1、2019 年6 月六級閱讀真題及答案2014 年 6 月六級閱讀真題及答案Section ADirections :In this section, there is a passage with tenblanks,You are required to select One word for each blankfrom a list of choices given in a word bank following thepassage.Read the passage through carefully before making yourchoices. Each choice in
2、 the bamk is identified by aletter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item onAnswer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre You maynot use any of the words in the bank more than once.For investors who desire low risk and guaranteedincome,U.S. Government bonds are a secure investment
3、 becausethese bonds have the financial backing and full faith andcredit of the federal government.Municipal bonds,alsosecure,are offered by local governmengts and oftenhave_36_such as tax-free interest.Some may even be_37_.Corportate bonds are a bit more risky.Two questions often_38_first-time corpo
4、rtatebond investors.The first is ”If I purchase a corportatebond,do I have to hold it until the matueity date? ”Theanswer is no.Bonds are bought and sold daily on_39_securities exchanges.However,if your bond does nothave_40_ that make it attractive to other investors,you may be forced to sell your b
5、ond at a_41_i.e., aprice less than the bond s face value. But if your bond ishighly valued by other investors, you may be able to sell itat a premium, i.e., a price above its face value. Bond pricesgcncrally_42_ inversely ( 相反地)with current marketinterest rates. As interest rates go up, bond pnccs t
6、all, andvice versa ( 反之亦然).Thus, like all investments ,bonds havea degree of risk.The second question is “How can I _43_ theinvestment risk of a particular bond issue? ” Standard &Poors and Moodys Investors Service rate the level of riskof many corporate and government bonds. And _44_, thehigher the
7、 market risk of a bond ,the higher the interestrate. Investors will invest in a bond considered risky onlyif the _45_return is high enough.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡 2 上作答。A) advantages I) fluctuateB) assess J) indefiniteC) bother K) insuredD) conserved L) majorE) deduction M) naturallyF) discount N) potentialG)
8、 embarrass 0) simultaneouslyH) features參考答案36. N) spoiling本空與前面的 spend 構成 spend time doing 的搭配,需要動詞ing 形式。備選的有 illustrating( 闡述) 和 spoiling( 寵愛),能與空后的 grandkids 構成合理搭配的明顯只有 spoiling ,意為“花更多時間去寵孫子”。37. K) radically本空所在句不缺主干成分,且本空是修飾 different ideas ,所以需要副詞。備選的有 mysteriously( 神秘地) 、radically( 根本地) 和se
9、parately( 分開地) 。能與 different ideas 構成合理搭配的只有radically ,這里做水準副詞,表示丈夫與妻子有著“根本上不同的觀點”。38. C) disagree本空為從句中的謂語,所以缺少動詞,因為從句主語為復數(shù)couples ,所以需要動詞原形或過去式 ; 且要考慮與空后的 on 構成搭配,應為不及物動詞。備選的有 assume(假設) 、disagree( 不同意) 、observe( 觀察)和 underestimate( 低估) 。其中不及物且與 on 能構成搭配的只有 disagree 。另外,第一段段末提到的丈夫與妻子有著“根本上不同的觀點”也提
10、示了這里所描述的現(xiàn)象理應是夫妻們不同意彼此的意見。39. O) underestimate本空為該句謂語,且與之并列的前半句使用的是一般現(xiàn)在時,所以需要動詞原形,備選的有 assume(假設) 、observe( 觀察) 和underestimate( 低估) 。能夠與空后的 age 構成合理搭配的只有underestimate ,意為丈夫們“低估了妻子退休時的年齡”。另外,前半句與該句構成轉(zhuǎn)折,而前半句提到的是妻子一般能準確判斷丈夫的退休年齡,可知該句應描述的是丈夫不了解妻子的退休年齡。40. I) optimistic本空為表語,且被副詞 slightly 修飾,空氣還有 more,提示了
11、應為形容詞。備選的又 confidential( 機密的) 、 forthcoming( 即將到來的) 和 optimistic( 樂觀的) 。注意本空形容的是空后的 standard ofliving( 生活標準) ,能構成合理意思的只有 optimistic ,意為丈夫比妻子“對于生活標準要略微樂觀一些”。41. M) separately本空與 together 構成并列,所以應該與 together 詞性一致,為副詞。備選的有 mysteriously( 神秘地) 和 separately( 分開地) 。能與together 意思上構成并列的只有 separately ,表示正好相反的
12、狀態(tài),被 or 串聯(lián),構成選擇型的并列。42. A) assume本空為該句謂語,且并列的后半句用的是一般現(xiàn)在時,而本句主語為復數(shù) they ,所以本空需要動詞原形。備選的有 assume(假設) 和observe( 觀察)。能在這里構成合理意思的只有 assume,意為“他們以為他們意見一致”。43. L) reality空前的 the 提示了本空需要名詞,空后的 is 提示了本空需要可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞。備選的有 formula( 公式、方案 ) 、package( 包裹)和 reality( 現(xiàn)實) 。這里能構成合理意思的只有reality ,意為“但現(xiàn)實是他們甚至都沒有談論這個話題
13、”。注意前半句的 assume 暗示了前半句是夫妻們自以為的現(xiàn)象、也就是假象,這也暗示 43 空所在的轉(zhuǎn)折之后的后半句描述的才是真相。44. E) forthcoming本空是在形容 retirement date( 退休日期) ,需要形容詞。備選的有 confidential( 機密的) 和 forthcoming( 即將到來的 ) 。能構成合理意思的只有 forthcoming ,意為“常常是馬上就要來臨的退休日成為了退休規(guī)劃的催化劑”,即人們只有接近退休的時候才會被迫開始做規(guī)劃。45. J) package空前的 an 后面需要可數(shù)名詞單數(shù),但 early-retirement 并非可數(shù)
14、名詞單數(shù),所以本空才理應是被 an 限定的可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)。備選的有formula( 公式、方案 ) 和 package( 包裹) 。這里意思更合理的是package,這個詞能夠表示“一攬子計劃”, early- retirementpackage 意為“提前退休計劃”。Section BDirections :In this section,you are going to read apassage with ten statments attached to it.each statementcontains information given in one of the paragraph
