1、Section 1Questions 1-10 are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Edith Wharton, The House ofMirth, originally published in 1905.Selden paused in surprise. In the afternoon rush of theGrand Central Station his eyes had been refreshed by thesight of Miss Lily Bart.It was a Monda
2、y in early September, and he wasreturning to his work from a hurried dip into the country; butwhat was Miss Bart doing in town at that season? If she hadappeared to be catching a train, he might have inferred thathe had come on her in the act of transition between one andanother of the country-house
3、s which disputed her presenceafter the close of the Newport season; but her desultory airperplexed him. She stood apart from the crowd, letting itdrift by her to the platform or the street, and wearing an airof irresolution which might, as he surmised, be the mask of avery definite purpose. It struc
4、k him at once that she waswaiting for someone, but he hardly knew why the ideaarrested him. There was nothing new about Lily Bart, yet hecould never see her without a faint movement of interest: itwas characteristic of her that she always roused speculation,that her simplest acts seemed the result o
5、f far-reachingintentions.An impulse of curiosity made him turn out of his directline to the door, and stroll past her. He knew that if she didnot wish to be seen she would contrive to elude him; and itamused him to think of putting her skill to the test.“Mr. Seldenwhat good luck!”She came forward sm
6、iling, eager almost, in her resolve tointercept him. One or two persons, in brushing past them,lingered to look; for Miss Bart was a figure to arrest even thesuburban traveler rushing to his last train.Selden had never seen her more radiant. Her vivid head,relieved against the dull tints of the crow
7、d, made her moreconspicuous than in a ball-room, and under her dark hat andveil she regained the girlish smoothness, the purity of tint,that she was beginning to lose after eleven years of late hoursand indefatigable dancing. Was it really eleven years, Seldenfound himself wondering, and had she ind
8、eed reached thenine-and-twentieth birthday with which her rivals creditedher?“What luck!” she repeated. “How nice of you to come tomy rescue!”He responded joyfully that to do so was his mission inlife, and asked what form the rescue was to take.“Oh, almost anyeven to sitting on a bench and talkingto
9、 me. One sits out a cotillionwhy not sit out a train? Itisnt a bit hotter here than in Mrs. Van Osburghsconservatoryand some of the women are not a bit uglier.”She broke off, laughing, to explain that she had come up totown from Tuxedo, on her way to the Gus Trenors atBellomont, and had missed the t
10、hree-fifteen train toRhinebeck. “And there isnt another till half-past five.” Sheconsulted the little jeweled watch among her laces. “Just twohours to wait. And I dont know what to do with myself. Mymaid came up this morning to do some shopping for me, andwas to go on to Bellomont at one oclock, and
11、 my auntshouse is closed, and I dont know a soul in town.” Sheglanced plaintively about the station. “It is hotter than Mrs.Van Osburghs, after all. If you can spare the time, do takeme somewhere for a breath of air.”He declared himself entirely at her disposal: theadventure struck him as diverting.
12、 As a spectator, he hadalways enjoyed Lily Bart; and his course lay so far out of herorbit that it amused him to be drawn for a moment into thesudden intimacy which her proposal implied.1. Which of the following provides the most reasonable summary of the passage?(A) Two close friends meet to spend
13、the day together.(B) A traveler notices a woman acting suspiciously.(C) Two acquaintances unexpectedly run into one another.(D) A couple prepare to board a train for a romantic getaway.2. Seldens attitude towards Lily Bart is primarily one of(A) attraction.(B) fascination.(C) disdain.(D) pity.3. Whi
14、ch choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A) Lines 1-3 (“In the Bart”)(B) Lines 6-11 (“If she him”)(C) Lines 16-20 (“There was intentions”)(D) Lines 22-24 (“He knew test”)4. Over the course of the passage, the main focus of the narrative shifts from the(A) grim an
15、d suspicious attitude of one character to the gregarious behavior of another.(B) meticulous plans laid by one character to the carefree adventures enjoyed by another.(C) appreciation of abstract beauty to the enjoyment of living in the moment.(D) private thoughts of one character about another to a
16、friendly interaction between the two.5. The passage suggests that Lily thinks it is good luck to run into Selden because(A) she is in grave danger and thinks he can save her.(B) she has been meaning to talk to him for a long time.(C) she likes him better than the person she was planning to see.(D) s
17、he has nothing to do until her train arrives.6. Which choice provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A) Lines 14-16 (“It struck him”)(B) Lines 41-42 (“He responded take”)(C) Line 52 (“And I myself”)(D) Lines 56-58 (“It is air”)7. The primary purpose of lines 5-11 (“but wh
18、at him”) is to(A) establish that Miss Bart does not live in town.(B) suggest that Miss Bart owns many houses in Newport.(C) imply that Selden thinks Miss Bart is untrustworthy.(D) explain why Selden is surprised to see Miss Bart.8. Selden walks towards Lily because(A) he is curious about why she is
