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1、London is a big city.教學(xué)設(shè)計(jì)黃龍小學(xué)王娟7一、教材分析本單元是整個(gè)模塊教學(xué)的第一單元。借助地圖、圖片認(rèn)識(shí)英國(guó)的幾個(gè)城市,練習(xí)使用 big small beautiful等形容詞介紹其他城市或者自己的家,自己的學(xué)校。二、學(xué)情分析本課授課對(duì)象是四年級(jí)學(xué)生,他們活潑好動(dòng),有著豐富的想象力和好奇心,對(duì)游戲、歌曲等活動(dòng)特別感興趣。也因?yàn)橛幸欢ǖ挠⒄Z(yǔ)基礎(chǔ),他們的表 現(xiàn)欲很強(qiáng)。他們對(duì)外面的世界,特別是外國(guó)的模樣充滿興趣。因此我查找了 色彩鮮麗的圖片,吸引學(xué)生的注意力力。營(yíng)造愉悅、快樂(lè)的課堂氛圍,充分 調(diào)動(dòng)學(xué)生參與活動(dòng)的積極性,使學(xué)生在親身體驗(yàn)中展開(kāi)有效的學(xué)習(xí),保持學(xué)習(xí) 英語(yǔ)的欲望和興趣

2、,從而提高英語(yǔ)學(xué)習(xí)的效率。三、教學(xué)內(nèi)容New words: city ship beautiful whose quee n closeImportant sentences: What s this? It.Its very and veryWhose XX is this?Its XX s.四、教學(xué)目標(biāo)1、Make the students can listen、speak and read the new words: city ship beautiful whose quee n close2、Make sure the students can read the dialogue

3、of this text.3、Makethe students can describe a city or a scenery with the adjectives they had lear n.五、教學(xué)重難點(diǎn)1、The new words of this text.The sentence p attern of this text.六、教學(xué)工具PPT word cardsrecorder tapeTeachi ng p rocessI Warmi ng upListe n to the song“London bridge is falli ng dow n.Ask the stud

4、e nts sing the song and do the acti on.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:膾炙人口的歌曲讓學(xué)生提前感受到愉悅的課堂氛圍,吸引了學(xué)生的注意力的同時(shí),也引出了 London,為下一步的教學(xué)做了鋪墊。)II Pr ese ntati onStep 1T: We have enjoy the song“London bridge is falli ng dow n.” Do youknow where is London bridge?(Ask the stude nts.)Ss: It s in London.T: Yes, It s in London.T: Do you know

5、 London?(show the map of En gla nd and show London to the stude nts) Teach the new word city.T: Fin-fin-fin ger. Write it with your fin ger. Read it city/ city /.P lay a game: Hide the word, ask the stude nts to find it out.Practice the sentences.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:游戲的引入,能讓學(xué)生快速融入課堂,在游戲的同時(shí),學(xué)生既掌握了新單詞的拼寫(xiě),也掌握了新單詞的讀音

6、。Step2T:(show a picture of a shi p) Look, Whats this?Ss: It s a ship.(Teach the new word shi p.)Ask the students read itby boys team and girls team. p laya game whoT: Fin-fin-fin ger. Write it with your fin ger. Read it shi pcan find it? ”T: London is a big city.It s very big and very beautiful,Do y

7、ou wantto go to Lon do n? OK, Lets go to London by this ship. Go!(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:這一步驟不僅學(xué)習(xí)了新單詞,還為以下的課堂學(xué)習(xí)創(chuàng)設(shè)了一個(gè)教學(xué)情境,讓全班同學(xué)一起搭乘ship向充滿異國(guó)情調(diào)的Lon don出發(fā)。):What s this?Step3 (Show the picture of Buck in gham P alace) TSs: Bucki ngham Palace.T: Yes, It s Buck in gham p alace, Howdo you feel about it?(Ask a stude nt an s

8、wer it.)S1:It s so big.T: Yes, It s so big. And(show another picture of Bucking Palace)Ss: It s so beautiful.Teach the newword beautiful.Listen to the voice ,then ask the students who want read to read it.(P ractice the imp orta nt senten ce, the n ask the stude nt describe thethings with the imp or

9、ta nt senten ce.)(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:出示gif花朵圖,向?qū)W生展示beautiful.動(dòng)態(tài)的盛開(kāi)花朵圖,既讓學(xué)生感到新奇,也更深層的體會(huì)到 beautiful.)Ste p 4Pick up the pen cil on the floor ,ask“ Whose pen cil is this?Rep eat the word“ whose teach the new word“whose”Domore p racticesabout whose. Pick up one student s book, ask:“Whosebook is this? ”(show the queen

10、 s house, and the imp orta nt senten ce.)T: Whose house is this?Is it yours?Ss; No, it isnt.T: whose?S1:lt s the queen s house.(show a picture of queen .teach the newword queen. Readafter me, queen/ queen / )girls read it“ queen queen I amthe queen” boys read queen quee n I am the quee n.T:No ,no ,n

11、o. queen is a woman, you are not woman,you are a man. So ,you are a king. Read after me. King king I am a king.Ste p 5 (show the picture of the queen s house and Amy s house.teach the newword close)show the relati on shi p of close to.Ask the stude nts make asentence with close to.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:呈現(xiàn)倫敦的標(biāo)志性建筑,白

12、金漢宮,讓學(xué)生了解西方,陶冶情操,更重要的是學(xué)習(xí)了本課的重點(diǎn)句型。為接下來(lái)的課文學(xué)習(xí)打下了基礎(chǔ)。)Ste P 6T:Amy and Lin gli ng are readi ng the book about London .Lets see whatare they talki ng about. Open your book,tu rn to p age 8 ,Lets listenpoint and say.Ask the students makea dialogue with their desk mate with the pictureof activity 4.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:整體

13、感知課文,培養(yǎng)學(xué)生歸納整理信息的能力,聽(tīng)錄音,提高聽(tīng)的能力,做對(duì)話,讓學(xué)生更透徹的理解課文。)III summaryT:Now,boys and girls,look at these p ictures .Today we had lear n 6 them(studentsread the new words).And the importantsenten ce, read them loudly.T:The word outside is very beautiful.We should go out more and learnmore.Do you wa

14、nt to go out? So,you must study hard and earnmoremoney ,so that you can go where you want to go.(設(shè)計(jì)意圖:展現(xiàn)各國(guó)著名景點(diǎn),進(jìn)行情感教育,外面的是世界很精彩,我們必須努力學(xué)習(xí),才能去到你想去的地方。)IV Homework1.用所學(xué)過(guò)的形容詞和句型對(duì)周?chē)娜宋锸挛镞M(jìn)行描述beautiful big small nice clever fatthi nshort tall n aughtyIt s very 2、熟讀課文。教學(xué)反思在學(xué)習(xí)Lon don is a big city.這節(jié)課前,我給學(xué)生布置了一個(gè)預(yù)習(xí)作業(yè),查找英國(guó)倫敦的信息。而他們預(yù)習(xí)得也非常好,對(duì)于課文提到的倫 敦的標(biāo)志性建筑都有一定的了解。反思這節(jié)課我做得好的地方有以下幾點(diǎn):1、提前布置家庭作業(yè),學(xué)生查找資料時(shí)間充裕,為新課的學(xué)習(xí)做好了鋪墊。2、PPT授課讓學(xué)生更直觀,更


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