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1、臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯 臘八節(jié)在農(nóng)歷最后一個(gè)月的第八天慶祝,標(biāo)志著春節(jié)慶祝 活動(dòng)的開始,那你知道臘八節(jié)英語作文有哪些嗎?今天整理了臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯5篇供大家參考,一起來看看吧!#臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯1#今天是農(nóng)歷臘月初八,當(dāng)然要喝臘八粥啦。today is the lunar calendar, the day will of course have laba rice porridge.晚上我們一家去三婆婆家吃臘八粥羅!in the evening we went to a three mother-in-law home eat laba porridge!臘八粥不僅好看,而且好吃,還有

2、一個(gè)特別的傳說呢!laba porridge is not only good-looking, and good, there is also a special legend!盛起一碗熱騰騰的臘八粥,就有一股香味撲鼻而來,我已經(jīng)忍不住垂涎三尺,再瞧那粥真是色彩斑斕,有嫩黃色的,暗紅色的還有,鮮嫩欲滴的綠色,讓人看了都眼饞。remove a bowl of hot rice porridge, there will be a fragrance pubi come, i have already cant help but salivate, again see that porridge

3、is a colorful, bright yellow, dark red and fresh green is about to drip, let a person see the eyes are bigger.我迫不及待地挖了一大勺往嘴里送。i cant wait to dig a big spoon to her mouth.這一大勺里藏著嫩黃的白果肉,香噴噴的花生,爽口的青菜,和營養(yǎng)豐富的赤豆hiding the light yellow in a tablespoon of white flesh, delicious peanuts, and green vegetables

4、, and nutrition rich red bean.他們都被顆顆飽滿的大米粥包裹著。they are full of rice porridge burging wrapped.吃在嘴里你一定會(huì)感嘆一種粥竟然能嘗到多種滋味真是神奇啊!eating in the mouth you will sigh a porridge can taste a variety of taste is really amazing!到底是誰這么聰明發(fā)明了這種美食呢?as wise as exactly is who invented this kind of food?“其實(shí)臘八粥還是很有來頭的,”爺爺

5、說:“明朝時(shí)候的開國王帝朱元璋,他小時(shí)候就是一個(gè)放牛郎,在一個(gè)寒冷的冬日,他又冷又餓,以為自己就要被餓死了。無意間在洞里摸到了八種食物:黃豆,蠶豆,大米朱元璋用它們熬成粥來喝。正是這八樣?xùn)|西,幫助朱元璋解除了饑餓。所以在他當(dāng)上皇帝時(shí),把每年臘月初八這一天定為臘八節(jié)。在這天全國人民都要學(xué)他的樣,熬制美味可口的臘八粥,提醒大家不要忘記以前的苦日子,因此今天也叫寒食節(jié)!”laba rice porridge was actually there is a lot, grandpa said: when the ming dynasty to open emperor zhu yuanzhang, t

6、he king of his childhood is a fangniulang, on a cold winter, cold and hungry, he thought he would starve to death. inadvertently in the hole got the eight kinds of food: soya bean, broad beans, rice. zhu yuanzhang boil into porridge to drink with them. it is the eight things, help zhu yuanzhang reli

7、eved hunger. therefore, when he became the emperor, every year on this day the day as the laba festival. on this day people all over the country to learn his sample, boil delicious laba rice porridge, remind everybody dont forget the bitter days before, so today is also called the cold !#臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯2

8、#laba porridge is also called qibao mixed porridge, drink laba rice porridge in china history, there have been more than one thousand years. the first started in the song dynasty. every laba this day, every family to make laba rice porridge. in the qing dynasty, drink the customs is more prevalent l

9、aba rice porridge. in the palace, the emperor to xiangwenwu minister laba rice porridge. among the people, families also should make laba porridge, ancestor worship; have a family reunion at the same time, eat together, gift friends and relatives.laba is the grand festival of buddhism. before around

10、 the temple for buddha, cooked porridge for the buddha. legend had later can get the buddha bless, can also increase the life-extension. so people call it the buddha congee. southern song dynasty lu you did: the present buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village.varied from diffe

11、rent regions of china, laba rice porridge, among them with beijings most exquisite, porridge in red jujube, lotus seeds. a total of more than 20 kinds. the seventh evening, began to busy, washing rice, fruit, in began to cook in the middle of the night, and stew until the second day of early morning

12、, laba rice porridge is ok. can you think, such a complex is bad to drink? pay attention to the family, but also the fruit first carved into all kinds of things, and in the pot boil. laba rice porridge boil, ancestor worship to worship god. after to give friends and family, must be sent out before n

