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1、Design and Organization of English Listening Class作者:米玉巧(初中英語甘肅定西初中英語一班)評論數(shù) /瀏覽數(shù):0 / 927發(fā)表日期:2009-08-14 11:17:35Design and Organization of English Listening Class ActivitiesAbstractAs thereformationoftraditionalELT is advancing, andthe ELT concept ischanging gradually from teacher-centeredpatternto

2、student-centered pattern, the role of educators and learnersshould be accordinglyrenewed. The communicative languageteaching(CLT) should be used more. In the traditional English class,teachers often use the“jug-and- mug” teaching method, andstudents just listen and take notes passively. It lacks of

3、acommunication between teacher and student. English class activityis the main usefulway whichcan transform thetraditionalpattern.An effective class activity can arouse students interest,encourage them to take part in the activity actively, and developtheir communicative competence, and improve the E

4、nglish classteaching result. In the English teaching, listening is oftenunderestimated. Furthermore, the types of listening classactivities are simple and dull. However, listening is the basis ofEnglish study. Listening class activities are related closely tospeaking, reading, and writing. So more a

5、ttention should be paidto listening class activities. First, this paper makes ageneralization of the two main types of English classactivities the whole-class activity and grouping, and analyzestheiradvantagesand disadvantages,and presentssome solutionstothe problems, which arise in the operation pr

6、ocess. Then the paperanalyzes the three main factors that influence English classactivities, which are the teacher, students, and the types andcontent of activity. Finally, it expounds the design andorganization of listening class activities in detail. Key WordsEnglish listening competence; class ac

7、tivities; design;organization英語聽力課堂活動設(shè)計與組織 摘 要隨著英語教學(xué)改革地不斷深入 , 英語教學(xué)思想逐漸從以教師為主體轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)橐詫W(xué)生為主體,教育者和受教育者地地位也應(yīng)該重新定位, 交際法教學(xué)應(yīng)該更多地應(yīng)用于英語地課堂教學(xué)中. 在傳統(tǒng)地英語課堂中, 教師“滿堂灌” , 學(xué)生被動地聽講、做筆記 , 師生之間缺少交流 . 英語課堂活動是改變這一傳統(tǒng)模式地主要有效手段 . 英語課堂活動可以激發(fā)學(xué)生地學(xué)習興趣 , 鼓勵他們主動參與 , 培養(yǎng)學(xué)生應(yīng)用語言地能力 , 提高英語課堂地教學(xué)效果 . 在英語課堂教學(xué)中 , 聽力教學(xué)經(jīng)常被忽略 , 聽力課堂活動形式單一、枯燥 . 但

8、是聽力是學(xué)好英語地基礎(chǔ) , 聽力課堂活動與說、讀、寫緊密相關(guān) . 因此聽力課堂活動更應(yīng)該受到關(guān)注 . 本文先總結(jié)了兩大類英語課堂活動全班活動和分組活動, 分析了他們地優(yōu)、缺點 , 并對其實施過程中所產(chǎn)生地問題提出解決方法. 然后分析了影響英語課堂活動地三大因素教師、學(xué)生、活動地類型和內(nèi)容.最后 , 詳細闡述了英語聽力課堂活動地組織與設(shè)計. 關(guān)鍵詞 英語聽力;課堂活動;設(shè)計;組織1.IntroductionAs an importantinternationallanguage,Englishhas gained increasingattentionfromChinese.Inthe trad

9、itional ELT, teachers always act as absolute controllers.They always teach new words or grammars, explain texts, and assignexercises one by one. On the other hand, students only listenpassively,and take notesmechanically,butseldom takepartinthelanguagepractice.Inreallife, Englishis a communicativela

10、nguage.The goal of English language teaching is to enable the students touse English in the real world when necessary. In the traditionalELT, teachers always use some kinds of classroom activities todevelop students writing skill but ignore listening, speakingskills.However,English languageteachingp

11、racticeshoulddevelopstudents overall language skills, namely: listening, speaking,writing, reading and translating. Listening is the ability toidentify and understand what others are saying, which is animportant language skill in English classroom. Because listeningis a critical factor to ones langu

12、age acquisition. If one cantunderstand the teacher s saying well enough, he/she will unableto carry out classroom instructions and to perform all classactivities. 2.The types ofEnglishclass activitiesEnglishclassactivities are mainly divided into whole-class activities andgroupingactivities.2.1The w

13、hole-classactivitiesThe whole classactivitiesare thatstudentsaredoing practicetogether.They writeor say together under the same order of the teacher.“The mostcommonforms of whole-classactivitiesare competition,game, guess,discussion, debate and so on.”1 For example, when teachinglistening,most teach

14、erspreferto adopt thisactivitythat studentsare asked to listen to the same material together and do the sameexercises. Language learning is an emotional and psychologicalexperience.“According to Krashen, the affective filter of thestudent or some psychological factors, can obstruct languageacquisiti

