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1、文體學(xué) 課后題1、 2 單元1 Identify and classify patterns of sound repetition in thefollowing examples.1) Words and phrasesshilly-shally = pararhyme super-duper= rhymehigh and mighty = assonance fair and square = rhymekith and kin = reverse rhyme toil and moil = rhymepart and parcel = reverse rhyme by hook or

2、by crook = rhyme2) Pride and Prejudice = alliterationThe Loves labour Lost= alliterationOf Mice and Man =alliterationBill Rogers, Marvelous Marathon Man = alliterationFather in a Fix = alliterationWitch Watch = alliterationThe Wonder of Waterfall = alliteration3)Advertisements-Drinka Pinta Milka Day

3、 = sound elision-Extra Pintas Warma Winta = sound elision-Be different daily. Be dreamy or dramatic. Experiment,but still economise. Be bold and be beautifulbut don tbreak the bank. = (in order) alliteration; alliteration;reverse rhyme; alliteration2 The underlined word(s) in each of the following e

4、xamples1)Nim Chimpsky sounds like Noam Chompsky, who believes thatman has a languagelearningdeviceinthe mind,which enablesthe child to learn the language however badly it is taught.Thismakes man differentfrom animal,which does not have sucha device. That iswhy chimpanzee (who isconsideredto be themo

5、st intelligentanimal)can neverlearnthe language howeverhard it is taught.2)Romeowisa word imitatingthe sound madeby a catand sharesthesamepronunciationwiththemaincharacterinShakespearestragedyRomeoand Juliet.Romeo has deep lovefor Juliet. It indicates that Romeow the cat has affectionfor the master.

6、3) Record shop named Moby Disc, which implies it is a hugeshop ofitskind, foritreminds one of the Moby Dick,a bookwhich depicts people hunt a huge whole called Moby Dick.3 1) phonological devices in the following extract.A creak of hinges.aisle.In this passage the authors uses alliteration high-heel

7、ed,assonance tiled surface of the central aisle. What is moreconspicuous is the use of onomatopoeic words such as creak,booming thud, flutter, tiptap, which present the differentkinds of noises heard in the church. The use of such wordshelp the reader share the same experience of the writer andmake

8、the description vivid and believable.2) Read the following extract from the novel Adventures ofTom3) Sawyer and comment on the graphological forms.“TOM!”No answer. .-Mark TwaiThis is one episode of the novel Adventures of Tom Sawyer,depicting how Granny is looking for Tom, who is naughty andhiding u

9、nder the bed. The different form of letters withpunctuation marks indicates how Granny speaks. When we readit, we have the feeling of watching Granny on a stage play.For example,“TOM!” issaidlouder than“Tom!”.“Y-o-u-u,Tom! ” indicates Granny drawls her voice and with unusualloudness so as to be hear

10、d far away. The exclamation marks“! ” show her emotion,and the dash “ implieshersuddenstop. The italicized through emphasizes the contrast with“over ” and“under”, humorously implying her glasses areintendedforornamentratherthan practicaluse. Inthewholepassage, we see the only character Granny, who i

11、s speaking to herself. It is very much like a stage monologue. Afterreading, we have a vivid image of Granny in our mind. And there is a touch of humour all through.3 單元1 What are thethree ways of clause classification? classification according to constituents, verb phrase andfunctions.By constituen

12、tsclausescan be grouped intoSV(A),SVO(A), SVC, SVOO,SVOC.By verb phrase we have finiteclause,non-finite clause and verbless clause. By functions clausescan be categorizedeitheras independentclauseor dependentclause.2 how do we distinguish situation types?By according to meaning or sense of the verb.

13、3 Name the participant roles in action types?The participantrolesin actiontypes are:agentiverole(doerof the action), external force (causer of the action),intrumentalrole(toolto do the actionwith),recipientrole (receiver of the action) and objective role (theaffected or the result of the action).4 W

14、hat is a simple sentence? What is a multiple sentence?Directly/indirectlyA simple sentence conforms to the basic clause structureSV(O)(C) (A).A multiple sentenceconsists ofmore than one clause. Itmaybe either a compound sentence,a complex sentence, or a mixed sentence.D :nominal clauses function as