13、oon. the last is the whole family to eat.a bowl of porridge with so much knowledge, china is really not the kui is a civilized country! im so proud of themselves as chinese!臘八粥也叫七寶五味粥,我國喝臘八粥的歷史,已經(jīng)有一千多年。最早開始于宋代。每逢臘八這一天,家家都要做臘八粥。到了清朝,喝臘八粥的風(fēng)俗更是盛行。在宮廷,皇帝要向文武大臣賜臘八粥。在民間,家家戶戶也要做臘八粥,祭祀祖先;同時(shí),合家團(tuán)聚在一起食用,饋贈(zèng)親朋好友


15、#臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯3#the laba festival, the day in most parts of china have the custom of eating laba porridge. laba is a harvest year with eight fresh food and fruits boiled, usually for the sweet porridge. the central plains have many farmers prefer salty to eat laba porridge, porridge in addition to rice

16、, millet, mung bean, cowpea, peanut, jujube and other raw materials, but also add pork, radish, cabbage, vermicelli, seaweed, tofu and so on.臘八節(jié)這天我國大多數(shù)地區(qū)都有吃臘八粥的習(xí)俗。臘八粥是用八種當(dāng)年收獲的新鮮糧食和瓜果煮成,一般都為甜味粥。而中原地區(qū)的許多農(nóng)家卻喜歡吃臘八咸粥,粥內(nèi)除大米、小米、綠豆、豇豆、花生、大棗等原料外,還要加肉絲、蘿卜、白菜、粉條、海帶、豆腐等。laba festival, the original ancient harve

17、st celebrations, thanks to ancestors and gods (including the goalkeeper, household god, house of god, kitchen god, well god) rituals, in addition to worship ancestors the activities, but also by people infected. this activity comes from the ancient nuo (avoid the outbreak of the ancient ceremony of

18、exorcism.) one way to prehistoric times, the exorcism of medical treatment illness. the activities of the twelfth lunar month as the witchcraft epidemic of custom drum drive, this and other areas in hunan is still retained xinhua. later evolved into a commemoration of the buddha sakyamuni road relig

19、ious holiday. xia said the december date, ka-ping, shang was clear si, zhou as big wax; due to be held in december, it said the month is the twelfth lunar month, known as la la at the festival that day. pre wax at the third after the winter solstice xu day fixed in the twelfth lunar month before the

20、 northern and southern started eighth day.臘八節(jié)原自古代歡慶豐收、感謝祖先和神靈(包括門神、戶神、宅神、灶神、井神)的祭祀儀式,除祭祖敬神的活動(dòng)外,人們還要逐疫。這項(xiàng)活動(dòng)*于古代的儺(古代驅(qū)鬼避疫的儀式)。史前時(shí)代的醫(yī)療方法之一即驅(qū)鬼治疾。作為巫術(shù)活動(dòng)的臘月?lián)艄尿?qū)疫之俗,今在湖南新化等地區(qū)仍有留存。后演化成紀(jì)念佛祖釋伽牟尼成道的宗教節(jié)日。夏代稱臘日為“嘉平”,商代為“清祀”,周代為“大蠟”;因在十二月舉行,故稱該月為臘月,稱臘祭這一天為臘日。先秦的臘日在冬至后的第三個(gè)戌日,南北朝開始才固定在臘月初八。said the text contains: sh

21、u at december after the winter solstice festival three hundred gods. visible, shu third day after the winter solstice was december day. buddhism after the intervention of the prince at eighth day in december changed since then xiangyan into the vulgar.說文載:“冬至后三戍日臘祭百神。”可見,冬至后第三個(gè)戍日曾是臘日。后由于佛教介入,臘日改在十二月

22、初八,自此相沿成俗。#臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯4#today is the laba festival, carried away by happy winter vacation i forget the little holiday before.have a meal! his father shouted hastily. indeed some hungry, can eat immediately think of to my mother cooked delicious braise in soy sauce meat and specialty of sweet and sour

23、 fish, i go to wash their hands.what? drink porridge today? i looked at the front of each of a bowl of porridge, cried in a discontent. hate looks up at the usual drink of porridge, dad wants to find allies, resistance together, i didnt think my father is exhaled with relish to eating. look at mothe

24、r, grandpa, they also eat very cheerful. this is whats the matter? see my grandpa in become speechless, then put down the bowl, a meaningful intones: the present buddha congee is more feedback, the festival new jiang village. tingting, porridge is treasure, do not waste! i havent bring myself, mom j