15、s.identifythe paragraph from weich the information is derived.you maychoose a parpgraph more than once.each paragraph is markedwith a letter.answer the questions by marking thecorresponding letter on answer sheet 2.lessons from a Feminist ParadiseAOn the surface,Sweden appears to be a feministparadi
16、se.Look at any global survey of gender equality andSweden will be near the top.Family-friendly policies are itsnorm-with 16 months of paid parental leave,specialprotections for part-time workers,and state-subsidizedpreschools where,according to a government website,gender-awareness education is incr
17、easingly common.due to anunfficial quota system,women hold 45 percent of positions inthe swedish parliament.they have enjoyed the protection ofgovernment agencies with titles like the Ministry ofIntegration and Gender Equality and the Secretariat of GenderResearch.So why are American women so far ah
18、ead of theirSwedish counterparts in breaking through the glass ceiling?Bin a 2012 report,the World Economic Forum found thatwhen it comes to closing the gender gap ineconmicparticipation and opportunity,the United States is ahead ofnot only Sweden but also Finland,Denmark,theNetherlands,Iceland,Germ
19、any,and the United Kingdom.Swedensrank in the report can largely be explained by its politicalquota system.Though the United States has fewer women in theworkorce(68 percent compared to Swedens 77 percent).Americanwomen who choose to be employed are far more likely to workfull-time and to hold high-
20、level jobs as manangers orprofessionals.They also own more businesses,lauch more start-ups( 新創(chuàng)辦的企業(yè) ),and more often work in traditionally malefields.As for breaking through the glass ceiling inbusiness,American women are well in the lead.Cwhat explains the American advantage?How can it bethat societ
21、ies like Sweden,where gender equality isvigorously pusued and engorced,have fewer femalemanagers,executives,professionals,and business owners than ehlaissez-faire( 自由放任的 )united states?A new study by clrnelleconomists Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn gives anexplanation.DGenerous parental leave polic
22、ies and readilyavailable part-time options have unintended consequences :instead of strengthening womens attachment to theworkplace,they appear to weaken it.In addition to a 16-monthleave,a swedish parent has the right to work six hours a day(for a reduced salary)until his or her child is eight year
23、sold.Mothers are far more likely than fathers to takeadvantage of this law,But extended leaves and part-timeemployment are known to be harmful to careers for bothgenders. And with women a second factor comes into play :mostseem to enjoy the flexible-time arrangement(once known as the“mommytrack”)and
24、 never find their way back to full -time orhigh-level employment.In sum :generous family-friendlypolicies do keep more women in the labor market,but they alsotend to diminisb their careers.E According to Blau and Kahn,Swedish-style paternal( 父親的)leave policies and flexibletime arrangements pose asec
25、ond threat to woman s progress :they make employerscautious about hiring woman for full-time positions atall.Offering ajob to a man is the safer bet.He is far lesslikely to take a year of parental leave and then return on areduced work schedule for the next eight years.FI became aware of the triale
26、of career-focusedEuropean woman a few years ago when I met a post-doctoralstudent from Germany who was then a visiting fellow at JohnsHopkins. She was astonished by the professional possibilitiesafforded to young American woman. Her best hope in Germanywas a govermment job prospects for woman in the
27、 privatesector were dim. ”In Germany “ she told me, ”we have all thebenefits, ”but employers don t wan to hire us. ”G Swedish economists Magnus Henrekson and MikaelStenkula addressed the following question in their 2009 study :why are there so few female top executives in the Europeanegalitarian( 平等
28、主義的 )welfare states?Their answer :”Broad-based welfare- state policies hinder women s represent ationin elite competitive positions. ”H It is tempting to declare the Swedish policiesregressive( 退步的 )and hail the American system assuperior.But that would be shortsighted.The Swedes cancertainly take a
