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1、揚州市2018年初中畢業(yè)、升學統(tǒng)一考試英語試題說明:1本試卷共8頁,包含選擇題(第1題第45題,共45題)、非選擇題(第46題第81題,共3 6題)兩部分。滿分120分,考試時間為100分鐘。考試結(jié)束后,請將本試卷和答題卡一并交 回。2答題前,考生務(wù)必將本人的姓名、準考證號填寫在答題卡相應(yīng)的位置上,同時務(wù)必在試卷的裝訂線內(nèi)將本人的姓名、準考證號、畢業(yè)學校填寫好,在試卷第4頁的右下角填寫好座位號。3所有的試題都必須在專用的答題卡”上作答,選擇題用2B鉛筆作答、非選擇題在指定位置用0.5毫米黑色水筆作答。在試卷或草稿紙上答題無效。一、單項選擇(共15小題;每小題1分,計15分)在下列各題A、B、C

2、、D四個選項中選擇一個能填入題干空白處的最佳答案1. -Who is the lady in red?Miss Gao. She teachesEn glish.A. we B. us C. our D. ours2. does Joa nna take the course in DIY?Every Saturday after noon.A. How long B. How much C. How soon D. How ofte n3. Where would you like to go tomorrow, Beiji ng or Xia n?is OK. It up to you.A

3、. Either B. Neither C. Both D. All4. -1 offered Sandy a helping hand. However, she it.Maybe she can man age herselfA. received B. returned C. refused D. rewarded5. -Mr. Wu has recommended many books. Have you decided first?-Yes. The Little Prince.A. how to read B. which to read C. whe n to readD. wh

4、ere to read6. - If I want to be an astronaut, how will I get to be one?-Youdo well in school and tame your fears.A. may B. can C. must D. could7. Hawk ing is no Ion ger with us, he will con ti nue to in spire the world.A. so B. if C. but D. as8. The Queqiao satellite(衛(wèi)星)will form abridge between con

5、trollers on Earth and the farside of the Moon.A. con tributio n B. com mun icati on C. celebrati on D. competiti on9. Hi, guys, please write three facts youlast term in your project.A. lear nedB. are lear ningC. have lear nedD. lear n10. -When will your sister go to En gla nd?SheLondon since four mo

6、n ths ago.A. went to B. has gone to C. has bee n to D. has bee n in11. We should stopfireworks to reduce polluti on.A. gett ing offB. tur ning offC. tak ing offD. sett ing off12. - What are you watchi ng?-The Story of China. This part at China Block Prin ti ng Museum of Yan gzhou in2014.A. filmed B.

7、 was filmed C. has filmed D. is filmed13. I cant afford the white dress.-What about the orange one? The price is a little.A. cheaper B. higher C. lowerD. more expensive14. You must hand in your report tomorrow.-What?.We cant fin ish it that quickly.A. No way B. No problem C. Thats right D. Thats for

8、 sure15. -Im tired out.How can you be man ager and acco untant at one time?.A. The early bird catches the wormB. Dont put all your eggs in one basketC. Actions speak louder tha n wordsD. Dont burn the can dle at both ends、完形填空(共15小題;每小題1分,計15分)閱讀下面短文,從文后各題所給的 A、B、C、D四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。One after noon a fe

9、w mon ths after Tom and I were married. Max walked into the di ning room, where I was look ing through my old photos.These mon ths I was lear ning to let Max come 16 on his own .If I moved too quickly, he ran away. If I was 17 , we often en ded up play in g, laugh ing, and recen tly, even sitt ing t

10、ogether on the sofa with a book.“ Who s that? ” he poin ted photre“ My mom. I suppose she is your 18 Sylvia. ”“ Cool. Who is that to me?”“ That was my gra ndfather. He died a few mon ths ago.”“ Hmm. Too bad he had to die.”Death is always a painful 19 especially for a seve n-year-old child who d lost

11、 his mother only two years before. I secretly put away the pictures of 20relatives.He bega n to fin ger through the photos. Who is that to me?Un der his fin ger I could see my own face. I should have known the an swer to his21questi on. But I said, your I m mom. r m sorry that your first mom died.”“

12、 What should I call you?” he asked.Mom, I wan ted to cry. I held back.You can call me Mom or Betsy. 23 feels OK for you. ”I waited, expect ing a pronoun ceme nt of my new 24.Sweet, he said, walking out of the room.For a couple of days afterward, Max 25 a new title for me. Can we go bowling? Can I wa

