1、精品文庫 1.0 Sectio n 1 1.1 P ESTL Political: There was increasing public and government concern about binge drinkin g and the con seque nt an tisocial behaviour, p articularly in city cen tres.So that the Ma rtin is a no ted euro-sce ptic and in 2002 prin ted 500,000 beer mats and put up 10,000 t o sav
2、e the pound. Econo mic: The sup ermarket bega n selli ng drin ks. This result in people drinking at home and this company lose its competitive prices.So J D saved the pound. Social: J D Wethers poon does not serve comp lime ntary cris ps with baguettes. Custom ers thought that the fried food is not
3、healthy.Also, they bega n to reduce the wine drink ing. Then J D Wethers pon pic devel ops a kind of low etha nol wine. Tech no logical: J D have p lasma scree ns and can show TV p rogrammersThere is a ven tilatio n system (cost ing more tha n 100,000) whfich aims to en sure that customers do not le
4、ave smelli ng of smoke. Legal: The tiedouse ystem had been broken by a ruling from the Monopolies cou ld op erate. The gover nment concern about binge drinking, so the pub n eed esta blish a range of rules. There was a law severely limited the number of pubs, so J D as a retailer ste pped into marke
5、t had gotte n many adva ntages. 1.2 SWOT Stren gth: The kids can eat in the bar paren ts. In additi on, they lower the p rice of bee r sold to a wide range of real beer.Moreover, J D p laces great imp orta nee on liste nin g to and acti ng on, it has two-way com muni cati on from members of staff on
6、 all aspect s of the bus in ess about the feedback. Weak ness: J D cannot meet the social-culture eve n it did have TV scree ns and its p eaceful motto is also no Ion ger fitted. So that the p ubs cannot solicit tho se customer like music or TV lover. In 2001, J D had long been a stock market fa vou
7、rite but the share p rice also fell. Opportun ities: P ubs are not only pro vide breakfast, but also built a dedicated f amily dining area which make children and adults eat together. J D also begu n devel oping budget hotel, this can devel op ano ther market and in crease the p rofit o f J D . J D
8、used to have a clear idea that it can choose what sort of pubs it wished t o op erate and comb ined them p erfectly while the other op erators cannot did this. Threat: There are more and more competitors, such as Regent Inns, Punch Taver ns and the sup ermarkets. The market app ears too many supp li
9、ers so that the marketi ng comp etiti on is become fierce. External en vir onment will in flue nee on J D through opportun ity and threate n. Threat could use opportun ities to make weak ness become stre ngth. s important to focus on your 1.3 Effect of SWOT Guidelines for SWOT Ana lysis: First, keep
10、 it simpie. It organization. Moreover, be rooted in the now and dont get lost in the future. (htt p: /www.ryers on .ca/kje nsen /strategic_ plannin g/swot.html) With the change of time, the internal and external environment will change. So SWOT would cha nge also. Stren gth and weak ness bel ongs to
11、 internal which can an alysis the internal in formati on, and the opportunity and threate n bel ongs to exter nal. Some stre ngth, but also may be a weak ness. So the orga ni zati on should disti nguish what is the stre ngth or the weak ness. A SWOT analysis is only be used for consulting, wecouldn
12、use SWOT analysis to make strategy. Opportunity and threate n can be foun ded in P ESTEL that imp lies many factor of exter nal en vir onment. 歡迎下載6 2.0 Sectio n 2 2.1 Value of Culture Organizational culture encompassesvalues and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological envir
13、onment of an organization. (The Busines s Diction ary. Orga ni zatio nal culture 2015 ) In other words, culture is a kind of val ues and Shared a group of person take together con stitute a surv iving desig n sta ndar d system. Shared value is a high-p rofile symbol, and a formal form. It can become
14、 embodied in the organization s ideology or philosophy and act aseatgibdshavior and ways of deali ng with an xiety, un certa inly and difficult eve nts. The orga ni zatio ns n eed value ” From one part, it can help them to guide the behavior of empioyees and regulate the workers. On the other hand,
15、“ sharevalue ” is the essential part of organizational culture. Assumption value is low-profile symbol, informal form and unsp oke n rules. The basic assu mp ti ons at very fun dame ntal, almost sub-c on scious, level tell empio yees how to p erceive, think and feel about thin gs. Due to un see n an