19、at the station.(B) he is hoping she will suggest they spend time together.(C) he wants to see if she remembers him.(D) he has missed her very much.9. As used in line 28 the word “arrest” most nearly means(A) apprehend.(B) detain.(C) impede.(D) enthrall.10. In the context of the passage, the authors
20、use of the phrase “eleven years of late hours and indefatigable dancing” (lines 34-35) is primarily meant to convey the idea that Lily(A) is a professional dancer.(B) prefers late parties to daytime activities.(C) has never really been very punctual.(D) has spent much of her youth in lively recreati
21、on.Questions 11-20 are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from a speech given by President Lyndon B. Johnson at the University of Michigan on May 22, 1964, announcing his plan to establish several new governmental social service organizations. For a century we labored to settle a
22、nd to subdue acontinent. For half a century we called upon unboundedinvention and untiring industry to create an order of plentyfor all of our people. The challenge of the next half century iswhether we have the wisdom to use that wealth to enrich andelevate our national life, and to advance the qua
23、lity of ourAmerican civilization.Your imagination and your initiative and yourindignation will determine whether we build a society whereprogress is the servant of our needs, or a society where oldvalues and new visions are buried under unbridled growth.For in your time we have the opportunity to mo
24、ve not onlytoward the rich society and the powerful society, but upwardto the Great Society. The Great Society rests on abundanceand liberty for all. It demands an end to poverty and racialinjustice, to which we are totally committed in our time. Butthat is just the beginning.The Great Society is a
25、place where every child can findknowledge to enrich his mind and to enlarge his talents. It isa place where leisure is a welcome chance to build and 20reflect, not a feared cause of boredom and restlessness. It is aplace where the city of man serves not only the needs of thebody and the demands of c
26、ommerce but the desire for beautyand the hunger for community. It is a place where man canrenew contact with nature. It is a place which honors creationfor its own sake and for what it adds to the understanding ofthe race. It is a place where men are more concerned with thequality of their goals tha
27、n the quantity of their goods.But most of all, the Great Society is not a safe harbor, aresting place, a final objective, a finished work. It is achallenge constantly renewed, beckoning us toward a destinywhere the meaning of our lives matches the marvelousproducts of our labor. Within your lifetime
28、 powerful forces,already loosed, will take us toward a way of life beyond therealm of our experience, almost beyond the bounds of ourimagination. For better or for worse, your generation hasbeen appointed by history to deal with those problems and tolead America toward a new age. You have the chance
29、 neverbefore afforded to any people in any age. You can help builda society where the demands of morality, and the needs ofthe spirit, can be realized in the life of the Nation.So, will you join in the battle to give every citizen the fullequality which God enjoins and the law requires, whateverhis
30、belief, or race, or the color of his skin? Will you join inthe battle to give every citizen an escape from the crushingweight of poverty? Will you join in the battle to make itpossible for all nations to live in enduring peaceasneighbors and not as mortal enemies? Will you join in thebattle to build
31、 the Great Society, to prove that our materialprogress is only the foundation on which we will build aricher life of mind and spirit?There are those timid souls that say this battle cannot bewon, that we are condemned to a soulless wealth. I do notagree. We have the power to shape the civilization t
32、hat wewant. But we need your will and your labor and your hearts,if we are to build that kind of society. Those who came tothis land sought to build more than just a new country. Theysought a new world. So I have come here today to yourcampus to say that you can make their vision our reality. Solet
33、us from this moment begin our work so that in the futuremen will look back and say: It was then, after a long andweary way, that man turned the exploits of his genius to thefull enrichment of his life.11. Based on the passage, what is the best description of Johnsons vision of the Great Society?(A)
34、A time when each American has an equal share of the nations wealth(B) A nation in which citizens continuously seek to improve themselves and society(C) A very exclusive club for the most powerful people in the country(D) An organization dedicated to strengthening public infrastructure12. Which choic
35、e provides the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A) Lines 4-7 (“The challenge civilization”)(B) Lines 12-14 (“For in Society”)(C) Lines 30-33 (“It is labor”)(D) Lines 56-58 (“Those who world”)13. What is the most likely reason Johnson refers to the founding of the United States?
