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1、Unit 1 Women of achievement單元概述教材解讀本單元緊扣“女性”這一中心話題,通過介紹幾位生活在不同國度的杰出女性,探討女性在社會(huì)生活中的地位、價(jià)值和貢獻(xiàn),關(guān)注她們所面臨的困難,謳歌她們?cè)谏鐣?huì)各個(gè)領(lǐng)域的成就。學(xué)習(xí)本單元內(nèi)容有助于提高學(xué)生對(duì)婦女的社會(huì)角色的認(rèn)識(shí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生(尤其是女學(xué)生)的自信心、事業(yè)心和社會(huì)責(zé)任感,建立正確的性別觀和社會(huì)觀。 “熱身”(Warming up)部分要求學(xué)生評(píng)論課本列出的六位女性,提出自己的觀點(diǎn)和理由。該部分呼應(yīng)了模塊一中第五單元Nelson Mandelaa modern hero的“讀前”部分。在學(xué)習(xí)這一單元時(shí),學(xué)生們經(jīng)過討論已總結(jié)出評(píng)定偉


3、事們?cè)诜侵拊忌钟^察非洲黑猩猩的一個(gè)片段,并闡釋她從事這項(xiàng)工作的重要性以及她所取得的成就。盡管他們?cè)谝巴獾目疾旃ぷ饔峙K又累,但他們覺得這樣做是值得的,他們有一些重要的發(fā)現(xiàn)是在學(xué)校的實(shí)驗(yàn)室不可能獲得的,這正是簡古道爾要到非洲原始森林來的原因。她通過許多年的研究,幫助人類了解黑猩猩的生活習(xí)性。她強(qiáng)烈呼吁讓動(dòng)物回歸自然,反對(duì)用動(dòng)物作廣告或從事娛樂活動(dòng),她力圖喚起人類理解動(dòng)物、尊重動(dòng)物和保護(hù)動(dòng)物的意識(shí),而她所取得的成就無疑是對(duì)有進(jìn)取心的廣大婦女的莫大鞭策和鼓舞。 “理解”(Comprehending)部分有四項(xiàng)練習(xí),分別從不同層面引導(dǎo)學(xué)生進(jìn)行閱讀。前三個(gè)練習(xí)通過選擇題、歸納段落大意和填表格來檢查學(xué)生

4、對(duì)閱讀篇章的表層理解程度。練習(xí)四要求學(xué)生必須在深刻理解課文內(nèi)容的基礎(chǔ)上,對(duì)課文中簡的行為表達(dá)自己的看法。通過討論這四個(gè)開放性的話題,可以堅(jiān)定學(xué)生保護(hù)動(dòng)物的信念?!罢Z言學(xué)習(xí)”(Learning about Language)部分主要著重于詞匯和語法的訓(xùn)練。詞匯學(xué)習(xí)部分主要通過詞語釋義、同源詞對(duì)比、反義填空等多種形式的練習(xí)幫助學(xué)生熟悉構(gòu)詞法、重點(diǎn)詞匯以及短語。語法部分緊扣“主謂語一致”這一語法項(xiàng)目,重點(diǎn)學(xué)習(xí)如何確定集合名詞的數(shù),通過句子填空讓學(xué)生在語境中判斷幾何名詞單復(fù)數(shù)概念,并通過短文填空綜合操練主謂語一致。該部分不僅關(guān)注主謂語一致的語法形式和意義,也關(guān)注了主謂語一致的語用價(jià)值。“語言運(yùn)用”(U

5、sing Language)部分綜合訓(xùn)練聽說讀寫的能力。閱讀部分介紹了另一位杰出女性一一林巧稚,我國著名的婦科疾病專家。她以其執(zhí)著的追求和不懈的努力獲得事業(yè)上的成功;她關(guān)注貧窮的婦女和母親,尤其是農(nóng)村婦女,她以善良和愛心贏得人們的尊敬。不但如此,她還把畢生的心血全部貢獻(xiàn)給了她的病人和中國的醫(yī)療事業(yè)。這篇文章不僅僅要讓學(xué)生了解一位中國杰出女性的生平,更重要的是它在如何選擇未來事業(yè)的問題上給予學(xué)生一定的啟發(fā)。聽力部分要求學(xué)生在聽完錄音后,列出女性在通向成功道路上所面臨的特有的困難。說的部分要求學(xué)生運(yùn)用介紹人物品質(zhì)和個(gè)性的形容詞來描述生活中富有奉獻(xiàn)精神的女性,然后,把她的故事、品質(zhì)和個(gè)性寫出來。寫的

