



1、 班級 姓名 學(xué)號 密 封 線 20132014學(xué)年度第一學(xué)期期中測試八年級 英語 一聽力(20分,每小題2分)、選擇聽到的單詞或短語。(10分)( )1. a. sunday b. saturday c. thursday ( )2. a. almost b .although c. apple ( )3. a. boring b. break c .bored ( )4. a. run b. win c. line ( )5. a. anywhere b. anyone c. someone ( )6. a. last month b. next week c. first time( )

2、7. a. keep out b. keep down c. turn down( )8. a. give away b. far away c. take away( )9. a. whats wrong b .what about c. how about( )10. a. pay for b. put out c. pick up 、聽對話,根據(jù)所聽內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案,對話讀二遍。( )1.who is the tallest of the three girls?a. lisa b. helen c. lucy .d. mary( )2. why does the girl think

3、city supermarket is the best?a. its the cheapest b. its the biggest c. its the cleanest d. a&b( )3. why does the boy often go to the swimming pool?a. it has the cheapest ticket b. it has the cleanest water c. it has the best service d. its the biggest( )4. what does bill look like?a. he is thinner t

4、han kevin. b. he is as thin as kevin.c. he is fatter than kevin. d. he is as fat as kevin.( )5.who is very shy?a. sally b. kate c. tom d. jim二單項選擇(15分)( )1. which subject is _ , english, math or chinese?a. boring b. more boring c. the most boring d. the boringest( )2、-who sings better, linda or jane

5、?-i think linda sings _ jane.a. as good as b. less than c. as well as d. more than( )3. she is really a _ girl and often shows her great _ in the school play.a. talented; talented b. talented; talent c. talent; talented d. talent; talent( )4. remember _the window when you leave the classroom.a. clos

6、e b. closing c. to close d. open( )5. can i ask you _questions?a. some b. any c. few d. a little( )6 tennis is getting _in china.a. more popular and popular b. more and more popular c. popular and popular d. most and most popular( )7. jack is the third _in our class.a. tall b. taller c. tallest d. m

7、uch taller( )8. china is one of _in the world.a. the most beautiful countries b. the most beautiful countryc. beautiful country d. more beautiful countries( )9. read every sentence carefully. the more _ you are, the_ mistakes youll make.a. carefully; fewer b. careful; less c. careful; fewer d. caref

8、ully; less( )10_,they _the game and felt sad.aluckily;won bluckily;lost cunluckily;won dunluckily;lost( )11.this restaurant is its delicious food.acome out bfamous for cfamous as dfamous to( )12.which subject is _,physics or chemistry?avery interesting bmost interesting cmore interesting d.much inte

9、resting( )13its _colder than it _yesterday.thats right. youd better put on more clothes.amuch;was b. more;was cmuch;is dmore;is( )14my math teacher is very _ and she dances very _.abeautiful;beautiful b. beautiful;beautifullycbeautifully;beautifuldbeautifully;beautifully( )15its very kind of you to

10、help me find the house. _. .athats right boh,no cno problem dgoodbye三、完形填空(每小題1分,共10分)john is 14 years old. he is a student _1_ grade eight. he was a very active and happy boy two years ago. but _3_ changed after he started to play computer games. he _3_ plays basketball or football with his friends

11、 any more. and when he sits in the classroom, he cant listen to the teachers _4_. he _5_in class. and he spends _6_time in studying. so he gets bad marks in tests. but he is very _7_ after school is over. he stays in the net bar until it is closed. ah, he loses himself in(沉迷于)computer games. his par

12、ents can do nothing to _8_ him. every morning in the school, when we see that he is so tired after a _9_ “busy working”, we think its _10_ for his health.( )1. a. with b. of c. at d. to( )2. a. everything b. something c. anything d. nothing( )3. a. always b. often c. never d. usually( )4. a. enough

13、careful b. careful enough c. enough carefully d. carefully enough( )5. a. studies b. sleeps c. eats d. sings( )6. a. more and more b. fewer and fewer c. less and less d. much and much( )7. a. tired b. same c. different d. outgoing( )8. a. stop b. get c. beat d. win( )9. a. night b. day c. nights d.