16、d not openly ide ntified in the day to day in teract ions, these factors also called as rules ” In the case, p ubs are com monly con sidered as socialize area, so the p ubs always supply chea p food and comfortable com muni cati ng atmos phere. Eve n more whe n s n eeds. people have awareness of non
17、-smoking, the pubs will set up a special area for non -smok ing which meets the customer 2.2 Type of Culture Deal and Kennedy created a model of culture that is based on 4 different type s of organizations. They each focus on how quickly the organization receives f eedback, the way members are rewar
18、ded, and the level of risks taken: Work-ha rd, play-hard culture; Tough-guy macho culture; Process culture and Bet-the-co mpany culture. (htt p: /cha ngingmin /ex plan ati on s/culture/deal_ke nn edy_cultur e.htm) The mode of Deal and Kenn edy will be used in judg ing which type is fit for th
19、is company. Through the case, we can found that Tim Marti n man ages the compa ny with his mind and idea, it company is in clude by the food in dustry, all the staff wor k hard every day, and the n they will have a holiday for several days. So J D is suit th e work hard/play hard culture. They also
20、have high level energy and customer-or ien tati on. J D pro vide lower p rices of beer and good service, and maintenance. The company always p ays highly atte nti on to the staff and the customers, and the inf ormation igh-speed recreation, the feedback will rapid.The empioyees always have high-spee
21、d actions which result in high-speed recreation activities. J D als o does these suggestions quicklySo the risk is low. 2.3 Relatio nship betwee n Behavior and Culture Organizational Behavior is “ thestudy of human behavior in organizational setti n gs, the in terface betwee n huma n behavior and th
22、e orga ni zati on, and the orga ni zation itself (Moorhead, G, & Griffin, R. W. /1995). Organisation behavior is the response of the system or organism to various stimuli or inputs, whether i nternal or exter nal, con scious or subc on scious, overt or covert,a nd volun tary orinvol un tary. (Elizab
23、eth,2014). The relatio nship betwee n orga ni sati on behavior and org anisation culture is consistent relationship. In this case, there are numbers of id eas and suggestions are discussed each week in company meeting and staff are rewarded for their suggestion, staff can also discuss company issues
24、 with boar d members. 2.4 Ano ther culture type Accord ing to DK model, J D could choose tough guy, which have higher risk and slower feedback tha n work hard/ p lay hard. J D can carry out more p arty to attract customer and take cost-adva ntage to confront comp etitor. And the type of tough guy mo
25、stly app lies to this type of company which fast-movi ng finan cial and p olice force or athletes comp eti ng in team sp orts, and they are focus on the p rese nt rather tha n on the Ion ger-term future, they make more short-term decisi ons. As the draw ing of Christmas Eve, J D can plan a activity
26、to p romote their p roduct and service. So the feedback is rapid, and exist high risk. However, eve n the reward of tough guy is high, it also may result in stress of staff and has in flue nee on the p erforma nee of empio yees. 3.0 Sectio n 3 3.1 Busin ess strategy The main strategies are classifie
27、d into four typ es: cost leadershi p, differe ntiatio n, focus differe ntiati on and pen etrati on. Cost leadershi p: is a concept devel oped by Michael P orter, used in bus in ess strategy. It describes a way to establish the comp etitive adva ntage. Cost leadersh ip means the lowest cost of operat
28、ion in the industry (Stahl, Grigsby, 1997) . The cost leadership is often drive n by company efficie ncy, size, scale, scope and cumulative exp erie nee (lear ning curve). A cost leadershi p strategy aims to expl oit scale of p roduct ion, well defined scope and other economies, producing highly sta
29、ndardized products, using high tech no logy. Busin ess en vir onment: strong comp etiti on and a threat of substitute p roducts. Differentiation: is the process of distinguishing a product or service from others, to make it more attractive to a p articular target market. This invo Ives differe ntiat
30、i ng it from competitors products as well as a firms own products(Chamberlin, 1949). Bus in ess en vir onment: The chose n basis for differe ntiati on should be in here ntly difficult to imitate, and will probably need to be developed over time. It could reduce rivalry with comp etitors and improve
31、customer loyalty. Focus differentiation: seeks a high price premium in return for a high degree of differe ntiati on. It means focus on a well-defi ned and p robably quite restricted market segme nt. Busin ess en vir onment: If the market was saturated, the focused differe ntiati on could pro vide o
