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1、七年級英語上冊期末試卷 姓名 班級 座號 分數(shù) 卷首語親愛的同學們,轉(zhuǎn)眼間新年到了。當我們對這一學期的英語學習進行最后的評價時,春天已經(jīng)悄悄地向我們走來- 回首過去的一學期,既有失敗的經(jīng)歷,又有成功的喜悅。我們哭過、笑過、彷徨過;我們輸過、贏過、拼搏過。聽!新年的鐘聲已經(jīng)敲響,讓我們揮手告別過去,昂首迎接未來。我們相信在新的起點上,每個人心中都充滿了期盼:期盼著更多的成功、期盼著更多的挑戰(zhàn)、也期盼著自己能拿出一份滿意的答卷!一、聽力測試(共20 分) .聽錄音,選擇能回答你所聽到的問題的正確答案。聽兩遍。(共5小題, 滿分5分)( ) 1. A. She is Miss Gao.B. Alic

2、e.C. His name is Peter.( ) 2. A. Hes in Class 4.B. Hes very old.C. Hes thirteen.( ) 3. A. Hes twelve.B. Shes in Class 1.C. Hes in Class 2.( ) 4. A. Shes at school today.B. A teacher.C. Hes on the playground. ( ) 5. A. Its under the bed.B. They are under the bed.D. Hes under the bed. 聽錄音,選擇與你所聽到的內(nèi)容相符

3、的圖畫。聽兩遍。(共5小題, 滿分5分)6. ( ) 7. ( ) 8. ( ) 9. ( ) 10. ( ) 、根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,選擇能回答問題的正確答案。聽兩遍。(共5小題,滿分5分)( )11. How is Peter today? A. Hes not happy. B. Hes fine. C. Hes happy. ( )12. Whats the girls name? A. Shes Lily. B. Shes Sally. C. Shes Millie. ( )13. Are Lily and Nick classmates? A. No, they arent. B. The

4、y arent classmates C. Yes, they are.( )14. Whos the boy on the right in the photo? A. Hes Andys twin brother. B. Hes Lilys cousin.C. Hes Lilys twin brother. ( )15. Whats Joes uncle? A. Hes a teacher. B. Hes a doctor. C. Hes a student. 根據(jù)你所聽到的短文內(nèi)容,選擇正確答案。聽三遍。(5分)( )16. Where does Kate work?A. In a sh

5、op.B. In a school.C. On a bus.( )17. What does she have for breakfast?A. Some bread and milk.B. Some cakes and milk.C. Some chocolates and Coke.( )18. How does she go to work?A. By bike.B. On foot.C. By bus.( )19. How many hours does she work on a weekday?A. Nine.B. Eight.C. Six.( )20. What does she

6、 like?A. New shoes.B. New clothes.C. New school. 二、筆試部分(100分) 選擇題 . 基礎(chǔ)選擇( 20分): ( )1.These books are _. _ are in _ bags.A. my. You, You B. My, Yours, your C. mine, Your, Yours D. mine, Yours, your( )2.Would you like _ your mother cook supper?A. helping B. to help C. help D. helping( )3.Let Tom _ rig

7、ht away.A. go home B. to go home C. goes home D. goes to home( )4.-May I have some milk? -Sorry, we have _ left(剩下). A. few B. a few C. little D. a little( )5.Tom with his classmates _ an English lesson now.A. has B. have C. are having D. is having( )6 .Could you_ a message _ him?A. take, to B. give

8、, to .C. leave, from D. give, for( )7.She is _ the blackboard, but she cant _ the words on it.A. looking at, see B. seeing, look at C. seeing, see D. looking at, look at( )8.We would like some meat and fruit _ lunch.A. to B. in C. of D. for( _)9.Would you please _ her _ me back?A. ask, to call B. as

9、k, call C. to ask, call D. to ask, to call( ) 10.Look at the boys. They _ games at school. A. play B. playing C. are play D. are playing( ) 11. A: . B: Nice to see you, too.A. Nice to see you. B. How are you? C. How do you do! D. See you later ( ) 12. A: Here you are.B: A. Thats right. B. Let me see

10、. C. Thanks. D. Yes , I like it ( ) 13. A: B: Hes tall. A. Is the boy tall or short?B. Is the boy tall? C. Is the boy short? D. How old is he ?( ) 14. A: Would you like an egg and some fish?B: .A. No, please, Im full.B. Thats a good idea.C. No, thanks. D. You are OK( ) 15. A: Thank you, Kangkang.B:

