已閱讀5頁,還剩21頁未讀, 繼續(xù)免費(fèi)閱讀




1、實(shí)用幼兒英語口語300句(一)打招呼,問好1 Good morning? Good morning! 早上好?早上好!2 Good afternoon? Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好!3 How old are you? I am (four) 你幾歲了?我(四)歲4 What is your name? My name is (lanlan) 你叫什麼名字?我叫(蘭蘭)。5 See you tomorrow? See you tomorrow 明天見?明天見6 Are you OK? Yes, I am OK。 你還好嗎?我挺好的。7 Hi, how are you? I

2、am fine, thank you。 嘿,你好嗎?我很好,謝謝。8 Excuse me! 打擾一下!9 Bye-bye mum / daddy。 再見媽媽/ 爸爸。10 Good-bye 再見11 Excuse me, what is your name? 打擾一下,你叫什麼名字?12 See you next week 下周見(二)表揚(yáng),感謝1 You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!2 You are clever! 你真聰明!3 You are good! 你真棒!4 Great! / Good! / OK! 好5 Very nice! 非常好!6 Happy New Year

3、! 新年快樂!7 Happy birthday! 生日快樂!8 Merry Christmas! 圣誕快樂!9 Thank you very much! 非常感謝你!10 Wonderful! 太棒了!11 I am the winner! 我是勝利者!12 I am the first! 我是第一名!13 You are beautiful! 你真漂亮!14 You are welcome! 歡迎你!15 How beautiful! 多美呀!16 How funny! 多有趣呀!17 Wow! Its so nice! 哇!它太好了。18 Its a nice day! 這是一個(gè)很好的一天

4、!19 Oh, my god / goodness! 哦,我的上帝!20 Wow! Its so nice / lovely! 哇!它太棒了 / 太可愛了!21 Nice girl / boy 好女孩 / 男孩22 You are so sweet 你是非??蓯鄣?3 You look very smart 你看起來非常聰明24 I wish you a Merry Christmas!我祝你圣誕快樂!25 I wish you a Happy New Year!我祝你新年快樂!26 Miss Li, you are very beautiful!李老師你真漂亮!27 I love you!我

5、愛你?。ㄈ┑狼? I am sorry 對不起2 Never mind 沒關(guān)系(四)洗浴進(jìn)餐1 Are you thirsty? Yes, I am。 / No, I am not。 你渴嗎?是的,我渴。 / 不,我不渴。2 I like fish / beef / lamb 我喜歡魚肉 / 牛肉 / 羊肉3 That is delicious apple / banana / orange 美味的蘋果 / 香蕉 / 橙子4 Have some water / tea / milk 和一些水 / 茶 / 牛奶5 Help yourself 別客氣6 Whats for lunch / bre

6、akfast / supper? 中午 / 早晨 / 晚上吃什麼?7 Brush your teeth 刷牙8 Wash your face 洗臉9 Show me your nose / hands / head 給我看看你的鼻子/ 手 / 頭10 I am hungry 我餓了11 I am full 我吃飽了12 Have an apple 有一個(gè)蘋果13 I have done my hands 我洗過手了14 Im the helper 我是值日生15 I want more rice / vegetable 我還要米飯 / 菜16 I spilled my soup 我把湯撒了17

7、 There is no tissue paper 沒有餐巾紙了18 I want to go to the toilet 我想上廁所19 Can I go to toilet? 我能上廁所嗎?20 What kind of juice? 什么果汁?21 I like orange-juice 我喜歡桔子汁(五)集體活動1 Are you tired? Yes, I am tired。 / No, I am not。 你累了嗎?是的,我累了。/ 不,我不累。2 Be quite 安靜3 Lets go to sleep / Lets go to bed 讓我們?nèi)ニX4 Get up 起來5 W

8、ake up 叫醒6 Here you are 給你7 Lets start / begin 讓我們開始8 Hand in hand 手拉手9 Wave your fingers擺動你的手指10 Touch your stomach 摸摸你的肚子11 Whats wrong with you? Its nothing 你怎麼了?沒事12 Where are you going? 你去哪里?13 You are fat你胖14 You are slow 你太慢了15 You are fast你很快16 Dont talk 不要說話17 Come here/ Come on 過來18 Go to

9、there 去那邊19 Listen to me 聽我說20 Follow me 跟著我21 Put on your coat 穿上你的外套22 Wait for me 等等我23 I am here 我在這里24 I dont know 我不知道25 Close your eyes / mouth 比上你的眼睛/ 合上你的嘴巴26 Open your eyes / mouth 睜開你的眼睛/ 張開你的嘴巴27 Close the door 關(guān)門28 Open the door 開門29 Return to your seat 回去你的座位上30 Be careful 小心31 Hurry u

