



1、高考英語動詞及動詞短語專項練習100題1. The mail was _ for two days because of the snow storm.a. held out b. held off c. held up d. held down 2. - Can I do the job?- Im afraid not, because it _ skill and patience.a. calls for b. asks for c. sends for d. cares for 3. The government has _ the parents to work with teach

2、ers in the education of their children.a. asked for b. called for c. looked for d. paid for 4. Though he is _ worker, he works very hard.a. an ordinary b. a common c. a usual d. a general 5. The plan _ just because people were unwilling to cooperate.a. turned down b. pulled down c. broke down d. put

3、 down 6. I dont skate now, but i _ when i was a kid.a. used to b. am used to do c. was used to skate d. used to it 7. students should be encouraged to finish their homework _.a. of themselves b. of their own c. for their own d. on their own 8. Does the way you thought of _ the water clear make any s

4、ense?a. making b. to make c. how to make d. having making 9. Such _ the case, I couldnt help but _ him.a. being; support b. is; to support c. has been; supporting d. be; supported 10. - And besides, these colors are more _ you. - Do you really think so? ill take it then. a. becoming to b. belonging

5、to c. referring to d. used to 11. I simply couldnt understand how it _ that you did so much work within such a short time. a. came across b. came about c. came up d. came back12. No agreement was reached in the discussion because neither side would _ to _. a. give away; the other b. give up; others

6、c. give in; other d. give out; another 13. Her face gave her _ when she told a lie. a. off b. away c. up d. out 14. I really dont want to go to the party, but i dont see how i can _ it. a. get back from b. get out of c. get away d. get off 15. And there, almost _ in the big chair, sat her little bro

7、ther, who never had to be told to be quiet. a. losing b. having lost c. to be lost d. lost 16. Without fact, we cannot form a worthwhile opinion, for we need to have factual knowledge _ our thinking. a. which to be based on b. upon which to base c. which to base upon d. to which to be based 17. Ther

8、e are many interesting books _, but im at a loss which to borrow. a. to choose b. for choosing c. to be chosen d. to choose from18. The two sides have finally _, though some small differences still exist. a. made a decision b. reached an agreement c. settled down d. broken up19. To everybodys surpri

9、se, the fashionable young lady _ to be a thief. a. found out b. proved out c. turned out d. put out 20. What a pity! he _ the only chance of success. a. gave in b. put down c. threw away d. broke off 21. The truth will sooner or later _. a. come about b. turn out c. come out d. give out 22. The teac

10、her _ excellent models of compositions for her class.a. held up b. held back c. got through d. got up 23. In my opinion, medical treatment and special schools should be _ disabled people. a. referred to b. supplied with c. given by d. provided for 24. It is said that the newly-built theatre can _ 1,

11、800 people. a. be held b. seat c. sit d. be seated 25. The president of Iraq has decided to step down to be _ by his younger son. a. changed b. taken c. held d. succeeded 26. It snowed heavily for three days _ and they were separated from the outside world. a. in the end b. at the end c. by the end

12、d. on end 27. I think things will _ soon. all signs have shown everything is getting better. a. put up b. set up c. pick up d. hold up 28. - Are you sure he will join us ? - Of course. he will be _ glad to come. a. only too b. too much c. all too d. none too 29. This room _ fifty people.a. contains

13、b. containing c. includes d. included 30. After coming back from work, he _ his car in the street.a. washed down b. washed away c. went down d. laid down 31. I cant _ his name at the moment.a. think over b. think about c. think d. think of 32. Every day, people _ a lot of rubbish.a. give away b. thr

14、ow away c. clean away d. wash away 33. He _ and broke his right leg. a. knocked over b. got over c. fell over d. took over 34. The fellow i spoke _ no answer at first. a. made b. to make c. to made d. to making 35. On Sunday morning after getting up, i help my mother _ our rooms and wash dirty cloth

15、es. a. do up b. turn up c. keep up d. speed up36. If you are not sure of the meaning of this word, you can _ the dictionary. a. refer to b. look up c. see d. make use of 37. The story was so moving that i could hardly _ my tears. a. hold up b. hold on c. hold on to d. hold back 38. Her mother was _

16、ill yesterday and is now in hospital. a. broken b. taken c. caught d. laid 39. He ran back into the room to see if he had anything _ behind.a. forgotten b. laid c. remained d. left 40. The fire had burnt half the forest _ before it was stopped.a. over b. away c. alone d. out 41. Eager to get thin, r

17、uth has decided to _ meat entirely for three years at least.a. cut off b. cut up c. cut out d. cut down 42. A voice _ the program to announce the election results.a. broke into b. broke up c. cut down d. cut off 43. That was a terrible piece of work you _ the other day. i could hardly believe it was

18、 yours.a. turned in b. turned into c. turned over d. turned up 44. All of a _ the ship struck a rock.a. suddenly b. sudden c. quick d. quickly 45. Never smoke or let yourself _ any bad habits.a. get into b. fall into c. make into d. look into 46. Electric trains have now _ steam trains in many count

