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1、哈爾濱市2020年初中升學考試英語試卷考生須知:1. 本試卷滿分為IOO分,考試廿間為10()分鐘。2. 答題前,考生先將自己的“娃名”、“考號、“考場、“屋佼號”在答題卡上填寫淸楚. 將“條彫碼“準確粘貼在條形碼區(qū)域內(nèi)。3. 請扶照題號順序在答題卡各題目的答題區(qū)域.內(nèi)作答,超出答題區(qū)域書寫的筌案元 效;在蘋稿紙.試題紙上答題無效。4. 選擇迪必須使用2B鉛筆填誥:非選擇題必須便用0.5X字跡的菱字筆書垢, 字依工誥、筆跡濟楚。5. 保持卡面整潔,不要折疊、不要弄臟、不要弄皴,不準使用涂改涯、修正帶、刮紙刀。第I卷一、單項選擇(本題共20分,每小題1分)選擇最佳答案。()1 In the fo

2、llowing WOVdS,vhirh Un(Ietlined (劃線的)IetterS have a different SOILncl from theOtlIftrs?A. brotherB. IhrOatC themOBBB)2. WhiCl) Pair Of Ihe WOrdS With the Underline(I (劃線的)IetterS has the Same sound?. movie goldB hale IakeC. head team)3 WbielI Or Ihe following WOr(IS doest have Ihti Same StreSS (重音)a

3、s Ihe OlheIs?. PardonB. Tiger.)4. When is your birthday .Sally?My birthday isJuIy 3rd.A. inB. On)5.It is raining heavily but I don It have an UmbrelIa WitIl me.DOntt worry! I IIaVe got One YOU CalI Share A VoUrSB OulS)6r Candy, 1 IIaVC a Ioolhacha What ShOUleI I do?Youd better See a dentist CInd get

4、X-ray.A. znB.n)7. 一Wonckirful the InUSiC is!YeS ItInft Ffthxed fter A busy day.A. IIOWB. What aC. Event.C. atC- mineC/C. HOW a)8 Sarail .Vma Very slow reader. ColIIcl you give me SOlne advice to i mprove my read in g speed?Well7 keep On Iea(Iing SOnIething you enjoy. TlIe more you read,you11 beAr Ih

5、e SIOWerB. Ihe fresherC. the faster)9Wl)O do you admire most,Yang Ming?him.C, are UP toZhOng NaIIShan. NoI OnIy I I)Ul also my CIaSSinateSA. IOok fovard LOB. IOOk UP to)10 一 ACcOnling to a recent SlIrVey. many Stn(IentS have PoOr eyesht(2見力)In my OPirnonI.reading On mobile PIIOneS IOO OfLen is IhtJ

6、Of IIaVilIg PoOreyesight.)11 WhaSe magazine is this?Itbe NanCyts. Look! Her name is On its COVeJe(面).A. mustB Can tC. InUfitn t)12. What is your new CIaLSRnIatft like?that I Can hardly hear her.She is Very shy. She SPCakS SOthat I Can hardly hear her.)13. 一 ILi9JilI. Iin Iny math SinCe you Shared yo

7、ur good experience With me.Great! Congl*aIulations!h have made rapid PrOgreSSB. made rapid PmgrftSSC Will Inakft rapid PrOgrfiSS)14. X7hat IangUagein Canatfla?Bolh EngIiSh and FrenChA. in SPOkenB SPeakSC is SPeakingThou foreign teacher MS Creen WiIl go back to EngIand next WeekReally? LRttS have a P

8、arty to ay goodbye to herShe is Iree this weekend.A. UnIeSSB. ifC. though)16. COUId you tell me?There is IIOtlUng but some Old model PlaneSA. What/ s in the roomB. What Can you See in the roomC. Who in the room i)17. WIlQt are they talking about? They are talking about the greatest inventions halve

9、made a big difference toOLIr daily life.A. WhiChB. WIIOC. that)18 EVeIy year.8 number Of ViSitOrS ChOoSft to go Io BriIaill Io SeeA. ChftngdlI ReSeareh BaSrB. StOnehengeC. The HolIyWOod WaIk OfFamG)19. AS a middle KChoOI StudenLlblIOWing Ihe SPhoOl rules helps you become better and better. SO you Sh

10、OUldn, t atSCLOOl. Wear the SCh(X)I UlIJfOlIn( fight Wiih your ClaSSmateS be quiet in the library IIln in tke hallways eat SnaCkS in CIaSSA.B. (2XSC.)20. FOrly tdent in CIaSg OnetGnIde Nine are fond Of Teading novels Wnttefl in English-Different StUdentS Iike Ieading UiHereiil IIoVelSr According to

