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1、Unit 1 Great scientists Learning about language,高二人教新課標版必修五,What was his job,He was a well-known doctor, so he often _ patients,attended,What did he discover,He discovered that the water _ cholera,was linked to,What helped him draw the conclusion,He drew the conclusion with the help of a _ map,valua

2、ble,What did he do after the discovery,First, he _ the source of the water and found the river had been polluted. Next, he _ people not to use the polluted water. Then, he instructed the water company not to _ people _ polluted water. Finally, “King Cholera” was _,looked into,instructed,defeated,Rev

3、ision,Discovering useful words and expressions Find the word and expression from the text for each of the following meanings. 1. _ someone who suffers when something bad happens 2. _ a doctor 3. _ to examine and think about something carefully,victim,physician,analyse,4. _ to win a victory over some

4、one 5. _ something that tests strength, skill or ability 6. _ a question you ask to get information 7. _ a machine for raising water,challenge,defeat,enquiry,pump,8. _ to say or think that someone or something is responsible for something bad 9. _ to take in 10. _ to connect something with something

5、 else,blame,absorb,link to,foresee cure severe expert attend announce suspect conclude expose,2. Choose the words in their correct forms to complete this passage,Simon Lee was a famous footballer but his career came to an end when he developed a _ illness. His doctor _ that Simon had been _ to a new

6、 virus. All attempts by the _ to _ him failed. Simon _ that he would not get better and _ that he must leave football,severe,suspected,exposed,experts,cure,foresaw,concluded,Finally, he _ that he would make a new career coaching young football players. At his last match all his fans _ and praised hi

7、m by singing the popular song “Thanks for the memory,concluded,attended,3 Look at the following simple words, we can make another expressions using make + a + noun instead of them. to mistake = make a mistake,make a suggestion,make a plan,make a,make a change,make a,make a,make a noise,make a,speech

8、,decision,contribution,description,make an investigation,4 In English verbs like make are very active and useful, you have also learned many phrases. Can you list some and make sentences with them,make ones way to,make up ones mind,make the bed,make money,make sure,make room for,make friends,make a

9、face,做鬼臉,一路前進, 向前,下決心; 決定,交朋友,鋪床,掙錢,確信,為騰出空位,make an appointment,make a gossip,make an apology,make a contest,make a choice,補充詞組,約會,閑言碎語,道歉,選擇,競爭,In English there are other verbs like “make”, can you list some,have a go have a talk have a rest have a walk have a picnic have a rest have a discussion,

10、take a test take a taxi/bus/train take a bath take a seat take a nap take an exam take a journey,Grammar,1. But he became inspired when he thought about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. 2. Neither its cause, nor its cure was understood. 3. He knew he would never be controlled until its ca

11、use was found,課文回顧,5. People absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the disease attacked the body quickly and soon the affected person was dead. 6. It came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. 7. He told the astonished people in Broad Street to

12、remove the handle from the water pump so it could not be used,8. he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. 9. He announced that polluted water carried the disease. 10. He suggested that the source of all the water supplies be examined. The wate

13、r companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water anymore,The ground is covered by _ (fall) leaves,fallen,1. Past Participle used as attribute,These _ (want) people are from Hong Kong,wanted,This will be the best novel of its kind ever _(write,written,that has ever been written,Who

14、were the so-called guests _ (invite) to Jacky Chuangs concert last month,invited,that had been invited,She is drinking _ (boil) water,boiled,She is drinking the water which was boiled,a broken heart a lost dog an organized trip,一顆破碎的心,喪家之犬,有組織的旅行,a heart which is broken,a dog which is lost,a trip wh

15、ich is organized,Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning,2. Past Participle used as predicative,The shop is _(close,closed,Cleaning women in big cities usually get _ (pay) by the hour,paid,There are two glasses which are _ (break,broken,There are two broken glasses,The person who

16、feels _ (excite) is Ronaldo,excited,The excited person is Ronaldo,Complete the table with phrases that have the same meaning,A: The audience feel tired at this tiring performance, but why do you always look so _? Do you sleep well these days? B: No, Im busy designing a new game program,tired,A: Do y

17、ou know why Joy looks so sad? B: He got _ about losing the money,blamed,Fill in the blanks with proper words,A: Did you go to see the film last night, which you have been looking forward to? B: Yes, I did. But I was so _ with it. I had expected it to be better,disappointed,A: Why do you always keep

18、your children at home? Its summer vacation now. Why not take them to the zoo? B: Good idea. They are really _ about going to the zoo,excited,A: Did you hear the news that Zhang Guorong killed himself by jumping from a high building? B: Yes, I did. Everybody was _ to hear the death of the famous film

19、 star,shocked/depressed,A: Doctor, How long will he have to be kept in hospital? B: At least one month. His wound became _ with a new virus,infected,Most of the newspapers which were _ with this famous star reported the news of his death,concerned,Choose appropriate verbs, using the past participle.

