1、2014年職稱英語理工a真題及答案第1部分 詞匯選項下面每個句子中均有1個詞或短語劃有底橫線,請為每處劃線部分確定一個意義最為接近的選項。1.this was disaster oncosmicscale .a.modest b.commercialc.huged.national2.new secretaries came and went withmonotonousregularity .a.amazing b.depressingc.predictabled.dull3.a persons wealth is often ininverseproportion to their hap
2、piness.a.equal b.certainc.larged. opposite4.his professional careerspanned16 years .a.started b.changedc.lastedd.moved5.the symptoms of the diseasemanifestedthemselves ten days later .a.eased b.improvedc.relievedd.appeared6.the group does notadvocatethe use of violence .a.limitb.supportc.regulate d.
3、oppose7.she felt that she had done her good deed for the day .a.actb.homeworkc.justice d.model8.some of the larger birds can remainstationaryin the air for several minutes .a.motionlessb.silentc.seated d.true9.there was aninclinationto treat geography as a less important subject .a.point b.resultc.f
4、indingd.tendency10.his stomach felthollowwith fear .a.sincere b.respectfulc.emptyd.terrible11.the committee was asked torendera report on the housing situation .a.copy b.publishc.summarized.furnish12.that uniform makes the guards lookabsurd.a.serious b.beautifulc.impressived.ridiculous13.the departm
5、entdeferredthe decision for six months .a.put offb.arrived atc.abided by d.protested against14.the original experiment cannot be exactlyduplicated.a.inventedb.reproducedc.designed d.reported15.the country was torn apart bystrife.a.conflictb.povertyc.war d.economy第2部分閱讀判斷下面的短文列出了7個句子 請根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容對每個句子做出判
6、斷:如果該句提到的是正確信息,請選擇a;如果該句提供的信息是錯誤的,請選擇b;如果該句的信息文中沒有提及,請選擇c。experience the world in 3d gameever wondered how your cat or dog sees theworld? now you can look through their eyes with the first 3d game thatrecreates the vision of different species based on scientific evidence.the online simulation, creat
7、ed by the french3d design company dassault systmes, with the guidanceof veterinary ophthalmologist (眼科專家)didierschmidt-morand, mimics (模仿)the vision of five animals cats dogs, rats, hawks and bees as aplayer steers them through place vend洀攀 in paris.due to differences in field of view, colourpercept
8、ion and night vision, for example, sight can be drastically differentfrom species to species. in terms of performance, eyes are as variable asdifferent models of cars, says schmidt-morand.the game was created by using existingvirtual models of the square then applying effects based on descriptions o
9、feach animals vision. dassaults 3d software allows a scene to be modified byadding blur or changing the colours, angle of vision and depth of field.although it was easy to recreate visioninferior to that of humans cats and dogs, forexample, have trouble distinguishing shades of red replicating featu
10、res that we are unable to see was a challenge. hawks have moredetailed vision than ours, whereas dogs are better at seeing movement and havea wider field of view. we used virtual cameras to precisely simulatelarger viewing angles but the result made people nauseous(令人作嘔的), says schmidt-morand. so we
11、 tweaked(微調(diào)) the model to give a sense of the wider view without sticking toreality.the rats view also departs from reality:because they are near-sighted, everything more than 15 centimetres away is ablur, so they typically move close to walls to help them navigate. a ratwould never throw itself int
12、o the middle of an open area, saysschmidt-morand. the simulation for this animal is supplemented with a map inthe top right corner to help determine the rats position: because of theirlimited eyesight, most landmarks are obscured.the game is intended as an educationalresource and players can discuss
13、 their experience with others through communityfeatures on the website. if there is interest from schools and zoos, the teamhopes to recreate the vision of more animals.16. the game developed by dassault systemesis the first 3d game recreating the vision of different species .a. rightb. wrong c. not
14、 mentioned17.dassaults3dsoftware takes different perspectives like color perception and angle of visioninto account .a. rightb. wrong c. not mentioned18.the animalsviewsin the software are the same as those in reality .a. rightb. wrongc. not mentioned19. dogs have larger viewing angles thanhumans .a