6、部分從內(nèi)容和方法兩個(gè)方面給了四點(diǎn)提示?!靶〗Y(jié)”(Summing up)部分讓學(xué)生從內(nèi)容、詞語和結(jié)構(gòu)三個(gè)方面對(duì)本單元內(nèi)容進(jìn)行歸納總結(jié)。詞匯部分的小結(jié)可以從構(gòu)詞法的角度進(jìn)行適當(dāng)?shù)氖崂砗屯貙??!皩W(xué)習(xí)建議”(Learning Tip)部分就人物描寫提出了建議,即選取典型事跡,抓住人物特征。單元目標(biāo)知識(shí)與技能1. a. 重點(diǎn)詞匯:achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organization, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . tob. 重點(diǎn)句

7、子:Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. P2Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. But the evening makes it all worthwhile. . we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. 2 Ability Goals a. Learn Warming up, a

8、nd know how to tell the great women and the famous women.b. Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on.過程與方法Inspiration, questioning and discussion.情感態(tài)度與價(jià)值觀學(xué)習(xí)本單元內(nèi)容有助于提高學(xué)生對(duì)婦女的社會(huì)角色的認(rèn)識(shí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生(尤其是女學(xué)生)的自信心、事業(yè)心和社會(huì)責(zé)任感,建立正確的性別觀和社會(huì)觀。 教法與學(xué)法導(dǎo)航教法導(dǎo)航Inspiration, qu

9、estioning 學(xué)法導(dǎo)航Cooperative learning、discussion 課時(shí)支配第一課時(shí): Warming upComprehending 第二課時(shí): Grammar 第三課時(shí): Using Language第四課時(shí): Listening and Writing 第1課時(shí) Warming up-Comprehending教案 I教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識(shí)與技能1.知識(shí)目標(biāo)Learn some useful words and expressions:achieve,achievement,condition,welfare,connection,behave,behaviour,wort

10、hwhile,specia-list,observe,observation argue, inspire, support, devote . to, etc.Learn some sentence patterns:Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.2.能力目標(biāo)Enable the stu

11、dents to comprehend the story of Jane Goodalls protecting the African wildlife.Enable the students to learn from Jane Goodall to treat animals in a human way and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to ones success.過程與方法在教學(xué)中堅(jiān)持教師為主導(dǎo),學(xué)生為主體,學(xué)生的積極參與完成教學(xué)任務(wù)。情感、態(tài)度與價(jià)值觀For forty years Jan

12、e Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the life of these animals. People will do something that can satisfy their feelings and make a better world.教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)教學(xué)重點(diǎn)Help the students to comprehend the story of Jane Goodalls protecting the African wildlife.Get the students t

13、o learn from Jane Goodalls story and come to the idea that great personality is of importance to ones success.Learn and master some important words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period.教學(xué)難點(diǎn)Get the students to comprehend the story and understand what Jane Goodall has done to gain the achieve

14、ments.Get the students to believe that ones personality as well as luck and ability is important to ones success.教法與學(xué)法導(dǎo)航教法導(dǎo)航Predicting, skimming, scanning, task-based activities 學(xué)法導(dǎo)航Pair-work and group-work教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備教師準(zhǔn)備A multimedia computer 學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備搜集幾位中外成功女性的事例和她們的資料。教學(xué)過程Step 1 Leading in1. Do you know any

15、great people or important people? (Show some pictures to students)2. What qualities make a great person?(clever, brave, determined, confident, hard-working, unselfish, kind, active, generous .)Step 2 Warming upPictures and Questions Ask students to read the introduction of six women on Page 1 and an

16、swer the following questions: Elizabeth Fry: What did she do to help the prisoners?Song Qingling: Who is she? Whats her great achievement?Jane Goodall: Whats her achievement in the study of Chimps?Jody Williams: What did she get in 1997?Joan of Arc: Do you know the name of the girl in ancient China

