已閱讀5頁,還剩31頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、1. 預(yù)定房間Clerk: Reservation, may I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員: 預(yù)訂處。請問我能幫你忙嗎?Guest: Yes, I would like to make a reservation for May 3rd.客 戶: 是的, 我想訂一間5月3號的房間。Clerk: For how many people?柜臺服務(wù)員: 幾個人呢?Guest: Only one.客 戶: 只有一個人。Clerk: May I have your name, please?柜臺服務(wù)員: 能告訴我你的名字嗎?Guest: John.客戶: 約翰。英語單詞筆記:reservation

2、n. 預(yù)訂2. 詢問是否還有空余房間Guest: Excuse me, do you have a vacancy?客戶:打擾一下,請問你們還有空余房間嗎?Clerk: Let me see. Yes, we still have four left.柜臺服務(wù)員:讓我看看。 是的,我們還有房間。Guest: Well, I would like to book a single room.客戶:我想訂個單人間。Clerk: How long would you stay for?柜臺服務(wù)員:你要住多久?Guest: 5 days. From Feb. 13 to 18.客戶:5天,從2月13號

3、到18號。英語單詞筆記:vacancy n. 空白,空缺single room 單人間3. 沒有空客房Guest: I would like to make a reservation for tomorrow.客戶:我想訂一間明天的房間。Clerk: Im sorry but we are fully booked.柜臺服務(wù)員:很抱歉,我們的房間已經(jīng)訂滿了。Guest: Well, how about 4th ?客戶:那有4號的嗎?Clerk: Thats fine, but we have only a single room, is that OK?柜臺服務(wù)員:有,但只有一個單人間了,你

4、要住嗎?Guest: Yes. Please help me reserve it.客戶:是的,請幫我預(yù)定一下。英語單詞筆記:reserve v. 預(yù)訂be fully booked 客房被訂滿了4. 客房已滿Clerk: Can I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:我能幫助你嗎?Guest: Yes, is there any vacant room for tomorrow?客戶:是的,明天有沒有空房間?Clerk: I am sorry. We are full up for tomorrow.柜臺服務(wù)員:抱歉,我們已經(jīng)客滿了。Guest: Well, is there any other

5、 hotel nearby?客戶:那這附近有沒有別的旅館呢?Clerk: Yes, the Sunset Hotel is three blocks away. Maybe you can ask them.柜臺服務(wù)員:有,日落旅館就離這兒3條街,或許你可以問問他們。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。英語單詞學(xué)習(xí)筆記:full up 訂滿了nearby adj. 附近block n. 街區(qū)5. 預(yù)訂有浴室的房間Guest: Can I reserve a room from the 13th to the 18th?客戶:我能訂13號到18號的房間嗎?Clerk: Certainl

6、y. How do you like your room?柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然。您想要間什么樣的房間呢?Guest: Id like a suite. Whats the rate?客戶:我想要個套房。多少錢呢?Clerk: $40 per night.柜臺服務(wù)員:一晚40美元。英語單詞筆記suite n. 套房(一般帶有獨(dú)立的衛(wèi)生間或浴室)6. 預(yù)訂面朝大海的房間Guest: Are there any beds vacant?客戶:還有空床嗎?Clerk: Yes, what kind of room do you want?柜臺服務(wù)員:有,您要什么的房間?Guest: I prefer on

7、e facing the sea. Besides, it should have a shower.客 戶:給我一間朝著大海的房間。另外,房間內(nèi)要有淋浴。Clerk: Sorry, right now we can only have you a room without shower.柜臺服務(wù)員:抱歉,現(xiàn)在我們只能您提供不帶淋浴的房間。Guest: Well, thats ok.客戶:哦,沒關(guān)系。英語單詞:shower n. 淋浴7. 要大點(diǎn)的房間Clerk: Reservation, can I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:預(yù)訂處,我能幫您忙嗎?Guest: Yes, I would

8、like to reserve a room for next Monday.客戶:是的,我想訂間下周一的房間。Clerk: Wait a moment, please. Let me check it.柜臺服務(wù)員:請稍等,我?guī)湍橐幌隆uest: By the way, I want a large room.客戶:順便說一下,我想要個大點(diǎn)的房間。Clerk: Right now we have a suite for 4 people, do you want to book it?柜臺服務(wù)員:現(xiàn)在我們只有一個4人的套房了。您要預(yù)定這間房嗎?Guest: Yes, thats what

