



1、形容詞和副詞的用法 形容詞和副詞都是起修飾作用的詞, 形容詞修飾名詞和代詞。 副詞修飾動詞, 形容詞和其他副詞或整個句子。一 形容詞的構(gòu)成1 本身是形容詞。如: good, happy 等。2 由名詞加 y 構(gòu)成: sun sunny,wind -windy,rain rainy,flower -flowery.3.由名詞 +-able,+-ent,+-en,+-al,+-less,+-ful,+-ing,+-ive, 等構(gòu)成,如: comfort comfortable , differ different,nation national, wood wooden, care - caref

2、ul,care careless, excite -exciting, act -active.4.由名詞 +ly 構(gòu)成形容詞,如: friendly , lonely, lovely , lively,likely,ugly,brotherly, motherly,fatherly,daily,weekly,monthly,yearly,early,manly,orderly,deadly, 等。5 復(fù)合形容詞 如: kind-hearted,warm-hearted,well-educated,good-looking,man-made,Harding-working,peace-lovi

3、ng,new-born, snow-white,duty-free.二 形容詞的作用1 做定語 修飾名詞和代詞 a good boy, something new, 等。2 做表語, He is happy.3 作賓語補足語 I found him hard-working.4 作主語補足語 He was found hard-working.( 被動語態(tài)中)5 做主語或賓語(前面加 the ) The new replaces the old. 新事物代替舊事物。6 伴隨狀語 Tired and hot, we have to stop to have a rest.三 形容詞的位置1 放在

4、所修飾的名詞前, a red coat.2 放在不定代詞的后面 something important.3 長寬高深等形容詞放在數(shù)詞 +名詞的后面,如: five meters high/deep/wide/long, six years old,4 enough 放在形容詞和副詞之后,名詞前后均可。 big enough,enough time.5 一些以a-開頭的表語形容詞不能放在名詞前面做定語,要放在名詞后做后置定語,如:a man alive活著的人,a awake baby一個醒著的嬰兒,a asleep baby 個睡 著的嬰兒 ,但是如果這些詞本身帶有副詞修飾時,可以放在名詞前面

5、,如a fastasleep baby 一個熟睡的嬰兒the wide awake soldier十分清醒的士兵。6 在下列結(jié)構(gòu)中,形容詞要放在冠詞前, so/how/as/too+adj.+a/an+n.It is as pleasant a day as yesterday. How beautiful a park it isIt is too cold a day to go out. He is so clever a boy that heworks out the problem.只做表語的形容詞 : ill,sorry,well,pleased,unable,sure,glad

6、.幾組常見形容詞的區(qū)別 1much too,too much 2 hard,hardly 3 too,also,either,as well4 already,yet 5 loud,loudly,aloud6 some time,sometime,some times,sometimes7 ago,before 8 just,just now,now9 so such10 too enough副詞 一 副詞的分類1 時間副詞 放在句末,2 地點副詞 放句末,地點副詞與動詞連用時,不加介詞,go there,come here,Turn left,turn right=turn to the r

7、ight,go east ,go west,go upstairs,go downstairs, go abroad,go somewhere/anywhere/everywhere, 3 程度副詞放在所修飾的詞前面, enough 除外4頻度副詞 放在be,第一個助動詞,情態(tài)動詞的之后,行為動詞之前。5 關(guān)系副詞 連接定語從句 when,where,why6 疑問副詞 構(gòu)成特殊疑問句 when,where,why,how7 連接副詞 連接名詞性從句 (賓語從句,表語從句,主語從句 等when ,where,why,how注意? ?方式狀語,地點狀語,時間狀語, 按這個順序二 副詞的構(gòu)成1 本

8、身是副詞 very ,rather 等。2 與形容詞形式一樣 hard,early, late, high,wide ,deep 等。an early bus,get up early the late changes,stay up late,200meters high,fly high ,50 feet deep,on a hard floor,study hardtalk deep into the night 談到深夜, ten minutes late 晚十分鐘, arrive late, a wide street,open your mouth/eyes wide,be wid

9、ely used.3 由形容詞 +ly 構(gòu)成,slow-slowly,quick-quickly,brave-,bravely,clear-clearly.4部分以-e結(jié)尾的形容詞 ,去e+ly,構(gòu)成副詞。true-truly , possible-possibly, terrible-terribly,simple-simply,probable-probably. widely5以輔音字母+y結(jié)尾的單詞,變副詞要把y改成i再加ly,如:happy-happily。6本身是副詞,加上ly以后意義不同。late lately ,hard hardly,close closely,like li