13、tch TV?” h ed ask, and then 26 the questions by mouthing the word Mom. Mom was always 27One weekend, he suddenly said, I notice I dont call you Mom.”I noticed that too.”“ 28 I say Betsy, I mean Mom. Moms die, you know. I think its maybe29 ifyou re just Betsy. ”Tears艮淚)were filling my eyes.Hey, Betsy

14、?“ Yeah,I ”aid, tak ing pleasure in the new30of my old n ame.16. A. dow nB. nearC. closeD.back17. A. kindB. patie ntC. HelpfulD.con fide nt18. A. gra ndmotherB. motherC. auntD.cousin19. A. subjectB.speechC. messageD.sign20. A. deadB. bori ngC. unknownD.strict21. A. simpleB. properC. stupidD. funny22

15、. A. n aturalB. pastC. onlyD.second23. A. WhoeverB. WhateverC. ThatD. Anybody24. A. positionB. n ameC. titleD.call25. A. worked outB. turned outC. carried outD.tried out26. A. an swerB. followC. confirmD.raise27. A. aliveB. wiseC.sile ntD.lost28. A. Un tilB.beforeC.WhenD.Un less29. A. politerB. safe

16、rC.sadderD.riskier30. A. pronun ciati onB. announ ceme ntC. voiceD.sou nd、閱讀理解(共15小題;每小題2分,計30分)閱讀下列內(nèi)容,從每小題所給的 A、B、C、D四個選項中選出一個最佳答案。AThink of the ani mal world. and a group of colorful wild ani mals will spri ng to mind: a parrots rainbow feathers or the showy scales of sea fish. But, many mammals(哺

17、乳動物 )on the planet come in only two colors: black and white. Spend some time exploring what scienee has discoveredabout these ani mals appeara nces, and you ll see that basic black and white isnt so basic at all.aware of their smelly spray, which causes no real harm to its victims, but it makes them

18、 un comfortable.Zebras thin coats make them more vulnerablethanIon g-haired ani mals to bit ing flies that carry disease, but the coats stripes prevent flies from landing on them, for reasons that scientists are still study ing. Further, their attractive ness to flies in creases with stripe width. N

19、o two zebras stripes are exactly the same.31. According to the passage, which of the following sentences is TRUEA. The pan das white parts help it hide aga inst snow.B. Both white spots and white stripes help skunks kill their victims.C. Zebras with wider stripes are less attractive to flies.D. Scie

20、n tists have already known all the secrets about the stripes.32. What does the underlined word vulnerable mean?A. Being easily Ian ded.B. Being easily attracted.C. Being easily discovered.D. Being easily attacked.33. Which could be the best title of the passage?A. Why Animal Stripes Come in Differe

21、nt ShapesB. Why So Ma ny Ani mals Wear Black-a nd-White CoatsC. How Wild Ani mals Protect Themselves from En emiesD. How Black and White Become Basic Colors in Animal WorldBI saved the grain carefully and fin ally had eno ugh to pla nt. I built a wall around my garde n to keep the wild goats away.Th

22、en whe n my crop bore its fruit, the birds discovered it. The birds were not afraid of my dog at all. I shot them but as soon as I walked away. they retur ned. At last, I killed some birds and hung them among the crop, hoping they would serve as the scarecrows, which turned out to be successful. By

23、harvest time. I had nearly two bushels of rice and two and a half bushels of wheat.With my new grain to store, I found a new problem . The fine grain ran through my baskets. It took me n early two mon ths to form and dry two ugly pots- one for rice and one for wheat.Next I formed a clay oven and mad

24、e some other tools from hard wood and cloth to bake bread.I made and baked bread in my ove n. I spe nt the third year on the isla nd in farming and bak ing.Soon after that. I began to think of my days sailing in a tidy boat with Xury. I wished to have a boat and explore the isla nd by sea.I tried to

25、 turn over the ships boat that I had seen washed up, but failed. I was still determined to have a boat. So I chose a strong tree and spe nt weeks cutt ing it dow n. Then it took me mon ths to tur n it from tree to boat.When it was time to launch, I realized I had made my boat too far from the neares

26、t stream. The boat was far too heavy for me to move. I tried bringing the water to the boat instead of the boat to the water. I soon saw it would take me twenty years of con sta nt labor.I celebrated my fourth year on the isla nd with two boats, but I was no closer to a sea journ ey.Take n from The

27、Adve ntures of Robinson Crusoe34. Paragraph 2 mainly tells us.A. how much rice and wheat I harvestedB. how many tools I made to bake breadC. how I protected my crop from the birdsD. how I kept the wild goats away from my crop35. What does a new problem in Paragraph 3 refer to?A. How to pla nt grain.