11、the form below SllKIentS Iike reading novels WlItten by BntiSh writers.The name of the novelTreaSUre ISIandThe Old MaIT and the SeaOliyer TWiStTorn SaWyerThft WriterlSnatJOnalityBritiShAmeriCanBritishAmericanPergnfAg(百分比)25%40%20%15%A. 24B. 22C. 18二.完形填空(本題共10分每小題1分)Among all Ihe festivals,ChriSlmaS

12、 is my favorite Ten years has passed SinCe that thing happened WaS OnIy 21 years OId at that time. It WaS I)MftInber 24th,just the day 22 ChnStmaS Day. That CVeningJnyelad Came home from rork Ci Iittle earlier. After SUPPer,he Said to US JTOIIKHTovV is ChriSinIaS Day My kidstI think you need to 23 I

13、OVing Olhers.H He Went on Therefore we are going to help OUt at An OrPhanage (孤兒院).M I COUICInr t !relieve 24 I heard. My heart egan to sink (下沉) So We WOllIdn S enjoy OUr OUrn ChriRtmaS dinner at home? Why so? I didnt Want to SPend SUCh a holiday! The IlOli(Iay WithOUt a ChriStinaS dinner 25 the On

14、e I xpe(4el.The next morning,wc 26 CarIy After a quick Hreakfiist, We Set OUl On OUr IOng JOUrney to Lhe OrPhanage have a rest. HOWeVer,all I CoIIld think about WaS the ChriStmaS (Iinner I CouIdntt enjoy How 2 I was! BlIt the thughts(JBS )qnickly disappeared OVer the next few hours,I WatChed the kid

15、s sitting around the tables and enjoying the dinner. They talked happily all the time. F(MlsOmft kidsthis Wa the most delicious meal they ate that week. FOT 29 it VVaS an UnUSUal ChnStlUaS (Iinner they would IleVer forget. The kids Wftre So happy. LalUghter filled theOiphanage-Through thi 30 J have

16、learned a lot. AltEougli I HidrTt enjoy the CIIriSlmaS dinner at home,I got much mre PlCaSUre INOW 1 a a 19-year-old COlLege student. I WiII remember that ChriStmaS Day forever.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。()2L A.nineB. IenC. Iiinelcen()22. A. OnB. leforeC. after()23. A. avoidB PraCtiCftC. manage()24. A.whatB. WIIe

17、reC. how()25. A. wasB. Weren51U WaSn t()26. A. PkJked UPB get IlPC. took UP()27. A. tooB. VerJrC. 80()28. A. disappointedB. PlfaaSedC. Satisfied()29 A. the OtherB. antlerC. (YthCrS()30 Ar ecosystemB exhibitionC experience三、閱讀理解(本題共20分海小題1分)(A)John Smith is an exchange StudCnt from NeW York. HeIe is

18、a Ietter to his friend, in his hometown.DCar DaVid tHoW time flies! Itl been 3 mcnll SiTlCe I Canle In China. I, In having a great time on Iny StUdftnt ftxchange Pragram here. SOfar, I * ve OOrnPIeiely got Ilged to the IiIe here and have known a IOt about IraClitiOnaI ChineSe culture- Id Iike to ShC

19、lre SOme With you.In China, there are many (Iiffereni kinds Of tradition&l ait formst Sll(h as PaPftr CUttingT ChineSG Clay art and so on. Among them,(he kite interests me most000 years ago Thdn flying kites WaS SPrearl into JaPan I KOrea anJOhn根據(jù)語言材料內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案。()31. FrOm IhiS PaSSage 9 We know that J

20、Ohn SmiLh is from.A. CanadaB. the USC the UK)32, WhiCh Of the following isnt a traditional ChineSe art form?A. PaPer CUtGng.B. ChineSe CIay art C. TIIe Mi(I-AUtUmn FeSHVaL)33. AboUt 51(X)O years agot.A the first ancient Chinese ICitP appearedB. flying ICiteg WaS SPTead into JaPalI KOrea, and MaIaySi

21、aC. Iea WaS (IiSCOVere(I as a kind of Clrink by accident )34. WhiCh Of the following is TRUE MOOrding to the letter?A DaVid Calne to China three months ago.B. Tea CIidnJt appear in England Until around the 16th CentUIyC KiteS PIayed an imo*lanL role in the PrOCCSS Of inventing Ihe PIanCte)35 JOhn wr