20、 Explain the use of the past participle in each sentence,1. They were prepared to accept my idea. 2. He was frightened of going alone into the empty house. 3. The mayor said that he was worried about the continued rise of the water level in the river bed. 4. Recently arrived soldiers are helping to

21、take the victims to safe areas from the flood,5. Most of the newspaper seems to be concerned with pop stars. 6. Ill be interested to hear what he has to say,attribute,predicative,I will be interested to hear his interesting story,ed encouraging, encouraged; disappointing, disappointed; puzzling, puz

22、zled; satisfying, satisfied; tiring, tired; pleasing, pleased; astonishing, astonished等,英語中這樣的分詞還有很多, 如,過去分詞和V-ing形式的區(qū)別: 表主動的, 進行的 特征的-含有“令人”之意 表被動的, 完成的 表狀態(tài)-含有“感到”之意,V-ing形式,過去分詞,A. Nobody was _ in the story he told. B. The story he told was very _. (interested, interesting ) 2. A. Everybody was _

23、to hear the news. B. The news is very _ indeed. (excited, exciting,Fill in the blank with proper words,interested,interesting,excited,exciting,3. A. The result of the test was rather _. B. He was very _ at the result of the test. (disappointed, disappointing ) 4. A. What he said was very _. B. I was

24、 very _ at the sight. ( amused, amusing,disappointing,disappointed,amusing,amused,gifted,trapped,broken,tied,polluted,Suppose you are a journalist. Choose one newspaper picture, and write a news report,Three Elected to Top Posts Judge Gunned down in US Courthouse Top Leader Killed Corrupt Officials

25、Seized and Punished Steps to Narrow Rich-poor Gap Needed Healthy Food Introduced,Please write a proper title for each newspaper pictures,過去分詞作定語和表語的區(qū)別: 定語 放在名詞和代詞的前面或后面 表示動作已經(jīng)完成或被動的 表語 放在be 動詞或系動詞的后面 說明主語的狀態(tài)或構(gòu)成被動語態(tài),Sum up,練習一:單句改錯,They were all amusing at what he said. He was very exciting to hear t

26、he news that their team had won. 3. The situation was a bit discouraged. 4. Two pages in this dictionary are missed. 5. Your mother is quite worrying about your health,amused,excited,discouraging,missing,worried,2. The girl who is dressed in red is Kellys long-lost friend. = The girl _ is Kellys lon

27、g-lost friend,練習二: 句型轉(zhuǎn)換,A thief stole the goat that was tied to the tree. = A thief stole the goat _ to the tree,tied,dressed in red,3. The castle, which was burnt down in the sixteenth century, was never rebuilt. = The castle, _ _, was never rebuilt,burnt down in the sixteenth century,4. Father bea

28、t the son who was lost in the online games. =Father beat the son _ in the online games,lost,5. The project, which was designed by the Chinese engineers, was constructed in only 2 years. = The project, _ _, was constructed in only 2 years,designed by the Chinese engineers,6. He told us of the great w

29、rong done to him. = He told us of the great wrong _ to him,which had been done,過去分詞作定語, 既表被動又表完成,7. The United States is a developed country. = The United Stated is a country _,which has developed,過去分詞作定語, 表示完成,8. Have you noticed the bridge being built there? = Have you noticed the bridge _ there,w

30、hich is being built,過去分詞的進行時作定語, 表示被動的動作正在進行,9. 丟了錢他自責不已。 He _ about losing the money. 10. 你為什么總是看上很疲勞? 這些 日子睡得好嗎? Why do you always _? Do you sleep well these days,got blamed,look so tired,11. 我對昨晚看的電影很失望, 我原以為 它能好些。 I _ the film I saw last night, I had expected it to be better,was disappointed wit

31、h,12. 聽說那位明星死了, 人人都很驚訝。 Everybody _ to hear the death of the famous film star,was shocked,13. 要去動物園了, 孩子們非常興奮。 The children _ going to the zoo 14. 他的傷口感染了一種新病毒。 His wound _ a new virus,are really excited about,became infected with,As is known to us all, traveling is _, but we often feel _ when we ar

32、e back from travels. A. interesting; tiredB. interested; tiringC. interesting; tiringD. interested; tired,A,練習三:單選,2. Hearing the _ news, we all felt _. A. encouraging, encouraging, B. encouraged, encouraged C. encouraged, encouraging D. encouraging, encouraged,D,3. From the dates _ on the gold coin, it is confirmed that was made five hundred years ago. A. marking B. marked C. to be marked D. having been marked,B,4. The _ look in her face suggested that she _ it before. surprising, wouldnt know surprised, hadnt k


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