19、ries.apush over bblown over ckept back dtaken the place of 47. Dont walk too near the edge of the cliff (懸?guī)r), you might _ . ablow over bfall over ccarry off dcut off 48. If a person has drunk poison by mistake, you should make the person _ ago up brise up cthrow up dset up 49. Just when i had put th

20、e glass safely down on the table, the cat jumped up and _ it off.aknocked bfell cturned dtook 50. Every hour in the morning the cctv _ the latest news in Yugoslavia(南斯拉夫). a. announced b. broadcast c. reported d. published 51. The storm _ several trees down in the park. ablew bburnt cturned dbrought

21、 52. Never _ your work till tomorrow. you should finish it before going to bed. a. drop b. leave c. put d. stay 53. I think there is a train at 6:00, but youd better _. a. be sure b. sure of c. make sure d. be sure about 54. The girl was lucky enough to _ the bad men and ran away. a. break away b. b

22、reak away from c. break out d. break into from 55. Have you tried to get them _the price ? a. go down b. to go down c. bring down d. to bring down 56. Im so glad to see you again. you are not what you _. a. used to be b. used to look c. were used to be d. used to looking like 57. This company can_ a

23、 lot money for the country in a year? a. bring up b. bring in c. bring down d. bring out 58. A student began to sing a song, and soon everyone else _. a. joined b. joined in c. joined with d. took part in 59. No one can _ the wheel of history however powerful he may be.a. put up b. take back c. hold

24、 back d. pick up 60. Just now I _ an old friend. i havent seen for years.a. came upon b. came in c. came out d. came up 61. When I asked him to have a drink with me, he said he was in a hurry and had not a minute to _.a. spend b. save c. spare d. share 62. Your school life is going to _ but your cou

25、gh ought _ before it gets any worse.a. be broken upto see to b. be broken up to have been seen toc. break up to have seen to d. break up to be seen to 63. She _ not well, and yet the clothes that she _ fit her very well.a. has on; put on b. put on; has on c. wears; dresses d. dresses; wears 64. He i

26、s seriously ill. He is _ of death.a. on the edge b. at an edge c. in the edge d. by an edge 65. That evening she _ writing the report.a. set out b. set off c. set up d. set about unless the workers demands are _, soon there will be a strike.a. paid b. met c. permitted d. got67. when you visit the gr

27、eat wall next time, _ with you, please. a. take away b. take along c. take along me d. take me along 68. the writer had written many famous novels, which were published in his later forties. a. came to b. come upon c. came out d. come back she _ his number in the phone book to make sure that she had

28、 got it right. a. looked up b. looked for c. picked out d. picked up 70. - do you think the stars will beat the bulls? - yes. they have better players, so i _ them to win. a. hope b. prefer c. expect d. want 71. it took the firemen three hours before they finally _ the fire. a. put down b. put off c

29、. put away d. put out72. The English evening has _ till Friday.a. put off b. called off c. been put off d. been called off 73. Seeing a little girl crying in the street, the policeman went up to _.a. help out b. send out c. pick out d. try out 74. When you come to Shenzhen, I can _ the night.a. put

30、you up for b. put you down for c. put you to d. put you for 75. My study of biology has _ much of my spare time, but it has given me a great deal of enjoyment.a. taken off b. taken down c. taken up d. taken away 76. In class we try to _ our minds what the teacher says. a. make up b. impress on c. ke

31、ep on d. fill with 77. When he first _ story-telling, he used to ask many children to come and listen.a. took down b. took over c. took up d. took trouble in 78. - What has made you so happy? - Oh, I ve just _ an old friend. i havent seen him for years a. come across b. come in c. come out d. come u

32、p 79. This problem _ studying with great care.a. asks b. requires c. expects d. demands 80. - Do you know Kate quarreled with her Maths teacher?- I dont know, nor do I_. a. care b. mind c. wonder d. matter 81. Can you _ what the teacher wrote on the blackboard.a. make up b. make from c. make of d. m

33、ake out 82. On the way home, the children were _ in a storm.a. struck b. hit c. caught d. beaten 83. The warm, sunny climate _ him, and he soon grew strong and healthy.a. agreed on b. agreed to c. agreed with d. agreed for 84. The audience(觀眾) _ laughter at the sight of the funny actor.a. burst into

34、 b. burst out c. broke out d. went into 85. The underground of Shenzhen will _ more people than the buses.a. bring b. send c. carry d. hold 86. As soon as the manager entered his office, he began to _ the telephone book on his desk.a. look up b. look through c. look upon d. look for 87. The Chinese

35、in many places of the world _ the old tradition.a. keep up b. keep on c. keep from d. keep over88. I asked for a day off but the boss _ my request.a. turned down b. turned out c. turned on d. turned off 89. I didnt notice that the bus had stopped to _ some passengers.a. get on b. get off c. pick up d. pick out 90. He kept _ with silly qu


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