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1、(完整)譯林英語6a u3考點(diǎn)精練(完整)譯林英語6a u3考點(diǎn)精練 編輯整理:尊敬的讀者朋友們:這里是精品文檔編輯中心,本文檔內(nèi)容是由我和我的同事精心編輯整理后發(fā)布的,發(fā)布之前我們對(duì)文中內(nèi)容進(jìn)行仔細(xì)校對(duì),但是難免會(huì)有疏漏的地方,但是任然希望((完整)譯林英語6a u3考點(diǎn)精練)的內(nèi)容能夠給您的工作和學(xué)習(xí)帶來便利。同時(shí)也真誠(chéng)的希望收到您的建議和反饋,這將是我們進(jìn)步的源泉,前進(jìn)的動(dòng)力。本文可編輯可修改,如果覺得對(duì)您有幫助請(qǐng)收藏以便隨時(shí)查閱,最后祝您生活愉快 業(yè)績(jī)進(jìn)步,以下為(完整)譯林英語6a u3考點(diǎn)精練的全部?jī)?nèi)容。6年級(jí)上冊(cè) unit 3a卷: 課堂點(diǎn)撥題 1。 復(fù)習(xí)一般過去式“主謂賓”的肯

2、定句(1)helen _ to school on foot this morning。 a。 went b。 go c。 goes(2)nancy early every day. but she late this morning. a。 gets up; was b。 get up; is c. got up; was(3)i to the kitchen and some delicious food just now. a. went; ate b. go; eat c. am going; am eating(4)【難題】we a monkey on the hills last

3、week.a. saw, jump b. saw, jumping c. saw, jumps d.see, jumping2. 過去式“主謂賓”一般疑問句(1)【易錯(cuò)】 your sister at home just now? a。 was b. were c. did(2)- you bring any food there? yes, i brought . a.did , a lot b.did, many c。 did, a lot of(3)- you any apples on the farm? a。did;picked b。 did;pick c. do;picked(4)

4、i to the party last weekend. a。didnt go b. didnt went c.wasnt go(5)look! tom is (walk) the river。 lets go and play (介詞) him。(6) - she (pick) oranges? -no, she didnt。3。 過去式“主謂賓”特殊疑問句(1)what did she do yesterday evening? she .a.water flowers b. waters flowers c。 watered flowers(2)【易錯(cuò)】where _ su yang a

5、nd her cousin yesterday afternoon? a。was b. were c. did(3)where did you go _ this holiday? a。 at b. for c.in(4)【易錯(cuò)】-how did you spend your weekends? -i _ any places。 it _ all day。a。 went, rainy b. werent go, rained c。 didnt go, rainedd。 went, rained4。 過去式“主系表”特殊疑問句(1)where your brother last night? a

6、。were b.was c。is(2)how _(be) your last summer holiday?5. excited和exciting的用法(1)【易錯(cuò)】mary is (exciting) about the fashion show.(2)【易錯(cuò)】the students are (get) very excited.6. it is time for 和its time to的轉(zhuǎn)換(1)its time to (have) lunch. (2)it is time for bed.(改為同義句) b卷: 課后鞏固題 一.選擇( )1。helen very excited th

7、e party. a。is, for b。was ,about c.is, in ( )2.we picked many apples and on the farm。 a。 go to fish b。 went to fishing c.went fishing d. go fishing.( )3.my father a book last night。 a。read b.reads c。is reading( )4.his father wants to the summer palace。 a。to going b。to go c.go( )5。 you ben yesterday?

