初三英語Unit 5 what are the shirts made of Section A 2d課件_第1頁
初三英語Unit 5 what are the shirts made of Section A 2d課件_第2頁
初三英語Unit 5 what are the shirts made of Section A 2d課件_第3頁
初三英語Unit 5 what are the shirts made of Section A 2d課件_第4頁
初三英語Unit 5 what are the shirts made of Section A 2d課件_第5頁
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1、Unit -5 What are the shirts made of ?,Period 3 Section A 2d,New words,produce v. 生產;制造;出產 widely /waidli/ adv. 廣泛地; 普遍地 process v. 加工;處理,Fill in the blanks.,1.Tea is mostly (生產)in the southeast in China. 2.He has (廣博的)knowledge. 3.English is now (廣泛地) spoken in the world. 4. Is this food (加工) in thi

2、s factory?,produced,wide,widely,processed,What are these things usually made of?,It is made of / They are made of ,Review,What are these things usually made of?,It is made of / They are made of ,Lead-in,-What drink is the most popular in China? It is tea. -Where is tea produced in China? It is produ

3、ced in many different areas -How is it grown? Well, its planted on the sides of mountains. When the leaves are ready, they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. -What happens next? The tea is packed and sent to many different countries and places around China.,西湖龍井,,洞庭,碧螺春,,黃山毛峰,廬山云霧茶

4、,,六安瓜片,,君山銀針,信,陽毛尖,武夷巖茶,,安溪鐵觀音,,祁門紅,茶,10大品牌茶葉 西湖龍井 洞庭碧螺春 黃山毛峰 廬山云霧茶 六安瓜片 君山銀針 信陽毛尖 武夷巖茶 安溪鐵觀音 祁門紅茶,綜述,中國是中國茶的故鄉(xiāng),是世界上最早發(fā)現中國茶樹、利用中國茶葉和栽培中國茶樹的國家,中國也是世界茶道的宗主國,任何國家受中國茶文化的影響都不能否認中國是茶道宗主國的地位,否則違背了茶道的基本文明。茶樹的起源至少已有六七萬年的歷史。茶被人類發(fā)現和利用,大約有四五千年的歷史。,品種,主要品種有綠茶、紅茶、烏龍茶(青茶)、白茶、黃茶、黑茶,茶文化,中國人飲茶,注重一個“品”字?!捌凡琛辈坏氰b別茶的優(yōu)劣


6、,1982年,在杭州成立了第一個以宏揚茶文化為宗旨的社會團體-“茶人之家”,1983年湖北成立“陸羽茶文化研究會”,1990年“中國茶人聯誼會”在北京成立,1993年“中國國際茶文化研究會”在湖洲成立,1991年中國茶葉博物館在杭州西湖鄉(xiāng)正式開放。1998年中國國際和平茶文化交流館建成。隨著茶文化的興起,各地茶藝館越辦越多。國際茶文化研討會已開到第五,各省各市及主產茶縣紛紛主辦“茶葉節(jié)”,如福建武夷市的巖茶節(jié)、云南的普洱茶節(jié),浙江新昌、泰順、湖北英山、河南信陽的茶葉節(jié)不勝枚舉。都以茶為載體,促進全面的經濟貿易發(fā)展,2d Listen and answer the questions.,What

7、 are they talking about? What places are mentioned in their talk? Why do people drink tea according to Liu Jun?,They are talking about Chinese tea.,An xi and Hangzhou.,Because tea is good for both health and business.,朗讀2d的對話并理解大意,判斷句子正誤,( )China is famous for tea both in the past and now。 ( )Tea is

8、 produced only in Anxi and Hangzhou ( )It seems that Chinese tea is drunk all over China. ( ) People say that tea is good for health.,T,F,F,T,根據2d對話的內容完成下各句。,1.Chinese is tea both in the past and now. 2. I know , tea plants are grown on the side of mountains. 3. When the are ready, they are picked b

9、y hand and then for processing.,famous for,As far as,leaves,are sent,4. The tea is packed and many different countries and places China. 5. People say that tea is good for both and !,health,business,around,sent to,朗讀、背誦短語,be famous for both in the past and now Where is tea produced in many different

10、 areas be widely known for on the sides of mountains,by hand be sent for processing places around China It seems that tea is good for both health and business,Listen again and read after the tape.,What is famous in your city? What is it made of? Make a conversation using 2d as a model.,Pair Work,Chi

11、nese knot,paper cutting,tiger-head shoes,區(qū)別adj 和 adv,()1.Idontfeelvery_.A.terriblyB.wellC.goodD.badly()2.Looking_athismother, thelittleboylooked_. A.happy,goodB.happy,well C.sadly,sadD.sad,sadly()3.Motherdoesntfeel_today.A.goodB.wellC.niceD.health,()4.Insummereggswillgo_easily.A.terriblyB.terribleC.