32、pportun ities. Penetration: It measures the brand popularity. It is defined as the number of people who buy a specific brand or a category of goods at least once in a given period, divided by the size of the releva nt market popu lati on( Farris, Ben die, P feifer, et al, 2010). Market pen etrati on
33、 is one of the four growth strategies of the P roduct-Market Growth Matrix as defi ned byA nsoff. Bus in ess en vir onmen t: In a stag nat ing market in crease in sales cause there is only p ossible by grabb ing market share from rivals. 3.2 Strategy duri ng the 1980s and 1990s During the 1980s and
34、1990s, J D Wethers poon ado pted the differe ntiatio n. In the case, J D Wethers poon is a pub cha in, which has many p ubs. The company aims to man age the pub to satisfied with the customer, and it was always make its strategy in the pub cha in, all acti ons of JD like pro vide chea p beer and non
35、-smok ing area and so on, which are all of set the main point to its pub man age style. During the1980s and 1990s, JD built non-smok ing and pro vide health food to the customers. The company thinks that the stuffs are its best asset. There are four ben efits if J D Wethers poon choose the differe n
36、tiati on: the company build its own style and brand, form own customer group, the quick growing of expansion about share and scope, and the in come is more tha n before. 3.3 Strategy duri ng the 21st ce ntury During the 21st cen tury, J D Wethers poonadop ted the focus differe ntiati on. In the case
37、, they p rovided the differe ntiated p roducts and services to meet the dema nds of customers. For in sta nee, there are a dedicated family di ning area, which childre n and adults can eat together. The different strategy could make the different effect to the orga ni zati on structure, man ageme nt
38、 style and orga ni zati on culture. During the 1980s and 1990s the company relied on organic growth by acquiring suitable sites and converting them into J D Wethers poon pic, in stead of buying the other pubs. At that time, all the pubs style is same, so it could use the same man ageme nt style. But
39、 in the 21st cen tury, while it also p ays atte nti on to the staffs, it try to cha nge its style, man age model and the food what has pro vided. 3.4 Two factors Before cha nging the strategy, J D Wethers poon may con siderexterior en vir onment and in dustry life cycle. Exterior en vir onment: Whe
40、n the company can not ada pt to the cha nges in the exter nal environment, the strategic drift occurs. Strategic management invoIves the formulation and implementation of the major goals and initiatives taken by a companys top man ageme nt on behalf of own ers, based on con siderati on of resources
41、and an assessme nt of the in ternal and exter nal en vir onments in which the orga ni zati on comp etes (Nag R, Hambrick D C, Che n M J.,2007). During the 21st century, the retail licensing market had adapt to the changes in the tiedouse ystem. Other p ubs had bee n ada pted it and devel oping their
42、 bus in ess. Therefore, there are much more comp etitors for JD. It led to the market saturati on of p ub. So J D Wethers poon n eeds to cha nge its bus in ess strategy. Industry life cycle: The stages are the same for all industries, yet industries cycle through the stages in various len gths of ti
43、me. Eve n with in the same in dustry, various firms may be at different life cycle stages. Strategies of a firm as well as of comp etitors vary depending on the stage of the life cycle. The growth of an in dustrys sales over time is used to chart the life cycle. The disti net stages of an in dustry
44、life cycle are: in troducti on, growth, maturity, and decli ne (refere nee for bus in ess, 2013). Whe n the in dustry devel opment to maturity, the company should con sider the cha nge In this case, the p ubs in dustry has en tered a mature stage so that the comp etitors will be more and more. So J
45、D Wethers poon n eeds con sideri ng differe nt p roduct form other p ubs to attract customers. J D Wethers poon p ubs now serve breakfast and open earlier in the morni ng before no rmal lice nsing hours beg in at 11.00 a.m. 3.5 Busin ess strategy and strategic choice Busin ess strategy: A bus in ess
46、 strategy typi cally is a docume nt that clearly articulates the directi on a bus in ess will pu rsue and the ste ps it will take to achieve its goals. It facilitates enterp rise to achieve comp etitive adva ntage in the market, and create more ben efits. Strategic choice: Choose one of the most appropri
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