15、S O C .I:relative clauses function as modified in NP and comparative c f as m inNP ADJP5 What is the difference between a minor sentence and an incomplete sentence?Neither type conforms to the basic clause structure. But aminor sentence is supposed to be“complete ” in the sensethat it is finished. A

16、n incomplete sentence never comes toitsend becauseofsudden interruptionorotherreasons.Forexample,(1)Attention, please. (2)Help!(3) Going to the lecture? (4)Whyareyoulate?Because I Of the foursentences,(1)(2)(3)areminorsentenceswhereas(4) is an incomplete.6 What are the major components of a noun phr

17、ase?What is theuse of pre-modification?What is the function of post-modification?Acompletenounphraseconsistsoffourconstituents:determiner,pre-modifier,head and post-modifier.Thedeterminercan be an article,numerals,numeralpronouns;allthewordsbetween thedeterminativeandtheheadarepre-modifier,whateverp

18、art ofspeech theybelong to;theheadcan be a noun or a pronoun; the post-modifier is usually aprepositional phrase, a noun phrase, a non-finite clause, arelative clause, etc.Frequent use of pre-modification in newspaper headlines caneconomize space, and arouse the readers interest as wellbecausepre-mo

19、dificationisusuallyshort,thus cannotspellout details. This keeps the reader in suspense and kicks uptheir eagerness to find out. Pre-modification tends to beinformal and appears in less formal style.Post-modification can be very long and complicated. Usingpost-modification can give enough room for d

20、etails and forfurtherinformation.Therefore,itis frequentlyused inmoreformalcontexts,forinstance,writtenlanguage.Writtenlegal English prefers post-modificationinnounphrases,becausethecomposer of a legaldocument must ensurethat itconveysmeaning exactlyand explicitly,guardingagainstanypossible misinter

21、pretation.7 What are the threebasicfactorsintheformationofwrittentexts?Foreffectivepresentationofinformationandlanguageprocessingonthepartofthereader,we usuallyattachimportance to sequence, segmentation and salience in theformation of texts, both spoken and written.8 Which type ofbranchingiscommonin

22、 informalspeech? Whichtype of branching is preferred in written styles?Right-branchingiscommoninspeech,inrelaxedand informalpresentation of ideas.A writer may favorright-branching and use short, simple sentences torepresent a narrative style of simplicity, directnessand intensity. Left-branching, ho

23、wever, is betteradapted to writing because it is structurally morecompact and logical,and itisusuallymore formal.Sincesubordinate ideas are presented first, postponing themain idea,readersoftenfeelinsuspense and trytoreadon to obtain the main idea towards the end of thesentence.9 Whatisthebasicphras

24、eorder?Whatarethestylisticeffects of fronting and postponement?The basic phrase order in an English declarative clause ismore or less fixed: SV(O)(C)(A), with A being mobile inWhateveris repeated is emphasized. Reiterationisusedposition. The change of the order can make a particulartoavoidthe monoto

25、nouseffectof therepetition of thelanguage unit more salient.same expression.Frontingrefersthemovement ofa sententialelement fromits6What is collocation? What is the use pf analyzing lexicalusualpositionto thefront,and postponement refersthecollocation of an item in a piece of language?movement of a

26、linguistic unit fromitsnormalplaceCollocationreferstotheconcurrenceofwordsortowardsthe end ofthesentence.Inbothcasestheconventional use of certain words together in a text. In aelements moved are highlighted. For example,giventext,the collocatesofan itemconstituteitslexical(1) Talent Mr. Micawber ha

27、s, capital Mr. Micawber has not.contextwhichdeterminesthe meaning ofthe item.Thisdevice(fronting talent and capital for emphasis)may contribute to the theme of the text. The analysis of(2)AcarstoppedandoutsteppedthePresidentofthecollocation can help us grasp the main idea of the text.AppreciativeNeu

28、tralPejorative7 The followingaregroups ofspecific words. Namea generalword whose meaning is included in the meaning of theworkdrudgery,specific words.toil, grind1)stride, strut, march, amble, strode, saunter(walk)fashion, stylevoguefad2)drag, haul, heave, wrench, tow(pull)policeman, copflatfoot3)whi

29、sper, chatter, babble, mumble, mutter(talk)civil servantgovernmentbureaucrat4)bottle,vase,jug,cup,pot,barrel,bucket,boxofficialfamous, celebrated,(container)notorious5)car, jeep, van, tanker, minibus, cart, bicyclerenowned(vehicle)portly, stout,fat8The words in each of the following groups have roug