17、whose experience was similar to her? Lin Qiaozhi: Whats her major?Step 3 Talking1. Which of these women do you think is a great woman?2. To be a great woman, what qualities do you think should she have? Look at the list of qualities that were discussed when we examined a great man. Are there any oth

18、er qualities that you would like to add?(intelligent, determined, generous, kind, modest, unselfish, hard-working, brave, confident, considerate, thoughtful, energetic, imaginative, honest, decisive, sensible .)Step 4 Fast readingRead a protector of African wildlife and answer the two questions:1. W

19、hy do you think Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?2. Do you think her work is important ? Why?Step 5 Careful Reading1. Reading to identify the topic sentence of each paragraphSkim the text and identify the topic sentence of each paragraph. You may find it either

20、 at the beginning, the middle or the end of the paragraph. (Key: 1st paragraph: Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forest. 2nd paragraph: Nobody before has fully understood chimp behaviour. 3rd paragraph: For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand

21、and respect the life of these animals.)2. Reading and underliningNext you are to read and underline all the useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Copy them to your notebook after class as homework.3. Reading and transferring informationRead the text again to complete the table, which li

22、st what Jane did to protect African wildlife.What did Jane do?Studied these animals for many yearsSpent many years observing and recording their daily activitiesDiscovered that chimps hunt and eat meatDiscovered how chimps communicate with each otherArgued for chimps to be left in the wildSet up spe

23、cial places Worked with animals in their own environmentStep 6.ListeningNow please listen and read aloud to the recording of the text A STUDENT OF AFRICAN WILDLIFE. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and the pauses within each sentence. I will play the tape twice and you shall read alou

24、d twice, too.Step 7 HomeworkRecite the first two paragraphs.板書設(shè)計(jì)Unit 1 Women of achiecementI. Phrases: concern oneself with sb./sth. 關(guān)心某人/某事;為擔(dān)憂/煩惱devote sth. to sth. / doing sth. 獻(xiàn)身于/致力于/專心于(做)某事be devoted to sb. 對(duì)某人忠誠/喜愛某人II. Sentences:Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of t

25、he day.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was sheallowed to begin her project.課堂作業(yè)Students can read and write important words and phrases. 教學(xué)反思本節(jié)課描寫了簡與她的同事們?cè)诜侵拊忌钟^察非洲黑猩猩的一個(gè)片段,并闡釋她從事這項(xiàng)工作的重要性以及她所取得的成就。盡管野外的考察工作又臟又累,但他們覺得這樣做是值得的。她通過許多年的研究,幫助人類了解黑猩猩的生活習(xí)性。她強(qiáng)烈呼吁讓動(dòng)物回歸自然,反對(duì)用動(dòng)物作

26、廣告或從事娛樂活動(dòng),她力圖喚起人類理解動(dòng)物、尊重動(dòng)物和保護(hù)動(dòng)物的意識(shí),而她所取得的成就無疑是對(duì)有進(jìn)取心的廣大婦女的莫大鞭策和鼓舞。教育格言Do not, for one repulse, give up the purpose that you resolved to effect. William Shakespeare 不要只因一次失敗,就放棄你原來決心想達(dá)到的目的。 英國劇作家莎士比亞教案 II教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識(shí)與技能1. 重點(diǎn)詞匯achieve, achievement, condition, welfare, institute, connection, campaign, organiz

27、ation, specialist, behave, behaviour, worthwhile, nest, observe, observation, respect, argue, entertainment, inspire, support, devote . to2. 重點(diǎn)句子Watching a family of chimps wake up is our first activity of the day. Everybody sits and waits while the animals in the group begin to wake up and move. Bu

28、t the evening makes it all worthwhile. . we see them go to sleep together in their nest for the night. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project. For forty years Jane Goodall has been helping the rest of the world understand and respect the

29、life of these animals. 3. 能力目標(biāo)Learn the way to describe a person from what the person did, what she/he looks like and so on.過程與方法略讀,精讀,討論。情感、態(tài)度與價(jià)值觀By reading A student of African wildlife, students can learn from Jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the humane way to study animals; t

30、he other is that it was her great personalityuniversal love and mercy(博愛與慈悲)that made her successful. If everyone had such kind of heart, they would give everything beneficial for all living things. Then our world will be full of love and peace, without any war and starvation.教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)教學(xué)重點(diǎn)Learn to use

