高中英語 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅴ Project教學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修8_第1頁
高中英語 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅴ Project教學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修8_第2頁
高中英語 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅴ Project教學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修8_第3頁
高中英語 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅴ Project教學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修8_第4頁
高中英語 Unit 2 The universal language Section Ⅴ Project教學(xué)案 牛津譯林版選修8_第5頁
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1、Unit 2 The universal language Section Project原文呈現(xiàn)讀文清障From the blues to popEarly jazzToday I will take a brief look at how Western music progressed from the blues to pop. Modern pop music has its roots in the folk songs of black Americans held in slavery. During the late part of the 19th century, bla

2、ck musicians used these folk songs to create a kind of music called the blues, because it had a tendency to be very sad. While the blues was popular, as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad and slow to dance to. Thus, from the blues, there sprung up a faster, livelier kind of music cal

3、led jazz.Louis Armstrong, a black trumpet player and singer, was one of the fathers of jazz. Unlike most musicians who played the music as it was written, he would change the music as he was playing it to reflect his feelings at the time. Other musicians began to copy his style and the libertyhe bro

4、ught to his music. The ability to adapt the music while it is being played is one of the major characteristics of jazz.blues/bluz/n.布魯斯音樂,藍調(diào)progress v進展,進步,發(fā)展root/rut/n.起源,起因;根,根莖have its roots in 起源于過去分詞短語held in slavery作后置定語,修飾black Americans。slavery/sleIvrI/n.奴隸身份;奴隸制tendency/tendnsI/n.傾向,偏好;趨勢,趨

5、向have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的趨勢While the blues .是while引導(dǎo)的讓步狀語從句。format/fmt/n.形式;格式;版式lack v缺少,缺乏too . to . 太而不能dance to 伴著跳舞(to用作介詞)spring up 突然興起,迅速出現(xiàn)trumpet/trmpIt/n.小號;喇叭liberty/lIbtI/n.自由he brought to his music 是一個定語從句,修飾liberty,在從句中作賓語的關(guān)系代詞which/that 省略了。while 引導(dǎo)時間狀語從句,while 表示“正當(dāng)時候”。從藍調(diào)音樂到


7、由。在演奏時可以即興改編音樂成為爵士樂的主要特征之一。From R & B to rock and rollFrom the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a gradualdecline, and was replaced by a new musical trend known as rhythmand blues, or R & B. R & B was then and now often thought of as a form of AfricanAmerican music. It combi

8、ned the fast pace of many kinds of jazz with the older blues sound. During the early 1950s, one particular style of R & B became popular rock and roll. One of the first rock and roll musicians was Big Joe Turner. He was a black American singer who had started out performing jazz in the 1920s, and th

9、en turned to R & B in the 1940s. In 1954, he recorded one of the very first rock and roll songs, ShakeRattle and Roll,rock and rolln搖滾樂gradual/rdl/adj.逐漸的,逐步的;平緩的,不陡的decline/dIklaIn/n.衰落,衰敗;減少;下降;vi.&vt.衰落;下降;婉言謝絕go to a decline 走向衰落trend/trend/n.趨勢,動向rhythm/rIm/n.節(jié)奏,韻律;節(jié)律,有規(guī)則的變化rhythm and bluesn(ab

10、br.R& B)節(jié)奏布魯斯;節(jié)奏藍調(diào)rattle/rtl/vi. &vt.(使)發(fā)出咔嗒咔嗒的聲音;使緊張或恐懼從節(jié)奏藍調(diào)到搖滾樂,從20世紀(jì)30年代初期到20世紀(jì)50年代初期,傳統(tǒng)的爵士樂漸漸走向沒落,被一種叫作節(jié)奏藍調(diào)(節(jié)奏布魯斯搖擺樂)或R & B的新音樂趨勢所取代。R & B在當(dāng)時以及現(xiàn)在常常被認(rèn)為是一種美國黑人音樂的形式。它把多種爵士樂的明快節(jié)奏與傳統(tǒng)的藍調(diào)音樂融合起來。在20世紀(jì)50年代早期,一種特定風(fēng)格的R & B開始流行搖滾樂。第一代搖滾樂樂手之一就是胖子喬特納。他是一名美國黑人歌手,20世紀(jì)20年代開始演奏爵士樂,到20世紀(jì)40年代轉(zhuǎn)向表演R & B。1954年,他錄制了最原