15、. rightb. wrong c. notmentioned20.it takes the team the longest time torecreate the rats view because theyre near-sighted .a. right b. wrongc. not mentioned21.the team is working on recreating thevision of more animals .a. rightb. wrongc. not mentioned22.schmidt-morandsfavorite animal is cat .a. rig
16、ht b. wrongc. not mentioned第3部分、概括大意與完成句子23. paragraph 2 _b_24. paragraph 3 _c_25. paragraph 4 _d_26. paragraph 5 _f_a. rising of sea levelsb. impact of burning fossil fuelsc. fast feedbacksd. slow feedbackse. unpredictability of feedback processesf.a prediction of future climate change27. arctic ic
17、e has never been melting so fastin _d_.28. melting of snow and ice enables sunlightto reach _a_.29. zeebe came up with his future climateprediction by analyzing _e_.30.after fossil fuels are used up, globalwarming will continue for _b_.a. the exposed groundb. a very long timec. the extra heatd. reco
18、rded historye. previously published studiesf. rapid exaggeration of impacts第4部分 閱讀理解第一篇the northern lightsthe sun is stormy and has it own kind ofweather. it is so hot and active that even the sunsgravity cannot hold its atmosphere in check! energy flows away from the suntoward the earth in a stream
19、 of electrified particles that move at speedsaround a million miles per hour. these particles are called plasma, and thestream of plasma coming from the sun is called the solar wind. the more activethe sun, the stronger the solar wind.the solar wind constantly streams toward theearth, but dont worry
20、 because a protective magneticfields surrounds our planet. the same magnetic field that makes your compasspoint north also steers the particles from the sun to the north and southpoles. the charged particles become trapped in magnetic belts around the earth.when a large blast of solar wind crashes i
21、nto the earths magnetic field first gets squeezed and then the magnetic fieldlines break and reconnect.the breaking and reconnecting of the magneticfield lines can cause atomic particles called electrons trapped in the belts tofall into the earths atmosphere at the poles. as theelectrons fall into t
22、he earth, they collide with gas molecules in theatmosphere, creating flashes of light in the sky.each atmospheric gas glows a different color.oxygen and nitrogen glows red and green and nitrogen glows violet-purple. asthese various colors glow and dance in the night sky, they create the northernligh
23、ts and the southern lights.watching auroras(北極光)is fun and exciting, but normally you can only see them in places far northlike alaska and canada. the movement of the aurora across the sky is usuallyslow enough to easily follow with your eyes but they can also pulsate(跳動), flicker(閃爍), or even move
24、like waves.during solar maximum, 5 auroras are seen as far south as florida, even mexico!aurorasoften seem to be very close to the ground, but the lowest aurora is still about100 kilometers above the ground, a distance much higher than clouds are formedor airplanes can fly. a typical aurora band can
25、 be thousands of kilometerslong, a few hundred kilometers high, but only a few hundred meters thick.we hope you are able to travel to far-northplaces like the arctic circle and see the northern lights at least once duringyour lifetime. we know you will never forget it!31. the solar wind comes into b
26、eing as aresult of_a. disappearance of the suns gravity.b. unpredictable weather of the sun.c. fast flow of energy away from the sun.d. a stream of particles being blown away.32. what happens when solar wind comes to theearth?a. a protective magnetic field is formed atthe same time.b. it is trapped
27、in magnetic belts around theearth.c. it destroys the protective magnetic fieldsurrounding the earth.d. it breaks magnetic field lines and doessevere damage to the ?33. the northern lights are createdwhen_a. atomic particles fall to the earth and collidewith atmospheric gases.b. the magnetic field li
28、nes fail toreconnect.c. the electrons falling to the earth shinein different colors.d. oxygen and nitrogen are separated from theatmospheric gases.34. which of the following statements is trueof the northern lights?a. their movement is slow enough to be observedwith the eyes.b. people cannot see the
