



1、教授英文推薦信范文一封出自教授之手的英文推薦信往往能給學(xué)生帶來好的機(jī)遇。以下是 為大家整理的教授英文推薦信范文,希望你們喜歡。教授英文推薦信范文(一)Dear Sir/Madam,I am pleased to write this letter for my former student Miss Nan Li, who graduated from thisCollege with an L.B. degree in June 1978.Miss Li was admitted to the Department of Law of this College in 1974 through

2、 highlycompetitive entrance exam in ati on which is con ducted annu ally and is ope n to the wholenation.Even in such a selective group. Miss Li madeherself dist in guished.As professor and dea n of the College, I have access to her records of academic work and moralc on duct,In her fourthyear study

3、, I instructed her in Anglo-AmericanLaws onTrespass. So Ihave known her quite well.Miss Li& #39;s performa nee,like that in many othercourses she take n, was excelle nt with asuperior grade of 86 for the first semester, and 84 for the second semester. In our universityandin otheruniversityhere, 80 i

4、s consideredi"A&qu ot; , the highest level.As far as I know, Miss Li wishes to continue her study inLaw for an adva need degree. I amsure she has had sufficie nt prerequisiteknowledgefor the subject and certainly hastheability to un dertake the study.I recommendMiss Li withoutreservationand sha

5、llappreciate your favorablec on siderati on of her applicati on.your sin cerely ,XXXX教授英文推薦信范文(二)To whom it may concern:I have had the disti net pleasure of hav ing xxx as a stude nt in my debate classes and on my debate team for three years at easter n little hope high school.xxx has been more than

6、 the ideal student. in order to achieve the highest grades and my deepest respect, she has dem on strated outsta nding leadership and maintained a clear sense of purpose.The academics at easter n little hope are most challe nging, and xxx fulfilled all the requireme nts with the added challe nge of

7、honors and advaneed courses. xxx is an outstanding extemporaneousspeaker and debater. she has won manyawards on the speech and debate circuits, and qualified forn ati onaltour name nts.success in thesein terscholasticactivities requires exte nsive research and persuasive skills. xxx also holds the d

8、egree of special distinction, as a member of the n ati onal foren sic league.Due to its n ature of metro, state, andn ati onalin terscholasticcompetiti on,the successful high schoolforensics student serves by not only representinghis or herschool but also by represe nti ng his or her com munity as w

9、ell. one of the requirements in my advaneed class is to prepare lectures and guida nee for the beg inn ers.with xxx’ ssuperior kno wledge and invo Iveme nt in the political scie nces, she developed a str ong sense of con fide nee with a charm ing attitude. therefore, i could always depend on h

10、er to set the best example as an instructor. because of her natural leadership abilities, xxx was selected as our debate capta in. on acco unt of her mature approach to her resp on sibilities, i often thought of xxx as a colleague.Si nee her classmates, my fellow teachers, and i will always hold her

11、 in the highest esteem, i sincerely recommendxxxstone as the ideal can didate for matriculati on at easter n little hope state.your si ncerely ,XXXX教授英文推薦信范文(三)Dear Madama/Sir :Whe n Miss xxx requested a letter of refere nee from me to support her applieati on for graduate studies at your esteemed u

12、ni versity, as her teacher, I am pleased to write this letter for her.I got to know xxx whe n she took part in Nati onal School of Mathematical Modeli ng Con test in 2005. Exactly, the time was one hour before the con test be over. At that time other groups already handed over the paper and program

13、to person in charge and only her group around the computer amended somethi ng, I came to remi nd them of hurry ing up and found that they were ame nding the map which I felt very good and also accorded with the paper requireme nt. Whe n I asked her what she did, she said that she put several cities

14、on the wrong places so she must correct them. She checked it again and aga in, before ten minu tes the con test would be over and her group han ded over the map. I was impressed by her cli nging spirit which made her group win the second prize in the mathematical modeli ng con test.The second time o

15、f meeting her was that I reviewed practices things in her class. When I saw her, she only one stayed in the class to con sult materials, I asked her why otherstudents couldn’tstay with her, she said that otherstude nts were cold and she let them go to back to have a rest.She already foun dout

16、a new arithmetic but did n&rsq uo;t use it masterly, so she used three computers to check the results by cha nging parameters. The qua ntities of data were so large that I could n&rsq uo;t believe she was able to fin ish the task, while I was surprised by her con fide nee and ability, she fini shed

17、them on time. I was impressed by her spirit on academy aga in.At her junior year, I taught her mathematic modeling course, she treated it very earnestly and she always finished each practical subject perfectly. Such as, after I gave her some key guida nee, she classified the kno wledge n eeded for study and listed the best methods to acquire kno wledge on this field and fini shed it efficie ntly.Recently I got to know she will ap


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