11、始的搖滾樂曲之一晃動、吵鬧和搖滾。This became a hit on the R & B charts, and then was recorded by Bill Haley and the Comets, a white band, and became a hit on the pop charts. Bill Haley and the Comets then recorded Rock Around the Clock, which became the number one hit of 1955.Rock Around the Clock caused rock music

12、 to be recognized as its own, separate style, and made it popular around the world.In the early 1950s, a record company owner from Memphis, Tennessee, Sam Philips, sought to bring rock music to white audiences. Because of the prejudice and racial discrimination of the time, he knew that he had to us

13、e white singers or the records might not get played on the radio. In 1954, Elvis Presley made his first record for Philips. Within two years, Presley became the most popular music star in the world, and even today he is known as the King of Rock and Roll. He had seventeen number one songs and ten nu

14、mber one albums. Only one musical act has sold more records. become a hit 轟動一時hit 作名詞,可表示“風(fēng)行一時的事物(如電影、戲劇、歌曲等)”。comet/kmIt/n.彗星band/bnd/n.樂隊;一伙人;帶子;條紋seek/sik/(sought, sought) vt. &vi.試圖,設(shè)法;尋找,尋求seek to do sth. 試圖做某事prejudice/preddIs/n.偏見,成見 vt.使懷有(或形成)偏見discrimination/dIskrImIneIn/n.歧視,區(qū)別對待;辨別力,鑒賞力r

15、acial discrimination 種族歧視act n表演者,表演組合這首樂曲成了R & B歌曲排行榜的轟動曲目,后來比爾哈利和白人樂隊“彗星”合唱團重新翻唱了這支樂曲,使它成為流行音樂排行榜上的熱門歌曲。比爾哈利和“彗星”合唱團后來又錄制了晝夜搖滾,這是1955年冠軍單曲。晝夜搖滾讓搖滾樂作為一種特有的、獨立的音樂風(fēng)格為人們所認(rèn)可,使它在全世界流行起來。,在20世紀(jì)50年代早期,一位來自田納西州孟菲斯城的唱片公司老板薩姆菲利普斯試圖將搖滾樂帶給白人觀眾。由于當(dāng)時的偏見和種族歧視,他知道他必須啟用白人歌手,否則唱片就可能無法在廣播中播出。1954年,埃爾維斯普雷斯利為菲利普斯錄制了他的第

16、一張唱片。不到兩年,普雷斯利成為世界上最閃耀的流行音樂明星,即使今日,他仍被稱為“搖滾樂之王”。他有17首冠軍單曲和10張冠軍專輯。只有一個音樂組合曾賣出更多唱片。1960s pop musicWith sales of more than 1 billion records, the British pop group known as the Beatles was the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s. The Beatles brought Western pop music to audiences around the world.

17、 Wherever the Beatles went, there was a phenomenon called Beatlemania thousands of fans would surround them, screaming and going crazy trying to see them. In 1965, the Beatles held a concert at Shea Stadium in New York that was attended by approximately 55,000 people. It was one of the first concert

18、s held in a sports stadium and perhaps the largest concert held up to that time. In many, many ways, the Beatles were pioneers for what was to come: Nowadays, concerts held in sports stadiums are common, and it seems that every few years there is a new boy band trying to bring back the magic of the

19、Beatles. However, even though the Beatles broke up in 1970, no group since has ever come close to being as popular or selling as many records.scream/skrim/vi. 尖叫,高聲喊;呼嘯n. 尖叫,尖銳刺耳的聲音go crazy 發(fā)瘋現(xiàn)在分詞短語screaming and going crazy trying . 作surround 的伴隨狀語。同時trying to see them 又作screaming and going crazy 的伴