29、m unless traveling toalaska or canadac. they are very close to the ground.d. they are very long and thick.35. what is the authors tone toward the northern lights?a. indifferentb. sarcasticc. sharpd. appreciative第二篇eye-tracker lots you drag and drop files with a glancebored of using a mouse? soon you
30、ll be ableto change stuff on your computer screen and then moveit directly onto your smartphone or tablet(平板電腦) with nothing more than a glance.a system called eyedrop uses a head-mountedeye tracker that simultaneously records your field of view so it knows whereyou are looking on the screen. gazing
31、 at an object aphoto, say and then pressing a key, selects thatobject. it can then be moved from the screen to a tablet or smartphone just byglancing at the second device, as long as the two are connected wirelessly.the beauty of using gaze to supportthis is that our eyes naturally focus on content
32、that we want to acquire,says jayson turner, who developed the system with colleagues at lancasteruniversity, uk.turner believes eyedrop would be useful totransfer an interactive map or contact information from a public display toyour smartphone or for sharing photos.a button needs to be used to sele
33、ct theobject you are looking at otherwise you end up with the midastouch(點石成金) effect, whereby everything you lookat gets selected by your gaze, says turner. imagine if your mouse clickedon everything it pointed at, he says.christian holz, a researcher inhuman-computer interaction at yahoo labs in s
34、unnyvale, california, says thesystem is a nice take on getting round this fundamental problem of usinggaze-tracking to interact. eyedrop solves this in a slick (靈巧的)way by combining it with input on the touch devices we carry withus most of the time anyway and using touch input as a clutchingmechani
35、sm, he says. this now allows users to seamlessly(無縫地) interact across devices far and close in a very naturalmanner.while current eye-trackers are rather bulky,mainstream consumer devices are not too far away. swedish firm tobii isdeveloping gaze-tracking technology that can be installed in laptops
36、andtablets and is expected to be available to buy next year. and the google glassheadset is expected to include eye-tracking in the future.turner says he has also looked at how contentcan be cut and pasted or drag-and-dropped using a mix of gaze and taps on atouchscreen. the system was presented at
37、the conference on mobile andubiquitous multimedia in sweden, last week.36. the eye-tracker technology enables usto_a. change our computer screen.b. focus on anything that interests us.c. get a smartphone connected wirelessly.d. move an object from screen with a glance.37. why is a button needed?a. t
38、o minimize the cost of eyedrop.b. to choose as many objects as possible.c. to make eyedrop different from others.d. to select what we want.38. the word “this” in paragraph 6 refers to_a. application of gaze-tracking inhuman-computer interaction.b. interaction between human and computer.c. combinatio
39、n of gaze-tracking with input ontouch devices.d. generalization of eyedrop system.39. which of the following statement is trueof eye-trackers for consumer devices.a. they are costly.b. they are available.c. they are installed in google glassheadset.d. they are expected to come out soon.40. what is t
40、urner likely to study next?a. how to drag and drop with gaze and taps.b. how to present the system in public.c. how to get touch screen involved.d. how to cut and paste content from a publicdisplay.第三篇a new strategy to overcome breast cancerpost-menopausal(絕經(jīng)后)womenwho walk for an hour a day can cut
41、 their chance of breast cancer significantly,a study has suggested. the report , which followed 73,000 women for 17 years, foundwalking for at least seven hours a week lowered the risk of the disease. theamerican cancer society team said this was the first time reduced risk wasspecifically linked to
42、 walking. uk experts said it was more evidence thatlifestyle influenced cancer risk.a recent poll for the charity ramblers aquarter of adults walk for no more than an hour a week, but being active isknown to reduce the risk of a number of cancers. this study, published incancer epidemiology, biomark
43、ers&prevention, followed 73.615 women out of97,785 aged 50-74 who had been recruited by the american cancer society between1992 and 1993,so it could monitor the incidence of cancer in the group.they were asked to complete questionnaires ontheir health and on how much time they were active and partic