29、 lesson from the United States and look forways to clear a path for their ambitious female careerists.But most woman are not committsd careerists.When the PewResearch Center recently asked American parents to identifytheir ”ideal ”life arrangement,47 percent of mothers saidthey would prefer to work
30、park-time and 20percent said theywould prefer not to work at all.Fathers answered differrntly :75 percent preferred full-time work.Some version of theSwedish system might work well for a majority of Americanparents,but the United States is unlikely to fully embracethe Swedish model. Still,we can lea
31、rn from their experience.I Despite its failure to shatter the glassceiling,Sweden has one of the most powerful and innovativeeconomies in the world.In its 2011-2012survey,the WorldEconomic Forum ran ked Sweden as the “rockstar of therecovery ”in the Washington Post,also leads the world in lifesatisf
32、action and happiness. It is a society well worthstudying,and its efforts to conquer the gender gap impart avital lesson though not the lesson the Swedes had in mind 。J Sweden has gone farther than any other nation onearth to integrate the sexes and to offer women the sameopportunities and freedoms a
33、s men.For decades,thesedescendants of the Vikings have been trying to show the worldthat the right mix of enlinghtened policy.consciousnessraising, and non-sexist child rearingwould close the genderdivide once and for all.Yet the divide persists.K A 2012 press release from Statistics Sweden bearsthe
34、 title “Gender Equality in Sweden Treading( 踩)Water ” andnotes :1、The total income from employment for all ages islower for women than for men.2、One in three employed women and one in ten employedmen work part-time.3、Womens working time is influenced by the number andage of theirchildren , but men s
35、 working time is not affectedby these factors.4、Of all employees ,only 13 percent of the women and 12percent of the men have occupations with an even distributionof the sexes.L Confronted with such facts, some Swedish activistsand legislators are demanding more ex-treme and far-reachingmeasures, suc
36、h as replacing male and female pronouns with aneutral alternative and monitoring children more closely tocorrect them when they gravitahta( 被吸引) toward genderedplay. When it came to light last year that mothers, far morethan fathers, chose to stay home from work to care for theirsick kids. Ulf Krist
37、ersson. minister of social security,quickly commissioned a study to determine the causcs of andpossiiblce cures for this disturbing stale of affairs.MSwcdish family policies, by accommodating womenspreferences efleetively, are reduting the number of women inelite competitive positions. The Swedes wi
38、ll find thisparadoxical and try to find solutions. Let us hope these donot include banning gender pronouns, policing children splay, implementing more gender quotas, or treating women sspecial attachment to home and family as a social injustice.Most mothers do not aspire to ( 向往) elite, competitive
39、full-time positions : the Swedish policies have given them thefreedom and opportunity to live the lives they prefer.Americans should look past the gender rhetoric and considerwhat these Scandina-vians have achieved. On their way tocreating a feminist paradise, the Swedes have uninten-tionally create
40、d a haven ( 避風港) for normal mortals.注意:此部分試題請在答題卡 2 上作答。46.Sweden has done more than other nations to close thegender gap. but it conimucs 10 exist.47.Sweden is one of the most competitive economics lifesatisfaction.48. More American women hold elite job positions inbusiness than Swedish women.49. S
41、wedish family-friendly policies tend to exert anegative influence on women s careers.50.The quota system in Swede n ensures womens betterrepresentation in government.51.Though the Swedish model appears workable for mostAmerican parents, it may not be accepted by them in itsentirety.52.Swedish women
42、are allowed the freedom and opportunityto choose their own way of life.53.Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring women forfull-time positions because of the family-friendly policies.54.Gender-awareness education is becoming more and morepopular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.55.Some l
43、awmakers in Sweden propose that genderlesspronouns be used in the Swedish language.參考答案46. Sweden has done more than other nations to close thegender gap, but it continues to exist.答案 J。解析:“ has done more than other nations ”對應第一句“has gone farther than any other nation ”, “close thegender gap ”對應倒數(shù)第
