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1、人 教 版 英 語 六 年 級 小 升 初模 擬 測 試 卷一、聽錄音,選擇正確的答案 1.聽錄音,選出正確圖片( ) a.b.2.選出你所聽到的句子 a.dont touch the machines, please!b.dont write on the books!c.dont play ball games here!3.聽錄音,選出與錄音內(nèi)容相符的選項( ) a.foxb.box4.聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的單詞 a.orangeb.colac.banana5.聽句子,選擇句子含有的信息( ) a.teacherb.mumc.dad6.7.聽錄音,選擇合適的答句 a.thank you.

2、 b.its big.8.did you _ a bird just now? 9.聽錄音,選出單詞( ) a.beforeb.fourc.now10.聽錄音,選出單詞( ) a.diveb.drivec.driver11.聽錄音,選擇你所聽到的句子( ) a.our classroom is on the first floor. b.our classroom is on the second floor.12.聽短文,選擇正確的答案 (1)rose will go to her _ farm for the weekend. a.grandpas b.fathers c.uncles(2

3、)rose will _ to go there. a.take a taxi b.take a train c.take a bus(3)rose will _ on saturday afternoon. a.feed the hens b.go boating c.watch tv(4)rose will play outdoors with _. a.her cousins b.her brothers c.her sisters(5)rose will come back home on _. a.next tuesday morning b.next monday morning

4、c.next sunday afternoon二、選出不同類的詞. 13.選出下列單詞中不同類的單詞( ) a.usab.ukc.ped.china14.選出不同類的單詞( ) a.boyb.girlc.toy15.選出不同類的單詞( ) a.boyb.andc.girl16.選擇與劃線單詞相同的一項:good morning. a.afternoonb.badc.summary三、根據(jù)漢語提示,完成句子 17.its cold outside. put on your c_. 18.a: what can you see? b: i can see a _. 19.that s_ fun.

5、20.sarah can _ (a d n e c). 四、單項選擇 21.is she your mother? _a.yes, he is. b.yes, she is. c.no, he isnt.22.選出不同類的項( ) a.hungryb.eatc.thirsty23.go ahead. then take the second_. a.rightb.left24.奶奶想知道你星期三經(jīng)常做些什么: a.what do you often do on tuesday? b.what do you often do on wednesday?25.she has .a.a red sc

6、hoolbagb.short brown hair26.a.hamburgerb.cake27.place a.請b.地方,地點28.你想問betty有多少歲,你可以說: a.how old are you, betty? b.how big are you, betty? c.what can you do, betty?五、在方框中選擇正確的句子完成對話29.選擇合適的句子補全對話. a. what are these?b. ten. c. lets go to mr macdonalds farm. d. they like to eat grass. e. no. they are c

7、arrots.a: its sunny today. _b: ok. we can help him. a: good idea. b: _a: they are vegetables. b: are they potatoes?a: _b: wow, those are animals. how many horses are there?a: _b: look at the black and white cows. what do they like to eat?a: _b: they are so cute. a: yes.六、閱讀理解30.讀短文,判斷下列句子與短文內(nèi)容是否相符.

8、hello! my name is jack. its twelve oclock. sally, mike and i are having lunch at school. there are lots of foods and drinks there. i like noodles and tea. sally likes hamburgers, chips and coke for her lunch. she thinks they are delicious. mike doesnt like toast or sandwiches. he thinks they are not

9、 very good. he likes rice and soup best. we are all happy.(1)sally, mike and jack are having breakfast at home. (2)jack likes hamburgers and milk. (3)sally thinks hamburgers, chips and coke are delicious. (4)jack doesnt like toast or sandwiches. (5)mike likes rice and soup best. 七、書面表達31.請你根據(jù)下面圖片的提示

10、,介紹你的朋友喜歡的科目及課外活動. jill peter參考答案一、聽錄音,選擇正確的答案.1.【答案】 a 【解析】【聽力原文】open your book.【分析】聽力原文:打開你的書.圖片a打開書,與原文匹配,故選a.【點評】考查句子與圖片匹配,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵信息.2.【答案】 a 【解析】【聽力原文】dont touch the machines, please! 【分析】聽力原文:請不要碰機器!與選項a相匹配.故選a. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞.3.【答案】 a 【解析】【聽力原文】i see a fox. 【分析】聽力原文:我看到一只狐貍.a

