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1、1,商務(wù)英語的翻譯,2,商務(wù)英語語篇的類型,商務(wù)信函 (Business Correspondence) 備忘錄 (Memorandum) 會議紀要(Minutes) 廣告(Commercials) 報告(Report) 通知 (Notice) 說明書(Specification) 協(xié)議或合同(Agreement or Contract),3,目錄,文體特點 詞匯使用特點 語句使用特點 語篇風格特點 漢譯要點 準確了解詞匯的意義 漢譯句子既簡潔暢曉,又莊重老練 語篇格式規(guī)范,4,文體特點,詞匯使用特點:專業(yè)詞匯、具有商務(wù)漢譯的普通詞以及縮略詞 e.g. Sole licensevs. Excl

2、usive license Offer , counter-offer, counter-suggestion, bid Surcharges Property in goods vs. property of goods,5,文體特點,語句使用特點 信函:簡潔,簡單句等 合同:長句和難句,Please ship at the first available opportunity.,請將商品盡快交運,see text p. 146,6,文體特點,語篇風格特點seven Cs,completeness,Conciseness,concreteness,correctness,clarity,c

3、onsideration,courtesy,7,漢譯要點,準確了解詞匯的意義 商務(wù)術(shù)語 一詞多義 數(shù)字概念,8,漢譯要點,準確了解詞匯的意義 一詞多義 Credit an arrangement where goods and services can be received now and paid for later, within an agreed period. 信貸,賒購 a sum of money paid into a bank account 貸記 v. to record the payment of a sum of money into an account 記入貸方

4、,9,漢譯要點,數(shù)字概念:時間、價格、數(shù)量、金額和規(guī)格 時間:on and after by the time not later than,10,數(shù)字的譯法,數(shù)量的表達和譯法 確定的數(shù)量 整 總共 增加 減少 間隔 平均 不確定數(shù)量 超過,以上 不足,少于 大約 倍數(shù)增減的譯法,11,確定的數(shù)量 整exactly, clear, just, cleanly e.g. It is now exactly tow oclock. 現(xiàn)在正好兩點鐘。 總共 in all, gross, total, add up to, amount to, come to, sum up to e.g. The

5、first order numbers two thousand pieces in all. 第一天訂貨共達2,000件,12,The popular film can gross five million pounds. 一部受歡迎的影片能賺取萬英鎊的總利潤 He has $2,400 in the Bank, exclusive of the interest. 除利息不計外,他在銀行有2,400美元的存款。 The exhibits totaled 3,500 pcs. 展品數(shù)總計達3,500件。,13,增加:increase by/to/fromto, raise, rise , j

6、umpabove, go up, etc. E.g. The export volume of this year increased to 560,000 yards. 今年的出口量增至56萬碼。 They raised their daily output from 700 tons to more than 900. 他們把日產(chǎn)量由700噸提高到900多噸。,14,15,減少:decrease by/to/from to, drop, fall, sink, go down, decline, diminish, cut, etc.,The import volume of this c

7、ountry fell to under 3 million dollars a year. 這個國家每年的進口量已降到30億美元以下。 The price of silk has dropped from twenty to sixteen yuan per kilogram. 絲的價格已從每公斤20元降到16元。,16,間隔 Sometimes the eruptions have been as long as an hour and a half apart. 有時(間歇泉)噴發(fā)的間隔時間長達1.5個小時 Every few microseconds, the computer wou

8、ld evaluate the data. 每隔幾微秒,計算機就對數(shù)據(jù)估價一次。 Some magazines are published weekly. 有些雜志每周出版一次。 We take a rest at intervals of two hours. 我們每隔兩小時休息一次,17,平均 average, mean This super market has an average of 60,000 customers a week. 這個超市平均每周接待6萬顧客。 His income is $9,000 above the national mean. 他的收入是¥9,000美元

9、,超過全國平均數(shù)。 The mean income of families in that country is over $35,000 a year. 那個國家家庭平均收入每年在35,000美元以上。,18,不確定數(shù)量,超過,以上 不足,少于 大約,19,超過,以上over, above, more than, not less than, at least, and over etc. After paying all expenses I had cleared over two hundred dollars. 把所有的費用付清之后我凈賺兩百多美元。 There eighty and

10、 more people in our company. 我們公司有80多人。,20,不足,少于under, below, less than, no more than, at most, at the very most, as few as This lot of goods were shipped in less than six days. 這批貨物不到六天就裝運完畢。,21,Date: August 10, 2004 To: All students From: A. Buttle Subject: Journalist Position Available for the Su

11、mmer Semester The student newspaper is currently looking for a journalist for the summer semester. Applicants should currently be studying at the university, and should preferably have at least two years writing experience. The successful applicant will be expected to write two articles every week o

12、n happenings in the city and on campus. The position will commence at the end of May and will last through to the end of August. The salary for the position is negotiable and will be based on experience. If you are interested, please send your resume to the campus newspaper office.,22,日期:2004年8月10日

13、致: 全體學生 自: A. 巴特爾 事由:夏季學期記者招聘 校報正在招聘夏季學期的記者。條件是應聘者必須是本校的在校生,最好至少有兩年的寫作經(jīng)驗。 被聘者將每周寫兩篇關(guān)于這個城市和校園的報道。工作從五月底開始,一直持續(xù)到八月底。工資根據(jù)其經(jīng)歷面議。有意者,請將簡歷寄到學校報社。,23,英漢語言的對比與翻譯,銜接手段,24,銜接的手段,照應(reference) 替代(substitution) 省略(ellipsis) 連接(conjunctions),25,照應(reference),人稱代詞、指示詞或表比較的詞,指的是篇章中某個成分和另一成分之間的關(guān)系是一種指代的關(guān)系。 He has tried whisky and the red wine,but he doesnt like either (either whisky or the red wine


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