20、隨狀語。that was attended by . 是that 引導(dǎo)的定語從句,修飾a concert。過去分詞短語held in a sports stadium 作后置定語,修飾concerts。break up 破裂,解散;破碎20世紀(jì)60年代的流行音樂,擁有超過10億張的唱片銷量,英國流行樂隊“披頭士”(或譯“甲殼蟲”)是20世紀(jì)60年代首屈一指的搖滾樂隊?!芭^士”將西方的流行音樂帶給了全世界的聽眾。無論“披頭士”樂隊到哪里,都會出現(xiàn)一種“披頭士狂”現(xiàn)象成千上萬的歌迷圍住他們,尖叫著,瘋狂地想見他們一面。1965年,“披頭士”樂隊在紐約謝伊露天體育場舉辦了一場音樂會,大約有55 0

21、00人參加。這是首批在體育場中舉辦的音樂會中的一場,可能也是截至當(dāng)時最大規(guī)模的音樂會。在許多方面,“披頭士”樂隊是引領(lǐng)未來的先鋒:如今,在體育館中舉辦音樂會已經(jīng)很平常,而且似乎每過幾年就會有一個新的男孩樂隊出現(xiàn),試圖重現(xiàn)“披頭士”樂隊的魅力。但是,盡管“披頭士”樂隊在1970年就解散了,但從那以后沒有一個樂隊能夠望其項背,如此受歡迎,并銷售出如此多的唱片。Step 1Choose the best answers according to the text.1The following statements are right EXCEPT that _.Ain the late part o

22、f the 19th century, black musicians used folk songs to create a kind of music called the bluesBmodern pop music has its roots in the folk songs of black Americans CLouis Armstrong was one of the fathers of blues Djazz sprung up from the blues2All of the following information about Louis Armstrong is

23、 right EXCEPT that _.Ahe was a black trumpet playerBhe was a black singerChe liked to change the music as he was playing it to reflect his feelings at the timeDhe disliked blues so he created jazz3Rock and roll became popular _.Afrom the early 1930sBduring the early 1950sCin the 1920sDin the 1960s4A

24、ccording to the text, we know that _.ABig Joe Turner was one of the first rock and roll musiciansBLouis Armstrong played rock and roll better than Big Joe TurnerCBill Haley was once thought of the best singer in the worldDall the best music in America was created by the black people5Which statement

25、about the Beatles is WRONG according to the text?AThe Beatles was the supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s.BThe Beatles brought Western pop music to audiences around the world.CThe Beatles once held a concert at Shea Stadium in New York.DThe Beatles only had women singers.答案:15CDBADStep 2Fill in

26、each blank with only one word according to the text.From the blues to popEarly jazzOriginComing from the blues, the folk songs of Americans black 1.slavesOne of the fathersLouis Armstrong, 2.different from most musicians, could change the music he was playing to reflect his feelings at the time.Char

27、acteristicsIt is faster and livelier.The player has the ability to 3.adapt the music while playing it.From R & B to rock and rollWith traditional jazz 4.declining gradually, R & B took its place.R & B 5.combined the fast pace of many kinds of jazz with the older blues sound.Rock and roll became popu

28、lar during the early 1950s.Big Joe TurnerAfter 6.turning to R & B from jazz, he recorded Shake, RattleandRoll. Bill Haley and the CometsThe band recorded RockAroundtheClock, which became the number one hit, 7.making rock music popular around the world.Sam PhilipsTo bring rock music to white audience

29、s, he had to use white singers, thus making Elvis Presley “the King of Rock and Roll”Pop music in the 1960sThe BeatlesBeing the 8.supreme rock and roll band of the 1960s.Making pop music popular around the world.Wherever the Beatles went, there being a 9.phenomenon called “Beatlemania” 10.Breaking u

30、p in 1970.一、這樣記單詞記得準(zhǔn)寫得對記得快記得多.基礎(chǔ)詞匯1.rootn起源,起因;根,根莖2.formatn. 形式;格式;版式3.libertyn. 自由4.declinen. 衰落,衰??;下降;減少vt.&vi. 衰落;下降;婉言謝絕5.trendn. 趨勢;動向6.bandn. 樂隊;一伙人;帶子;條紋7.seekvt.&vi. 試圖,設(shè)法;尋求;尋找8.screamvi. 尖叫,高聲喊;呼嘯n. 尖叫,尖銳刺耳的聲音.拓展詞匯1.slaveryn奴隸身份;奴隸制slave n奴隸slaver n奴隸販子2.tendencyn傾向,偏好;趨勢,趨向tend v傾向;趨向3.g

