七年級英語上冊 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use課件(新版)外研版_第1頁
七年級英語上冊 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use課件(新版)外研版_第2頁
七年級英語上冊 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use課件(新版)外研版_第3頁
七年級英語上冊 Module 9 People and places Unit 3 Language in use課件(新版)外研版_第4頁




1、Module 9 People and places,Unit 3 Language in use,Objectives:,1. To learn to use present continuous tense 2. To report what others are doing,1. Im standing on the Great Wall of China and talking to you. 2. Tony is eating a delicious ice cream. 3. Theyre working. 4. People arent having dinner.,Observ

2、e,Are you familiar with these examples? We have learnt all of them in this module.,5. We are enjoying the school trip a lot. 6. Daming is having lunch and lying in the sun. 7. Lingling is buying a few presents and postcards. 8. People arent sleeping. They are eating. 9. Some are watching television

3、or playing games at home. 10. Some people are seeing friends, calling home or shopping.,1. I _(stand) on the Great Wall of China and _(talk) to you. 2. Tony _(eat) a delicious ice cream. 3. They _ (work). 4. People _(not have) dinner. 5. 5. We _ (enjoy) the school trip a lot.,am standing,talking,is

4、eating,are working,arent having,are enjoying,go,Ready?,6. Daming _ (have) lunch and _ (lie) in the sun. 7. Lingling _ (buy) a few presents and postcards. 8. People _ (not sleep). They _ (eat). 9. Some _ (watch) television or _ (play) games at home. 10. Some people _ (see) friends, _ (call) home or _

5、 (shop).,is having,lying,is buying,arent sleeping,are eating,are watching,playing,are seeing,calling,shopping,現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時態(tài)(I),Grammar,1.定義:表示現(xiàn)在(說話瞬間)正在進(jìn)行的動作。,He is watching TV now. He is drinking a glass of water.,We are working on a farm these days.I am writing a book this year.,還可以表示當(dāng)前一段時間內(nèi)的活動或現(xiàn)階 段正在進(jìn)行的

6、動作。,2. 謂語動詞的構(gòu)成: 助動詞be + V-ing。,注: 不加助動詞be的V.-ing 或 be+V原形不能構(gòu)成現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時。如:,觀察幾個例子: Im visiting my friend. He is eating an ice cream. Were preparing for Spring Festival. They are lying in the sun.,He visiting his friend. ( ) He is visit his friend.( ),將下面的句子變?yōu)榉穸ň? Im,writing the postcard.,s,3.句型轉(zhuǎn)換: 變?yōu)榉穸ň鋾r

7、, be后加not。,not,將下面的句子變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧?,Tony,having lunch,.,i,I,?,m,I,writing the postcard,.,Are,you,?,變?yōu)橐话阋蓡柧鋾r把be提前到句首, 人稱和be作相應(yīng)變化。,注意:變化時注意人稱的相應(yīng)變化。,I am lying in the sun with my friends.,Are you lying in the sun with your friends?,肯定句:,一般疑問句:,4. 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時的否定和疑問形式的構(gòu)成。,5. 現(xiàn)在進(jìn)行時的標(biāo)志詞有:Look! Listen! Now its 8 oclock

8、. What are you doing?等。 What are you doing now? (你在干什么?) Im reading now. (我現(xiàn)在正在讀書。) Listen! She is singing. (聽,她正在唱歌。) Look! My mother is watering the flowers. (看,我媽媽正在澆花。),以下部分為課本練習(xí),供老師在對答案時選擇使用。,P58,1,Look at the picture. Say what you are doing.,Tony is calling a friend. ,P58,2,Complete the conver

9、sation between Tony and his dad with the correct form of the words in brackets.,Tony: Hi, Dad! Dad: Hi, Tony. What are you doing now? Tony: We (1) _ (visit) the Forbidden City. Lingling and Betty (2) _ (write) postcards.,are visiting,are writing,Dad: What is Daming doing? Tony: He (3) _ (take) photo

10、s. There are lots of people here. They (4) _ (enjoy) the sun. some people (5) _ (look) at the buildings and some (6) _ (look) at maps. Dad: Are you having a good time? Tony: Yes, we (7) _ (have) a great time, Dad! See you next Monday.,is taking,are enjoying,are looking,are looking,are having,3,Write

11、 about the pictures.,Some boys _ football. They _ basketball.,are playing,arent playing,P58,Some old people _ taijiquan. They _ yangge.,are playing,arent playing,He _ TV. He _on a computer.,isnt watching,is working,P59,4,Work in pairs. Mime an action for your partner to guess. Use the expressions to

12、 help you., driving a car getting up going to sleep lying in the sun, playing basketball running for a bus studying history, taking photos watching TV writing postcards,A: Youre running for a bus! B: No! A: Youre playing basketball! B: Yes!,When you revise your vocabulary, choose words which are use

13、ful for you, and write them in sentences.,postcard: On holiday I usually send four or five postcards to my friends.,Learning to learn,Step 1: Work in groups of three or four. Plan a radio report. Talk about news you would like to report. List the activities you would like to report. Make notes about

14、 the news. Write what you are going to say. Step 2: Show your report to the whole class. Step 3: Choose the best report.,Module task:,Making a radio report,Summary,正在進(jìn)行時表示正在發(fā)生的動作。 1. 構(gòu)成: 肯定句:主語 + be + V-ing 否定句:主語 + be not + V-ing 一般疑問句:be + 主語 + V-ing? 2. 標(biāo)志詞語:Look! Listen!,. 用方框中所給單詞的正確形式填空。 run s

15、tudy enjoy take build 1. The white _ is our city library. 2. What is Rose doing? She is _ photos 3. Mike wants to go to China to _ history. 4. The boy is _ for a bus. Is he Wang Hao? 5. Lots of people are _ the sun on the beach (海灘).,building,taking,study,running,enjoying,. 用所給動詞的正確形式填空。 1. Its nine

16、 oclock. She _ (read). 2. _ your sister _ (watch) TV at this moment? No, she isnt. 3. Those people _ (not work) now. 4. My brother _ (not write) right now. He _ (dance). 5. What _ they _ (do) now? They _ (play) basketball.,is reading,Is watching,arent working,isnt writing,is dancing,are doing,are pl

17、aying,. 根據(jù)所給漢語及短語提示,寫出正確的句子。 1. 那些孩子們正玩得開心。(have a good time) _ 2. 徐剛正在起床嗎?(get up) _ 3. 他正在發(fā)送郵件給朋友。(sendto) _,The children are having a good time.,Is Xu Gang getting up?,He is sending emails to his friends.,4. 我的貓現(xiàn)在沒有躺在陽光下。(lie in the sun) _ 5. 托尼正在哪里寫明信片?(write postcards) _,My cat isnt lying in th

18、e sun.,Where is Tony writing postcards?,. 根據(jù)對話內(nèi)容,選用適當(dāng)?shù)木渥友a(bǔ)全對話。,A. Its a book by Guo Jingming. B. What are you doing now? C. Is he still writing books? D. Where is he living now? E. Where does Guo Jingming come from?,A: Hi, Meimei. (1)_ B: Im reading a book. A: What book? B: (2)_ He is a great writer (作家). Hes popular with many people. A: (3)_ B: He comes from Sichuan. A: (4)_ B: Hes living in Sha


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