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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.綜合能力演練【鞏固練習】. 單項選擇。1. Now more and more city adults _ their leisure time _ to improve themselves at school or college.A. spend, tryingB. spend, to tryC. take, tryingD. take, to try2.All of us think it is _ for your mother to work so much and get so little.A. fairB. unf

2、airC. to fairD. to unfair3.Loud music may make people _ fastA. to eatB. eatC. ateD. eating4.She _Shanghai next week.A is leaving forB. leaves forC. leavedD. left5.I am sorry that I have kept you _ me so long.A. waitingB. waiting forC. to waitD. to wait for6.The dish looks good, but when I eat it, it

3、 _very terrible.A. tastesB. smellC. lookD. sounds7 What s wrong _ Mary? She is nervous because of the examA forB toC ofD with8 The old man lived _ in the village but he didntfeel _ A alone; aloneB lonely ; lonelyCalone; lonelyD lonely ; alone9 Do you like red or pink? _ I like black A BothB AllC Eit

4、herD Neither10I failed the exam What _ news! My parents said that they were _ at my grades A disappointing ; disappointingBdisappointing ; disappointedCdisappointed ; disappointedD disappointed; disappointing11 My mother often hears me _ in my room A singB sangC to singD singing12 I don tlike the aw

5、ful pictures Neither do I The awful pictures make me _ A happyB happilyC sadD sadly13 I would rather _ you the secret right now Why not?A donttellB not to tellC not tellD didn ttell14 I found it boring _ the lecture I nearly fell asleep A 1istening toB to listen toClisten toD listened to15 The _ he

6、learns, the _ knowledgeable he will be A more;moreB more; lessC most;mostD most; least【真題鏈接】1. I couldcontrolmy feelings at the moment. The song brought back so many第 1頁childhood memories.A. reallyB. hardlyC. nearlyD. clearly2 _ Ms Zhou _ Mr Li is humorous They are popular among us studentsA Both ;

7、andB Neither ; norC Either ; orD Not only ; but also3 It s important for us to protect nature because we _ its rich resources to liveA depend onB leave forC give upD lead to. 完形填空。One summer day when I was in high school, my father sent me to buy some tools for ourfarm. I loved1better than driving o

8、ur family truck to do something. But this time I wasnot so happy2my father had told me I would have to ask for credit (賒賬 ) at the store.3is a proud age. The young men at that age want respect (尊重 )but not charity. I had seen manytimes that myfriendswere4when they asked forcredit. We livedina poor v

9、illage,5was needed seriously. I knew clearly how difficult it might be to make the store owner believe meand get the credit.At Davi s Brothers store., Buck Davi was talking to a farmer. After I finished6thethings I wanted, I walked to him.“ I need to put these on credit.7 .” I said to himThe farmer

10、gave me a8look.ButBuck faces didn changet inthe slightest. “Noproblem. ” He said in a relaxing voice,“ I believe your9 daddythemwill in time.” Then heturned to the farmer,“ This boy is Jame William s son.”The farmer nodded to me in a friendly way. At that time, I10pride. Jame William sSon, there thr

11、ee11opened a door to an adult s respect and trust.That day I12that a good name of great importance. My father s good name had wonour neighbors respect for our family. A good name, and the responsibility責(任 )that came with13encouraged us a lot. They made us be14 than we might be. We also wanted to be

12、regarded as good people. 15acting like good people for a long time, we became good out ofgood habits.1.A. somethingB. anythingC. nothing2.A. becauseB. whileC. unless3.A. SixB. SixteenC. Sixty4.A. influencedB. cheeredC. refused5.A. healthB. moneyC. freedom6.A. chooseB. choosingC. to choose7.A. carefu

13、llyB. angrilyC. easily8.A. pleasantB. kindC. strange9.A. care forB. pay forC. look for10. A. was full ofB. was surprised atC. was famous for11. A. lettersB. wordsC. sentences12. A. discoverB. discoveredC. have discovered13. A. itB. himC. them14. A. betterB. strongerC. clever15. A. WithB. ForC. ByIII

14、. 閱讀理解。A第 2頁Since last year, Where Are We Going, Dad? has become the most popular TV shows. On the show, the five fathers and their children traveled around China, riding camels through the western deserts, fishing on the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare(費用 ) home in southwester

15、n Yunnan province.One dad doesnknowt how to do his daughtersossomehair, people try to help him. Anotherone must survive( 生存 ) with his son for three days in the desert because the father can cook,tthey only eat instant noodles( 方便面 ).Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular? Because it is about ho

16、w Chinese parents lookafter their kids. The show makes modern parents think about what they should do with their kids.In traditional Chinese culture, the father is strict and the mother is kind. But on the show, we seefathers who are much gentle on their kids and more involved(參與 ) in their upbringi

17、ng(成長 ). ”said Li Minyi, a professor of early childhood education.In the past, children were taught their parentswishes and look after them in their old age. Buttoday Chinese parents increasingly realize that respecting their children s choices may be a betterway to prepare them for modern society.