12、badlyD.bad ()5Jimdoesmorningexercises everyday,sohelooksvery_.A.tiredB.goodC.wellD.happy ()6.Atlastitmadethem_. A.happilyB.quickly C.friendlyD.slowly,( )7.Mywatchdoesntwork. Could youmendit,please?-Sorry.Buttheworkersinthatwatch shopmaybe_. A.kindB.friendlyC.niceD.helpful ( )8.Its_niceofyoutohelphim

13、. A.trueB.trulyC.realD.really ( )9.Dontgoout.Itsraining_. A.quicklyB.heavilyC.loudlyD.hardly,( )10.LiMingdidhishomework_.Soheleftschoollast. A.easilyB.quickly C.happilyD.slowly ( )11.Simon looks _ today and smiles _ all the time. A, happy, happy B, happily, happily C, happy, happily D, happily, happ

14、y,2. Where is tea produced in China? produce v. 生產;制造;出產 Im quite pleased that we have produced so much food. 我很高興我們生產了這么多食物。 We expect writers to produce more and better works. 我們期望作家們寫出更多更好的作品。,produce, do, make 的共同意思是“制造, 生產”。其區(qū)別是: make是普通用語, 可指任何物品的制作、制造、生產、加工; produce著重強調生產情況及產量, 不強調生產過程及規(guī)模; 當做

15、某事或進行某活動, 又不知是什么具體內容時, 用do來表示, 當說到工作時, 一般情況下用do。,Boys and girls, please stop _ so much noise. Its time for class. A. to produce B. producing C. to make D. making,D,3. are widely known for their tea. widely adv. 廣泛地;普遍地 The steamboat is not widely in use now. 如今汽船不是那么廣泛地被應用。 Rice is widely planted in

16、 South China. 水稻在中國南部廣泛種植。 The song is becoming widely popular. 這首歌正在廣泛流行開來。 widely通常表示范圍或程度的廣大,(2013甘肅蘭州中考) 讀句子,根據所給漢語提示寫出單詞。 EmailEnglishis_ (廣泛地)usedamongyoungpeople.,widely,4. , they are picked by hand and then are sent for processing. process v. 加工;處理 America sent cotton to England for processi

17、ng. 美國把棉花運到英格蘭進行加工。 How fast does the computer process the data? 這臺計算機處理數據有多快?,知識拓展,process n. 工序;過程 Building a car is a long process. 制造一輛小汽車有很長的工序。 They went over every process again, but without result. 他們把每道工序又檢查了一遍,卻仍沒有結果。 The bridge is in the process of being built. 大橋正在建設中。 in process 在進行中,5.

18、 It seems that Chinese tea is drunk all over the world. It seems that 意思是“似乎., 看來好像 .”,其中it 是形式主語, seems 為系動詞, that 引導表語從句。 It seems that no one knows what has happened in the park. 似乎沒有人知道在公園里發(fā)生了什么事。 It seems to me that Mr. Brown will not come again. 在我看來布朗先生不會再來了。,知識鏈接,seem可用作連系動詞或不及物動詞,意為“似乎;好像”,

19、其常見用法現歸納如下: 一、“主語+ seem +(to be )+表語”,表語多為名詞或形容詞,有時是其他的詞或短語,以說明主語的特征或狀態(tài)。例如: Tom seems (to be) a very clever boy. 湯姆看上去是一個非常聰明的男孩。 二、“主語+ seem + 不定式”,此句型中的seem與不定式一起構成復合謂語。例如: Mrs Green doesnt seem to like the idea. 格林夫人似乎不太喜歡這個主意。,三、“There + seem to be +名詞”,其中to be 可省略。seem 的單復數形式要根據后面作主語的名詞的單復數形式而定

20、。例如: There doesnt seem (to be) much hope of our beating that team. 看來我們戰(zhàn)勝那個隊沒有多大希望。 There seems no need to wait longer. 看來沒有再等的必要了。 四、“seem like 名詞” 看起來好像是 She seems like a reasonable person.,1) My brother likes to smile very much. He seems _ all day. A. happy B. to happy C. be happy D. is happy 2)

21、根據漢語意思完成句子 ( 每空一詞 ) 格林夫人似乎喜歡這款長裙。 Mrs. Green _ _ _ this type of dress. It _ that Mrs. Green _ this type of dress.,A,seems,to,like,seems,likes,3) It _ a good idea at that time. 當時那看起來好像是個好主意。 4) She _ right. 看起來她好像是對的。,seemed like,seems to be,(2011青島) Look! There is a horse racing program on TV now.

22、Hmm . It _ exciting. A. seems B. looks like C. feels D. seems like 【解析】seem“似乎,好像”;look like“看起來像”;feel“感覺”;seem like“似乎像”。look like和 seem like后要接名詞,故排除;it指代上文中的賽馬節(jié)目,feel不能與其搭配,也應排除。,A,6. tea is good for both health and business! be good for 有益于 Fresh air and exercise are good for the health. 新鮮空氣和運動有益于健康。 Smoking is no good for health. 吸煙無益于身體健康.。 The medicine is distasteful but good for you. 良藥苦口。 反義詞:be bad for 對有害處,知識鏈接,be good at / with / to / for用法之不同 1) be good at 意為“擅長”,后接名詞、代詞或v-ing形式。 Im good at playing chess. 我擅長下象棋。 2) be good with 意為“靈巧的


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