25、ust openings: dint (fall) (date), early harvest next year. tingting, this porridge has nutrition, eat! eat laba jujube, back schoolbag ran home. tingting, quick holiday? dont stay, quick to eat!oh. it seems that the porridge still have what meaning! i just took the bowl, dad a voracious, a bowl of p

26、orridge has been finished. he put down the bowl and shouted: laba, not afraid! watching strange adults, i also learn to them, eat. its strange, after a fierce to drink, the original cold hands become warm rise.ate and listen to their talking, i slowly understood: today is december 8, original legend

27、 into practice before the buddha sakyamuni buddha, december eighth day that day because of hunger fatigue zaidao street, was a shepherdess found, revive with rice porridge, then big end, to enlightenment. laba day has the tradition of eating laba rice porridge, mixing in the rice grain a total of mo

28、re than 20 kinds, ate later can increase elongating life, so it is also called live.it turns out that this seemingly ordinary a bowl of porridge with so profound meaning, so i hurry please mother taught to do a live porridge method. mother told me, ready to use the material: the first essential is p

29、orridge rice, beans, jujube, three by other according to the ratio of taste, such as walnut, chestnut, corn, etc. corn to bubble is 3-4 hours ahead of time, other materials can be mixed wash, and then put together all the material in a pan, add enough water to boil small fire boil into porridge. lik

30、e sweet just put some sugar boil, together with a cooker, three hours can have porridge.in our here, laba rice porridge boil after, to worship god worshipping, gift friends and relatives again, be sure to sent out before noon, the last is the whole family to eat. eating leftover laba rice porridge,

31、save for a few days and left, is a good one million head, take its the meaning of more than year after year.it was fun to drink the laba festival laba rice porridge. this symbolizes the laba rice porridge of live long and prosper, you dont forget december eighth day to drink a big bowl!今天是臘八節(jié),被寒假快樂沖



34、訴我,先準(zhǔn)備好要用的材料:必不可少的是粥米,豆、棗三樣,其他可根據(jù)自家人口味配比,如核桃、粟子,玉米、葡萄干等。玉米要提前泡34小時(shí),其他材料可混合洗凈,再將所有的材料一起放入鍋內(nèi),加足量水,燒開小火熬成粥即可。喜歡甜的就放些冰糖一起熬,用紫砂煲,三小時(shí)就能喝上粥了在我們這里,臘八粥熬好后,先要敬神祭祖,再贈(zèng)送親友,一定要在中午之前送出去,最后才是全家人食用。吃剩的臘八粥,保存著吃了幾天還有剩下,卻是好兆頭,取其“年年有余”的意思。臘八節(jié)喝臘八粥真有趣。這象征著多福多壽的臘八粥,大家可別忘了十二月初八喝一大碗啊!#臘八節(jié)英語作文帶翻譯5#laba festival, december eigh

35、th day of the lunar calendar, on that day, people will eat laba porridge and other traditional food to celebrate, the custom in i have been a very long history, people will to a famous temple worship, to evil spirits, and his family a year of peace.since the pre-qin, the laba festival is used to wor

36、ship our ancestors and gods, pray for a harvest and good luck. the laba festival in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. the activities in the ancient nuo. prehistoric times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. as witchcraft

37、activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. , it is said that the founder of buddhism sakyamuni into way also in december 8, the day of so laba is buddhist festival, also known as buddha into the festival.the laba festival is also

38、 called lari offerings and laba offerings, princes wax or buddha into the day, the original ancient harvest celebration, thanks to the ancestors and gods fete ceremony, in addition to the activities of ancestor worship god, people also have to disease. the activities in the ancient nuo. prehistoric

39、times one of the medical treatment method of the spirits to cure disease. as witchcraft activities month, drum drive disease of common, there are still retained today in hunan xinhua and other regions. later evolved into memory of the buddha, buddhism ng muny into a religious holiday. dynasty called

40、 lari jia ping, shang dynasty to the qing si , the zhou dynasty as the big wax; because the held in december said the month for the twelfth month, called the greek festival this day lari. lari of pre-qin period after the winter solstice of the third day of the start of the northern and southern dynasties was fixed in the day.spring-heralding la, the pursuit of epidemic diseases, and the tradition of buddha into a festival, is also a tao, actually is the origin of december eighth day for lari, so to speak. allegedly, founder of buddhism sakyamuni


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