30、hly achubby, plumpsimilar conceptual meaning. Discuss the difference inadventurous, daringreckless,their associate meanings.rash9 Compare the A B extracts in termsUniversity.(PostponingPresidentoftheUniversityagainfor1)the percentage of Anglo-Saxon words;emphasis)2)thepercentageof Latinatewordsofthr

31、eesyllablesand10What is syntactic parallelism and its function?more.Syntactic parallelism refers to the repetition of the sameInA of the48 words,onlysixcome fromotherlanguages,foursyntacticform(e.g.tense,aspect)and phrase/clauseof which are from French, but in B of the 39 words, 18 wordsstructure in

32、 two or more neighboring clauses or sentences.are from Latin and another one from Greek. Since LatinateItreinforcesmeaning by contrastorantithesis,or helpstowords make up a highpercentagein B, itismuch more difficultbuild up an emotional climax. For example,to understand.See how theycan saw. Power s

33、aw. And drill.Power drill.10Comment ontheadjectiveusedinthefollowingAnd sand. Power sand.advertisement.This is an advertisement for selling Power Brand series of(Manhattan shirts, slacks and accessories)tools. When the reader finishes the reading, they will notTo persuade the would-be customers to b

34、uy the product, theforget the brand name Power.author uses a series of appreciative adjectives: confident,4 單元correct,successful,strong,savvy,fashionable,happy,2 What is the difference in the effect between the use ofrobust,virile,and wise,plusfamous toshow what good thingsManhattan Brand products w

35、ould bring to the buyer.Latinate and that of native words? Why?5 單元Generally speaking, Latinate words are words of science,1What is dialect?religionand officialcommunication;and inmostcases,A dialect is a variety habitually adopted by people in atheyhelp to createthe effectof coolness,dignityandcert

36、ain region (regional dialect) or by people of a certainintellectual distance.Words of Anglo-Saxon originsocialgroup(socialdialect).Dialectsdifferfromoneconstitute English-speaking peoples basicanother in vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation.vocabulary.Such words are emotionally charged. A highone r

37、egional dialect speaker may be able to speak more thanpercentage of Anglo-Saxon words is quite usual inone social dialect when rmal style.2What is the difference between dialect and accent?3 What isthe differencebetween a generalword and a specificAccent isthespecialphonologicalfeaturessh

38、own by one whoword? Isittruethatuse ofspecificwords shouldalwaysspeaks a dialect. It is regional in nature. A dialect can bebe recommended?spoken with different accents, standard and non-standard. AA word is general when it refers to a group of objects or aperson may shift from one dialect to anothe

39、r while speakingclass of objects or action, and specific when it refers tobut s/he is unable to cover his or her accent. For example,a member of that group or class. The relationship between aa Londoner speaks British English with a London accent, butgeneral (superordinate) and specific (subordinate

40、) term isa person bornand brought up inManchester mayspeakBritishhyponymy. General terms are often too vague to convey anyEnglish with a Manchester accent.precisemeaning. The use ofspecificwords ismore informative3 What is Standard English? Is there a standard accent within detail and can evoke vivi

41、d images in the readers orwhich people speak Standard English?hearer s mind. However, general terms are preferred, whenStandardEnglishreferstotheparticularthere is no need for specification, or when the user wantssocially-favoured variety which is based on the speech andto leave things vague for som

42、e (tactical) reason.writing of educated users of the language. With a widely5 What isrepetition?What isreiteration?Whyshouldpeopleaccepted, codified grammar and vocabulary, SE is primarilyemploy repetition and reiteration in speech or writing?usedforpubliccommunication:used inbooks and newspapers,Wh

43、en a linguistic form is used twice or more, the result isofficial documents and news broadcasts; in schools, taughtrepetition. For example,to non-native learners of English.We begin our morning classat8:00.Lunch beginsat 11:30andYes. In each regional variety, one accent is most widelyafternoon classes begin at 2:00 again.acceptedsuchasRP (receivedpronunciation)inBritishWhen the same idea is repeated in a different form, it isEnglish.Sincethisaccent isrelatedtoBBCbroadcaster,thereiteration. For example,royalfamily and educated speech,it isconsidered to be theWe begin


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