28、B. How to make pots.C. How to store grai n.D. How to fix the baskets.36. By the last sentence I was no closer to a sea journey, the writer meansA. I was gett ing closer and closer to the seaB. I was gett ing farther and farther from the seaC. it was possible for me to have a sea journey in my boatsD

29、. it was still impossible for me to explore the isla nd by sea37. What can we infer(推斷)from the passage?A. I man aged to turn over the ships boat.B. I spent months bringing the boat to the nearest stream.C. I tried to solve the problems with my courage and wisdom.D. I spent the third year on the isl

30、and in farming and baking.CThis spring, the town of Oso saw twice the usual rainfall. When the sun finally shone, LoAnna and Kriss three older kids ran outside. Inside, LoAnna nursed their four-month-old Kristian. Suddenly LoAnna heard a loud noise. She rushed outside in time to see a half-mile-wide

31、 mud and sand thundering down the hill toward them, knocking over hundreds of trees. Mudslide( 泥流 )!LoAnna gathered everyone into the bedroom farthest from the falling hill side and waited.Kris got a call from LoAnna, He hurriedly drove home.Highway 530 was covered with thick sand, fallen trees. Kri

32、s had to run home.The mud came up to his knees. Suddenly he heard a woman screaming for help. He pulled through mud, over pieces of houses to the source of the cries.At first, he saw an arm reaching up through the debris. There, a woman, buried under pieces of walls. furniture, and trees. was holdin

33、g a baby. Finally, he freed the baby. By this time, other citizens had come.After saving the woman, Kris moved on. He was still a mile from home. Ahead lay two fallen houses. He heard a moan. Stepping toward the house, Kris nearly killed himself in the mud. An older man was trapped in house debris.

34、He was twice Kriss weight. Hed have to wait for more help.Just then, Kris heard another man moaning from the second house. Kris pulled awaysomepieces of the house, but the man was buried too deeply for him.Hearing helicopter( 直升飛機 ) on the roof, Kris climbed up, met a member of the search-and-rescue

35、 team and led him to the first man. Then he headed back and kept digging until he could turn the second man over. After the rest of the team arrived, Kris moved on to find his family.Kris finally reached home. It was flooded, but the mud had stopped just shy of the house. His truck was gone, as were

36、 LoAnna and the others. He checked cars and houses nearby for survivors, then ran to the command center.Not long after he arrived, he saw his truck coming down the road. LoAnna jumped out.Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.38. The purpose of the first two paragraphs is to.A. create an

37、 unu sual sett ing of the storyB. in troduce the cen tral idea of the storyC. describe a turning point of the storyD. review the main character of the story39. Which of the follow ing is the correct order of the story?a. Kris found a man buried too deeply for him.b. Kris heard a woma n scream ing fo

38、r help.c. Kris led a rescue member to save the older man.d. Kris found LoA nna, kids and his truck gone.e. Kris was nearly killed in the mud.A.beacd B.badec C.aecbd D.aedbc40. Which of the following sentences is TRUE ?A. Kris saved three pers ons in all.B. Kris saved the baby by himself.C. Kris pull

39、ed the first man out of mud.D. Kris found some survivors n ear his house.41. Which sentence best shows the cen tral theme in the text?A. Kris got a call from LoA nna.B. He was still a mile from home.C. He saw his truck coming dow n the road.D. Kris was praised by the Red Cross for his heroics.D“ Gro

40、wing up, Enstein saw his father struggle to support the family and move the family for differe nt jobs, Ein ste in had to move betwee n schools and it was challe nging for him to catch up with his new class. ”This story about the struggles(f +)of famous scie ntists cant be found in your scie nee tex

41、tbook, but a new study suggested maybe it should be.In the study, 402 9th- and 10th-grade students from four New York City high schools in low-i ncome areas were divided into three groups. The stude nts read some 800-word stories about Albert Einstein and Marie Curie. The control group read a regula

42、r scienee textbook description about their great achieveme nts. Ano ther group read about the scie ntists pers onal struggles, like Ein ste ins running away from Nazi Germa ny. The third group read about the scie ntists in tellectual struggles, as they tried differe nt experime nts- and failed.As it