9、I am looking for. I will take the room for 2 days.客戶:恩,正需要這樣的房間呢。我要住兩天。英語單詞:check v.檢查8. 單人間雙人間Clerk: Hello, is there anything I can do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:您好,我能為您做什么嗎?Guest: Yes, I want to book e a room for tomorrow.客戶:是的,我想訂個明天的房間。Clerk: Single or double?柜臺服務(wù)員:單人間還是雙人間?Guest: A single one with a private

10、 bath.客戶:一個帶獨(dú)立浴室的單人間。Clerk: Would you like to have your room on the top floor?柜臺服務(wù)員:頂層的房間您覺得怎么樣?Guest: It doesnt matter.客戶:無所謂。英語單詞筆記:private adj. 私人的,個人的top floor 頂樓10. 預(yù)訂雙人房Guest: I am wondering if you have a room with twin bed.客戶:你們還有雙人間嗎?Clerk: Yes, we have one and it faces the beautiful sea.柜臺服

11、務(wù)員:有,我們有間房間而且朝著美麗的大海。Guest: Thats wonderful. I want to stay for 2 days.客戶:太好了,我想在這房間住2天。Clerk: OK, we will make it ready for you.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我們會為您準(zhǔn)備好的。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。英語單詞筆記:twin bed 雙人床face v. 朝著,面向10. 詢問租金Guest: Excuse me, whatt the price of a single room?客戶:打擾一下,一個單人間多少錢?Clerk: Thats $50 for

12、a single night.柜臺服務(wù)員:一晚50美元。Guest: Are meals included?客戶:包括餐費(fèi)嗎?Clerk: Yes, of course. Can I make a reservation for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然。為您預(yù)訂一間嗎?Guest: Fine, I want to book one for overnight.客戶:我想住一晚上。英語單詞筆記:overnight n. 通宵的,一個晚上11. 詢問提供的服務(wù)Guest: Excuse me, is there any room available ? I want a single one.客

13、戶:打擾一下,請問還有房間嗎?我想要個單人間。Clerk: Yes. When do you want it?柜臺服務(wù)員:有,你訂什么時候的?Guest: Next Moday. By the way, is there a closed circuit TV?客戶:下周一。再問一下,房間里有閉路電視嗎?Clerk: Yes, sir.柜臺服務(wù)員:有,先生。Guest: What about laundry?客戶:那有洗衣服務(wù)嗎?Clerk: Sorry, sir. You have to pay by yourself.柜臺服務(wù)員:抱歉,先生。您要自費(fèi)這個服務(wù)。英語單詞筆記:circuit

14、adj. 環(huán)繞,巡回laundry n. 洗衣店12. 說明所需房間的條件Guest: I want to reserve rooms for my colleagues.客戶:我想為我的同事預(yù)訂房間。Clerk: What kind of rooms do you want?柜臺服務(wù)員:您想要什么樣的房間?Guest: A single room with a bath and one double room facing the lake.客戶:一個帶浴盆的單人間和一個朝著湖的雙人間。Clerk: No problem. Your room numbers are 201 and 204.

15、柜臺服務(wù)員:沒問題。你們的房間號是201和204。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。英語單詞學(xué)習(xí)筆記:colleague n. 同事13. 請求被列入等候名單Guest: Excuse me, I want to reserve a room.客戶:打擾了,我想訂房間。Clerk: When, sir?柜臺服務(wù)員:什么時候, 先生?Guest: For this Wednesday and Thursday.客戶:這周三和周四。Clerk: I am sorry, but all the rooms are occupied.柜臺服務(wù)員:很抱歉,所有的房間都滿了。Guest: We

16、ll, would you please put my name in the waiting list?客戶:恩,你能把我的名字列入等候名單嗎?Clerk: No problem.柜臺服務(wù)員:沒問題。英語單詞學(xué)習(xí)筆記:occupied adj. 已被占用的,有人住的waiting list 等候名單14. 包星期住宿的旅店Clerk:Reservation, may I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:預(yù)定處,我能幫您什么嗎?Guest: Yes, we are traveling to Paris for a week and we want to make a reservation.客戶