15、on to some degree.” 2 So if a student has littermotivation, lacks of self-confidence and so on, he/she will be notgood at language acquisition, especially, to the kind of studentswho are afraid of making errors or“l(fā)osing face ” in public. Forexample, when a teacherasks severalpointedstudentsto answe

16、r thesame question. English-proficient students always answerconfidentlyeven thoughthey do notknow thecorrectanswer. On thecontrary, less competent students in English behave with littleconfidence, because they are afraid that their answer is wrong.However, the best advantage of whole-class activiti

17、es is just itcan help to overcome students obstructivepsychologicalfactors,motivatestudents learninginterest.Though whole -classactivitycan make a relaxed class, it always gives rise to noise. Moreover,somehow it is mechanical. It takes the whole class at the samelanguagelevel,but ignoresthat there

18、are many differencesexistingin a class. For example, after listening a text, all students dothe same exercises at the same speed. Butlimited-English-proficientstudentsmay not finishwithinthetimelimit or English-proficient students may finish earlier and feelboring. Obviously, whole-class activities

19、are not a good kind ofactivityin today s Englishclass.An Englishclassnot onlyneedsa relaxed atmosphere for optimal learning, but also needs toconsiderthe differences between students.So wellorganizedgroupwork is very needed. 2.2 Grouping In todays language classroom,much of the class time, students

20、are broken down into groups ofdifferentsizes.AccordingtoWangQiang,themost commongroupingsare lockstep, pair work, group work and individual study. 2.2.1Lockstep Lockstep is where all the students are all doing the sameactivity at the same rhythm and pace, and under the control of theteacher. Teacher

21、s prefer to adopt lockstep when making apresentation, checking exercise answers, or doing accuracyreproduction. When the teacher asks questions, the students speakeither togetheror one by one, in turns orindicatedby theteacher.For example, when a teacherisgoingtoteach a new listeninglesson,he/shemak

22、es a presentationand explainsome new words ofthelessonat first. So the whole class listens to the teacher under the sameorder.On the one hand, allthe classisconcentratinginlockstep.The whole classismore orderlyand easierfor theteachertocontrol.Students can get good models from teacher especially in

23、oral. Andteacher s wordscan practicestudents listeningatany time. Onthe other hand, lockstep has some disadvantages. Such as, teachermay say more thanstudents,as a result,studentshave littlechancesto speak. Some of the teachers unprepared 、 illogical andirrelevantwords willgivestudentsunauthenticinp

24、ut.So when doinglockstep, the teacher should avoid speaking too much, otherwise,he/sheisrunningtheriskyof “jug -and- mud” method. For example,beforeteachinga new listeninglesson,itis unnecessarytoexplainthe materialtoo detail,but itis betterforthe studentsto listenand find the difficult points by th

25、emselves. It is advised thatteachersshould pay more attentionon elicitrepliesor answers fromstudents rather than speak out by themselves. 2.2.2 Pair work Pairwork is where two students work together on a certain task. It isa very common method which is used in the communicativemethodology. “Itcould

26、be a competitionover a game or co -operationin a task or project between the two students. They could also docertain exercises together or oral practice.”3 For example,students working in pairs to listen to two different but connectedparts of the same listening material, then they tell each otherwha

27、ts he/she has listened. In pair work, students are given morechances to practice, especially in oral. It also encouragesco-operation which students should support each other. The mostimportant one is that it creates a relaxed and non threatening atmosphere. It seems easier for students to have less

28、psychological pressure when thinking and speaking without being watched by theteacher or the whole class. So their proficiency level will becomehigherand higher.However, because studentsalways thinkand speakwithout being watched, they may stray away from the task easier.And create noise and indiscip

29、line. So before doing pair work, theteacher should explain the task clearly so that students are surewhat they are supported to do. If necessary, the teacher may giveinstructionsin the nativelanguage or demonstratewith one studentfirst. The teacher should make sure every student has a partner.While

30、they are doing pair work, the teacher should walk around theclassroom to make sure every pair is working on the task, and givenecessary help to them. If noise or indiscipline rises to anexcessive level, the teacher can stop the activity simply, solvethe problem with studentsand ask studentsto contin

31、uemore quietly.If some pairs finish the task earlier than others, the teacher maygive them another task so that they will not make noise or loseinterest. 2.2.3 Group work “Group work is a learning activity involves a small group of learners working together. Like pairwhichwork,group work is also an

32、integral part of communicative methodology.The size of groups usually rages from three to eight students. Thegroup may work on a single task, or on different parts of a largertask. Tasks for group members are often selected by the members ofthe group.”4 There are many advantages of group work. First

33、, itprovides a psychologically positive affective climate to promotestudents self-reliance. Most students, especially sheepish orlinguisticallyinsecurefeel stresswhen called uponin thepublicof the lockstepclassroom.This stressis increasedby the knowledgethat they must respond accurately and quickly.