43、 turned out. the stude nts who had read about scie ntists struggles, whether pers onal orintellectual, had higher grades than students who had read about achievements. Those who weren t gett ing good grades to begi n with gained the most. Those in the con trol group not only did nt see a grade in cr

44、ease, they had lower grades tha n the gradi ng before the study bega n.“ We think that struggle stories showed scientists weaknesses.” tlwhirdsearchers write,creates a sense of conn ecti on betwee n the stude nts and scie ntists. And that may make it easier for stude nts to see them as role models”“

45、 When kids think Ein ste in is a tale nt who is un touchable, the n they believe they will n ever get there, said lead researcher Xiaodong Lin-Siegler, PhD.If we want to educate a future generation of great scientists, we can start by changing the way we talk about the great scientists of the past.

46、An 800-word story abou t scientists failures, not just their achieveme nts, in scie nee textbooks will make it happe n.42. What does the article mai nly talk about?A. Lear ning about struggles of scie ntists may help stude nts succeed in scie nee.B. Reading stories of scientists achievements will he

47、lp educate future scientists.C. Science textbooks should describe scie ntists failures in stead of their achieveme nts.D. Stories of scie ntists struggles may make stude nts see scie ntists as being un touchable.43. From Paragraph 4 , we can know that.A. those good at scie nee achieved most from thi

48、s exerciseB. the con trol group had lower grades tha n the other two groupsC. the stude nts grades in the con trol group rema ined the sameD. the stude nts in the third group had the highest grades44. Whats the main idea for Paragraphs 5 and 6 ?A. Findings of the studyB. Expla nati ons from the rese

49、archersC. Process of the studD. Suggestio ns from the researchers45. In the study, which of the follow ing would the third group probably read?A. Ein ste in won many awards in his life, in cludi ng the 1921 Nobel Prize in physics.B. Going to college was hard for Curie because at that time women were

50、 not allowed to attend school. So, Curie had to study at secret classes.C. By the time she reached college, Curie was able to understand five Ianguages that top scie ntists spoke at that time.D. Often working hour after hour and day after day. Curie devoted herself to solving challe nging problems a

51、nd lear ning from her mistakes.四、詞匯運用(共10小題 海小題1分,計10分)根據(jù)句子意思,用括號中所給漢語提示或英語單詞的適當形式填空。在答題卡標有題 號的橫線上,寫出空缺處所填單詞的正確形式。(每空一詞)46. Cells are the and most basic units of living matter. (small)47. There is a place in my heart where all nations will live some day. (peace)48. Tom is thinking about going as a c

52、owboy for the year at Halloween. (five)49. Dad them to our house and Mum soon had a lunch ready for them.(bri ng)50. The librarian was at me and seemed friendly. (smile)51. Visitors to Yangzhou can enjoy a bite ofdishes at Yechun Tea House.(當?shù)氐模?2. Ge Garden with an area of12,000 meters houses over6

53、0 types of bamboo.(平方的)53. Some valuable jewellery in that shop was last week.(偷)54. Yangzhou Eight Eccentrics were a group ofwho created their own style.(藝術(shù)家)55. Chinahas changed our country and impressed the world.(速度)五、任務(wù)型閱讀(共10空;每空1分,計10分)閱讀下面短文,根據(jù)短文中的信息完成文后表格。在答題卡標有題號的橫線上,寫出空缺處所填單詞的正確形式。(每空一詞)B

54、ey ond its in flue nce on health, not gett ing eno ugh sleep can lead to car accide nts or other mistakes. Here are what sleep researchers have found about how to sleep.How much sleep do we actually n eed?It is known that all of us n aturally n eed no less tha n eight hours of sleep per ni ght. Whe

55、n we sleep below six hours per 24. were at an in creased risk of health problems. Some of us think we can make up any of those hours lost duri ng the week on the weeke nds. Sadly there is no storage system for sleep in the brain.Can we train ourselves to n eed less sleep?As a study in 1964, a 17-yea

56、r-old boy n amed Randy Gardner stayed awake for 264 hours. How many people could do anything close to that without dying?When you are readi ng this, you might say you usually get six hours of sleep and feel just fine. Sleep experts ofte n compare people without eno ugh sleep to drun k drivers: They

57、don t get beh ind the wheel thinking theyre probably going to kill some one.Can we drink coffee in stead of sleep ing?Coffee can keep us awake. Remember, too much coffee may throw off our sleep and en ergy cycles. So limit coffee and avoid caffeine for four to six hours before bedtime.Does a sense of purpose conn ect to sleep quality?A n


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