10、p 快點(diǎn)32 Look at me 看著我33 Let me try 讓我來試試34 Lets watch TV 讓我們來看電視35 Hand up 舉手36 Look, look 看,看37 Help! Help! 救命!救命!38 Dont worry 別擔(dān)心39 What time is it? 幾點(diǎn)了?40 Where are you? 你在哪里?41 Relax 休息42 Come down 冷靜43 Easy! 放松!44 Watch out! 當(dāng)心45 Keep quite保持安靜46 What are you doing? 你在做什麼?47 Wait a while 等一會兒4

11、8 Its warm here 這里很暖49 Lets play together 讓我們一起玩50 Lets dance 讓我們跳舞51 Go ahead 繼續(xù)52 Sing a song 唱支歌53 Come on guys 男孩們過來54 Whats that? 那是什麼?55 Really? 真的?56 Hang on for a while稍微等一會兒57 Enjoy yourself 自娛自樂58 Danger! Keep off! 危險(xiǎn)!小心!59 Dont be afraid, its safe 別害怕,它是安全的60 I am busy now, see you later

12、我很忙現(xiàn)在,一會兒見61 What shall we draw today? 我們今天畫什么62 I have no paper 我沒有紙63 I finished我做完了64 I cant see我看不見65 I cant write my name 我不會寫我的名字66 I like toys 我喜歡玩玩具67 Hes hitting me!他打我!68 He takes my toy / book 他搶我的玩具 / 書 69 Excuse me Can you do my shoes? 打擾一下,你能幫我系鞋帶嗎?70 I want to play with Jim我想和Jim玩71 L

13、ets play home game / house 我們玩娃娃家吧72 Do I need keep the toys? 要收玩具嗎?73 I want to go to playground 我想玩大型玩具74 We want to play hide and seek 我們想玩捉迷藏75 Dont push me 別推我76 Teacher, he pushes me 老師,他推我77 Show me 給我看(六)隊(duì)列1 At ease! Attention! 稍息!/ 立正!2 Stop running! 別跑3 Lets go 讓我們走4 OK,Stop!好了,停!5 Go stra

14、ight ahead, turn left / right 一直走,左轉(zhuǎn) / 右轉(zhuǎn)(七)生病1 Check it out 檢查完善2 I miss my Mummy 我想我媽媽3 I dont feel very well我不舒服4 I was sick yesterday 我昨天病了5 Im better today 我今天好了6 I have a cough 我咳嗽7 I got headache 我頭疼8 I got cold 我發(fā)燒了9 My teeth got a pain 我牙疼(八)一般問題回答用語1 What time is it? It is (five oclock)幾點(diǎn)了

15、?(五)點(diǎn)了2 What is this? This is a (table) 這是什麼?這是一張桌子3 Sure, no problem 當(dāng)然,沒問題4 I bring my VCD 我?guī)У? Pick up me early 早點(diǎn)接我6 Is it your book / chair / table? 它是你的書 / 椅子 / 桌子嗎?7 Yes, it is。 / No, it isnt 是的,它是 / 不,它不是8 I am happy / angry / sad 我高興 / 生氣 / 沮喪9 I am cold / hot / warm 我覺得冷 / 熱 / 暖和10 May I

16、come in? Come in please 我能進(jìn)來嗎?請進(jìn)11 Its cold / hot 天氣冷 / 熱12 Where is my book? Its here 我的書在哪里?它在這里13 Who is that? It is me 是誰呀?是我14 I can sing / dance / fly / jump 我會唱歌 / 跳舞 / 飛 / 蹦15 My dear mother / father 我親愛的媽媽 / 爸爸16 I have a book / bird / dog 我有一本書 / 一只鳥 / 一只狗17 Is this a flower / cat / cow? 這

17、是一枝花嗎?/ 一只貓嗎? / 一只牛嗎?18 I am tall 我長得高19 I am short 我長的矮20 I am cool 我很酷21 Its a sunny / cloudy day! 是個(gè)晴天 / 陰天22 Its raining 下雨了23 Where is the restaurant? 餐廳在哪里?24 How far is the bank / hospital? 銀行 / 醫(yī)院里這里有多遠(yuǎn)?25 What a mess! 太亂了!26 Hello, can I talk with Mr Smith please? 你好,我能和Smith先生談?wù)剢幔?7 I need

18、 some money to buy a car我需要錢買一輛車(九)Reception入園接待1 Hi! / Hello! 你好!2 Good morning 早上好3 Hello, nice to meet you。 / Nice to see you。 你好,見到你真高興4 How are you? I am fine, thank you 你好嗎?我很好,謝謝。5 Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy 請和媽媽/爸爸說再見。6 Come in, please。 請進(jìn)7 Come on / come here, please。 請過來8 Tak