17、:是的,我們打算在巴黎呆一周,想在你們旅店預(yù)訂一間房。Clerk: How many of you?柜臺服務(wù)員:幾個人呢?Guest: Three. By the way, are three meals all served in your hotel?客戶:3個人。順便問一下,你們旅館提供三餐嗎?Clerk: No, sir. But we have a special package plan for families staying for a whole week. Its much more convenient and cheaper.柜臺服務(wù)員:不提供,先生。 但我們有一項(xiàng)特別

18、服務(wù),專門為在這里住宿一個星期的家庭提供。這項(xiàng)服務(wù)很便宜而且更方便。Guest: Well, then I would like to take it.客戶:恩,那我們就預(yù)訂這個服務(wù)吧。英語單詞學(xué)習(xí)筆記package n. 打包,包裹c(diǎn)onvenient adj. 方便15. 兒童半價Clerk: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:早上好,先生,我能為您做些什么嗎?Guest: I want to check in.客戶:我想登記入住。Clerk: Have you made a reservation?柜臺服務(wù)員:你預(yù)訂了嗎?Gue

19、st: No, I want a double room. By the way, is there any discount for children?客戶:沒有,我想要個雙人間。還有,兒童入住打折嗎?Clerk: Yes, children are half price.柜臺服務(wù)員:是的,兒童半價。Guest: Ok,please have me arrange one.客戶:好的,給我安排一間吧。英語單詞筆記:discount 折扣16. 詢問是否有優(yōu)惠Clerk: Hello, sir. Have you reserved already?柜臺服務(wù)員:您好,先生。您預(yù)訂了房間了嗎?Gu

20、est: No, is there a single room left?客戶:沒有,還有空的單人間嗎?Clerk: Yes, how long will you intend to stay?柜臺服務(wù)員:有,您打算住多久?Guest: For a week or so. Do you give discount for a week or more?客戶:大概一個星期吧。你們對住一個星期或更久的顧客打折嗎?Clerk: Yes, we give 5% discount for a week and 12% for 2 weeks.柜臺服務(wù)員:有折扣,對住一個星期的顧客我們打95折,兩個星期的

21、打88折。Guest: All right. I will take a room for a week. Here is my passport.客戶:好的,我在這里住一個星期。這是我的護(hù)照。英語單詞筆記:intend v. 打算17. 確認(rèn)預(yù)約Guest: Hello, I am calling to confirm my reservation for a single room.客戶:你好,我來確認(rèn)我的預(yù)約,我訂了個單人間。Clerk: On which day?柜臺服務(wù)員:哪一天的呢?Guest:This Friday.客戶:這周五。Clerk: Well, let me check

22、 for you. Yes, you are booked already. Its a single room with a bath, facing the south.柜臺服務(wù)員:讓我查查看。是的,你已經(jīng)預(yù)定過了。一個朝南的帶浴盆的單人間。Guest:Thats right. Thank you.客戶:沒錯,謝謝。英語單詞筆記:single room 單人間18. 更改預(yù)約Clerk: Sun-set hotel. May I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:日落旅館,我能幫您什么嗎?Guest:Yes, I have booked a room for 24th. Its a doubl

23、e room.客戶:我已經(jīng)預(yù)約了24號的雙人間。Clerk: Hold on, please. Let me check it for you. Yes, youre right. You will keep it for 3 days.柜臺服務(wù)員:請稍等,我為您查一下。是的,您訂了房間,要住三天。Guest: Well, now I want to change the date from 24th to 28th.客戶:恩,我想把入住的時間改為28號。Clerk: OK, that shall be arranged.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我們會為您安排的。英語單詞筆記:arrange v.安

24、排19. 延長預(yù)約時間Clerk:What can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:我能幫您什么嗎?Guest:Yes, I made a reservation for 3 days for April 3rd to 6th, and my name is Sara.客戶:是的,我預(yù)訂過一個房間,從4月3號到6號的,我叫薩拉。Clerk:Yes, whats the problem?柜臺服務(wù)員:是的,有問題嗎?Guest:Well, I want to extend it for 2 more nights.客戶:我想再多兩天。Clerk:So you will stay until

