



1、石家莊市2012-2013學(xué)年度七年級(jí)第一學(xué)期期末考試英語試題答案. 聽句子,選出句中所包含的信息。(每小題1分,計(jì)4分)1-4 bcb a. 聽句子,選擇該句的最佳答語。(每小題1分,計(jì)4分)5-8 cacb . 聽對(duì)話和問題,選擇最佳答案。(每小題1分,計(jì)4分)9-12 aaba . 聽短文,選擇正確答案。(每小題1分,計(jì)3分)13-15 ccb v聽對(duì)話,填出所缺信息。(每小題1分,計(jì)5分)16 math(s)17 interesting18 (too) difficult / hard19 wednesday 20 artvi. 單項(xiàng)選擇。(每小題1分,共15分)21-25 cadab

2、 26-30 dcbbc31-35dbadavii. 完形填空。(每小題1分,計(jì)10分)36-40 cdabd41-45 cbcda viii. 閱讀理解。(每小題2分,計(jì)20分)46-50 cdcab51-55 bdcabix. 任務(wù)型閱讀。(每小題2分,共10分)56.acebd57. thirty-ninth 58. 籃球賽在9月21日,星期一舉行。59. she is in china (now). / in china (now).60. no, it isnt. / no.x.詞語運(yùn)用。 (每詞限用一次,有一詞是多余的)(每小題1分,計(jì)4分)61. take 62. sports

3、63. strawberries 64. pairs xi. 句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(每空1分,共6分)65. doesnt; have 66. does; eat 67. how; old xii. 基礎(chǔ)寫作。(共15分)a. 連詞成句。(每小題1分,計(jì)5分)68. how old are you?69. where is our baseball?70. thank you for your help.71. i dont want to be fat.72. the map is in your grandparents room.b. 書面表達(dá)。(計(jì)10分) 略附聽力材料:第一題:聽句子,選出句中

4、所包含的信息。下面你將聽到四個(gè)句子,每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。請(qǐng)你聽完每個(gè)句子的第二遍朗讀后,從各小題所給出的a、b、c三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出所聽句子中包含的信息。number 1. my mothers birthday is december 16th.number 2. we have blue skirts for 30 dollars.number 3. my clock is on the bed.number 4. i like tennis because its fun.第二題:聽句子,選出該句的最佳答語。下面你將聽到四個(gè)句子,每個(gè)句子讀兩遍。請(qǐng)你聽完句子的第二遍朗讀后,從各小題所給出的a、

5、b、c三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出該句的最佳答語。number 5. hi,eric. how are you?number 6. lets go and play soccer!number 7. whats your favorite fruit?number 8. what color of the trousers do you like?第三題:聽對(duì)話、語段和問題,選擇最佳答案。下面你將聽到四組對(duì)話和問題,每組對(duì)話和問題讀兩遍。請(qǐng)你聽完對(duì)話和問題的第二遍朗讀后,從各小題所給出的a、b、c三個(gè)選項(xiàng)中,選出最佳答案。number 9. w: hi. nick, lets play computer

6、games. m: ok. whats your id? w: 9907865. what about yours? m: 7809556.question: whats the girls id in the computer games?number 10. m: mom, where are my baseballs? w: are they on the desk? m: no, they arent. w: are they in your schoolbag? m: oh, yes, they are.question: where are the boys baseballs?n

7、umber 11. w: when do we have a volleyball game? m: on the 10th of july. w: isnt it on june 10th? m: no. thats the football game.question: when do the speakers have the volleyball game?number 12. m: cindy, does your sister like hamburgers? w: yes, she likes them very much. m: what about you? w: i lik

8、e vegetables. they are healthy.question: who likes vegetables?第四題:聽短文,選擇正確答案。 下面你將聽到一篇短文,短文讀兩遍。請(qǐng)你聽完短文的第二遍朗讀后,根據(jù)短文的內(nèi)容,完成13至15小題。look at the picture of my family. the man in black is my father. the woman in yellow is my mother. they are teachers. my father is a math teacher, and my mother is an englis

9、h teacher. but my favorite subject is chinese. the girl in a yellow dress is my sister. she is nine. i am thirteen. i am a student. my name is wang peng. you can see im in a white sweater in the picture.question number 13. what subject does wang pengs mother teach?question number 14. who is in yello

10、w in the picture?question number 15. how many people are there in wang pengs family?第五題:聽對(duì)話,補(bǔ)全所缺信息。下面你將聽到一段對(duì)話,對(duì)話讀兩遍。請(qǐng)你聽完對(duì)話的第二遍朗讀后,根據(jù)對(duì)話的內(nèi)容和所給提示,在信息表中相應(yīng)的橫線上填入所缺信息。m: hi, jane. w: hi, jack! m: hows your day?w: its ok. because i have art. its my favorite subject. what about you?m: my favorite subject is math.w: oh. i don t like math. i think its too difficult.m: but i think its interesting.w: interesting? maybe. then when do you have math?m: i have math on monday, wednesday, thursday and friday. and when do


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