36、(A) To link the Great Society to the original mission of the country(B) To emphasize how morally superior current generations are to previous ones(C) To decry how far Americans have fallen from their former greatness(D) To provide information about the history of the country14. Which choice provides
37、 the best evidence for the answer to the previous question?(A) Lines 8-11 (“Your imagination growth”)(B) Lines 25-27 (“It is race”)(C) Lines 36-38 (“For better age”)(D) Lines 58-59 (“So I reality”)15. Which of the following would Johnson probably see as a negative symptom of “unbridled growth” (line
38、 11)?(A) A business increases its profits by forcing its employees to work much longer hours.(B) A railroad company expands its tracks across the country in a few months.(C) A higher percentage of a citys children are in school than have been previously.(D) More people purchase at least ten books in
39、 a year than ever before.16. How does Johnson characterize the relationship between the Great Society and “abundance and liberty for all” (lines 14-15)?(A) The Great Society will make abundance and liberty for all possible.(B) Abundance and liberty for all are the ultimate goals of the Great Society
40、.(C) The Great Society and abundance and liberty for all are mutually exclusive.(D) Abundance and liberty for all are the first requirements of the Great Society.17. As used in line 16, “committed” most nearly means(A) consigned.(B) entrusted.(C) assigned.(D) dedicated.18. Which best describes lines
41、 18-28? (“The Great goods”)(A) A list of ways in which the Great Society is already a reality(B) A description of the hardships preventing Americans from realizing the Great Society(C) An explanation of how Johnson came up with the vision for the Great Society(D) A description of different aspects o
42、f Johnsons vision for the Great Society19. As used in line 34, “l(fā)oosed” most nearly means(A) unleashed.(B) relaxed.(C) extricated.(D) slackened.20. Johnson most likely repeats the phrase “will you” (lines 42-51) in order to(A) demonstrate that his audience has many options before them.(B) inspire hi
43、s listeners to join him in achieving his goal.(C) scold younger generations for neglecting his plans so far.(D) repeat key information to ensure that listeners can understand what he is saying.Questions 21-31 are based on the following passage.This passage is adapted from Cindi May, “The Surprising
44、Problem of Too Much Talent.” 2014 by Scientific American.Whether youre the owner of the Dallas Cowboys orcaptain of the playground dodge ball team, the goal inpicking players is the same: Get the top talent. Hearts havebeen broken, allegiances tested, and budgets busted as teamscontend for the best
45、athletes. The motivation for recruitingpeak performers is obviousexceptional players are the keyto team successand this belief is shared not only bycoaches and sports fans, but also by corporations, investors,and even whole industries. Everyone wants a team of stars.While there is no denying that ex
46、ceptional players canput points on the board and enhance team success, newresearch by Roderick Swaab and colleagues suggests there isa limit to the benefit top talents bring to a team. Swaab andcolleagues compared the amount of individual talent onteams with the teams success, and they found strikin
47、gexamples of more talent hurting the team.The researchers looked at three sports: basketball, soccer,and baseball. In each sport, they calculated both thepercentage of top talent on each team and the teams successover several years. For example, they identified top NBAtalent using each players Estim
48、ated Wins Added (EWA), astatistic commonly employed to capture a players overallcontribution to his team, along with selection for the All-Startournament. Once the researchers determined who the eliteplayers were, they calculated top-talent percentage at theteam level by dividing the number of star
49、players on the teamby the total number of players on that team. Finally, teamperformance was measured by the teams win-loss recordover 10 years. For both basketball and soccer, they foundthat top talent did in fact predict team success, but only up toa point. Furthermore, there was not simply a poin
50、t ofdiminishing returns with respect to top talent; there was infact a cost. Basketball and soccer teams with the greatestproportion of elite athletes performed worse than those withmore moderate proportions of top level players.Why is too much talent a bad thing? Think teamwork. Inmany endeavors, s
51、uccess requires collaborative, cooperativework towards a goal that is beyond the capability of any oneindividual. When a team roster is flooded with individualtalent, pursuit of personal star status may prevent theattainment of team goals. The basketball player chasing apoint record, for example, ma
52、y cost the team by taking riskyshots instead of passing to a teammate who is open and readyto score.Two related findings by Swaab and colleagues indicatethat there is in fact tradeoff between top talent and teamwork.First, Swaab and colleagues found that the percentage of toptalent on a team affects
53、 intrateam coordination. For thebasketball study, teams with the highest levels of topperformers had fewer assists and defensive rebounds, andlower field-goal percentages. These failures in strategic,collaborative play undermined the teams effectiveness. Thesecond revealing finding is that extreme l
54、evels of top talentdid not have the same negative effect in baseball, whichexperts have argued involves much less interdependent play.In the baseball study, increasing numbers of stars on a teamnever hindered overall performance. Together these findingssuggest that high levels of top talent will be
55、harmful inarenas that require coordinated, strategic efforts, as the questfor the spotlight may trump the teamwork needed to get thejob done.The lessons here extend beyond the ball field to anygroup or endeavor that must balance competitive andcollaborative efforts, including corporate teams, financ
56、ialresearch groups, and brainstorming exercises. Indeed, theimpact of too much talent is even evident in other animals:When hen colonies have too many dominant, high-producingchickens, conflict and hen mortality rise while eggproduction drops. So before breaking the bank to recruitsuperstars, team o
57、wners and industry experts might want toconsider whether the goal they are trying to achieve relies onindividual talent alone, or a cooperative synergy from theteam. If the latter, it would be wise to reign in the talent andfocus on teamwork.21. Which of the following best describes the structure of the passage as a whole?(A) A collection of anecdotes about sports(B) A description of a study and its potential impli
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