25、9th?柜臺服務(wù)員:也就是說您要住到9號?Guest:Yes.客戶:是的。Clerk:OK, well make the correction for you.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我們會為您更改的。Guest:Thank you.客戶:謝謝。英語單詞筆記:extend v.延長correction n.更正20. 取消預(yù)約Clerk:Good afternoon, Peace Hotel, what can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:下午好,這里是和平旅館。我能幫您嗎?Guest:I have made a reservation for this Sunday. My name i

26、s Bily.客戶:我已經(jīng)預(yù)訂了間周日的房間,我叫畢比。Clerk:Yes, thats right. Your room is a single one with a bath.柜臺服務(wù)員:沒錯。您訂了間有浴盆的單人間。Guest:I am calling to cancel it now. I cant go to your city this week.客戶:我打電話來想取消預(yù)約。這周我沒辦法去你們的城市了。Clerk:Fine, we will cancel it.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我會取消的。Guest:Thank you.客戶:謝謝。21. 請求保留預(yù)約Clerk:Hello. C

27、apital Hotel. May I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:您好,帝國旅館。我能幫您嗎?Guest:Yes, unfortunately my flight will be 2 hours due to the fog. Would you please keep my reservation?客戶:是的,很不幸,我的飛機(jī)因?yàn)榇箪F而晚點(diǎn)2個小時,你能幫我保留預(yù)約嗎?Clerk:Sure. May I have your name please?柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然可以,請問您的姓名是?Guest:Lincoln. Thats L-I-N-C-O-L-N. Thank you.客戶:林肯。

28、L-I-N-C-O-L-N,謝謝。英語單詞筆記:fog n.霧22. 請門童幫忙Clerk: Good morning, sir. Welcome to Flower Hotel.柜臺服務(wù)員:早上好,先生。歡迎光臨花園酒店。Guest:Thank you.客戶:謝謝。Clerk: How many pieces of baggage do you have?柜臺服務(wù)員:您有多少行李呢?Guest: Three. Would you please help us take them to the hall?客戶:3件, 你能幫我把行李提到大廳嗎?Clerk: Sure, of course.柜臺

29、服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然可以。英語單詞筆記;baggage 行李23. 入住Clerk: Do you want to check in sir?柜臺服務(wù)員:您需要住宿嗎?Guest: Yes I have booked a double room three days before I am Mr. Dean.客戶:是的,我3天前預(yù)定了一個雙人間,我叫迪恩。Clerk: Let me check. Yes, sir. The porter there will show your room.柜臺服務(wù)員:我查一查。好的,先生。這位迎賓員將帶你們?nèi)シ块g。Porter: Hello, sir, is that

30、 all you luggage?迎賓員:您好,先生。這是您的行李嗎?Guest: Yes.客戶:是的。Porter: This way please.迎賓員:請走這邊。Guest: Thank you, its very kind of you.客戶:謝謝,你太熱情了。英語單詞筆記:porter n.搬運(yùn)工check in 入住24. 登記入住Clerk: Good morning, sir. Have you reserved?柜臺服務(wù)員:早上好,先生。您預(yù)定了嗎?Guest: Yes, my name is Bill.客戶:是的,我叫比爾。Clerk: Let me see. Oh, y

31、es. Your room number is 603. The porter will lead you to your room.柜臺服務(wù)員:讓我查一下。是的,你的房間號是 603,那位迎賓員會帶您去的。Guest: OK, thank you.客戶:謝謝。25. 填登記表Clerk: Hello, sir. How many in your party?柜臺服務(wù)員:您好,先生。你們一共幾個人?Guest: Just myself. What is the rate?客戶:就我一個。你們這里怎么收費(fèi)?Clerk: OK, a single fare is $50 per right.柜臺服

32、務(wù)員:單人間一個晚上50美元。Guest: Fine. Do I have to show my passport?客戶:還不錯,我需要出示護(hù)照嗎?Clerk: No, its not necessary. But you have to fill out this form.柜臺服務(wù)員:不必了。 但您得填這張表格。Guest: Sure.客戶:好的。英語單詞筆記:rate n.費(fèi)用,價格fill out 填寫26. 寄存物品Guest: Excuse me, can I deposit valuables here?客戶:打擾一下,我能在這里寄存貴重物品嗎?Clerk: Surely of

