人教PEP六年級上冊英語 Unit 1 Part A Let's try-Let's talk PPT課件 (2)_第1頁
人教PEP六年級上冊英語 Unit 1 Part A Let's try-Let's talk PPT課件 (2)_第2頁
人教PEP六年級上冊英語 Unit 1 Part A Let's try-Let's talk PPT課件 (2)_第3頁
人教PEP六年級上冊英語 Unit 1 Part A Let's try-Let's talk PPT課件 (2)_第4頁
人教PEP六年級上冊英語 Unit 1 Part A Let's try-Let's talk PPT課件 (2)_第5頁
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1、2021-5-8 Warm-up Guess bookstore post office hospital cinema science museum 介詞 in front of behind near next to beside 場所 park zoo bookstore library school post office 句型: Where is the.? Its. Presentation 誰是小小翻譯家?誰是小小翻譯家? 1.postcard明信片 2. send寄,發(fā)送 3. sir先生 4.ask問 5.I want to buy a postcard. 我想要買一張明信片

2、。 6. I want to send it today.我今天想寄它。 7. Where is the.? .在哪兒? Its.它在. 8.What a great museum!好棒的博物館! postcard send寄 sir Hi! Im a robot. Come and meet my friends. 1. Places you find in the dialogue. school museum post office museum shop hospital Worksheet Ask and answer 1.Where is the museum shop? Its

3、next to the post office. Its near the door. 2.Where is the post office? Its next to the museum. Its next to the cinema. I want to buy a post card. I want to send it today. want的用法: 1.直接加名詞。 2.加to加動詞原形。 講解本課重點句型: 1.want的用法 直接加名詞 例如:I want some rice.我想要些米飯。 加to加動詞原形 I want to watch TV.我想要看電視。 動原 Zhang

4、 Peng wants to buy a pen. 張鵬想要買支鋼筆。(動原) 2.感嘆句 感嘆句通常由what, how引導,表示贊 美、感嘆等感情。 what 引導名詞。 例如:好大的魚! What a big fish! 好漂亮的房間! What a nice room! 參考句型: A: Is there a .? Where is it? B: Its near/next to/ behind/in front of/. Practice A: _, where is the _? B: I want to buy a_. A: Its _. B: Where is the_? A:

5、 I dont know. Ill ask. Excuse me, sir. Where is the _? Man: Its_. A: Thanks, sir. Man: You are welcome. 兩人一組,創(chuàng)編對話 Test 一、看圖,將下列單詞補充完整。 c_n_ m_ h_sp_t_l bookst_ _e m_se_m 1. 2. 3. 4. i e aoioa ruu 二、給下列句子的畫線部分選擇正確的漢語。 ( )1. This is a postcard. A.信 B.明信片 C.郵票 ( )2. I want to send a shirt to my sister.

6、 A.寄 B.買 C.給 ( )3. Excuse me, sir. Is there a zoo near here? A.女士 B.先生 C.孩子 B A B 三、用單詞的適當形式填空。 1. Where _ the park? (be) 2. I want_ a book. (buy) 3. I_ know. (not) is to buy dont 四、選擇合適的句子補全對話。 Amy: Hi, John. Where is the post office? 1._ Lily: Im sorry. 2. _ Lets ask that woman. Amy: Excuse me, madam. 3. _ Woman: 4. _ Amy & Lily: Thank you. Woman: 5. _ A. I dont know. B. Where is the post office? C. Youre welcome. D. Its near Hong Xing Bookstore. E. I wan


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