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1、welcome the map france full name: the republic of france respective continent: european capital: paris official language: french currency: euro france french tourism french architecture french cuisine french fashion the first station-pairs the capital of france paris is a beautiful city. for centuri

2、es this city has attracted the admiration of the world. the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit there. paris is a beautiful city. for centuries this city has attracted the admiration of the world. the allure and charm of paris captivate all who visit there. provence provence is located

3、 in southeast france, from the mediterranean coast extended to inland hills area, and there is a river rhone through. marseille, spelled marseilles in english, has a lengthy history of being french, and not so french. a port city, louis xiv built two forts on either side of the harbor. suspicious of

4、 marseilles allegiances, the fort guns faced the city, rather than the water. louis was right, as marseille strongly supported the revolution. soldiers sang a song on the march to paris that later became know as la marseillaise. today, its frances national anthem. marseille france also has a diverse

5、 ethnicity, and a lively african feel, most notable in the vibrant street markets. trade grew in the 19th century due to marseilles proximity with north africa, and today, marseille is one of frances most important ports. there are a lot of great places to stay while visiting, and marseille hotels a

6、re charming and modern. on the whole, marseille france has a lot to offer travelers. 1.eiffel tower(埃菲爾鐵塔 ) eiffel tower is not only the building, it is also a kind of culture and the symbol of modern paris.it went by the name of“iron lady ”(鐵娘子). by 1988, the “iron lady ” has welcomed 123000000 tou

7、rists from the five continents .that is to say, the average eiffel tower visitors are 1230000 people each year, the daily average of 3400 people. notre-dame (巴黎圣母院 )cathedral is located in the southeast of la cite(西岱 島) in the seine river(塞 納河), the center of paris.its a symbol of ancient paris.it i

8、s famous for its gothic architectural style, sculpture and paintings on the doors, windows and ambulatories(回 廊),and it was completed in 1345,it took more than 180 years. louvre museum (盧浮宮)and triumphal arch (凱旋門(mén)) foie gras snail lobster if you are unsure about whether you can eat a certain dish wi

9、th your fingers or other table manners, follow the lead of the host. most food is not eaten with fingers. 如果你不確定是否可以用手指或其他餐桌 禮儀吃某道菜,請(qǐng)遵循主人指示。大部分 食品是不能用手指吃的。 discuss: in your opinion, what is luxury ? have you ever bought it ? will you buy luxury ? 夢(mèng)幻世界之奢侈品營(yíng)銷(xiāo) luxury,is defined as the consumer goods wh

10、ich is beyond the range of need about humans existence and development,has the characteristic of unique,scarce and rare,also known as unnecessaries of life. 國(guó)際上給奢侈品的定 義是一種超出人們生存 與發(fā)展需要范圍的,具 有獨(dú)特、稀缺、珍奇等 特點(diǎn)的消費(fèi)品”,又稱(chēng) 為非生活必需品。 a woman who doesnt wear perfume has no future eternal no.5 dior is a famous french fashion consumer brand. dior company mainly tr


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