33、course.柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然可以。Guest: Here is the bag. Is that free?客戶:給你,我的包。寄存是免費(fèi)的嗎?Clerk: Yes. How long would you like us to keep it?柜臺服務(wù)員:是的,您要寄存多久?Guest: For two days.客戶:2天。英語單詞筆記:deposit v.寄存,存放物品valuable n.貴重物品27.詢問入住時間Clerk: Hello, sir. Can I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:您好,先生。我能幫忙嗎?Guest: What time id check-in?客戶:什么時

34、候可以登記入住呢?Clerk: 12:00. You have to wait for a while.柜臺服務(wù)員:12點(diǎn)。您得再等一會。Guest: OK.客戶:好吧。Clerk: Well, sir. Come with me. I will show you the waiting room. You must be tired. Have a short rest there. We will call you later.柜臺服務(wù)員:恩,先生,請跟我來吧。我?guī)銈兊叫菹⑹摇D銈円欢ê芾哿税??在這里休息一會兒,我等會叫你們。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。28. 給小費(fèi)C

35、lerk:Sir, may I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:先生,我能幫您什么嗎?Guest:Would you have my baggage sent up, please?客 戶:你能把我的行李拿上去嗎?Clerk:Sure. Its my pleasure. The elevator is right there; your room is on the fifth floor. Here is your room.柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然可以,電梯就在那邊。你們的房間在5樓。到了,這就是你們的房間。Guest:Thank you very much. This is for your he

36、lp.客 戶:非常感謝你,這是給你的消費(fèi)。29. 換房間Clerk: Excuse me, sir. May I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:打擾一下,先生,需要我?guī)兔?Guest: Yes. I have to change a room.客戶:是的,我想換個房間。Clerk: Whats wrong?柜臺服務(wù)員:怎么了,Guest: Next door is so noisy. I cant sleep at all.客戶:隔壁大吵了.我根本就睡不著覺。Clerk: OK, I am sorry for that. We will arrange another one for you

37、.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,對此我深感抱歉。我們會為您換一間房的。英語單詞筆記:noisy adj 嘈雜的30. 察看房間Clerk: Sir, may I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:先生,我能幫您忙嗎?Guest: Yes, I want to book a room.客戶:是的,我想訂個房間:,Clerk: Sure. What kind of room do you like?柜臺服務(wù)員: 好的,您要什么樣的房間?Guest: Well, could you let me see the room?客戶:嗯,能讓我先看看房間嗎?Clerk: Ok. What about this one?拒

38、臺服務(wù)員:好的,這一間怎么樣呢?Guest: Its fine. What beautiful scenery outside the window! I think this one will do.客戶:不錯,窗外的景色多美啊。我想我就要這間了。Clerk: I am glad you like it.柜臺服務(wù)員:很高興您喜歡。英語單詞筆記:sceneery n. 風(fēng)景31. 房間調(diào)溫Guest: Excuse me, could you please turn on the air-conditioner, its so hot here.客戶:打擾一下,服務(wù)員。能把調(diào)打開嗎?這里太熱了

39、。Clerk: OK, I will fetch the remote control.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我這就去取遙控。Guest: Aha, its cool now. Can I keep the robot?客戶:啊哈,涼快了。我能保留這個遙控嗎?Clerk: Yes. Here you are.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,給您。英語單詞筆記:air-conditioner 空調(diào)remote control 遙控器32.請人收拾房間Guestv:Excuse me,would you please send a maid here?客戶:打擾一下,能派個服務(wù)員到我這里來嗎?Glerk:Ok,sh

40、e will be there right away.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,她馬上就到.Glerk:Housekeaping,May I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:客房部。我能幫您忙嗎?guest: Yes,its so dirky here.Can you please help us tidy it?客戶:是的,這里太臟了,能幫我收拾下嗎?Clerk:Sure.Thats oK.柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然,沒問題。Guest: Thank you so much. Here is dour tip.客戶:非常感謝,這是給你的小費(fèi)。Maid:Thanks.Have a nice stay here.服