31、radualadj.逐漸的,逐步的;平緩的,不陡的gradually adv.逐漸地;逐步地4.prejudicen偏見,成見 vt.使懷有(或形成)偏見prejudiced adj.有偏見的;有成見的;偏頗的;偏心的5.discriminationn歧視,區(qū)別對待;辨別力,鑒賞力discriminate v辨別,區(qū)分;歧視discriminating adj.有辨別力的;有識別力的;有鑒賞力的1.format n形式;格式;版式記法form (形狀)at以形式格式詞塊file format 文件格式adopt different formats 采用不同的版式2.gradual adj.逐漸

32、的,逐步的;平緩的,不陡的記法grad (步)ual(形容詞后綴)逐步的,漸漸的詞塊a gradual charge in climate氣候的逐漸變化近義slow adj.慢慢的反義sudden adj. 突然的3.decline n衰敗,衰落;下降;減少vt.&vi.衰落;下降;婉言謝絕記法de(向下)cline (傾斜)向下傾斜下降詞塊decline an invitation to dinner 謝絕宴請近義decrease v下降refuse v拒絕反義increase v增加4.trend n趨勢;動向詞塊the latest trend in fashion 服裝界最新的潮流近義

33、tendency n趨勢current n潮流5.prejudice n偏見,成見vt.使懷有(或形成)偏見記法pre(先)judice (判斷)事前的判斷偏見詞塊racial prejudice 種族偏見近義discrimination n. 歧視二、這樣記短語記牢固定短語多積常用詞塊1.spring up突然興起,迅速出現(xiàn)2break up 破裂;破碎;結(jié)束;散開;解散3dance to 伴隨而跳舞4go crazy 變得瘋狂,發(fā)瘋5turn out 結(jié)果是,證明是6bring back 帶回7combine . with 把與結(jié)合8turn to 轉(zhuǎn)向,求助于9be recognized

34、 as . 被認(rèn)為是10lead to 導(dǎo)致1.take a brief look at簡要地回顧2have a tendency to do sth. 有做某事的趨勢3at the/that time 當(dāng)時4the ability to do sth. 做某事的能力5go into a gradual decline 漸漸走向沒落6a new musical trend 一種新的音樂趨勢7become a hit 轟動一時8on the radio 通過收音機9hold a concert 舉行音樂會10come close to 接近三、這樣記句式先背熟再悟通后仿用1.While the

35、blues was popular, as a musical format it lacked variety and was too sad .盡管藍調(diào)音樂非常受歡迎,但作為一種音樂形式,它缺少變化,而且太傷感while意為“盡管”,作從屬連詞,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。While such a drug has not been developed, ongoing research suggests it is possible to do so.盡管這種藥還沒有研發(fā)出來,目前的研究表明這是可能的。2.Wherever the Beatles went, there was a phenome

36、non called Beatlemania thousands of fans would surround them .無論“披頭士”樂隊到哪里,都會出現(xiàn)一種“披頭士狂”現(xiàn)象成千上萬的歌迷圍住他們wherever意為“無論在/到什么地方”,引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。Wherever_his_mother_goes,_the child holds her hand.無論媽媽去哪兒,這孩子總牽著她的手。3. and it seems that every few years there is a new boy band trying to bring back the magic of the B

37、eatles.而且似乎每過幾年就會有一個新的男孩樂隊出現(xiàn),試圖重現(xiàn)“披頭士”樂隊的魅力。it seems that . 意為“似乎,好像”,that引導(dǎo)表語從句。It_seems_that the sky will clear up, and it promises to be a fine day tomorrow.天空似乎馬上要放晴了,預(yù)示著明天是個好天氣。1(教材P30)During the late part of the 19th century, black musicians used these folk songs to create a kind of music call

