



1、How to see a doctor in Chi naIt is never nice to fall sick or ill in a strange country. What happens if you do and n eed to seek medical help Let us provide you with some useful medical advize and tips and how?to seek medical help or assistance in China.The Chi nese medical system comprises mostly o

2、f public and private hospitals. Small and pers on alized cli nics are still?un com mon .Big cities in China like Beiji ng and Shan ghai have hospitals,cli nics and den tists established for foreig ners.?Many of them are a part of local hospitals.Most hospitals in China practize the Wester n?medical

3、treatment system while a good percentage practizes Traditi onal Chi nese medici ne (TCM). In creas in gly, a large perce ntage of hospitals also practize a mixture of Wester n and?Chinese medicine. Some can offer a full range of medical services such as operati ons, check-ups and in-patie nt facilit

4、ies while other smaller clinics may simply be able to diagnose the symptoms of minor ailme nts.Com mon procedures to vi sit a doctor in Chi na s hospitalsThe first thing you should know about local medical services is the emerge ncy call nu mber 120. You can dial 120 from any where. An ambula nce wi

5、ll no rmally arrive in a few min utesbut traffic con diti ons can cause delays.?Most Chinese will visit a local hospital. If your company doesn t cover medical expe nses or?you can t find a Western clinic because you are in a much smallertown, you can also try visit ing a local Chin ese hospital. If

6、 you wishto do what Chinese do, and you ve decided tosee a doctor in a local public hospital, you should have anin terpreter accompa ny you as?most of the doctors and nurses don speak English fluently. You should have some basic kno wledge such as the procedures (please read the English-Chinese char

7、t on how to visit?a doctor in China hopitals) and some useful Chinese medical phrases。Treatme nt are mostly Western medical tech niq uesin cludi ngdiag no sis, medicati on, injection or the neccessary scans. However, medications can be a mixture of Western and Chin ese drugs.Your doctor may give you

8、 a prescript on for you to buymedic ine in a drugstore, most of the time at the lobby of the out-patient section biulding. Go to a drugstore, show the?chemist the prescription and you be given what you need.Medic ines in in depe ndent drugstores are ofte n cheaper tha n those in hospital pharmacies.

9、?Cultural shockChinese medical care system is improving all the time, but if you n eed to visit a doctor in a local hospital, especially in a small city, do be prepared for some cultural shock.Local hospitals are still pretty poor in the area of pers onal privacy and so do not be surprised if you sh

10、are a con sult ing room with more than one patie nt.If you need to be hospitalized, you may be shocked by the low hygie ne sta ndard practized?in the smaller hospitals and privacy is always a problem as you are likely to share a ward?with a few other patients. Visiting hours tend not to be observed

11、and some patie nts has many visitors that may turned a shared ward into a noisy room. You may find such lapse of privacy a major irrita nt.Chi nese health beliefChinese believe in the adage that prevention is always better than cure. Hen ce, it is very com mon to see Chi nese practize Qi-Go ng or Ta

12、i-Chi(forms of Chinese martial arts) in?parks and garde ns to achieve good internal health and stre ngth.? If you do not have time to pick up such skills, the Chinese always believe that Tui-Na (推拿?a form of Chinese massage) and reflexology ( 足療 Foot massage) can go a long way?towards maintaining go

13、od health. The Chin ese has a long traditi onfor Chinese Kung Fu or martial arts. Training injuries are very com mon and herbal plasters and oin tme nts to treat pain and ache are very popular and effective.Com mon health tips whe n travell ing to Chi naThe best method to avoid see ing a doctor is n

14、ot to fall ill.Bring some com mon medic ines you use at home, and?keep them in your bag just for emerge ncy.?When travelli ng, get ple nty of rest and sleep.Drink plenty of fluid, but in China, try to avoid drinkingdirectly from the water tap. Drink from bottled drinks and?always boil the water if y

15、our only choice is the tap.Always eat in a restaura nt that has ple nty of customers. Avoid restaura nts that do not have customers and certa in lyavoid street stalls.如何在中國就醫(yī)在一個異國生病總是一件令人不快的事情。但是如果你真的生病了, 你會如何尋求幫助呢?我們會給你一些有用的建議, 讓你知道如何在 中國就醫(yī)。在中國有公立醫(yī)院和私立醫(yī)院之分。 一些小的私人診所已經(jīng)不常為人 所見。在中國的一些大城市,如北京、上海,有專門為外國

16、人建立的 醫(yī)院、診所和牙醫(yī)診所。許多醫(yī)院是地方性醫(yī)院。在中國大部分醫(yī)院米用西醫(yī)療法,有部分醫(yī) 院采用傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)療法。越來越多的醫(yī)院采用中西醫(yī)結(jié)合療法。 一些醫(yī) 院可以提供全套的醫(yī)療服務(wù),如手術(shù)、檢查、住院;另外一些小診所 只能簡單診斷輕微疾病。在中國醫(yī)院就醫(yī)的一般程序首先你需要知道中國的醫(yī)療急救電話是 120。你可以在任何地方撥打120。通常救護車在幾分鐘內(nèi)就會到達,但是如果交通狀況不佳就會 延誤。大部分中國人會在當?shù)蒯t(yī)院就診。如果你所在的公司無法支付你的醫(yī) 療費用,亦或是由于你所在的鎮(zhèn)相對較小而無法找到一家西醫(yī)診所, 你可以試著去當?shù)氐闹袊t(yī)院就診。 如果你決定入鄉(xiāng)隨俗,在當?shù)氐?公立醫(yī)院就診

17、,你需要一名隨身口譯,因為大部分的醫(yī)生和護士英語 都說的不流利。你需要掌握一些基本的知識,如就醫(yī)程序 (請參閱中 英表之如何在中國就醫(yī))和一些實用的中國醫(yī)學(xué)短語。大多數(shù)治療,包括診斷、藥物、注射或是掃描,都采用西醫(yī)技術(shù)。但 是藥物可能是將西藥和中藥相結(jié)合。你的醫(yī)生可能會給你開處方,讓你去藥房買藥,通常藥房就在門診大 樓里。去藥房給藥劑師看處方,之后你就能拿到藥。往往外面藥店的 藥比醫(yī)院藥房里的便宜。文化休克中國的醫(yī)療體系一直在改善,但是如果你要去當?shù)蒯t(yī)院就醫(yī),尤其在 小城市里,你會感到一些文化差異。在保護個人隱私方面地方性醫(yī)院做的相當不好, 所以如果你和幾個病 人共享一間診室也沒必要驚訝。如果你需要住院,你也許會因小醫(yī)院的衛(wèi)生標準而感到震驚, 同樣個 人隱私也很成問題,因為你有可能和其他幾個病人共享一間病房。 探 病時間也沒有限制。有些病人有很多的到訪者,因此病房就會變得很 吵鬧。你會發(fā)現(xiàn)這極易導(dǎo)致隱私外露。中國人的健康信念中國人相信預(yù)防比治療更重要。你經(jīng)??梢钥吹街袊嗽诠?/p>


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