19、e off your coat 脫掉外套9 Please put on your morning check- card 請把晨檢牌帶好(十)Group Activity集體活動1 Are you ready? 準(zhǔn)備好了嗎?2 Lets start。 讓我們開始。3 Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 誰能告訴我?誰能回答?4 Look at me 看著我5 Look at the blackboard 看黑板6 Be quite / Keep quite 保持安靜7 Sit well / Sit nicely坐好8 Put up your hand /

20、 Put down your hand 把手舉起來 / 把手放下9 Stop talking 別說話10 Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白嗎?11 Read with me和我一起讀12 Return to your seat 回座位13 Stand up / Sit down 起立 / 坐下14 Listen carefully 仔細(xì)聽15 Listen to me / Listen to the music 聽我說 / 聽音樂16 Say it in English 用英語說17 Do you know? 你知道嗎?18 Lets p

21、lay a game 讓我們來做游戲19 Lets write / draw something 讓我們來寫點(diǎn)什麼 / 畫點(diǎn)什麼20 Lets dancing / singing 讓我們來跳舞唱歌21 Lets listen to a story 讓我們聽個(gè)故事22 Lets listen to the tape 讓我們聽磁帶23 Lets watch TV / a play 讓我們看電視 / 看表演24 Lets say it together 讓我們一起說25 What did you hear? 你聽到什麼了?26 Who has finished? 誰做完了?27 Who want t

22、o try? 誰想試試?28 How do you know? 你怎麼知道的?29 Which one do you like? 你喜歡哪一個(gè)?30 Put your hands on your knees把手放在膝蓋上31 Attention 注意32 You are right 你是正確的33 You are so good! 你真棒!34 Paint it in red 把它涂成紅色35 Open / close your book, please。 打開/ 合上你的書36 Dont be afraid / shy 別害怕 / 害羞(十一)Outdoor Activity 戶外活動1 I

23、ts time for morning exercises 早操時(shí)間到了2 Lets go out / outside 讓我們到室外去3 Lets go downstairs 讓我們到樓下去4 Lets play on the ground 讓我們?nèi)ゲ賵錾贤? Line up 排隊(duì)6 Two line 2條隊(duì)7 At ease! / Attention / Eyes front / Hands down 稍息 / 立正 / 向前看 / 手放下8 Lets go讓我們走9 Stop 停10 Count off 報(bào)數(shù)11 Hurry up 快點(diǎn)12 Be careful 小心13 One by o

24、ne 一個(gè)接著一個(gè)14 Be slowly, take easy 慢點(diǎn),別著急15 Dont move 別動16 Lets have a race 讓我們來個(gè)比賽17 Hand in hand 手拉手18 Make a circle 圍一個(gè)圈19 Jump on one foot 單腳跳20 Fall in / Fall out 集合/ 解散21 Run 跑22 Wonderful! / Great! 太棒了!23 You are the winner 你是勝利者24 You are the first 你是第一名25 Are you tired? / Lets have a rest 你累了

25、嗎?/ 讓我們休息一下26 Lets go back to the classroom 讓我們回教室27 Dont push other people / children 別推別人 / 別推別的小朋友28 Stop pushing 不許推搡(十二)Washing and Eating 講衛(wèi)生和進(jìn)餐1 Use soap to wash your hands 用香皂洗手2 Dry your hands with your towel 用毛巾把手擦干3 Please go to the toilet / bathroom, boys go first 男孩先去洗手間4 Turn the tap o

26、ff, when you have down 洗完手后,把水龍頭關(guān)了5 Show me your hands, are they clean / dirty? 讓我看看你的手干凈了嗎? / 臟嗎?6 Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry? 你渴嗎?/ 你餓嗎?7 Please take your cup 請拿你的杯子8 Have some water 喝點(diǎn)水9 Its time for lunch午飯時(shí)間到了10 Dont spill your foods on the table別把你的食物灑在桌子上11 Please finish it把它吃完12 Would

27、 you like some rice or soup? 你想要一些米飯還是湯?13 Do you want to more? 你要加一些嗎?14 Eat a little more 再多吃一點(diǎn)15 Dont play with your foods 別玩食物16 Eat properly 好好吃17 Are you full? 飽了嗎?18 Wipe your mouth擦嘴19 Rinse out your mouth 漱口20 Please keep the table clean 請保持桌面干凈21 Lets go out for a walk讓我們出去走走22 Is it delicious? 它好吃嗎?(十三)Sleeping time and Tea time 午睡和午點(diǎn)1 Its bed time 午睡時(shí)間到了2 Take off your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes 脫衣服 / 外套 / 褲子 / 鞋3 Fold up y


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