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1、_譯林英語5A 期末試卷聽力部分( 30 分)一、聽錄音,選出你所聽到的內容,將序號填在題前的括號內。( 10 分) ( 讀兩遍 )()1. A. forestB. fromC. floor()2. A. bearB. boatC. body()3. A. letB.waitC. wet()4. A. rightB. rabbitC. really()5. A. againB. aboutC. afraid()6. A. farmerB. farmC. find()7. A. AustraliaB. alsoC. autumn()8. A. pushB. policemanC. please(

2、)9 A. come outB. get outC. look out()10. A. Christmas EveB. Christmas DayC. Christmas card.二、聽錄音,判斷所聽內容是否與句意相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打 “”。( 5 分) ( 讀兩遍 )()1. There is no tea on the table.()2. Cows have big bodies and long tails.()3. Toms father is a bus driver.()4. Tina shows her friends around her new house.()

3、5. Children like sweets very much.三、聽錄音,選擇合適的應答,將序號寫在題前的括號內。(5分) ( 讀兩遍 )()1. A. No, there isnt.B. Yes, there are.C. Thirty.()2. A. Yes, he do.B. He has a parrot.C.No, he doesn t.()3. A. Yes, there are .B. Yes, they areC. No, theyare.()4. A. She likes PE.B. He likes running.C. He likes PEvery much.()

4、5. A. Yes, we do.B. We play on the swing in the garden.精品資料_C. We put a stocking on our beds and wait for presents.四、聽錄音,將下列短文補充完整。( 10 分) ( 讀三遍 )I have an_._name isPeter.Hes_ years old,too.He_in Canada. He can speak_, but he_ speak well. Helikes_ football very much. He plays football_ school. Weusu

5、allysend_ to each other (互相) . He says he wants to_ China.筆試部分( 70 分)五、判斷下列每組單詞中劃線部分讀音是否相同,相同的打“”,不相同的打“”。( 5 分)。()1. cousinmusic()2. visitalways()3. orangedog()4. waterwindow()5. nursehorse六、英漢互譯。 ( 10 分)1.喜歡在網(wǎng)上聊天_ 6.wake up early_2.在她旁邊_7.onChristmasEve_3.教我們數(shù)學 _8.eat a lot_4.一首英文歌_9.visitmyteache

6、r_5.為 買 禮 物 _10.Haveagoodtime._七、選擇最正確的答案,將序號填在題前的括號內。( 10 分)() 1. -Does his sister like _?-No,she doesnt.A. swimsB. swimC. swimming() 2. Xiao Ming and Xiao Hong are twins. They_ like sports.A. allB. bothC. are() 3. He lives in _Canada.精品資料_A. /B. aC. the() 4. Winter comes after_.A.springB.summerC.

7、autumn() 5. In the US, we can see_. In Australia, we can see_.A.baldeagles,polarbearsB.polarbears,KangaroosC.baldeagles,Kangaroos()6. -Doesyour brotherusually_TV at weekends?-Yes,hedoes.A.watchingB.watchesC. watch() 7.-_Sam good at_?-Sure.A. Does, swimingB. Does, swimmingC. Is, swimming() 8. We usua

8、lly have a picnic in the _.A. cinemaB. factoryC.park() 9. _do you go to the cinema? -Sometimes.A. WhenB. How oftenC.How many()10.-_ your father a worker?- Yes, he_ cars in a factory.A. Does, makesB.Is, makesC. Does, make八、根據(jù)句子的意思,用所給詞的適當形式填空。( 10 分)1.Hes a nice_(cook).He always_(cook)nicefood forus.

9、2. I usually go_(shop) with my family.3. Mary_(dance) very well. She has_(dance)lessons at school.4. There_(be) a lot of animals in the zoo.5. Summer is the_(two) season of a year.6. We all like plying with_(he).7.Hello,this is Nancy _(speak).8. Many foreign(外國的 )_(visit) come to China every year.九、

10、根據(jù)中文提示,將下列句子補充完整。(每空一詞)( 10 分)1. 我們明天釣魚吧。Let s go _ _.精品資料_2. 我弟弟通常放學后學數(shù)學。My brother usually _ _English after school.3. 緊接著,我們會在圣誕樹上放一些漂亮的東西。_, we _some _things on the _tree.4.-你周末有鋼琴課嗎?- 沒有。我周末經(jīng)常和朋友們打乒乓球。-Do you have piano lessons at weekends?-No,Idont.I_playtabletennis_my friendsat weekends.十、按要求改

11、寫句子。 ( 15 分)1. There is some water on the floor.(改為一般疑問句,并作否定回答。)_ there_ water on the floor? No, there_.2. David is sitting behind Tom, but David is sitting in front of Mike.(改為同義句)David is sitting _ Tom _ Mike.3. Tom usually goes fishing with his father.(改為一般疑問句)_ Tom usually_ _ with his father.4.

12、 Su Yang has a big lunch on Christmas Day.(改成否定句)Su Yang_ _ a big lunch on Christmas Day.5. Wang Bing and Mike like playing table tennis.(對劃線部分提問)_ _ Wang Bing and Mike like_.6. sometimes, with, Mike,has a picnic, his family, in the park.(連詞成句)_.十一、閱讀理解。 (5 分)There is an old woman in England. She do

13、esntlike children, but sheloves cats. She has black cats and white cats. She has mother cats andbaby cats. So the children like to come to her house. They come to playwith the cats.More and more(越來越多) cats cometo the old womans house.Then there are too many cats and the old woman cantfeed (飼養(yǎng)) them.

14、Then she has an idea.“The childrenlove my cats, ”she thinks.So she gives精品資料_the cats to the children. Then she is happy, the children are happy, andthe cats are happy, too, because they all have a home.根據(jù)短文內容,判斷下列句子是否正確,正確的寫“T”,錯誤的寫 “F”。( 5分)() 1. The old woman likes cats and children very much.()2. The childrencome to the old womans house because they likeher.() 3.The old woman cant feed the cats becausethe cat s are toomany .() 4. Finally, the cats have their home .()5. The old woma


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