10、kely,deep deeply,high highly,wide widely, goog well三 副詞的作用1作狀語 修飾動詞 rain heavily ,修飾形容詞原形的詞 too,rather ,very,so quite ,修 飾其他副詞 too fast,修飾介詞 just behind the door,修飾從句 This is exactly what I need修飾其他詞 almost every one,n early 100 people 等。2 做后置定語 the girl there,the population here.3 作表語, Who is in?4

11、作補語 Let him out.5 作介賓 from abroad/here幾組常見副詞的用法區(qū)別1much too,too much 2 hard hardly 3 too ,also either, as well 4 already ,yet 5 loud,loudly6 some times ,sometimes,sometime,some time 7 too ,enough 8 ago before 9just,just now ,now10 so, such形容詞和副詞的比較級最高級形式一比較級的構(gòu)成規(guī)則1規(guī)則變化2不規(guī)則變化二比較級的用法)原級比較句型肯定句型A.+as+adj

12、,/adv.+as+B和一樣否定句型 A+not+so/as+adj./adv. +as+B. A不如 B降級比較 A +less+adj./adv.+than B .A不如 B二)比較級句型1比較級+tha n +比較對象No(other)+單數(shù)名詞 /no oneany other +單數(shù)名詞(all) the other + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞anyone else/a nything else=nobfhnotfie+比較級詞than沒有比更No other way is better than this one.No ( other)+單數(shù)名詞 /no one/nobody/none+as/s

13、o+adj./adv.+as+No ocea n in the world is as big as the Pacific Ocea n.2 the+比較級,the+比較級越,越。3比較級+and+比較級,越來越。4 the+比較級+of the two.,兩者中較為的一個。5疑問詞+be+t匕較級,A or B?兩者中最?能夠修飾比較級的單詞 much,far,even,still,any, rather ,a lot, a little,a bit,a great deal,三)最高級句型1 the+最高級+可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)+of/in/among , 中最2 one of the+最 高級

14、 + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞 +of/in/among,最之一。3特殊疑問詞+ be+the + 最高級,A, B or C三者中最?特殊疑問詞+行為動詞+副詞最高級,A , B or C?Who runs fastest,Jim,Kate or Mike4the+序數(shù)詞+最高級+單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞+in (范圍)在.第幾最.能修飾最高級的詞 by far,almost,nearly比較級注意事項1 比較對象必須是對等的即同類事物或人 .It is colder in Beijing than in Shanghai.2 句中后面的名詞避免重復(fù), 使用 that 代替可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)或不可數(shù)名詞, 用 those 代

15、替可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù),也可以用 the one 代替單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞。The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Shanghai.The students in our class are stronger than those in their class.The girl in red is taller than the one in green .3 比較對象在同一范圍內(nèi)時用 other 把自身排除掉,不在同一范圍內(nèi)不用 otherShanghai is bigger than any other city in China.Shanghai i

16、s bigger than any city in Africa.4 no +比較級+than兩者均否定,譯為“一樣不”not +比較級+than,兩者均肯 定,前者不如后者,譯為“不如”This problem is no more important than that one. 這個問題和那個問題一樣不重要。This problem isn t more important than that on這個問題不如那個問題重要。5 There are many more + 復(fù)數(shù)名詞 +地點 A+ than +地點 BThere are many more books in our scho

17、ol than in their school.There is much more +不可數(shù)名詞+地點 A+than+地點 BThere is much more water in the sea than in the river.6 than 后主格和賓格區(qū)別 當(dāng)謂語是 be 動詞 ,或不及物動詞或動詞賓語是物時, 主格和賓格無區(qū)別。若 than 后保留動詞的話,用主格不能用賓格。She is taller than he /him.She speaks English better than he/him.Tom runs faster than I do不能用 me);She spe

18、aks English better than he does.當(dāng)謂語動詞是及物動詞時,意義則不同,如:I knows you better than he (knows you)此句是主語相比較,我比他更了解你I like you better than(I know) him .和他相比,我更了解你(我了解你勝過了解他。 ) than 是 you 時,助動詞就不能省略了。 She knows me better than you do.7 a most interesting story 十分有趣的故事, the most interesting story 最有趣的故 事四)倍數(shù)的表達(dá)1 A+ be或行為動詞)+咅數(shù) +as+adj./adv.+as+B。A 是 B 的倍This room is three times as big as that one2 A+be或行為動詞)+倍數(shù)+比較級+than +B。A比B倍。This room


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