11、狐貍,b盒子.a與原文匹配,故選a. 【點評】考查聽力,聽時抓住原文關(guān)鍵信息,注意相似單詞的讀音.4.【答案】 b 【解析】【聽力原文】i want a cola. 【分析】聽力原文:我想要可樂.cola可樂,與選項b相匹配.故選b. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞.5.【答案】 a 【解析】【聽力原文】this is my teacher. 【分析】聽力原文:這是我的老師.teacher老師,與選項a相匹配.故選a. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽前快速瀏覽選項,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞. 6.【答案】 錯誤 【解析】【聽力原文】good evening. 【分析】聽力

12、原文意思是:晚上好.圖片是下午.兩者不匹配.故答案為:錯誤.【點評】這是考查聽力的題目.要抓住時間evening.7.【答案】a 【解析】【聽力原文】happy birthday, mice.【分析】聽力原文: 生日快樂,老鼠.別人祝你生日快樂,要有禮貌的感謝對方,a謝謝你.b它是大的.故選a.【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞.8.【答案】 see 【解析】【聽力原文】did you see a bird just now? 【分析】句意:你剛才一只鳥了嗎?根據(jù)原文:你剛才看見一只鳥了嗎?see看見.故答案為see. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,注意聽時抓住關(guān)鍵詞. 9.【答

13、案】 a 【解析】【聽力原文】i want to eat fruit before dinner.【分析】聽力原文:在吃晚餐之前我想吃水果.before在之前,與選項a相匹配.故選a.【點評】本題考查了聽力題,注意聽時注意力集中.10.【答案】 c 【解析】【聽力原文】im a good driver. 【分析】聽力原文:我是個好司機.與選項c相匹配.故選c. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽前快速瀏覽單詞,聽時注意力集中. 11.【答案】 b 【解析】【聽力原文】our classroom is on the second floor. 【分析】聽力原文:我們的教室在二樓.與選項b相匹配,故選b

14、. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞. 12.【答案】 (1)a(2)c(3)b(4)a(5)b 【解析】【聽力原文】 rose will go to her grandpas farm for the weekend. she will go there by bus. on saturday morning, she will feed the hens. on saturday afternoon, she will go boating. on saturday evening, she will watch tv with her grandpa. on sund

15、ay rose will play outdoors with her cousins. she will come back home on next monday morning. 【分析】(1)根據(jù)原文rose will go to her grandpas farm for the weekend. 可知羅斯周末將去她爺爺?shù)霓r(nóng)場,故答案為a. (2)根據(jù)原文she will go there by bus. 可知羅斯將乘公共汽車去,故答案為c. (3)根據(jù)原文on saturday afternoon, she will go boating. 可知星期六下午,羅斯將去劃船,故答案為b

16、. (4)根據(jù)原文on sunday rose will play outdoors with her cousins.可知羅斯將和她的表兄弟們在戶外運動,故答案為a. (5)根據(jù)原文she will come back home on next monday morning.可知羅斯下星期一早上回家,故答案為b. 【點評】本題考查了聽力題,聽前快速瀏覽句子和選項,聽時注意力集中,抓住關(guān)鍵詞.二、選出不同類的詞.13.【答案】 c 【解析】【分析】a美國,b英國,c體育,d中國;abd都是國家,與選項c是學(xué)科,不同,故選c. 【點評】本題考查了同類詞,先翻譯單詞,然后看單詞詞性或類別是否一致,

17、再選出不同的那個單詞. 14.【答案】 c 【解析】【分析】a男孩,b女孩,c玩具;ab都是人,與選項c是物品,不同.故選c. 【點評】本題考查了同類詞,先翻譯單詞,然后看單詞詞性或類別是否一致,再選出不同的那個單詞. 15.【答案】 b 【解析】【分析】a男孩,b和,c女孩;ac都是名詞,與選項b是連詞,不同.故選b. 【點評】本題考查了同類詞,關(guān)鍵在于熟悉每個單詞的意思,將單詞分入不同類別.16.【答案】 a 【解析】【分析】句意:早晨好.a下午,b壞的,c總結(jié); morning早晨,與選項a相匹配,都是表示時間的名詞.故選a.【點評】考查了同類詞,分析每個單詞詞性是否一致,然后選出同類的