44、ipating inactivities such as walking, swimming and aerobics(有氧運動)andhow much time they spent sitting watching television or reading. they completedthe same questionnaires at two-year intervals between 1997 and 2009.of thewomen,47% said walking was their only recreational acivity. those who walkedfor
45、 at least seven hours per week had a 14% lower risk of breast cancercompared to those who walked three or fewer hours per week.dr.alpa patel, a senior epidemiologist at theamerican cancer society in atlanta,georgia,who led the study, said:”given that more than 60% of women report some daily walking,
46、 promotingwalking as a healthy leisure-time activity could be an effective strategy forincreasing physical activity amongst post-menopausal women. we were pleased tofind that without any other recreational activity, just walking one hour a daywas associated with a lower risk of breast cancer in thes
47、e women.”more strenuous(緊張的)and longer activitieslowered the risk even more.”baroness delyth morgan, chief executive ofbreast cancer campaign, said:”this study adds furtherevidence that our lifestyle choices can play a part in influencing the risk ofbreast cancer and even small changes incorporate i
48、nto our normal day-to-dayactivity can make a difference.”she added:”we knowthat the best weapon to overcoming breast cancer is the ability to stop itoccurring in the first place. the challenge now is how we turn thesefindings into action and identify othersustainable lifestyle changes that will help
49、 us prevent breast cancer.”41. all of the following factors relating tocancer risk were mentioned in the passage except_a. breathing exerciseb. regular walkingc. recreational activityd. lifestyle choices42. it can be inferred from dr. alpa patels study that_.a. women have fewer chances of physicalac
50、tivityb. daily walking could cut the chance of breastcancerc. leisure-time activity is not associatedwith cancer riskd. walking is not recommended for women withbreast cancer43. dr. alpa patel was_.a. head of the survey studyb. chief editor of cancer epidemiologyc. chair of the american cancer socie
51、tyd. chief executive of breast cancer campaign44. which of the following statements is trueaccording to the passage?a. most women take walking as their onlyrecreational activity.b. the study aims to track the healthconditions of its subjects.c. walking was the only recreationalacitivity for about ha
52、lf of the womend. irregular walking increased the risk ofbreast cancer in post-menopausal women45. the word “sustainable”in the last paragraph is closest in meaning toa. continuableb. affordablec. availabled. persistent第5部分、補全短文wronglyconvicted man and his accuser tell their storynew york,ny, januar
53、y 5,2010. st.martins press has announced the release of the paperback edition ofpicking cotton, a remarkable true story of what novelist john grisham calls an “account of violence, rage, redemption(救贖),and, ultimately forgiveness.”the story began in 1987, in burlington, northcarolina, with the rape
54、of a young while college student named jenniferthompson. during her ordeal, thompson swore to herself that she would neverforget the face of her rapist, a man who climbed through the window of herapartment and assaulted her brutally._f_(46)when the police asked her ifshe could identify the assilant(
55、襲擊者)from a book of mugshots, she picked one that she was sure was correct, and later she identifiedthe same man in a lineup.based on her convincing eye withnesstestimony, a 22-year-old black man named ronald cotton was sentenced to prisonfor two life terms. cottons lawyer appealed thedecision, and b
56、y the time of the appeals hearing, evidence had come to lightsuggesting that the real rapist might have been a man who looked very likecotton, an imprisoned criminal named bobby poole._b_(47)jennifer thompsonlooked at both men face to face, and once again said that ronald cotton was theone who raped her.eleven years later, dna evidence completelyexonerated(證明清白)cotton and just as unequivocally(明確地) convicted poole, who confessed to the crime. _e_(48) “the man i was so sure i had ne
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