duì)享有權(quán)利;有權(quán)做某事,- 31 -,Language Points,liberal (

27、L. 14),2. Her parents are very liberal and allow her a lot of freedom.,1. He liked to think of himself as a liberal.,Example,n. 開(kāi)明的人 a. open to new ideas a. generous,3. She is very liberal with her money.,- 32 -,Language Points,to lecture sb. about sth. (L. 29),Hes always lecturing me about the way

28、I dress.,他總說(shuō)我穿著不得體。,Example,就某事訓(xùn)斥某人,- 33 -,Ive heard that you put a lot more miles on that wheelchair than average. (L.31) Meaning: Ive heard that you use your wheelchair more often than the average clients do. No wonder thats why your wheelchair is always breaking down.,Language Points,- 34 -,There

29、 is no provision in the law for a gradual shift away from welfare. (Para. 14) Meaning: There is not an item of law to encourage welfare clients to be gradually independent of the welfare system. 逐漸脫離福利照顧,Language Points,- 35 -,Language Points,to lend oneself to (L. 56),Some problems do not lend them

30、selves to financial solutions.,Example,be easily used for a particular activity or result,適宜于;有助于,Her voice doesnt lend itself well to blues.,- 36 -,Language Points,to convict sb. of doing sth. wrong (L. 66),We have no right to order him to leave school unless there is enough evidence to convict him

31、 of cheating in the exam.,我們無(wú)權(quán)勒令他退學(xué),除非有足夠的證據(jù)證明他考試作弊。,Example,declare guilty 宣判有罪;使服罪,Compare: accuse sb. of;charge sb. with,- 37 -,I dont think that politician can drum up much support with all his speeches. There were a few sticky moments during the meeting. The government is trying to keep a low p

32、rofile on this issue. Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.,得到,僵局,低調(diào),使你有權(quán),Language Points,- 38 -,I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate. An anonymous letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport. You must be alert to possi

33、ble dangers. There seems to be an electrical problem. Ill get someone to look into it.,證明,向報(bào)警,警惕,檢查,Language Points,- 39 -,How do you account for this sudden disappearance of all the money? Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays; others do not. The jury convicted the accuse

34、d man of theft. There wasnt enough evidence to convict him.,解釋,適合,宣判有罪,證明有罪,Language Points,- 40 -,You are legally entitled to take faulty goods back to the store where you purchased them, but you are supposed to account for why you want to do so.,1. 從法律上說(shuō),你完全可以將質(zhì)量不過(guò)關(guān)的商品退還給那家商店,但是應(yīng)該解釋清楚為什么。,to be en

35、titled to do,legally,to account for,Translation,- 41 -,You only need to fill out a form to get your membership, which entitles you to a discount on goods.,2. 你只需填寫(xiě)一張表格就取得了會(huì)員資格,它可以使你在買(mǎi)東西時(shí)享受打折的優(yōu)惠。,to fill out a form,to entitle you to a discount on goods,Translation,- 42 -,3. 一年前,那位汽車(chē)經(jīng)銷(xiāo)商(dealer) 以?xún)?yōu)質(zhì)服務(wù)來(lái)

36、招攬顧客,如今他的生意已十分紅火。,by offering good services,One year ago, the car dealer tried to drum up buyers by offering good services. Now, his business is thriving.,to drum up buyers,Translation,- 43 -,4. 這樁刑事案件經(jīng)過(guò)仔細(xì)調(diào)查后,他被證明犯了謀殺罪。,The crime was looked into carefully before he was convicted of murder.,to look i

37、nto carefully,to be convicted of murder,Translation,- 44 -,5. 我的車(chē)子在高速公路上拋錨后,我打電話(huà)向高速公路巡邏隊(duì)(the Freeway Service Patrol) 求助,20分鐘后他們幫我解了圍,留下了一張150美元的收據(jù)。,I called the Freeway Service Patrol for help after my car broke down on the freeway. Twenty minutes later, they came to my rescue and left a $ 150 recei

38、pt.,to break down,to come to my rescue,Translation,- 45 -,6. 由于面臨失業(yè)的危險(xiǎn),這些工人只好接受了管理部門(mén)的意見(jiàn),重新回去工作。,to yield to,Faced with the threat of losing their jobs, these workers yielded to the managements advice and went back to work .,to be faced with,Translation,- 46 -,7. 拐走孩子的那名中年男子向男孩的父親敲詐了兩萬(wàn)美金,來(lái)補(bǔ)償他公司的損失。,T

39、he middle-aged man who took the boy bled the father for $20,000 as a compensation for the loss of his company.,Translation,- 47 -,8. 這個(gè)靠救濟(jì)過(guò)日子的人開(kāi)始慢慢地建立了自己的市場(chǎng),生意日漸興隆。,The man living on welfare began to set up his own market, one step at a time and his business is thriving.,the man living on welfare,bu

40、siness be thriving,one step at a time,Translation,- 48 -,Pre-reading Activities,Text Understanding,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Three,Summary,4,5,Writing,- 49 -,Summary,Life in a wheelchair is _. Living on welfare is just like sharing a dinner of raw pet food _ the cat. Many welfare clients do not hav

41、e money to _ a decent life. _, lying and cheating the welfare system _ extra money becomes normal. However, some unusual individuals, who have _ to live a life of complete honesty, do _ the truth to caseworkers and _ any extra income they make. Being honest, however, is not _ its problems. Caseworke

42、rs will greatly_ the frequency of their visits and leave _ a small,tough,with,live,As a result,for,made a choice,tell,without,declare,increase,behind,- 50 -,Summary,mountain of paper work _ the client to fill _. The rules say that not a penny is to be _ for. _ a single gift, _ small, is to be unrepo

43、rted. These rules and the natural consequent lying _ tend to transform caseworkers _ being helpers of the poor _ being detectives constantly _ for any forms of cheating.,for,out,unaccounted,Not,no matter how,unfortunately,from,to,searching,- 51 -,Pre-reading Activities,Text Understanding,Language Points,1,2,3,Unit Thre


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