11、.A. Not at all.B. Of course.C. I think so. D . Dont say that( )16.Whats your favorite_? Basketball A. sportB. colorC. subjectD. movie( ) 17.May I help you? . A. No, you cant. B. Yes, please.C. Yes, you can.D. Sorry.( )18._the man? He is Kates father. .A. Whats.B. Whos C. Whoses D.Hows( )19.What colo

12、r is it?Its orange. Its orange pen. A. a, anB.an, anC. an,D. , an( )20.What you doing? Im a book. A.do, seeingB. are, lookingC. do, watchingD. are, reading.完形填空( 10分) :仔細閱讀下面對話,在A, B, C, D四個選項中選擇一個最佳答案。A: Whats your name?跳讀了解大意細讀初步答題精讀解決難點B: 1 names Jenny.A: 2 Lucy. 3 are you? B: Im 4 . A: Is 5 your

13、 brother? B: Yes.6 name is Ben.A: Do you like 7 tennis? B: Yes, that sounds .A: Do you 9 a tennis racket(球拍)? B: No, I dont. I only have a computer game.A: Well. Lets 10 computer games.( ) 1. A. My B. I C. YourD. Her ( ) 2. A. My name B. Im C. I D. Shes ( ) 3. A. What B. Where C. WhoD. How ( ) 4. A.

14、 good B. small C. fine D. lost( )5. A. she B. this C. this girlD. him( ) 6. A. His B. Her C. My D. its ( )7. A. play B. plays C. to play D. to plays ( )8. A. bad B. difficultC. boring D. interesting ( ) 9. A. like B. have C. likes D. has ( ) 10. A. plays B. to play C. play D. playing.閱讀理解一(20分) (A)

15、Everybody has a home. We people have homes. Animals(動物) have homes, too. Some animals live(住) under the ground(地面). The woodchuck lives in holes(洞 ) under the ground. His home has two doors. If anybody comes in one door, he goes out from the other door. Some birds live in holes in trees. They come o

16、ut for food in the daytime (白天)and go back to sleep at night. But many birds live just in the trees. Its quite interesting that turtles(海龜) carry their homes on their backs. Bees(蜜蜂) work hard to make their homes. There are many, many little rooms in their house. Cats, dogs, and chicks live in peopl

17、es homes. We see all kinds of animals in the zoo. It is a big home for lots of animals.根據(jù)上文內(nèi)容判斷正誤,正用“T”表示,誤用“F”表示。( )1. People and animals both (都) have homes.( )2. A woodchucks home has two rooms.( )3. All birds homes are holes in trees.( )4. Bees dont work hard to make their homes beautiful .( )5.

18、 Peoples homes are some animals homes, too. (B)72 Newton DriveLondon SW63rd OctoberDear David, How are you? Im fine. Im in London, at the International(國際的) School of English. Im in Class 3 with eight students. Theyre from different countriesSpain(西班牙), Japan, Argentina(阿根廷), Switzerland 瑞士)and Thai

19、land(泰國). Our teachers name is Henry Briscall. Hes very nice. Hes a very good teacher. Im living with an English family. Mr and Mrs Brown have three children. Thomas is fourteen, Catherine is twelve, and Andrew is seven. They are all very friendly, but it isnt easy to understand(懂) them! London is v

20、ery big and very interesting. The weather is goodcold but sunnyand the parks are beautiful! Hyde Park, Green Park, and St. James Park are all in the city centre(中心 ). English food is OK, but the coffee is horrible(可怕)! Write to me soon.Love,Paul根據(jù)上文內(nèi)容選出正確答案。( )6. The letter is from .A. DavidB. Paul

21、C. Paulas classmateD. Not A, B or C ( )7. The writers (作者的) class has . A. many studentsB. nine students C. eight students D. eight girls ( )8. The writer lives (住) . A. at schoolB. in a hotel C. with her classmatesD. at Mr Browns home( )9. Hyde Park is . A. in a school B. in London C. in Japan D. s

22、mall( )10. The letter is NOT about . A. the writers classmatesB. the writers teacher C. the writers dinnerD. London非選擇. 詞形變換:選擇方框里的詞,并用其適當形式填空,每詞只用一次。(10分) box farm drive China go watch swim she visit class 1. Mary has two red_ _. 2. This pen isnt yours. I think its _. 3. Mr Wang is a good _ _. .He