41、務(wù)員:謝謝,祝您在這愉快。Notes:housekeeping n.客房部maid n.女仆,女服務(wù)員tip n.小費(fèi)33.房間未收拾干凈Clerk: Room sonnce.What can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:客房部。我能幫您忙嗎?Guest:I find theShoet in my room i8 SO stainod.VVouId you please hell it for a dean one?客戶:我的床單太臟了。能幫我換一床干凈的嗎?Clerk:I am sorry.sir.Someone will there in a momont.柜臺服務(wù)員:非常抱歉,

42、先生一會會有人來幫您換的。Gue8t:All nght.please be quick about it客戶:好的,請快點(diǎn)!Clerk:Yes,sir.l assure youn vdll never happen again.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,先生,我保證這樣的事情絕不會再發(fā)生。Notes:stain n.污點(diǎn),瑕疵assur v.保證34.在寄存處Clertc: Good aftemoon.what can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:下午好。我能幫您忙嗎?Guest:I want to pick up my valuable.客戶:我想取我的東西.Clerk: May I ha

43、ve your key please?柜臺服務(wù)員:能把您的鑰匙給我嗎?Guest: Sure. Here you are.客戶:好的,給你。Clerk: HereiS your valuable. Is that right?柜臺服務(wù)員:這是您的東西。對嗎?Guest: Yes,thank you.客戶:沒錯,謝謝。Notes:valuable n貴重物品37.詢問是否提供早餐GueSt:Is breakfast seNed here?客戶:這里提供早餐嗎?Clerk: Yes.Thafs from 6:30 t0 9:00 in the dinning room.柜臺服務(wù)員:提供。從早晨6點(diǎn)

44、30分到9點(diǎn),餐廳都提供早餐。Guest:Do I have to pay extra money for it?客戶:我需要額外付錢嗎?Clerk: No,its already induded in your room fare.柜臺服務(wù)員:不用了,早餐費(fèi)已經(jīng)包括在您的房費(fèi)中了。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。Notes:dinning room餐廳38.預(yù)訂早餐Guest: Excuse me.when is breakfast time?客戶:打擾一下,早餐是幾點(diǎn)開始呢?Clerk: From 6:00 t0 9:00.柜臺服務(wù)員:從早晨6點(diǎn)到9點(diǎn)。Guest: Well

45、,l would like to order breakfast for tomorrow moming.客戶:嗯,我想預(yù)訂明天早晨的早餐。Clerk: CertainlySir.VVhat would you like to have?柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,先生,你想吃點(diǎn)什么呢?GuestPlease give me two fried eggs.two ordersof toast and acup of coffee.客戶:給我來兩個煎雞蛋,兩個吐司和一杯咖啡。Clerk: Fine.Have a nice stay here.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,祝您在這里住的愉快。Notes:toast n

46、.吐司39.在房間內(nèi)享用早餐Clerk: Good evening.can I help you?柜臺服務(wù)員:晚上好,我能幫您忙嗎?Guest: Wed like to have break fast in our room tomorrow;would you please arrange nfor us?客戶:明天我想在房間里吃早餐,你能為我安排一下嗎?Clerk: Sure.柜臺服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然可以。Guest: ShallI make an order now?客戶:我現(xiàn)在可以預(yù)訂嗎?Clerk: You dont have to.This is your knob menu.Just t

47、ick off the items you want for break fast.write down the time and hang n out8ide the door before you go to bed tonight柜臺服務(wù)員:不用,這是您的點(diǎn)餐牌,把您要吃的寫在早餐盤上,在睡覺之前掛到門外就可以了。Guest: Thats really convenient.客戶:真是太方便了。Notes:arrange v.安排knob menu 點(diǎn)餐牌tick off 標(biāo)出40.送餐服務(wù)Clerk: Good moming.room seNice.In hat can I do fo

48、r you?柜臺服務(wù)員:早上好,這里是客房部。我能幫您忙嗎?Guest:Id like a hamburger and a cup of coffee.My room number is 402.客戶:我想要一個漢堡和一杯咖啡,我的房間號是4020。Clerk: OK.sir.We will bring n to you assoon ar possible.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,先生,我們盡快把您點(diǎn)的餐送過去。Guest: Thank you客戶:謝謝。41.接收訂餐Maid: Good moming.sir. Here is your breakfast.服務(wù)員:早上好,先生,這是您的早餐。G