38、ed the blues, because it had a tendency to be very sad.在19世紀(jì)晚期,黑人音樂家們根據(jù)這些民歌創(chuàng)造了一種被稱作藍調(diào)音樂(又譯布魯斯)的音樂形式,因為這種音樂有憂傷的趨勢。tendency n傾向,偏好;趨勢,趨向(1)a tendency to/towards . 傾向于have a tendency to do sth. 傾向于做某事(2)tend vi.&vt. 傾向;趨向;照料,護理tend to/towards sth. 傾向;趨于;趨向tend to do sth. 往往會/常常會/趨向于做某事tend (to) sb./sth

39、. 照料/護理某人/某物Jacks tendency to be merciful made him popular with his coworkers.杰克仁慈的性格使他在同事中很受歡迎。She has a strong natural tendency to/towards caution.她天生小心謹(jǐn)慎。She tends to_get (get) angry when others disagree with her.別人不同意她的看法時,她往往會生氣。The girls were standing at the gate and tending to customers with

40、smiles.姑娘們站在門口,笑迎顧客。2(教材P30)Thus, from the blues, there sprung up a faster, livelier kind of music called jazz.于是,從藍調(diào)音樂中發(fā)展出一種節(jié)奏更輕快、更活潑的音樂形式,叫作爵士樂。spring up突然興起;迅速出現(xiàn);跳起Fast food restaurants are springing up all over the town.快餐店突然在全城興起了。Doubts sprang up in his mind.他心中開始產(chǎn)生懷疑。spring to life/into actio

41、n突然活躍起來spring to mind 立刻出現(xiàn)在腦海中spring from 來自于,出身于The town springs_to_life during the carnival.狂歡節(jié)期間全城突然活躍起來。The idea for the novel sprang from a trip to India.寫這部小說的想法源于一次去印度的旅行。3(教材P30)From the early 1930s to the early 1950s, traditional jazz went into a gradual decline, and was replaced by a new m

42、usical trend known as rhythm and blues, or R&B.從20世紀(jì)30年代初期到20世紀(jì)50年代初期,傳統(tǒng)的爵士樂漸漸走向沒落,被一種叫作節(jié)奏藍調(diào)(節(jié)奏布魯斯搖擺樂)或R & B的新音樂趨勢所取代。decline n衰落,衰?。粶p少;下降vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言謝絕在減退,在削減decline in sth. 在方面下降(2)decline to do sth. 拒絕/謝絕做某事The latest communication from the market shows the sales of their company is in declin

43、e/on the decline.最新的市場信息表明他們公司的銷量正在下滑。The star declined to_discuss (discuss) his plans with the newspaper reporters. 這位影星謝絕與新聞記者討論他的計劃。Her health has_been_declining (decline) progressively for several months.幾個月以來她的健康狀況一直在惡化。The company reported a small decline in its profits.公司報告其利潤略有減少。trend n趨勢,動

44、向,傾向a trend towards方面的趨勢/動向/潮流/風(fēng)氣set/start a new trend of . 開創(chuàng)的新潮流/風(fēng)氣Many elderly people are not familiar with the trend of modern lifestyle now.現(xiàn)在許多上了年紀(jì)的人對現(xiàn)代生活方式的潮流不熟悉。But recently, we have seen a gradual trend towards healthier food.但是近來我們注意到,人們逐漸傾向于更健康的食物。The film Rambo started/set a new trend of

45、 violent action movies.電影第一滴血開創(chuàng)了暴力動作影片的新潮流。4(教材P31)In the early 1950s, a record company owner from Memphis, Tennessee, Sam Philips, sought to bring rock music to white audiences.在20世紀(jì)50年代早期,一位來自田納西州孟菲斯城的唱片公司老板薩姆菲利普斯試圖將搖滾樂帶給白人觀眾。seek vt.& vi.試圖,設(shè)法;尋找,尋求seek ones fortune尋找發(fā)財機會;外出闖蕩seek sth.from sb. 向某

46、人征求/尋求某物seek to do sth. 設(shè)法/試圖做某事seek out 搜尋出;找出;挑出;努力尋找seek after 追求;尋找seek for 找尋;尋求Many young people went to seek their fortune abroad.許多年輕人去國外尋找發(fā)財?shù)臋C會。Russia is seeking to_slow (slow) the growth of its inflation.俄羅斯政府正力圖遏制本國的通貨膨脹。They sought in vain for somewhere to shelter.他們怎么也找不到一個藏身的地方。You sho