22、ote this Ietter to DaVirl in order tA ShAre Something about traditional ChineSft culture With himB tell him IhC tea Irade from WeStern COUntrieS Io China took PIaCe in the 191h CenlUryC. tell him the Mid-AUtUmn FeStiVal is in AUgUSt every yearOne CIayta COUPIe Wantftd to I)IIy a tea CUP SO they Went

23、 into a shop. TIley SaW a beautiful One there. They asked t nMay We Sfte that? We , ve never Sften SUCh a beautiful one.H AS the ShOPkeePer IlaIIded it to them1suddenly the tea CUP SPnke/ You dont understand/* it said, i4Qnce 1 WaS red and IOOked Ugly I WaS rolled and StrUCk (捶打)OVer and OVer by my

24、InaStftre 1 shouted OUt) (Let Ine alone.1 BUt FlC OlIly SmileCh NOt yct ThCn I WaS PUt On a WIIeel Which WaS moving,ad SUd(Ienly I WaS PUShed to move around and around. Stop! I cried. Bllt Iny master OnIy Shook InS head and saidNOt yet/ Then he PlIt me in the oven. I WaS fired at a VftrJr high heat.

25、 I Wondered Why he WHnted to bum me,and I Cried and knocked at the doer. But he just ShOok his head.HUEilIaIlytlhe door OPenefl He PUt Ine On the tabletand I began to become COoL Thftn I WaS polished. Afler that ,m InaSIer brushed and PUlnted me all over. HOW IeITibIe Ihe Smell was! I thought I WOUI

26、(I die. Sop!, I Crie(I He Only shook his head.c NOt yet Then SUddenIy he PUt me into the SftCOnd OVeIL ThiS CVen WaS IWiCe as hot as the first One anrl I COUIdn , I breathe at all. I begged (哀求).HOWeVerfnly master shook his IIead and Saidf Not yet. I nearly IoSt hope. Just thenlthe door opened. He t

27、ook me OUt and PUt me On the table again.MOne IIOiJr Iater he handed me a InirrOr and Saiel ILook at yourself.1 And I (Iid so. I WaS SlIIPriSed and Saidt tThatS not me. Why am ISO BeautifnITt 4I Want you to remember/ my master said9 4without those PiIinsyou WoUId never be a PftHeCt product.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容判斷正

28、、誤。(注憊:考生將答題卡相應位置涂黑。正確的涂怙”,錯誤的涂“IT)()36. One day ,a COUPIe went into a SlloP to buy a tea cup.()37. WhCn the CoUPIe SaW Ihe tea cup it IOOked ugly.)38. After being POlIShe(Itthe master WaS bshed and Painte(I all over.)39 TlIe berul OVeJl WaS hot ter than Ihe first one.)40 ACCOrCIiIIg to the PaSSage

29、t We know (hat those PainS helped Ihe tea CUP become a PerfeCt(C)Mona IShnd is an amazing paee to take a vacation SOme Oflhe animals IiVing there Can71 be IbUn(I anywhere eke in the world. There are fascinating beaches and CaVCS to CXPlCm(探險) The Sea around the island has COIOrfUl fishesMona ISIand

30、is Very SmalL Thfi government Of PUertO RiW I:波多黎各)takes Care Of the island and has made it a natural ITSerVC. That means the island S animals and Plant5 are PrOteCted from being harmed by PeoPIe MOna ISkHKI is different from most PlaCeS beause PeOPle are not allowed to IiVe there OnIy a few Park WO

31、TkerS are able Io slay.The Park AVOrkerS9 job is to keep Mnna Idand Safe and WonMerfUL RUleS must be followed On the island. One le is that Only IOO PCoPIe at a time Can ViSlt the islanfL That Way,the Park WorkerS Can nuke SUre Ihe Iand and animals remain safe.On the island, risito*s ran go to Mona

32、TSIand iguanair) Which ILVe Gnly On MOna IdanAlso, visiters Can COme to the island to have a CIOSe IoOk at Inany kinds Of fishes. They Can dive (潛 水)far below the SUrfaCft They IlSft SPef-ial tools to Kft able to ETftAthe UnClftr the water. ThrOUgh the CIear WaIeLwiSitOrS ran See the bright CoIorS O

33、fthe fishes.ViSitOlS Can also explore caves. Somft Of tliR CaVeS even IlaVe PaintingS On the walls. TheSe PaintulgS Were Inafle by SOmft Indians Wbo IiVed On the island hundreds Of years agoAftftr a full day Of fun activities,visitors Can take a rest,listen to the night SOUndS, and WatCh the RtaTf?