49、uerst:Thank you.Just put n on the table.客戶:謝謝,放到桌子上吧。Maid:Is there anything I can dO for you?服務(wù)員:還需要其他服務(wù)嗎?Guest: En,would yoo please gwe me some bread please?l am hungry now.客戶:嗯,再給我些面包好嗎?我現(xiàn)在餓了。Maid: OK.I will get you to me right now.服務(wù)員:好的,我這就給您拿去。42.詢問付款方式Maid: Room service.May I come in?服務(wù)員:客房服務(wù),

50、我能進(jìn)來嗎?Guest: Come in please.客戶:請進(jìn)。Maid: This is your breakfast.Can I put it here?服務(wù)員:這是您的早餐,我能把它放這嗎?Guest: Sure.How much iS it?客戶:可以,多少錢?Maid: Thats $10.服務(wù)員:10美元。Guest: VVell here is the money,客戶:給你錢。Maid: Sir,you dont have to pay right now.Just sign here and we will chargen to your account.服務(wù)員:先生,你

51、不必現(xiàn)在就付錢的。只要在這簽個宇就好了,我們會先記到您賬上。Guest: Fine.客戶:好的。Notes:account n.賬戶44.催促早餐Guest:Is that Room servioe?客戶:是客房部嗎?Clerk:Speaking. What can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:是的,我能幫您什么忙嗎?Guest:I have madearoservation for my brealdast last night. But l still havent got it.I am so hungry now.客戶:我昨晚預(yù)訂了今天的早餐,可是到現(xiàn)在都還沒有送來,我現(xiàn)在很

52、餓。Clerk:I am sorry.sir,I will check for you.whats your room number?柜臺服務(wù)員:對不起,先生,我為您查一下,您的房間號是多少?Guest: 2030.客戶:2030Clerk: Fine.we wdl send it to you right now.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,我們這就給您送去.45.請求服務(wù)生代買物品Guest: Excuse me,could you do me afavor?客戶:打擾一下,能幫我個忙嗎?Maid:Of couse,whats the matter?服務(wù)員:當(dāng)然,什么事?Guest:We are b

53、usy in preparing for the train.Would you please buy us some fruit?客戶:我們現(xiàn)在忙著為坐火車準(zhǔn)備東西,你能幫我們買點(diǎn)水果嗎?Maid: What kind of fruit do you want?服務(wù)員:你們想要什么水果?Guest: Apples and pears,one kilo for each af them,please.客戶:蘋果和梨各買一斤。Maid: Sure,please grve me $10 in advance.l wil1 have thern bought for you.服務(wù)員:好的,先給我10

54、美元吧,我去給你們買。Notes:in a dvanoe提前,預(yù)先46.鋪床服務(wù)Maid:House keeping.May I come in?服務(wù)員:客房部的。我能進(jìn)來嗎?Guest:Come in please.客戶:請進(jìn)。Maid:Good eveninig,sir.I come to make the bed. Shall I do it now or later?服務(wù)員:晚上好,先生,我來鋪床。我現(xiàn)在做還是等一會?Guest:Well,since you have come,do it now please?客戶:既然你已經(jīng)來了,就現(xiàn)在吧。Maid:Thats aII.Have a

55、 nioestay here.服務(wù)員:好的,祝您在這里住的愉快。Guest:Thank you.Please get some soap for us.客戶:謝謝,請給我們?nèi)⌒┫阍怼aid:Just a moment.l will do it right now.服務(wù)員:稍等,我這就去。Notes:make the bed鋪床47請人打掃房間Clerk: Room service.what can I do for you?柜臺服務(wù)員:客房部。我能為您做什么嗎?Guest: would like to have my room deaned. Would you please send a maid here right now?客戶:我想請人打掃下我的房間,能叫個服務(wù)員過來嗎?Clerk: OK.someone will be there right away.柜臺服務(wù)員:好的,馬上就到。Guest: Thank you.客戶:謝謝。48.要求在特定時間打掃M(jìn)aid:Housekeeping.ma


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