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1、Unit Three,Contents,5,4,3,2,1,read more about promoting products and services,practise reading aloud: Sound Linking,practise new reading skills: Identifying Passage Organization,develop career awareness: Some Hints for Promoting a Product,Career Skills Description,In this unit, you will,Section 1 Mo

2、re Things to Do,Activity 2,Activity 1,Activity 3,More Things to Do,Read More about promoting products and services,Fulfill the Following Tasks,Make a Survey,Activity 5,Translate a Paragraph,Section 1 Activity 1,Read More about Promoting Products and Services. What has the author decided to do in ord

3、er to sell the last two power tables? 2. Why are the power tables sold at such a low price? 3. Whats the deadline for this promotion?,Section 1 Activity 1,Can You Get a New $ 7 200 Power Table for $ 532? Yes, its absolutely true. You can really replace your old, worn-out exam table and only pay $532

4、 out of your pocket. Let me explain more specifically. Last May, our little company took a big gamble and signed up for a power table promotion. In order to go on the promotion we had to agree to take 5 power tables, only three of those five tables were sold so there are still 2 left. And my problem

5、 is your opportunity. In order to move these last two tables Ive decided to do something somewhat bold and a little daring.,Section 1 Activity 1,First, you should know that the manufacturers promotion of these power tables ends July 20th. And any unsold I have could be sold to another dealer at whol

6、esale. But instead of doing that, I would rather sell you the table at a wholesale price to gain your goodwill. The regular price for a power table is $ 7 200, but I promised you could get a power table for only $ 532 and heres how By buying a power table, you can qualify for a 50% tax credit under

7、section 44 of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Thats right, fifty percent! All because a power table will glide up and down to accommodate disabled and handicapped patients.,Section 1 Activity 1,Thats not all. Here are a few more incentives for you: we will give you a $ 350 trade-in for your old

8、 table, or you can donate it to charity for another tax break. And add an extra 2-year warranty ($2 000 value), plus, well pick up your old table and deliver the new one all for free! Pretty good, right? Wait, I have even better news for you You can pay in 3 installments with zero interest. Well bre

9、ak up your payments into 3 easy installments, spread thirty days apart. Why you must act before August 5th (Ive extended the offer for two weeks)? I doubt if these tables will still be around until August 5th because the first 2 doctors that put their deposits down will take them. And then theyre go

10、ne when this offer expires.,Section 1 Activity 1,What you should do now is to pick up your phone and dial 609-7231 and reserve one of these last 2 tables with your credit card. Otherwise, youll be giving up the ease and convenience of having a power table at this bargain price. I really hope youre o

11、ne of the 2 lucky doctors who decide to take advantage of this golden opportunity. (430 words),Can you get a new $ 7 200 power table for $ 532? Why will the author promote the power tables? The authors company agreed to take 5 power tables for promotion, only three were sold. The dealer decided to s

12、ell the other two at a wholesale price to 1) _. How to get a power table for $ 532? 1. You can qualify for a 50% tax credit because the tables are designed for the 2) _. 2. The company will give you a $ 350 trade-in for your old table, or you can donate it to charity for 3) _. 3. You can get 4) _. 4

13、. The company will pick up the old table and deliver the new one all for free. 5. You can pay 5) _, spread thirty days apart. When will the offer expire? 6) _. How to contact and make an order? You can 7) _ and reserve one with 8) _.,Section 1 Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks,gain goodwill,dis

14、abled and handicapped,an extra 2-year warranty,another tax break,Task 1 Complete the outline with the information from the passage.,in 3 installments,dial 609-7231,August 5th,your credit card,Section 1 Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks,Task 2 Match A with B.,1-d 2-j 3-f 4-h 5-c 6-g 7-a 8-i 9-e

15、10-b,Task 3 Fill in the blanks with the right words or phrases. Change the form where necessary. There are more words or phrases than you need. 1. I think Ill _ the swimming pool while Im here. 2. When will you pay the last _of the loan? 3. You must pay a _if you want to reserve the room.,Section 1

16、Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks,glide donate to installment qualify incentive gamble break up goodwill deposit take advantage of,take advantage of,installment,deposit,Section 1 Activity 2 Fulfill the Following Tasks,4. After three years here youll _ for a pay rise. 5. The figure skater _ grac

17、efully over the ice. 6. They dont try very hard if there is no _. 7. The businessman _ a lot of money _ the hospital before his death. 8. He spent all his time _ in the casino on his tour in Macau.,qualify,glided,incentives,donated to,gambling,Section 1 Activity 3 Make a Survey,Interview a company a

18、nd try to find out how they promote their products or services. Promotion Strategies Company name: _ Products/ Service offered: _ Ways of promoting products or services: 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _,Section 1 Activity 5 Translate a Paragraph,Activity 5 Translate a Paragraph. Translate the following into

19、 Chinese. The Internet has become the information superhighway for the buying public. Most persons prefer the hassle-free transactions that Internet shopping can offer. As a matter of fact, the Internet has become the most powerful selling tool. Internet Promotion offers cost-effective ways for busi

20、nesses to enhance their product or service. In comparison to other forms of marketing, Internet promotion has presented the advantage of reduced budget and storage costs.,Section 1 Activity 5 Translate a Paragraph,Key: 互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)成為大眾購物的信息高速公路。多數(shù)人喜歡網(wǎng)上購物,輕松自由地進行交易。事實上,互聯(lián)網(wǎng)已經(jīng)成為最強大的銷售工具。網(wǎng)絡(luò)銷售為企業(yè)提供了降低成本的方法,從而增強

21、其產(chǎn)品、服務(wù)的競爭力。與其他的營銷模式相比,網(wǎng)絡(luò)銷售已經(jīng)呈現(xiàn)出了減少預(yù)算和庫存費用的優(yōu)勢。,連讀 (Sound Linking),Section 2 Window on Pronunciation,在連貫的口語表達中,如果相鄰的兩個單詞同屬一個意群,而且詞之間的音節(jié)可以產(chǎn)生一定關(guān)聯(lián),可以將這兩個單詞連起來讀,聽起來好像拼在一起一樣,這種現(xiàn)象叫做連讀。連讀所構(gòu)成的音節(jié)一般不重讀, 只需自然地一 帶而過, 不可以加音。連讀有四種類型: 1. “輔音+元音”型連讀:相鄰的兩個單詞前者以輔音結(jié)尾,后者以元音開頭,可將輔音和元音連讀。 2. “r/re+元音”型連讀:相鄰的兩個單詞前者以r或re結(jié)尾, 后者以元音開頭,則r或re要發(fā)/r/音,并與其后的元音相拼。 3. “輔音+半元音”型


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