8、a.did;called b.do;call c. did;call( )6.jim _ go home last night. a. doesnt b。 didnt c. isnt( )7.【易錯(cuò)】we had a picnic_ national day. a。 on b。 at c。 in d. for二填入適當(dāng)?shù)脑~1。good(副詞) 2.heavy(反義詞) 3.funny(名詞) 4.holiday(復(fù)數(shù)) 5。got(原形) 6.fish(復(fù)數(shù)) 7.excited(原形) 8.寫出下列動(dòng)詞的過去式go come sit have sing catch get run tell

9、eat make 9.i _(go) to the cinema last saturday。 10.【易錯(cuò)】we _ (like) music。 now we _ (sing)11.mary, _ you _ (clean ) the table now? yes.12.mr sun usually _(go) _(fish)at weekends。13.my father _(catch) a big rabbit. it was great fun.14.my father _ (drink) a lot of wine(酒) just now 。 15。【易錯(cuò)】jim_ (like)_

10、(read).look! he_(read) an english magazine。16。_ you _ (finish) your homework yesterday? 17。bobby (wear) a t-shirt at that time.18.id like (wear) the paper clothes。19. the meeting go (good)?20。- he (watch) the film yesterday? -yes, he .21。-did you wear paper clothes? -yes,i (wear) a paper tshirt。 22。

11、 you (watch) tv yesterday? 23.id like (make) a model ship。24.the women (wear) a red coat that day. 25。what _ your uncle _ (do) yesterday morning? he (get ) some fruits。 26.-how (do) mr。 green (go) to work yesterday? he (be) on foot。27.its time to (have) lunch. 三翻譯1.去農(nóng)場(chǎng) 2。 給他打電話 3。拜訪我的嬸嬸 4.easter hol

12、iday 5。 at first: 6。 be excited about: 7。國(guó)慶節(jié) 8。穿紙衣服 9。進(jìn)展順利 10。大雨 11.許多瓶子 12.捉魚 13。摘蘋果 14。你在假期里去了哪兒? 我去游覽長(zhǎng)城了。where you in the holiday? i the 。15。【易錯(cuò)】我們釣到了一條大魚。但是我們沒有吃. we a big . but we it.16.【易錯(cuò)】我們摘了很多橘子還給花澆了水。 we many oranges and flowers。17。你昨天去溜冰了嗎?是的,那太好玩了。- you go yesterday? -yes, that great .18

13、?!疽族e(cuò)】展覽秀進(jìn)展好嗎? 起初很棒,但后來下起了雨。 -did the ? it was wonderful at first,but then there .20。-去年的圣誕假期你干什么的? -我和家人去了一個(gè)農(nóng)場(chǎng)。 you last christmas ? i a farm my 。21.你為什么打電話給我? why you me?22。-你們?nèi)ツ睦锒鹊募伲?-我們?nèi)ド虾0菰L我的阿姨。where you go the ? -we to shanghai and my aunt.23。你的暑假過得如何? 不太好,我哪里都沒去。 your ? - so . i go .24.這個(gè)故事令我激

14、動(dòng)不已。i the story。25.吃晚飯的時(shí)間到了。鮑比回家遲了。 its time dinner。 bobby late。四改錯(cuò)(先用鉛筆圈出錯(cuò)誤的地方,再在后面的橫線上改正)1。nancy has a lot of paper。 2.did mike caught a big fish? 3。why did you calling mike? 4。i wanted to gave your some fish。 5.it often rained here in spring。 6.its time to dinner now.五句型轉(zhuǎn)換1.does her father read b

15、ooks in the evening. (改為一般過去式) 2?!疽族e(cuò)】mike caught a big fish。 (改為一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)) mike a big fish。3。liu tao brought some bread and honey to the park。(改為一般疑問句) liu tao bread and honey to the park?4.【易錯(cuò)】i did my homework last night. (改為一般疑問句) homework last night?5。i played football in the playground. (改為一般疑問句) 6

16、。mike wanted to give you the oranges. (改為一般疑問句) 7.【易錯(cuò)】she did her homework at school. (改為一般疑問句) 8.i visited the palace museum last summer holiday。 (對(duì)劃線部分提問) you last summer holiday?9.【易錯(cuò)】jim did his housework this morning.(改為否定句) jim his housework this morning。 10。lily brought some fruit for us。 (改為