34、 In group work,studentswork together,theydepend on theirgroupmembers, and theydo not care much of “l(fā)osingface ”. Such kind ofconfidenceingroupmembers allowsthem tospeak outtheirthoughtsand feelingwithoutreluctant.Second,groupwork improves thequalityofstudenttalk.In group work,“students are learning

35、to collaborate with theirpeers. By applyingsuch a learningstrategyas cooperative learning,students are promoting both their cognitive learning andinteractive skills. Students are exposed to new ideas andinformation,to differentperspectives andapproaches.They are ina process of discussing, questionin

36、g and organizing, whichfacilitates the comprehension and internalization of criticalconcepts and new information. As they are learning to justify andclaritytheirown pointsof view when exploringan issue orsolvinga problem, they are improving their linguistic competence as wellas their overall communi

37、cative language competence.”5 Third,group work helps toreduce the traditionalstudent-teacherpolarity,providing more opportunities for student-student interaction. Itis simply that studentsdo not have enough timeto practicethe newlanguage in the traditional ESL class, which the teacher sets thesame i

38、nstructional pace and content for everyone, by lecturing,explaining grammar points, leading exercises, asking questions ofthe whole class. In this manner, the teacher takes at least halfof a class period, and the time left for students to practice isinadequate.However, group work has some disadvanta

39、gestoo.As pairwork, several students may stray away the task, making noise andindiscipline. And because students are not at the same languagelevel, some English-proficient students may become the dominatorof the group. All the suggestions for pair work are suitable forgroup work as well.But group wo

40、rk has anotherproblemwhich is howto select group members. Here are some possible ways to group thestudents: group the students according to seating arrangement ordifferenttasks;mix strong studentsand weak studentstogethersothat they can help each other: let students select their own groupmembers, bu

41、t this way is risky; also, the students can be groupedby drawinglots,whichis more interesting. 2.2.4IndividualstudyIndividual study is where the students are left to work on theirown and at their own speed. It is always done in two ways: one isall the students take part in the activity but do differ

42、ent task,the other is one student participates, other students act asonlookers.Peoplereadand write atdifferentspeed, so itisa goodcase in doing individualstudy.In the listeningteaching,teachersalso can ask students listen to different difficulty level ofmaterialsto conform with differentlevels liste

43、ners.Everyclasshas all kinds of individual differences, such as, study attitude,interest, personality. But all of these differences are alwaysignored in other kinds of class activities. In individual study,students can do simultaneously, avoiding the risk of boring otherstudents who do not have the

44、same problem. And there has lessindiscipline and noise. However, individual study is more boringthan group work and pairwork. Because ithas less dynamic classroomand no co-operationbetween students,Inotherwords, itisnotgoodfor studentstodeveloptheirco-operationalability, and theymaybecome boring in

45、English study. In most cases, the whole-classactivities, pair work, group work and individual study cannot beseparated.Teacherstake advantage of these kinds of activitiesandinvolve them so thatthe classactivitiescan achieve the best result.3. The factors influencing class activities Class activities

46、 areinfluencedby variedfactors.Generally,the teacher, studentsandthe form of activity are the most vital factors. 3.1 The teacherTeacher plays an important role at the class activities. It isimpossible that a class activity will success without a teacher.Teacher is the activitys designer, organizer,

47、 controller,prompter, participant and assessor. Before the class, in order toachieve a good result of the activity, the teacher has to designactivitiesand make some preparations.He/she has todecidewhatsthe content and type of the activity, how to run it, the abilityof the class, time available, etc.

48、 While students are doing theactivity,theteachershould controlovertheactivityto make surestudentsdo the taskinthe certaintargetlanguageand do notstrayaway thetopic.Also,the teacher scontrolwhichitconcernsheremeans appropriate degree of control. When students come acrossdifficultieswhile theyare doin

49、gthe activity, theteachershouldhelp them to overcome difficulties and encourage them to go on.Moreover,theteacherhave to walkaround theclassroom and may takepart in several groups as an ordinary participant, this will helpto enhance the teacher-student interaction. When the activity isover, it is te

50、achers obligation to make a degree of assessmentof studentss performance. He/She should make an assessment ofevery group s work, the success and fail of the activity, etc. Itis advised that teacher should build an evaluation system. Andremember thatitis vitalnecessary to make more positiveassessment

51、than negative assessment. Besides, teachers understanding,expectation of the class activities, teacher s langua attitude towards students influence greatly of class activities. So first, teacher should take a right attitude towards class activities. Teachers should not consider class activities asge level,“play”, but do remember that proper class activities take greateffect in develop students communicative competence. Second,teachers should make appropriate expectation of the activityactively. The e


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