31、 new words and phrases.Pay attention to several important sentence structures.教學(xué)難點(diǎn)Let everyone believe that all of us can become Jane Goodall.教法與學(xué)法導(dǎo)航教法導(dǎo)航 Skimming ,scanning,task-based activities 學(xué)法導(dǎo)航讀,寫,聽。教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備教師準(zhǔn)備多媒體電腦學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備搜集arming up 中六位女性的材料和她們的事跡。教學(xué)過程Step 1 Leading in1. Discuss the following quest

32、ions.(1) What are the differences between a famous person and a great person?Great of excellent quality or abilityFamous powerful or having influence(2) What makes a person great? (The quality of a great person)hard working, intelligent, determined, generous, helpful, honest, kind, brave, confident,

33、 unselfish, energetic, passionate; make great contribution to mankind; get on well with others; never lose heart; be active in social activities; do public service without paid.Most of the great people are also famous people. But famous people may not also be great people.(3) Name some great women i

34、n Chinese history. What are they famous for?Step 2 Warming upT: In pairs discuss the six women on Page 1. Which of these women do you think is a great woman ? Give reasons for your choice. Before you decide, think about the following questions.1. Did she follow her ideas and sacrifice anything so th

35、at her ideas could be realized? Did she unselfishly give up anything to achieve her goal?2. Did she go through struggles and difficulties ?/ Did she suffer for her ideas ?NameAmbitionProblemSacrificesElizabeth Fryto help improve prison conditionsShe was criticized for neglecting her family and enjoy

36、ing fame.Less time was spent with her husband and family.Song Qinglingto work for civil rights, democracy and peace.Her relatives held political opinions completely different from hers.After her husband died, she lived alone.Jane Goodallto work with animals in the wild.She lived a hard life in the w

37、ild.She gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.Jody Williamsto prevent the making and use of landminesIt isnt easy to persuade governments to stop the making and use of landmines.She had lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job.Joan of Arcto drive the English from Franc

38、eWomen were not allowed of fight like a manShe lost her life.Lin Qiaozhito help women and children with their illnesses and healthWomen had greater difficulties getting into medical college and getting further trainingShe never gotmarried or had a family of her ownStep 3 Pre-reading1. Why do you thi

39、nk Jane Goodall went to Africa to study chimps rather than to a university?2. Do you think her work is important? Why?Step 4 Reading Students read the passage in four minutes and give the main ideas to each paragraph.The first one is about a day in the park. The second one is her way of doing her re

40、search and some achievements. The third one is her attitude and feeling to the animals.The last one is a short summary to her.Step 5 Draw a chart of the text together according to the main ideas weve found.A student of African wildlife A day in the park Janes way to study chimps Her attitude to anim

41、als and her achievement Step 6 Language PointsRead the passage again and fill in the blanks, pay attention to some important notes.1. Watching a family of chimps wake up is our = 今天我們的第一件事2. This means going back = 由定語從句修飾的place作go 的賓語3. Only after her mother came to help her for the first few month

42、s was she allowed to begin her project . only+副詞 (部分倒裝)“Only + 狀語”開頭的句子要用倒裝e.g. Only in this way can we learn English betterOnly then did I realize my mistake. 直到那時(shí)我才知道我的錯(cuò)誤Only you understand me.I met her only yesterday.4. But the evening makes it all worthwhile5. leave sb. doing 讓某人做某事e.g. They wen

43、t off and left me sitting there all by myself.6. work oute.g. I cant work out the meaning of the poem.(理解,說出)Things have worked out badly. (進(jìn)行,發(fā)展)work out his income (算出)work out a plan (制定,擬定)7. have/ has been doing 現(xiàn)在完成進(jìn)行時(shí),表示動(dòng)作從過去就已開始,一直持續(xù)到現(xiàn)在,可能還會(huì)繼續(xù)下去。e.g. He has been reading since this morning. 今

44、早起,他一直在看書He is very tired; he has been working hard all day.He has been writing a letter. 他一直在寫信。He has written a letter. 他已寫過信了。Step 7 Story retellingDivide the students into groups of four and get them to choose a slip of paper on which their characters are designed( for example, suppose you are J