18、單詞.三、根據(jù)漢語提示,完成句子.17.【答案】 coat 【解析】【分析】句意:外面很冷.穿上你的.圖片是一件大衣,大衣coat.故答案為coat. 【點評】本題考查了單詞拼寫,注意平時牢記單詞拼寫. 18.【答案】 cat 【解析】【分析】句意:你能看到什么?我能看到一只.圖片是一只貓,貓cat ,故答案為 cat. 【點評】本題考查了單詞拼寫,注意平時牢記單詞. 19.【答案】 sounds 【解析】【分析】句意:那.有趣.根據(jù)首字母和fun提示,這是單詞“sound”聽起來,和that搭配,用單三形式sounds.故答案為:sounds. 【點評】這是考查單詞拼寫的題目.要注意動詞單三

19、式的用法.20.【答案】 dance 【解析】【分析】句意:莎拉會. 跳舞dance.故答案為dance. 【點評】本題考查了單詞拼寫,注意平時牢記單詞拼寫. 四、單項選擇.21.【答案】 b 【解析】【分析】句意:她是你媽媽嗎?.根據(jù)問句主語mother,是女士,答語主語用she她,與選項b是的,她是.相匹配.故選b. 【點評】本題考查了情景交際,注意牢記一般疑問句的肯定回答的結(jié)構(gòu)句式.22.【答案】 b 【解析】【分析】hungry饑餓的,和thirsty口渴的都是形容詞,eat吃,是動詞,故選b.【點評】考查單詞hungry,thirsty,eat,的識記和分類.23.【答案】 b 【解

20、析】【分析】句意:前進.然后在第二個路口轉(zhuǎn).圖片是左轉(zhuǎn),與選項b左,相匹配.故選b. 【點評】本題考查了圖片匹配和名詞辨析,注意平時牢記單詞漢語意思. 24.【答案】 b 【解析】【分析】a你星期二經(jīng)常做什么?b你星期三經(jīng)常做什么?奶奶想知道你星期三經(jīng)常做些什么: “你星期三經(jīng)常做什么?”故選b. 【點評】本題考查了情景交際,注意平時牢記單詞用法.25.【答案】 a 【解析】【分析】句意:她有a選項意思:一個紅色的書包.b選項意思:棕色的短頭發(fā).根據(jù)圖片內(nèi)容可知,小女孩背著一個紅色的書包,有一頭短短的黑色的頭發(fā).故答案選:a.【點評】考查圖片匹配,注意理解題干意思和圖片信息.26.【答案】 b

21、 27.【答案】 b 【解析】【分析】place地方,地點,與選項b相匹配.故選b. 【點評】本題考查了英譯漢,注意平時牢記單詞漢語意思. 28.【答案】 a 【解析】【分析】a選項是:betty,你幾歲了?b選項是:betty,你有多大?c選項是:betty,你會做什么?題目情境是問年齡,a選項正確.故答案為:a. 【點評】這是考查情景交際的題目.要掌握對年齡的提問.五、在方框中選擇正確的句子完成對話.29.【答案】 c;a;e;b;d 【解析】【分析】a. what are these?這些是什么? b. ten.10匹. c. lets go to mr macdonalds farm.

22、讓我們?nèi)溈颂萍{先生的農(nóng)場吧. d. they like to eat grass.它們喜歡吃草. e. no. they are carrots.不,它們是胡蘿卜. (1)根據(jù)下文ok.好的.可知上文建議做某事.故答案為c. (2)根據(jù)下文they are vegetables.它們是蔬菜.可知上文詢問是什么.故答案為a. (3)根據(jù)上文are they potatoes? 它們是土豆嗎?可知下文否定回答.故答案為e. (4)根據(jù)上文how many horses are there?有多少匹馬?可知下文數(shù)量.故答案為b. (5)根據(jù)上文what do they like to eat?他們喜歡吃什么?可知下文喜歡某物.故答案為d. 【點評】考查補全對話,日常交際用語的應(yīng)用,要緊扣話題,根據(jù)上下文邏輯關(guān)系進行準(zhǔn)確判斷. 六、閱讀理解.30.【答案】 (1)錯誤(2)錯誤(3)正確(4)錯誤(5)正確 【解析】【分析】大意:短文講述了杰克,莎莉和邁克,他們?nèi)齻€人在學(xué)校吃早飯和午飯,最喜歡的和不喜歡吃什么. (1)句意:莎莉、邁克和杰克正在家里吃早餐.根據(jù)sally, mike and i are having lunch at school. 可知莎莉、邁克和杰克正在學(xué)校吃早餐.故答案為錯誤. (2)句意:杰克喜歡漢堡包和牛奶.根據(jù)i like noodle


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