34、in the huge sky. The Sfaltft are easier to ViSitorS May that Wfitfhing the StarS is amazing. Itl the Perfftet Cnd to a ZrfRCI (by.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容選擇最佳答案()41 The Un(ICrlinCd (戈線的)WOr1 YeSerVy i the p333-ge mcan$ in Chinese.A.休息區(qū)B.保護區(qū)C.風景區(qū)()42. Only 1 OO PeOPlft at a time are allowed to ViSit the island SO that

35、A. many Park WOrkerS aro able Io Stay On MOna ISlandB. the Park WOrkerSt job is to keep MOna ISIanfl afe and WonderfUlC. the Park WOrkerS Can Inake SlIre Ihe land and animals remain Safe()43. Wbat Can ViSilOrS Jo On MOna ISIaneI?A. They Can IiVe On the island for SeVeral days.B They Can g to Sfte MO

36、na ISland iguanasC. Tlley Can meet the InfIianS WhO IiVed (Yn the island IUIndrefh Of years ago. ()44. VrhiCh Of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. MOna ISlanCI is a Iare island anrl taken Care Ofby the government.B. FiSJleS Can CliVe far below Ihe Siirface VVith SPeCial foob.C Visito

37、rs, are arnaxed to WatrII Ihe StarS in Ihe huge Sky On Mona Island- ()45, WbiiTSlhe best LitIe for Ihe passage?A. MOna ISIancl an Ama2i1g PlaCe to Take a VaCatiOnB. MOna ISland a Go(KI PIaCe to WatCh StarSC MOna ISland the BeSt PIaCe to PrOtftCt AninIalS(D)TeenS are not as healthy as they ItSed to b

38、e. Thfty re PUtting On weight. A recent research ShOWS 97 % Of the tee need more exercise. 46. FirStrftXerCiSe Can help your Inin(L PeOPlft WhO getPlemy Of PllySiCal activity Inight WOrry IG出 al SleeP better al nighr YOU may even IeaIn better in school. 47. PIlySiCaI activity Can Jmake your body StI

39、Ong. It Can also keep you at a healthyWeighI. BUt how CaLn teens I)C encouragel to do more exercise? Here are Some good suggestions-48. Doc(OrS CalI watching TV Or PIaylng Video games SCreen time. Yoll should have nomore than two hours Of SCreen time a day. Then you WiIl -enjoy your Iife more49. InI

40、GJreSI is the best teacher YOII Can chse the traditional SPortSTSUCh as basketball rSOCCer,or baseball. ThOAe are all great SPOrtS and if you Iike them,play them50. Find a friend Or a family member to exerrisexercise helps your body.B. SteP away from the SCreelKC. EXerCiSe With OthftrS togetherD. EX

41、erCiSe helps in UVO ways.E Find a SPort you are interested in.第II卷四、交際應用(本題共10分,每空1分)(A)從AG選項中選出能填入空白處的鼠佳選項補全對話(選項中有兩項是多余的)A: Hi, Lucy! The 5 in the PhOtO is SO cute. WhOSft is it?A YeSJhaVeapetJoo.B. It ran even Play the guitar.C Its my Petcat.D No, I dont have one though I IOVe PfttS 7 too-E. HOW

42、OId is il?F WhAttS ils name?C. IrS kind Of silly.B: 51A: I IoVft its round face. 52B: IttS CaIIed Smart.A: Why?B: BeCaIISe it really Smarte 53A: HCW amazing! Then thats a good name for it!54B: FiVe yea re OkL By the Way r do you have a pet?A: 55 My mother WOlTieS that keeping a Pet Will bring InA a

43、IOt Of IrOubIeB: ACtUanylPeCan bring you IOtS Of pleasure. I hope you Will have a Pel One day in the future.51. 52 53 54. 55.(B)填入一個適當?shù)脑~補全對話,每空一詞。A: Hi9 Mike! YoU IOOk so happy Idon t you?B: YCSk Today is 56 It S my favorite day.A: Why?B: BftCaUSe tomorrow is SatUrClay, It Ued to le Orle Of Ihe rich

44、est COlJntriftS in Irle WOrIcL ItS total area is 103 thousand SqIUu/e kilometers SIlInmer in ICeIand is Very ShOrtt WhiCh IaStS frrm JUne to AllgIlSL ItS Winfftr SlaItS from SePtember and Cndfi next IWay.In 1980,Iceland StaIIe(I to develop its tourist industry orly years IIaS PaSSefI SinCC then In SUmnIftr ,pknty Of IOuriStS from all OVer the WOrI(I COme Ilere to have a ViSit In Wnterqeople in ICeIand have to RPCnd the IOng dark night. They USlIallY have a IOt Of SPeCial activitieStSUCh as SkatingalHing SnOW motorbikes and having PartiCS to have an exciti


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