18、As they raise their children, parents are growing up at thesame time.1. According to the passage, what didn t the fathers and theirldrenchi do on the show?A. Rode camels.B. Sold vegetables.C. Climbed the mountains.D. Fished on the east coast.2. One father and his son only eat instant noodles because

19、.A. there areny vegetablesan in the desertB. the father cancooktC. they think instant noodles are the most deliciousD. they have no money to buy something to eat3. In the fourth paragraph, the underlined word“ them ”refers to ( 指的是 ).A. modern parentsB. the five fathers on the showC. the parents in

20、the pastD. the children in the old days4. Why is Where Are We Going, Dad? so popular?A. Because it s about how Chinese parents raise their children.B. Because there are many famous stars on the show.C. Because it s about tohowhelp the poor.D. Because it s about how to sell vegetables.5. Which of the

21、 following is NOT true according to the passage? A. Fathers are much gentle on their kids on the show.B. Children were told to obey their parents wishes in the past.C. Parents can also learn something when they raise their children.D. In traditional Chinese culture, parents are both strict with thei

22、r kids.BDifferent weather makes people feel different It influences health ,intelligence and feelings In August ,it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month In the Northeast and the Middle West

23、,it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times People in these states havemore heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March The weather can also influence intelligence For example ,in a 1983 report by scientists ,IQ第 3頁of a group of students was very high when a very stro

24、ng wind came , but after the strong wind,their IQ was 10% lower The wind can help people have more intelligence Very hot weather ,on the other hand ,can make it lower Students in many schools of the United States often getworse on exams in the hot months of the year ( July and August ) Weather also

25、has a strong influence on people s feelings Winter may be a bad time for thinpeopleThey usually feel cold during these months They might feel unhappy during coldweather But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer At about 18 people becomestrongerLow air pressure may make people forgetful Peopl

26、e leave more bags on buses and in shopson low - pressure days People feel best at a temperature of about 18Are you feeling sad , tired ,forgetful , or unhappy today? It may be the weather s problem 6 _ can cause health problemsA Hot and wet weatherB A strong windCWarm weatherD Low air pressure7 A re

27、port shows that people may have more intelligence when _ comes A rainB a strong windCvery hot weatherD low air pressure8 According to the writer ,fat people may feel bad in _ weather A coldB coolC warmD hot9 The writer wants to tell us that _ A hot and cold weather influences all people in the same

28、wayBweather influences people s behaviorCIQ changes when weather changesD people feel good on low - pressure days10 The best title for this passage is “ _”A Hot Weather Causes Health ProblemsBDifferent Weather Makes People Feel BadCWeather Influences FeelingsD Weather Influences Health , Intelligenc

29、e and FeelingsIV . 面表達。某英文 社正就青少年與父母關系 一 開展 “Howto keep good relationshipwith parents ”的征文活 。 你根據(jù)以下要點,寫一篇 100 左右的英 短文參加此次活 :1父母 矩太多、 于 學 成 、不理解自己等 ;2你 些 的看法;3你與父母保持良好關系的做法?!敬鸢概c解析】. 。1. A 。本 主要考 “ spend doing與 take to do的區(qū)” 。 “ spend doing與 take to do都”表示花 做某事, spend 的主 是人,后接 、金 與 V-ing 或介 on 用, take

30、 的主 是事物,后接 與 不定式 用。 合分析句子 構和各 ,得出答案A 。2. B。在 系 be 的后面用形容 作表 ,從后面的句子情景可以理解是用形容 unfair表示 “不公平 ”的意思。3. B。本句子是考 短 make somebody do something 的用法,用 不定式作make的 足 , 不定式要省略to。第 4頁4.。本句子考 短 leave for 的用法, 從 狀 可以判斷是一般將來 , 里用 beleaving 表示將來的意 。5.B。本句子是用考 keep sb. doing something ,意 “要某人一直做某事”,表示 作的延 。6. A。本 考 系

31、 的用法。句意 “ 道菜看起來好, 起來糟糕 ”。 taste 意 “ 起來”, smell 意 “ 起來 ”, look 意 “看起來 ”,sound 意 “聽起來 ”。7.D 。 What s wrong with sb . ? 用于 “某人怎么了”。故答案 D 。8.C。第一空表示“獨自居住” ,要用 alone 來修 lived ;第二空表示“ 得寂寞” ,要用 feellonely 。9.D 。 合答 中的“我喜 黑色”可知,否定了 色和粉色兩者,故neither 符合 意。10.B 。修 news 要用 disappointing ,修 they 要用 disappointed 故