17、否定句) 11.mikes family caught some fish. (改為否定句) 12。mike visited the great wall last national day.(對(duì)劃線部分提問) 13。liu tao picked a lot of apples. (對(duì)劃線部分提問) 14.they picked apples after school。 (對(duì)劃線部分提問) c卷: 復(fù)習(xí)提高題 一。 選擇( )1.【易錯(cuò)】there_ some orange juice in the glass this morning。 a. are b。 was c. is( )2。the

18、 children are reading a book _animal. a. about b。 of c. with( )3.【易錯(cuò)】it heavily in the morning. but the weather sunny at last.a. rainy, is b. rained , became c. rains ,is d. rain,become( )4.mr smith swimming every weekends。 but he do it last week.a. goes, didnt b。 goes to , didnt c。 went, didnt d. g

19、oes, doesnt( )5.do you often have supper _ your family? a. and b. with c。 at( )6?!疽族e(cuò)】i called _,but he wasnt at home。 a.you b。 he c. him( )7.this is lucy speaking。 whos that?- . a.im tom b. im tom speaking c。this is tom ( )8。【易錯(cuò)】you look so 。 a.exciting b。interesting c。 excited ( )9.its time for hom

20、e。 lets . a.us to go;go b。we to go;to go c。i to go;go( )10。【易錯(cuò)】would you like to go there too? - 。 a。yes,id love to b. yes,id like c。 yes,i would二填詞1.【易錯(cuò)】dont _ (run) in the school now. 2。my hands are dirty. let me _(go) and _ (wash ) them。3。the visitor (talk) to nancy about his country。 he (show) h

21、er some photos now.4.i like (play) games with my classmates. last month, we (play) a lot。5.it often (rain) here in spring,but it (not rain) last week。6。jim often asks his mother (read) stories for him.7。【易錯(cuò)】there (not be) any milk in the glass a moment ago。8。toms grandma likes (grow) flowers。9.ben (

22、do) homework now。 he usually (do) it in the evening.10?!疽族e(cuò)】my father likes (fish) very much.11.【易錯(cuò)】a pair of glasses (be) behind the cd walkman now.三.選擇相應(yīng)的答句( )1. what did you do on sunday? a.because i wanted to give him a book.( )2.where did you go for your holiday? b.its in shanghai.( )3。 wheres t

23、he fish now? c。 its in the fridge.( )4。were there any apples here? d。it was great fun.( )5。how was your holiday? e。i flew kites。( )6.wheres the bund? f。no,there werent.( )7。lets go to the great wall。 g.yes,i did。( )8。did you visit the summer palace? h。good idea。( )9.what did you see in the museum? i

24、. i went to the farm.( )10。why did you call liu tao? j。 i saw many interesting things。四.句型轉(zhuǎn)換1.i went to a zoo yesterday。 (對(duì)劃線部分提問) 2。my birthdays on the fifth of may. (對(duì)劃線部分提問) 3.i played cards with my friend。 (對(duì)劃線部分提問) 4.my holiday was great fun. (對(duì)劃線部分提問) 5.he often watches tv at the weekend.(改為一般

25、過去式) 五。翻譯1。我很喜歡吃魚。昨天我吃了很多。i like very much. i a lot yesterday。2.上個(gè)星期一你去了哪里?-我去了故宮.- you go last . -i to the .3.昨天的聚會(huì)玩得開心嗎? you have at the party yesterday? 4。海倫去電影院看了一部有趣的電影。helen to the cinema and an interesting .六.閱讀理解,判斷正誤,對(duì)的用t,錯(cuò)的用flaurie went to changzhou with her parents on her national day hol

26、iday。 they went there by car。 on wednesday they went to the flower exposition(花博會(huì)). there were lots of beautiful flowers. so they took many pictures there。 on thursday they went shopping. lauries mother bought some clothes and she was very happy。 on friday the weather was cool. so they played basketball。 they played all the morning. it was really fun. on saturday they went to the zoo and saw many animals。 and then they came back by train。( )1。 laurie and her friends


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