45、ane Goodall/Jane Goodalls colleague/ Jane Goodalls mother etc.).Get them to discuss and retell the passage. Try to describe what she thinks. Among the four students, one should be chosen to make a record and give a report.Step 8 Summary and homeworkT: Time is running out. Today we learned about Jane

46、 Goodalls story and we have learnt a lot from her. Our world will become a more beautiful one if we all treat the animals equally and show our love to them. We will succeed in overcoming any difficulties and achieving our goals if we can be as strong-willed as her.Homework: 1.Retell the story of Jan

47、e Goodall.2.Finish the word exercises: Exercise 1,2 and 3 on Page 4 and Exercise 4 on Page 5.板書設(shè)計(jì)Unit 1 Women of achiecement1.Watching a family of chimps wake up is our = 今天我們的第一件事2.This means going back = 由定語從句修飾的place作go 的賓語3.Only after her mother came to help her for the first few months was she

48、allowed to begin her project . only+副詞 (部分倒裝)課堂作業(yè)流利地閱讀短文,背誦在文中的關(guān)鍵語句。教學(xué)反思This passage introduces a day of Jane Goodall and her colleagues in the forests observing the chimps. After reading the passage the students can know about Jane Goodalls working methods, her great achievements and her attitude t

49、owards wild animals. They can also learn some reading strategies such as predicting, skimming and drawing conclusions.教育格言Diligence is the mother of success. 勤奮是成功之母。第2課時(shí) Grammar教案 I 教學(xué)目標(biāo)知識(shí)與技能1. a. 重點(diǎn)詞匯:Achievement, inspire, worthwhile, observe, institute, respect , condition, argue, entertainmentb.

50、 重點(diǎn)句子:Our group are all going to visit the chimps in the forestOur group includes six boys and five girls.2. 能力目標(biāo): a. Enlarge vocabulary by learning word-formation.b. Learn to use subject-verb agreement correctly.過程與方法讓學(xué)生做練習(xí),然后收集他們的答案。問他們訂立規(guī)則,再給他們一些解釋。情感、態(tài)度與價(jià)值觀教導(dǎo)學(xué)生如何擴(kuò)大詞匯量,由word的信息以及如何使用主謂一致。教學(xué)重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn)教

51、學(xué)重點(diǎn)構(gòu)詞中的名詞后綴Subject-verb agreement of collective nouns.教學(xué)難點(diǎn)Enable students to use collective nouns correctly, by understanding their meanings in certain situations. 教法與學(xué)法導(dǎo)航教法導(dǎo)航Task-based method 學(xué)法導(dǎo)航practising group-work教學(xué)準(zhǔn)備教師準(zhǔn)備A projector. 學(xué)生準(zhǔn)備預(yù)習(xí)本節(jié)課要學(xué)的內(nèi)容。 教學(xué)過程Step 1 GreetingGreet the whole class as u

52、sual.Step 2 RevisionReview the text by checking the answers for Exercises 2, 3 and 4 on Page 4 and 5. These exercises are about the useful words that appear in the text.Step 3 Word-formationThere are two tasks in this part. One is leading in, in which teacher tries to give students as many words as

53、possible. Let them guess the meanings of the words. The second one is to finish Exercise 1 on Page 4. Derivation is one of the most important word-formation. It is helpful in enlarging students vocabulary. Teachers can give them enough words, and let them guess the meaning of these words. As a resul

54、t of this, students will be interested in the word-formation, and begin to use the method to guide their word study in their daily life.T: Just now we reviewed some words in the text. Now please look at these words on the screen and say the meanings of anize organization state statementdiscu

55、ss discussion entertain entertainmentdirect direction consider considerationdecide decision agree agreementprepare preparation achieve achievementinform information treat treatmentdetermine determination improve improvementexpress expression encourage encouragementexamine examination enjoy enjoyment

56、educate education govern governmentfeel feeling find findingbegin beginning mean meaningT: From the above chart we can see that with knowledge of word-formation, we can enlarge our vocabulary. Today, well focus our attention on the Noun Suffix. There are many Noun Suffixes in English. In this unit, well learn -ment, -ing, -ation, -ist and so on. Now


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