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1、The simple past tense,一般過去時,一般過去時態(tài)的定義及基本用法,1.動詞的一般過去時態(tài)表示過去發(fā)生的動作、情況或存在的狀態(tài)。,2表示過去經(jīng)常或反復(fù)發(fā)生的動作。 Zhang Ya always went to school by bike last term.,Liu Jie got up at 7: 10 this morning. He was a student three years ago.,兩大法寶: 1.時間狀語 2.動詞過去式,法寶之一: 時間狀語(火眼金睛),yesterday once upon a time right now last year tw

2、o days ago in 1999,法寶之二:,動詞過去式,規(guī)則變化,不規(guī)則變化,Group One Group Two 1 play- 1 hope- 2 look- 2 live- 3 work- 3 like- 4 visit- 4 use- 5 watch- 5 dance-,played,lived,worked,liked,looked,watched,visited,hoped,danced,used,請快速說出下列各詞的過去式,Relay-race,一般在動詞原形末尾加ed,結(jié)尾是 e 的動詞加 d,Group Three Group Four 1 shop- 1 try-

3、2.plan- 2 cry- 3 carry- 4 worry- 3.stop- 5 study-,shopped,cried,worried,carried,stopped,studied,tried,請快速說出下列各詞的過去式,Relay-race,末尾只有一個輔音字母的重讀閉音節(jié)詞,雙寫這個輔音字母后加 ed,末尾是“輔音字母+y”的動詞 變“y”為“i”加 ed,planned,Group Five Group Six 1 am/is- 1 are- 2 have/has- 2 do- 3 go- 3 see- 4 take- 4 buy- 5 bring- 5 speak-,was,

4、did,went,saw,had,brought,took,were,spoke,bought,Relay-race,不規(guī)則動詞過去式需要單獨記憶,get give tell come swim forget feel write,find smell keep sleep throw say understand,got,gave,told,came,swam,forgot,felt,wrote,found,smelt,kept,slept,threw,said,Liu Xiang _ 30 years old now.,劉翔2004年21歲。,Liu Xiang _ 21 years ol

5、d in 2004.,劉翔現(xiàn)在30歲。,is,was,動詞的一般過去時句式:,1).肯定句:主語+動詞過去式 They played basketball last Sunday. 2).否定句: 主語+did not(didnt ) +動詞原形+其他 They didnt play basketball last Sunday 3).一般疑問句:Did+主語+動詞原形+其他? Did They play basketball last Sunday? Yes, they did./ No, they didnt. 4).特殊疑問句: 特殊疑問詞+did+主語+動詞原形+其他? When di

6、d they play basketball last Sunday?,I _ twelve years old this year.,我今年12歲。,am,我去年11歲。,I _ eleven years old last year.,was,We _ in the classroom now.,我們昨天晚上在家里。,We _ at home last night.,我們現(xiàn)在在教室。,are,were,I go to school every day. 2. I went to school yesterday.,3He often _ his homework at his friends

7、 home.,does,4.He _ his homework at school yesterday.,did,He played basketball yesterday.,He plays basketball every day.,play,played,go,went,do/does,did,動詞的構(gòu)成形式,一般過去時的謂語動詞有be動詞 和行為動詞兩種基本形式,be動詞和行為動詞兩種基本形式,be動詞(或系動詞be)的過去式為was和were兩個。,行為動詞的過去式,其變化分為規(guī)則和不規(guī)則的兩種。,I have an iphone. You have an iphone. He has an iphone.,變成過去時 I had an iphone yesterday. You had an iphone yesterday. He had an iphone yesterday.,實意動詞的一般過去時中沒有人稱和數(shù)的變化,動詞過去式口訣,一般過去時并不難,表示過去動作和狀態(tài)記心間。 動詞要用過去式,時間狀語句末站。 否定句很簡單,didnt 站在動詞原形前,其它部分不要變。 一般疑問句


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