44、二句“ close the gender divide ”,“ itcontinues to exist ”對應最后一句“ the divide persists ”47. Sweden is one of the most competitive economies inthe world and its people enjoy the greatest life satisfaction.答案 I 。解析: “one of the most competitive economies in theworld ”對應第二句 “the world s third most competiti
45、veeconomy”, “ enjoy the greatest life satisfaction ”對應第三句“ also leads the world in life satisfaction andhappiness ”48. More American women hold elite job positions inbusiness than Swedish women.答案 M。解析: “elite job positions ”對應第一句“ elitecompetitive positions ”, “More American than Swedish women”對應第一
46、句瑞士的政策正在“ reducing the number of women inelite positions ”,結合后文提到美國的情況,得出更多美國女性擁有高級職位。49. Swedish family-friendly policies tend to exert anegative influence on women s career.答案 D。解析: “Swedish family - friendly policies ”對應第一句“Generous parental leave policies and readily availablepart- time options
47、”,“a negative influence ”指的就是第二句提到的“they appear to weaken it ”,這里的 it 指的是前文提到的“womens attachment to the workplace ” 。50. The quota system in Sweden ensures women s betterrepresentation in government.答案 A。解析: “The quota system in Sweden ”對應第四句“ anunofficial quota system ”,“representation in governmen
48、t”對應后來提到的“ 45 percent of positions in the Swedishparliament ” 。51. Though the Swedish model appears workable for mostAmerican parents, it may not be accepted by them in itsentirely.答案 H。解析:“the Swedish model appears workable for mostAmerican parents ”對應倒數(shù)第二句“ Swedish system might workwell for a majo
49、rity of American parents ”,“may not beaccepted by them in its entirely ”對應最后一句“ unlikely tofully embrace the Swedish model ”。52. Swedish women are allowed the freedom andopportunity to choose their own way of life.答案 M。解析:瑞典的女性有更多自由和機會來選擇想要的生活。該句直接對應 M段倒數(shù)第 3 句話:” the Swedish policies have giventhem
50、the freedom and opportunity to live the lives theyprefer. ”53. Swedish employers are hesitant about hiring womenfor full-time positions because of the family-friendlypolicies.答案 E。解析:因為家庭友好型政策,瑞典的雇主們在雇傭全職女性時會有顧慮。對應 E段第一句話,” they make employers wary ofhiring women for full- time positions at all. ”句中
51、 they 指的就是 family-friendly policies ,而 be hesitant about 是對 bewary of 的改寫。54. Gender-awareness education is becoming more and morepopular in state-subsidized preschools in Sweden.答案 A。解析:根據(jù) “Gender- awareness education ”對應到 A 段第 3句話:“state -subsidized preschools where, gender-awarenesseducation is i
52、ncreasingly common. ” 而 “more and morepopular ”就是對 “increasingly common ”的改寫。55. Some lawmakers in Sweden propose the genderlesspronouns be used in the Swedish language.答案 L。解析:根據(jù)” lawmakers”對應到 L 段第一句“l(fā)egislators ”,”the genderless pronouns ” 對應 “replacingmale and female pronouns with a neutral alte
53、rnative ”。Section CDirections : There are 2 passages in this section. Eachpassage is followed by some questions or unfinishedstatements. For each of them there are four choices marked A).B). C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and markthe corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a sin
54、gle linethrough the centre.Passage OneQuestions 56 to 60 are based on the following passage.Texting has long been bemoaned ( 哀嘆)as the downfall ofthe written word, ”penmanship for illiter, ”as one criticcalled it. To which the proper response is LOL.Texting properly isn t writing at all. It s a “spo
55、ken”language that is getting richer and more complex by the year.First,some historical perspective. Writing was onlyinvented 5,500 years ago. whereas Ianguage probably tracesback at least 80.000 years. Thus talking came first; writingis just a craft that came along later. As such, the firstwriting w
56、as based on the way people talk ,with shortsentences.However, while talking is largely subconscious and rapid,writing is deliberate and slow, Over time,writers tookadvantage of this and started cratting long-winded sentencessuch as this one :The whole engagement lasted above 12 hours,till the gradua
57、l retreat of the Per trsians was changed intoa disorderly flight, of which the shameful example was givenby the principal leaders and ”No one talks like that casually or should. But it isnatural to desire to do so for special occasions. In the olddays, we didn t much write like talking because there
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