32、答案 B 。11.A 。 hear sb. do sth.表示“聽到某人 常做某事”。12.C。句意:我不喜 些可怕的 片。我也不喜 。 些可怕的 片使我 心。由 意首先排除A 和 B, make 后 用形容 ,因此答案 C。13.C。 would rather 后跟 原形,其否定式在would rather 后加 not。14.B 。此 要用 不定式短 to listen to , it 只是形式 , to listen to the lecture 在句中是真正的 。15.A 。本 考 “ the+比 , the+比 ” 的 構。 句意 “他學得越多, 知 就越淵博” ,由此可知答案 A。

33、【真 接】1. B。句意:當 ,我?guī)缀醪荒芸刂谱约旱那?。那首歌 起了我如此多兒 的回 。really真正地; hardly 幾乎不; nearly 幾乎; clearly 清晰地。根據(jù) 干的后一句可知,那首歌 起了“我 ”兒 的回 ,故幾乎不能控制情 。故 B 。2. D。both.and.意 “兩者都”, 接兩個主 , 用復數(shù)形式;neither.nor.意 “兩者中的任何一個都不” ; either. or . 意 “兩者中的任何一個” ; not only . but also. 表示“不但,而且” , 接兩個主 , 符合“就近一致”原 ,即 與靠近的名 、代 ( 有 不一定是主 )

34、在“人稱”和“數(shù)”上保持一致。由“ They are popular among us students”可知,周老 和李老 都幽默。 由“ is”可知, 用 not only.but also.來 接兩個主 。故 D 。3. A。句意: 我 來 , 保 自然是很重要的, 因 我 要依靠自然界的豐富 源而生存。depend on 依靠,依 ; leave for 出 去 ( 某地 ) ; give up 放棄; lead to 致。故 A 。. 完形填空。1.C。根據(jù)句意可知我最喜 開我 的卡 去做事了。nothing 否定的意思。因此 C。2.A 。根據(jù)句意“ 我感到不高 ,因 我爸爸已 告

35、 我必 去 ”,前后表示因果關系,因此 A 。3.B。根據(jù)文章第一句 “ One summer day when I was in high school 可推 高”中的年 16 。4.C。 influence 意 “影響 ”, cheer 意 “ 呼 ”, refuse 意 “拒 ”。根據(jù)句意可知 C。5.B。根據(jù)上下文可知 是非常需要的。因此 B 。6.B。 finish 后接 名 作 。 finish doing意 “ 束做某事 ”。7. A。根據(jù)此 作者的心情可知 “我小心的 他 ”。因此 A 。8. C。根據(jù)下文 “但是布克的 一點也沒有 ”,可推 上文 “ 民 我奇怪的眼神 ”。9

36、. B。care for 意 “關心 ” pay for意 “付款 ”, look for 意 “ 找 ”。根據(jù)句意可知 “我相信你爸爸將及 付 的 ”??芍?B 。10. A 。根據(jù)句意 “在那 我充 了 傲”, 用be full of ,意 “充 ”。第 5頁11. B。上文為店主的三句話為我開啟了被成人尊重和信任之門,因此選B 。12. B 。根據(jù)上下文可知用一般過去時。因此選B。13. A 。a good name 用 it 代替, the responsibility ( 責任 )that came with it 意為 “伴隨好名聲的責任”。14. A 。根據(jù)句意 “這種好名聲及責

37、任使我們的影響比我們可能的更好?!笨芍x A 。15. C 。根據(jù)句意 “通過長時間像好人一樣表現(xiàn),我們有了良好的習慣”。 by 意為 “通過 ”表示方式。III. 閱讀理解。A1. C。根據(jù) On the show, the five fathers and their children traveled around China, riding camels through the western deserts, fishing on the east coast, and selling vegetables for their bus fare( 費用) home in southw

38、estern Y unnan province.可知只有 C 項 climb the mountains 沒有提到。 故選C。2. B。根據(jù) because the father can theycook,only eat instant noodles( 方便面 ). 可知吃方便面是因為爸爸不會做飯。故選 B。3. C。根據(jù) In the past , children were taught their parentswishes and look after them in their oldage.可知“在過去,孩子們按照父母的意愿接受教育,而當父母年老的時候,孩子們則要照顧父母”。這里的 them 指的是父母。故選 C。4. A。根據(jù)


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