2020-2021年八年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件 Unit 1  第二課時 Section A (3a~4c)_第1頁
2020-2021年八年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件 Unit 1  第二課時 Section A (3a~4c)_第2頁
2020-2021年八年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件 Unit 1  第二課時 Section A (3a~4c)_第3頁
2020-2021年八年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件 Unit 1  第二課時 Section A (3a~4c)_第4頁
2020-2021年八年級下冊人教版英語習(xí)題課件 Unit 1  第二課時 Section A (3a~4c)_第5頁
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1、人教版,第二課時Section A (3a4c,Unit 1Whats the matter,一、用方框中所給單詞的適當形式填空。(53分15分) 1Look! The cat is _on your bed. 2I helped my brother move the big box _the table. 3It was 9:30 pm., so there were few _on the street. 4A car _a little boy at the corner (角落) of the street last night. 5People often do not help

2、others because they do not want to get into _,lying,onto,passengers,hit,trouble,二、用括號內(nèi)所給單詞的適當形式填空。(53分15分) 6Teachers always except their students _(work) hard. 7A serious accident _(happen) on the road yesterday. 8Jacks father finally agreed _(buy) him a computer. 9I saw Peter _(get) off the bus whe

3、n I arrived at the station. 10The bus driver only _(think) about saving a life when he heard a woman shouting for help,to work,happened,to buy,getting,thought,三、單項選擇。(54分20分) ( )11.He fell down from the tree and hurt his legs. He cried and shouted _ help. Ato Bfor Cwith Dof ( )12.I dont believe this

4、 _ girl can draw such a nice picture. Afive years old Bfiveyearsold Cfive year old Dfiveyearold ( )13.Did you catch the early bus? Yes.We got there just _ Asometimes Bat times Cin time Din the time,B,D,C,)14._ free education, more and more poor children can go back to school in the mountains. AWitho

5、ut BThanks to CBecause DThanks for ( )15.My sister got lost in the strange city. She had trouble _ the way to the hotel. Afinds Bfound Cto find Dfinding,B,D,四、根據(jù)漢語意思完成下列句子。(54分20分) 16不要立馬下車,等車停了再下。 Dont _the bus _until it stops. 17令她驚訝的是,她的女兒贏得了一等獎。 _, her daughter won the first prize. 18她應(yīng)該在傷口上敷些藥。

6、 She should _the cut. 19他沒有多想就把那個老人送到醫(yī)院去了。 He took the old man to the hospital _ 20如果你不想陷入麻煩,就不要承諾她任何事。 Dont promise her anything if you dont want to _,get off,right away,To her surprise,put some medicine on,without thinking twice,get into trouble,五、完形填空。(103分30分) Its useful to get some first aid kn

7、owledge (急救知識) in life. When you meet someone who is ill or hurt, you can give him or her some _21_. Now lets learn about the three Cs of first aid. Check (檢查) The _22_ important parts here are to check the situation and to check the person. First, ask _23_:what happened? Is there anything that migh

8、t put you _24_ danger? Then turn your attention (注意) to the _25_. Is he or she moving or bleeding (流血)? Can he or she hear you,Call Now you should _26_ what kind of “call for help” is needed and when to do it. For example, if its too dangerous to get near the person, call for help _27_. If youre the

9、 only person there, call an ambulance (救護車) as soon as _28_. Get someone else to do the call _29_ there are some other people. Then you can move on to (繼續(xù)) the care step. Care Look after the person who is hurt. Dont leave the person by himself or _30_ for a long time. Tell him or her that everything will be all right,)21.A.food Badvice Chelp Dmoney ( )22.A.two Bthree Cfour Dfive ( )23.A.himself Byourself Cherself Dthemselves ( )24.A.in Bfor Cat Don ( )25.A.blood Brock Cperson Dfever ( )26.A.decide Bmean Clie Dtrust ( )27.A.hardly ever Bjust now Cs


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