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1、 聽寫: 規(guī)則:ask_ help _ skip _ follow _ move _ stay _ shout _ hop _ study _ 不規(guī)則:see _ buy _ give _ ride _ take _ speak _ 1.昨天我去了超市。 2.上個周六你去了哪里? 3. 昨天早上我在動物園里過得很開心。 Has your school got a _? Yes ,it has ./ No, it hasnt. lake liberary Computer room Has your family got a _? Yes ,it has ./ No.it hasnt. 現(xiàn)在完成

2、時現(xiàn)在完成時 1.表示已發(fā)生過或完成的動作、狀態(tài)影響到現(xiàn)在,動詞要用過去分詞。(ever) 2. 表示過去發(fā)生的動作或情況到說話時已經(jīng)結(jié)束或?qū)⒗^續(xù)進(jìn)行下去。 基本結(jié)構(gòu): has/have+動詞過去分詞 2、He has returned from abroad. 3、Mary has been ill for three days. 4、He hasnt seen much of him recently . 5.I have done my homework. 6.I have had lunch. 7.They have cleaned the house. 1.Lucy and her

3、sister have gone to the park. 2.My parents have worked for two hours. 3.Have you flown a kite? Yes, I have. 4.Have you ever been to Hongkong? 5.Where have you been to? 6.What have you done? 7.They have cleaned the house. 8.We have bought the books. 9.Has your father ever been to Beijing ? 10.Thomas

4、has studied English for three years. 11. We have bought the books. 過去分詞的構(gòu)成 規(guī)則動詞與過去式構(gòu)成相同,在動詞后+ed 如:watch- watched, play- played skip- skipped help- helped 原形 過去式 過去分詞 hit hit hit put put put hurt hurt hurt AAA型: 不規(guī)則動詞的過去分詞: ABB型: 原形 過去式 過去分詞 have had had sit sat sat say said said buy bought bought ca

5、tch caught caught think thought thought find found found stand stood stood learn learnt learnt mean meant meant sleep slept slept spell spelt spelt 1.Have you just been here? No, I _(plant) many trees. 2.Why are you playing football here? Hi, mum, I _(do) my homework. 3.Who _ (win) the game, Tim or

6、Dan? 4.How many sentences _ he _ (make)?5 sentences. 5.My room is tidy and clean now. _ you _ (clean) yours? 6.What _ (they) _(buy) for the picnic? have planted has won have done has made Have cleaned have bought 1.When will you finish reading that book? I _ (read) it already. 2.Sam _ (be) in China

7、since last year. 3. Amy is a good friend of mine. I _ (know) her for a long time. 4. Mary _ (live) with her grandpa now. she loves him very much. 5. Ben is reading the book. He _(read) it for two hours. 6. Is that a new dress? No, I _(have) this dress for a long time. have read has been have known l

8、ive has read have had 1.How long _ you (live) in that apartment? About 10 years. 2.Yesterday I _ (go) to a small village by car. 3.I _ (be) seven years old. 4.Last Friday morning Mary _ (get) up very early. 5.Ann _ (be) in Australia at the moment. She _ (be) there for the last three years. 6.I _ (se

9、e) many sea animals in the zoo last Sunday. have you lived got am went is has been saw Key :現(xiàn)在完成時,動詞需用過去分詞; 疑問Has提句首,否定not加后面; has主人屬第三;而且只能是單數(shù)。 1、She _(ride) a horse. 2、He _(be) to the Great Wall. 3、Tina _(find) a dinasour. 4、My father _(catch) a bird. 5、_your mother ever _(be) to Beijing? 6、Tom _(

10、not sleep) this room. 7、Micheal_(not be) to America. has ridden has been has found has caught Has been hasnt slept hasnt been Big BenHe has been to London EyeShe has been to London BridgeHe has been to River Thames She has been to Cambridge UniversityShe has been to 練習(xí)題: 1. The boy_ a new football.

11、2. Liu Mei _ two good friends. 3. My sister _ a new car. 4.A dog _ four legs. 7.Our school _ a library. 8._ that girl a doll? No, she _. 9.My father _been to Shanghai. 10.My mother_(buy) a new dress. has has has has has Has hasnt & :has只用于第三人稱單數(shù)只用于第三人稱單數(shù) ,動詞要用過去式; has has bought Homework: 1.U12 描紅、課

12、堂寶ex1、4 2. 背part2 左邊過去分詞,明天聽寫 3.背part8 9 4.改正聽寫 現(xiàn)在完成時現(xiàn)在完成時 1.表示已發(fā)生過或完成的動作、狀態(tài)影響到現(xiàn)在,動詞要用過去分詞。(ever) 2. 表示過去發(fā)生的動作或情況到說話時已經(jīng)結(jié)束或?qū)⒗^續(xù)進(jìn)行下去。 基本結(jié)構(gòu): has/have+動詞過去分詞 2、He has returned from abroad. 3、Mary has been ill for three days. 4、He hasnt seen much of him recently . 5.I have done my homework. 6.I have had l

13、unch. 7.They have cleaned the house. 原形 過去式 過去分詞 hit hit hit put put put hurt hurt hurt AAA型: 不規(guī)則動詞的過去分詞: 1.When will you finish reading that book? I _ (read) it already. 2.Sam _ (be) in China since last year. 3. Amy is a good friend of mine. I _ (know) her for a long time. 4. Mary _ (live) with her

14、 grandpa now. she loves him very much. 5. Ben is reading the book. He _(read) it for two hours. 6. Is that a new dress? No, I _(have) this dress for a long time. have read has been have known live has read have had London EyeShe has been to River Thames She has been to 練習(xí)題: 1. The boy_ a new football. 2. Liu Mei _ two good friends. 3. My sister _ a new car


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