



1、 期中測試七年級英語試卷聽力部分(20分)I. 聽句子,選出你所聽到的內(nèi)容。(5分)( )1.A.family name B.first name C. last name( )2. A. M B. N C. L ( )4. A. ball B. boy C. box( )5. A. on the desk B. in the bed C. under the deskII. 聽句子,選出與其對應的答語。(5分)( )6. A.Im nine. B. Im fine. C. Thanks( )7. A. Nice to meet you, too. B. Im Lucy. C. Im OK.(

2、 )8. A.Yes he is. B. Yes, it is. C. Its a pencil.( )9. A. Its black. B. Jim. C. Its a book.( )10. A.Yes , it is. B. Its a map. C. M-A-P.III.聽短文,完成下列表格,每空詞數(shù)不限。(10分)TV on the table computer and telephone11 12 in the drawer13 under the bed14 on the bookcase green plants15 筆試部分(100分)一.寫出下列字母鄰近的兩個字母,注意大小

3、寫。(10分)1. K 2. e 3. R 4. i 5. q 二.單項選擇(15分)( )1.早晨你在校門口遇見老師,你應向老師說“ ”打招呼。 A.Good morning! B.Good afternoon! C.Good evening!( )2. “中國中央電視臺”的縮寫詞是 。A.BBC B.CTV C.CCTV ( )3. This is clock, and that is alarm clock. A. a ,a B. a, an C. an,an( )4.- your name Kate? -Yes, it .A. Are, are B. Are, is C. Is, is

4、( )5. , is this your key?A. Hello B. Thank you C. Excuse me( )6.-Your jacket is very nice. - .A. Thank you B. Excuse me C.OK( )7.He is Tim Green. Tim is his name.A. family B. first C. last( )8. is a girl, name is Jill.A. She, his B. He, his C. She, her( )9. Helen and I good friends. She thirteen.A.

5、am, is B. is, is C. are is( )10. Tom, can you the chair here? I need it.A. take B. bring C. call( )11. Your watch is in the case.A. lost and found B. lost C. found( )12.- Is that dresser? -No, its dresser.A. your, me B. her, his C. my, you( )13.A ball is the bed, and some books are the drawer. A. at

6、, on B. in, in C. under, in( )14.My uncles daughter is my . A. sister B. brother C. cousin( )15.- is your ID card ? -Its in my backpack. A. What B. Where C. How三.完型填空(20分)A: Hello, Lin Tao! Whats that 1 English?B: 2 is a dictionary.A: 3 that ? Is 4 a dictionary, 5 ?B: No, it 6 . Its 7 eraser. A: Is

7、it 8 eraser?B: 9 , it isnt. Its 10 eraser.( )1. A. at B. to C. in( )2. A. Its B. its C. Thats( )3. A. Whos B. Whats C. whats( )4. A. it B. It C. he( )5. A. two B. to C. too( )6. A. is B. not C. isnt( )7. A. an B. a C. the( )8. A. you B. your C. my( )9. A. Yes B. No C. Not( )10. A. me B. he C. his四.閱

8、讀理解(20分)AA: Hi!B: Hi!A: Im James. Whats your name?B: My name is Susan.A: My last name is Hunt. Whats your last name?B: My last name is Hill. My telephone number is 558-7654. Can you tell me your telephone number?A: Yes. My telephone number is 644-2985.根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,填寫下面兩個人物信息表格。(10分) A BFIRST NAME:1 LAST N

9、AME:2 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 644-2985 FIRST NAME:3 LAST NAME:4 TELEPHONE NUMBER:5 BHere is a photo on the desk. Its a photo of Pauls family. This is Jim Smith. Hes Jims grandfather. Hes on the sofa. John Smith, Pauls father, is on the sofa, too. Pauls mother Mary, is on the bed. This is Pauls sister. She

10、 is Susan Smith.根據(jù)短文選出最佳答案(10分)( )6.wheres the photo? A. On the desk. B. On the sofa. C. On the bed.( )7.Whats Susans last name?A. Green B. Smith C. Mary( )8.Jim is Pauls .A. grandfather B. uncle C. father( )9. isnt on the sofa.A. Jim B. Mary C. John( )10.Paul is Susans .A. uncle B. cousin C. brothe

11、r五.從II欄中找出I欄句子的應答語(10分)I II( )1.Whats your name? A. Its a watch.( )2.What color is the desk? B. No, he is my friend. ( )3.Wheres my ruler? C. I am Mary. ( )4.Is he your brother? D. Its yellow.( )5.Whats this in English? E. Its on the floor.六.根據(jù)漢語提示,完成句子,每空一詞。(10分) 1. 那不是我的電腦游戲。 That my game。 2. 打電話5

12、22-6558找凱特。 Kate 522-6558.3. 多謝你的照片。 your photos.4. 他們是你的父母嗎? they your ?5. 他的語文書在哪里? is Chinese book? 七.用所給詞的適當形式填空(5分)1.Is that (you) pencil?2. (this) pens are Li Leis.3.This is (Jim) book.4.Those (be) my sisters.5.Are (she) keys in the drawer?八.寫作(10分)假設你是Tom,12歲,fatherJohn Green, motherHelen Green, grandfatherDavid Green, grandmotherMary Green, sisterGina,10歲。1.根據(jù)所給出的人物畫出你的家譜,人名也要用到。(family tree)。(5分)2.用英語向你的朋友李磊介紹你的一張全家福,開頭已給出。(5分)Hi, Li Lei. This is a photo of my family. 答題卡聽力(20分)1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 筆試(


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