14、days( )10. a. happy b. bad c. better d. good四、閱讀理解。(20分,每個2分)athe chinese new year is the most important holiday for the chinese people. for the chinese,the new year comes with the first day of the first month,between january 21 and february 19.people get ready for the holiday for fifteen days.final

15、ly,at midnight it is the first day of the first month. people close the shops and the streets are empty. everyone locks the doors and stays at home.it is an important time for the family. the younger people bow(鞠躬) to the older people. the chinese call this ke tou. this means “to touch the ground wi

16、th the forehead”then the younger people wish the older people a happy new year. the older people give children gifts of money inside envelopes. the family then go to sleep.in the morning,people dress in their best clothes. some people stay at home,others go out to pay a new year call. they are very

17、polite and do not use bad words. its the most important day of the year.( )1“the chinese new year” in the passage means “_”amidautumn bthe spring festival cchristmas day dthe dragon(龍)boat festival( )2it takes about _ to get ready for the chinese new year.aa few days btwelve days chalf a month dthre

18、e weeks( )3at midnight you can see _ people in the street. everyone stays at home.alots of bhundreds of cmany dfew( )4the part of the face above the eyes and below the hair is the _.aear bforehead cnose dmouth( )5,on the chinese new years day. what do people usually say to each other when they meet?

19、 agood luck! bbest wishes! cgood morning. dhappy new year!b it was a very hot day in the middle of summer, and there were no trees along the street. mr. read had another bad day: for the whole day no one had come to his small shop to buy anything. he closed his shop at half past five, and went out i

20、nto the street and began walking to the bus stop. he was very fat. the sun shone straight down the street, and in a few minutes mr. read felt hot. a small boy came out of another shop in the street and followed mr. read. he stayed very near him all the time, and he stepped on mr. reads shoes several

21、 times. mr. read looked at him angrily each time. after the fourth time, mr. read stopped, turned round and said to the boy, “what are you doing? stop following me like that! youre going to hurt my feet.” “im sorry, but dont stop me, please!” the small boy said. “its very hot today, and there isnt a

22、ny shade anywhere else in the street!”( )1. no one came to buy things from mr. reads shop because . a. it was too small b. he closed it too early c. it was too hot d. there were no shops near his shop( )2. mr. read at about 5:30.a. was going to the bus stop b. was looking for his boy c. was going to

23、 another shop d. was looking for a shade in the street.( )3. in a few minutes, mr. read felt hot because_. a. he walked too fast b. he was a fat man c. he boy followed him too closely d. he stood too long in the sun( )4. why did mr. read become angry? a. the sun was too hot. b. the boy was too fat.

24、c. there were no trees in the street. d. the boy was giving him some trouble.( )5. the boy followed mr. read so that a. he could do shopping in mr. reids shop b. nobody would see him c. he could find the bus stop d. the sun wouldnt shine on him五、根據(jù)首字母提示完成單詞。(每小題1分,共5分)1lets go out to breathe(呼吸) f a

25、ir(空氣).2in the old days,people lived a p life.3he goes to the t to enjoy beijing opera (京劇)once a week.4. i cant s the hot weather.5.do you want to watch the n ?六.用所給詞的正確形式填空(每小題1分,共5分)1its fun (watch) people show their talents.2when people watch the show,they usually play a role in (decide) the winner.3the talent shows can give people a way (make) dreams come true.4i hope (find) out what going on around the world.5you can sit (comfortable) here and relax.七、句型轉(zhuǎn)換及翻譯。(10分,每個2分)1、 what do you think of it so far?( 改為同義句) do you it so far?2、she is quieter than any other girl in our class.


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