23、works on a farm .4. How many does have every day ?5. Miss Li is a _ _ teacher. .He teaches us Chinese .6.He has to a friend this Sunday .7.How about to have a picnic next Sunday ? 8. Mr Wang often TV on Saturday evening .9. Wanglins mother is a doctor and his father is a .10. Look !The children are

24、on the river( 河) . .口語交際 :根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容與上下文,用適當?shù)脑~或句子補全對話,使對話完整通順。(10分) Mrs Brown =ASalesgirl=BA: Good morning! B: Good morning! ?A: . I want to buy a sweater.B: Come this way. Here are sweaters .A: is this white one? B: 49 dollars(美 元). A: How much is it in Chinese money?B: About 400 yuan.A: B: But good th

25、ings always cost (值) much .A: I know that. And that blue one? B: Thats cheap(便宜). Its only 100 yuan.A: Ok. Ill take it.綜合填空:閱讀短文,根據(jù)每個空格中所給的單詞首字母,填入適當?shù)脑~,使短文完整 I am an American b . My name is Jerry Black. You can c me Jerry. I h a sister, Ginny. We are twins(雙包胎). But we are very d . I have a long fac

26、e w a high nose, while she has a round face with a small nose. I like football. But she l basketball. I like loud music. She likes light music.My father is a doctor in a h . My mother runs(經(jīng)營) a clothing s . We have a family member, Beibei. She is a lovely dog. She will have a puppy(小狗) s . 閱讀理解 二 :

27、根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容回答問題或填空完成句子。(10分) It is a fine day. Zhou Jun and his friends Steve, Lucy and Amy are out for a picnic. They are in the beautiful countryside(鄉(xiāng)下). There is a clean river, wide open green field(野外) with beautiful flowers and some big trees.Look! Lucy is preparing food. Steve is staring(開始) a fir

28、e. Amy is washing the dishes. Whats Zhou Jun doing? He is carrying water. He is strong. Some birds are singing in the sky. How happy they are!1. What are they doing? .2. Whats Lucy doing? .3. Is Steve carrying water? .4 Some birds in the sky . 5. It is a fine day . they are !. 書面表達: 下面是王海的作息時間表,根據(jù)他的

29、時間表寫一段小短文,請以第三人稱“he”(友情提示:別忘了動詞 +s )介紹王海的一天。 Time Work 6:00 起床6:10 跑步6:30讀英語7:00 吃早餐7:30 上學8:00-12:00上四節(jié)課(have. from. to. ) 4:00p.m.回家6:00p.m.吃晚飯7:00p.m.看電視或做作業(yè) 10:00p.m.睡覺 新課標第一網(wǎng)七年級英語上冊期末試卷參考答案 一 聽力部分:聽力材料及參考答案1. Whats her name?2. How old is Jack?3. What class is the boy in?4. Where is Mrs Smith?5.

30、 Where are his shoes?6. Lets play football, shall we?7. Mr Brown is waiting for the bus.8. I usually do my homework at 7:30 in the evening.9 How much is the green T-shirt?10. M: Whos that woman?W: Shes Miss Gao. She s Kates teacher. 11.M: Good morning, Jill. W: Good morning, Peter. How are you today

31、? M: Im fine, thank you.12. M: Hello! Youre Lily, right? W: No, Im Millie. M: Oh, Im sorry.13. M: Hi, Nick! This is my sister, Lily. Lily, this is my classmate, Nick. W: Hello, Lily! Nice to meet you! W: Hi, Nick! Nice to meet you too!14. M: Hi! Lily! Whats in your hand? W: Hi! Andy! This is a photo

32、 of my family. M: Who is the boy on the right? Is he your twin brother Nick? W: Oh, no. Hes my cousin. Nick is on the left.15. W: Hello, Joe! Is that man your uncle? M: Yes, youre right. W: Is he a teacher? M: No. Hes a doctor.Kate works in a school. She gets up at seven and has some bread and milk for breakfast. She goes to work by bus. Work begins at nine oclock and she must get to the school at eight forty-five. On weekdays, she works six hours a day. She has lunch at the school. She likes new clothes. She often goes to the shops on her way home after work. Now she is looking at a re


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