47、uld seek advice from your parents on this problem.關(guān)于這個問題你應(yīng)該征求你父母的建議。5(教材P31)However, even though the Beatles broke up in 1970, no group since has ever come close to being as popular or selling as many records.但是,盡管“披頭士”樂隊在1970年就解散了,但從那以后沒有一個樂隊能夠望其項背,如此受歡迎,并銷售出如此多的唱片。break up破裂,解散;破碎;分解;結(jié)束;分手I want t

48、o plant more bushes to break up the garden a bit.我想多種些矮樹叢把花園稍微分隔成幾部分。What time is the meeting expected to break_up?會議預(yù)計在幾點鐘結(jié)束?break down出故障,壞掉;垮掉break in 破門而入;打斷(談話等)break into 強行闖入;突然起來break out (戰(zhàn)爭、火災(zāi)等)爆發(fā);發(fā)生break away from 脫離;逃離break off 中斷;折斷;突然停止break through 突破;克服Dad would occasionally break_in

49、 with a suggestion.爸爸偶爾會插話,提出建議。I was encouraged to break_away_from old forms and rules.大家鼓勵我破除舊形式和舊框框。If Tim carries on working like this, hell break_down sooner or later.如果蒂姆繼續(xù)這樣工作,身體遲早會垮掉。1Wherever the Beatles went, there was a phenomenon called Beatlemania thousands of fans would surround them,

50、screaming and going crazy trying to see them.無論“披頭士”樂隊到哪里,都會出現(xiàn)一種“披頭士狂”現(xiàn)象成千上萬的歌迷圍住他們,尖叫著,瘋狂地想見他們一面。(1)wherever用作連詞,表示“無論在/到什么地方”,相當(dāng)于no matter where。wherever the Beatles went在此句中是讓步狀語從句,相當(dāng)于no matter where the Beatles went。Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please. 無論你去哪里,請與我保持聯(lián)絡(luò)。(2)whatever, whoe

51、ver, whomever, whichever等既可以引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,又可以引導(dǎo)名詞性從句。引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句時,可以與“no matter疑問詞”互換,“no matter疑問詞”只能引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句,不可引導(dǎo)名詞性從句。Its wrong to give children whatever_they_want.孩子們要什么就給什么是錯誤的。(此處不能用no matter what代替whatever)You can turn to the peoples police for help, no_matter_what/whatever kind of trouble you are in

52、.無論遇到什么困難,你都可以求助于人民警察。Whenever ( No_matter_when) you come, you will be warmly welcomed.無論什么時候來,你都會受到熱烈歡迎。2Nowadays, concerts held in sports stadiums are common, and it seems that every few years there is a new boy band trying to bring back the magic of the Beatles.如今,在體育館中舉辦音樂會已經(jīng)很平常,而且似乎每過幾年就會有一個新的男

53、孩樂隊出現(xiàn),試圖重現(xiàn)“披頭士”樂隊的魅力。It seems that .為固定句型,意為“似乎,好像”,相當(dāng)于Sb./Sth. seems to .。It seems that victory is just a stones throw.Victory seems to be just a stones throw.看來成功只有一步之遙了。It seemed that his opinion was more practical. His opinion seemed_to_be more practical.看起來他的意見更實際一些。.單句語法填空1To show our respect,

54、 we usually have to take our gloves off whoever we are to shake hands with.2We struggled so much to seek for help, but we never lost hope.3Sorry, Im late, for my bike broke down on the half way.4It seems that he is afraid to tell his parents the failure in the exams.5Today there is a trend towards l

55、ess formal clothing.6Most people are not extremes in either direction but do have a tendency (tend) that they prefer.7He declined to_go (go) to the cinema with me, saying that he was busy going over his lessons.8With the development of the central and western China, more and more cities have sprung up in what was a wasteland ten years ago.完成句子1我們外出度假期間,竊賊破門而入,偷走了價值900英鎊的計算機設(shè)備。Burglars broke_in and stole computer equipment worth 900 while we were away on holiday.2食用過多的糖會引起健康問題。Eating too much sugar can lead_to_health_problems.3他好像


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